#omg i kinda snapT
bonecage · 5 years
Am I the only one who lost total respect for Jensen in the past two days? I used to love SPN and I used to love Jensen and Jared, but now it all seems totally fake. A forty year old B actor that can’t control his plastic bitch and has the audacity to talk to his fans like he is better then them when that bitch he is married to is so much worse then most antis? She sics her stans on anyone that doesn’t lick her non talented ass it is hypocrisy at its best. #toxic
idk, i don’t think it’s his job to control her or tell her what to do -which he joked he never does bcos he wants to not get murdered or wtvr at some panel- and omg he is not a b-list lol not even z list he cw list lol. girl, just never put a man on a pedestal, espesh a white, rich, famous one that is obvi a coward(and this is why i never really respected him tbh) like he says the most shallowest and pr friendly stuff about any heavy topic ever, like that one time he told that actress “we don’t treat woman like that in texas” or it was something like that and, like, wtf are you talking about you dumb jock?? texas is probably the worst state woman get treated. like even just the “stop bullying” was so..k, thas it? i remember another time in a j2m sit down interview panel the interviewer asked about politics, and both j2 actually stayed silent and started to make fart jokes, misha had to answer. it was only recently with how it’s sorta the ‘cool’ thing to do, he sorta has giving an inkling of where he stands(tlking about his beto support). Also another thing! him liking the bluelivematter rant from jdm...mess. and him making a tribute post to george h w bush...that shit was nasty, like so much for ‘love is love’ bye.
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