#omg it's message from the stars stevetony!!!!!
stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - May 7th
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 HELLO MY LOVELY FRIENDS I MISSED YOU!!! Last week was a mess BUT I closed on my house Monday (OMG) and now we’re in the home stretch before we move (!!!!!). Quick note: 
I’m going to be moving May 21, so the rec list might be kinda off that weekend, but I’ll pre-plan something! Enjoy and be sure to drop a kudos/comment for your author! 
Mark Zero by enkiduu
Tony wears his lack of soulmark with pride.
lover, we always fall by enkiduu
Dying in a world with reincarnation is easy. Living in one is hard, because history inevitably follows you, and you can't always decide what your legacy is.
You try to change history, but your Icarus only ever chooses the same thing he's always chosen.
(In which Tony is Icarus and Steve is the ocean.)
ignorance is (not) bliss by earliebirb
One of Tony’s hands shoots up to grab his wrist, gripping it tightly. Slowly, Tony opens his eyes.
Steve’s blood freezes in his veins. His heart sinks with dread. 
“Tony?” Steve hopes that this is just some weird bout of sleepwalking, but Tony doesn’t sleepwalk, and from the thoughtful way Tony regards him, Steve knows that Tony is somehow very much awake, which means—
Tony swallows, his eyes wide and alert in a way Steve didn’t think they were capable of being twenty minutes ago. 
“Steve,” he says, the single word carrying too much weight.
the stark-tangled man with a crappy plan by Serinah for AvengersNewB
*At first, it seemed to be an easy job: find the O, secure the O, and hand him over to his guardian and the fiance. Simple. Unfortunately, the omega wasn't onboard. At all.*
Steve has to return a runaway omega to his guardian Mr. Stane.
Where Lies A Home by XtaticPearl
They're in the middle of the most complicated and risky fight of their lives, placing their bets on a distant memory right now, and basically in deep trouble if the plan doesn't work out. Steve knows he should be stressed and somewhere in the corner of his mind, he is a little. Mostly though, he's having fun and strangely, so is Tony.
Yes, Just Like This by gottalovev
Tony wakes up in a hospital on another planet missing his memories of the last eleven years. It's now 2023, and he learns the Avengers saved half the universe. Unfortunately, not everything he forgot is good news.
(An Endgame Alternate Universe AND Civil-War fix-it and get together story, weaved through a space road trip with Steve, Carol and Nebula. Complete but cut in 5 chapters for ease of reading.)
messages from the stars by Thahire
Steve's not expecting to find anything remotely of interest when he steps into Macy’s, of all places, in a last-ditch effort to find a present for Tony.
Somehow, he ends up leaving with an engagement ring.
Still Got It by KandiSheek 
Ever since Tony's close call in their battle against Thanos Steve treats him like he's going to break at the slightest pressure. He won't so much as look at the bionic arm either. So Tony takes matters into his own hands to prove that he can still handle himself just fine.
Soul Searching (The Hop, Skip, Jump Remix) by navaan
Tony lives a peaceful life in Irondale and then Steve Rogers drifts into town. It's the beginning of a romance — and not all is what it seems.
Code Icarus by FestiveFerret
Steve Rogers hates falling, but he hates being caught even more.
Truths, Lies and the Tipping Point by BlackEyedGirl
The news report seems more interested in the argument between the team during the fight than the way they eventually won. And then it gets worse.
Me in You by Captain_Panda
What if J.A.R.V.I.S. was Tony?
That is, what if a lonely genius Velveteen Rabbited his computer program into a real being instead of just his own thoughts talking back at him?
A deep dive into a broken psyche, contemplating Tony's loneliness, J.A.R.V.I.S.'s protectiveness, and the mother of all broken genius families. Mostly because Howard Stark never hugged his son.
Depthless by Captain_Panda
"Depthless: (1) unfathomably deep; (2) shallow and superficial."
Weeks after defrosting Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. finds Steve Rogers lying at the bottom of a pool. Assumptions are made. They have no idea what they are dealing with.
Meanwhile, Tony Stark, the man-in-the-spotlight, has demons lurking off-radar that are literally filling his lungs with water.
Ignoring either problem was never an option. This is the story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark's collision course.
For What It's Worth by Captain_Panda
S.H.I.E.L.D. thaws out Captain America, expecting a combat-ready soldier to greet them.
They get Steve Rogers instead, a broken artist who turns to the violin for salvation.
hold your fire by JenTheSweetie
He watched Tony eat an entire steak and listened to him talk about the work he was doing on the Milano while he downed glass after glass of expensive scotch. Just as Steve was about to suggest they head back to the jet, Tony finished his last glass, put it down firmly, and said, "I want to blow you."
Steve stared at him.
"Let's get a hotel room," Tony said, like that was that, and somehow - and Steve never could explain how, not then and not now and not later - it was.
Say It Now by ishipallthings 
“I’m glad you’re here, Tony,” Steve tells him. It’s not everything he wants to say, but it’s enough.
Steve thinks it might be one of the most important things he’s ever said.
(Steve and Tony have a conversation the night before the time heist. Maybe second chances aren’t impossible after all.)
a hop, skip, and a jump by IronSwordStarShield (SweetFanfics)
“Before I go, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.”
“About?” they ask they return the stone to its place.
“Timelines. Alternate realities.”
Steve returns the stones to their rightful places in time, gets his dance with Peggy, and then embarks on a whole new search.
Give Me Just A Little More Time by Robin_tCJ 
Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. A full summary will live in the author’s notes, so you have to click to read it, but the premise is that this is technically canon divergent in the sense that I’m treating it as… a few deleted scenes in the middle, there. It’ll only make sense if you’ve seen the movie, and if you haven’t seen the movie it will definitely spoil you for it. Written in kind of a sketchy, lots-of-really-short-scenes style.
falling like the stars by complicationstoo
When Tony starts at MIT, he's excited to finally be in the same city as his older brother, Bucky, again. Then he meets Bucky's roommate and best friend Steve Rogers and falls faster than he would have ever thought possible.
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