#omnic fc
bunnyrosejpart · 7 years
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Line art of Tempia and Flora 🌺🌸
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bunnyrose · 7 years
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Adria concept art sketches 🌸
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Zenyatta Info
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Full name: Tekhartha Zenyatta
Species: Omnic
Age: 20
Sexuality: Asexual
FC(s): ???
Bio: Zenyatta is an omnic monk who wanders the world in search of spiritual enlightenment. It is said that those who cross his path are never the same again. They believe that by forming people into relationships, the world can be healed, and a better society created. -- but, when necessary, they will fight to protect the innocent, be they omnic or human. The orbs they use were hand-carved at the Shambali monastery and serve as a means to channel omnic energy. Like all Shambali, despite being unable to eat, Zenyatta knows how to prepare food.
Once a former member of the Shambali, Zenyatta grew to disagree with the group's approach. Zen believed that the way to repair the problems between humans and omnics was not through dogmatic teaching but through interpersonal connection and engagement. Ultimately, Zenyatta followed his own path. They chose to leave the monastery and wander the world, helping those they meet to overcome their personal struggles and find inner peace.
Just after leaving the monastery, they encountered Genji, who had left Overwatch and was conflicted with his nature as a cyborg. Though Genji initially rejected Zenyatta's wisdom, the benevolent omnic would not be deterred. In time, Zenyatta became his mentor, and under the monk's tutelage, Genji reconciled his dual existence as both man and machine. Zenyatta would later consider Genji to be one of their brightest pupils.
Note: Follows the fucking bare minimum canon lore that he had plus a shit ton of my own ideas and takes.
[ MAIN || INBOX || HEADCANONS || VISAGE || MUSINGS ]                                  -----------------------------------------------
V001: True Self is Without Form
Default main verse. Nuff said.                                  -----------------------------------------------
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dragxnfall · 5 years
baptiste bio
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Name:  Jean-Baptiste Augustin 
FC: Jason Derulo
Nickname: Baptiste 
 Age: 35 
Gender: Cis-man 
Height/Weight: 6"4, 240 lbs 
Occupation: Ex Talon soldier (held a ranking), currently a mercenary on the run 
One of 30 million children left orphaned by the omnic crisis, He enlisted in the Caribbean Coalition resistance at a young age. He was a combat medic during his service with the Coalition,  and after his serving, Baptiste joined the Talon mercenary group to start putting money aside to set up a clinic in his hometown. However, Talon became increasingly brutal and started taking on assassinations, and due to his moral compass, he left the group. Because he had been with the organization for so long, Talon decided they couldn’t let him live after his departure.
He speaks French 
Comes off sterner than he intends after years of conditioning
Predominantly straight. Strong preference for women but wouldn't mind a dude now and then. 
Loves tangy, spicy food, namely Korean. Huge lover of meat. 
Even when not fully alert, he sits and stands straight and stiff because of how long he's had to 
He was a ranking officer and had no business with higher tiers such as Akande and Reaper but getting a glimpse into Moira's work made him absolutely revolted. 
Has a strong distaste for Moira 
He's gadget savy and tends to be tinkering with random items to make new functions 
He is a proud man, something along the lines of borderline toxic masculinity, but nowhere in league with a meninist. He's just a little old fashioned and tends to put himself first 
Flirty with women 
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acvnitum · 5 years
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diego barrueco, cismale / he/him, bisexual. GABRIEL “REAPER” REYES, a ( canon ) character from ( OVERWATCH ), appeared in town ONE YEAR ago. here, they’re a THIRTY-TWO y/o working as a firefighter. people think they’re INTELLIGENT & INDEPENDENT or RECLUSIVE & RECKLESS but associate them w/ [ gun smoke, leather jackets, beanies, dark mist, red eyes in the darkness, kevlar vests ] either way. they do remember the fall of overwatch & winston’s recall.
first of all, hi, hello! i’m chloe and i’m obsessed with overwatch and the angsty wraith that is reaper. i’m just gonna do some basic bullet points here, both for people who haven’t played and who have but may not know all the lore
gabriel remembers being a soldier. he remembers going through the soldier enhancement program, being promoted to commander during the omnic crisis - and getting passed over for strike commander and given blackwatch as a consolation prize
the events at zurich - where gabriel died - are still a blur. he remembers taking his last breath, and then he was reaper, a wraith - his cells constantly dying and regenerating, thanks to a certain doctor (fuck you, moira). 
after looking through a lot of the lore from the outside, gabriel has realized that... jesus christ he overreacted, and he hurt a lot of his former friends in the process. he wants to try to make up for what he did, but doesn’t know how (how do you atone for literally being a terrorist? a mercenary? shooting your former friends?)
gabriel feels a weird disconnection from his memories, partially due to the fact that he was both gabriel reyes and reaper. they feel like two separate people, and he’s really not proud of when he was reaper.
he goes by reyes. don’t call him gabriel. not gabe. gabi might get you punched.
fluent in spanish 
will not hesitate to call people out on their bullshit because no one’s got time for that shit
he always has a plan. and a backup plan. and another backup plan. he didn’t lead the humans to victory in the omnic crisis for being an idiot. 
angsty boy who always wears hoodies and beanies because of reasons
more will be added to his about page here !!!
bring my jack morrison and i will love you forever 
also if you have any other fc suggestions i would love to hear them because i know diego isn’t really perfect for him but i struggled to find a good fc 
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aeiou-agent-dreid · 8 years
low key really wanna find some overwatch rp blogs to follow so i can throw future anna at them
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khoihuwi · 6 years
General Information:
Full Name: Noora Oxton
Maiden Name: Satti
Nickname(s): N/A
Date of Birth: November 12th
Nationality: British (Immigrant)
Ethnicity: Pakistani (Punjabi) 
Occupation: Doctor
Religion: Muslim
Sexuality: Bi
Face Claim: N/A (its impossible finding a dark skinned pakistani fc :/ )
Height: 5′5″
Weight: ‎140lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Distinguishing Features: Extremely long hair usually braided down her back or in various intricate plaits around her head to keep it up, nose ring, big glasses
Born in Pakistan and lived there until she was 17. Left for University in England to work towards becoming a doctor, wanting to get the training needed to help in the omnic crisis
Met Anthone while doing her residency and they fell deeply in love
Became a doctor young and then decided to work as a volunteer instead of in a high salary job. Anthone supported her decision wholeheartedly and they made it work on just his teacher’s salary 
Got pregnant with Lena when she was 29 and took some time away from volunteering in dangerous places and instead got a job in a small clinic 
When Lena was born she became the light of her and Anthone’s life. With the omnic crisis over she decided it was safe enough to volunteer again and help people that had no help otherwise
After Anthone’s death she once again had to get a paying job to support her and Lena and try and save enough to provide her daughter with good opportunities 
Unfortunately she didn’t live long enough to see that through. She died only a few years after her husband and after being diagnosed with stage four lung cancer
Tagged by: stolen from @andrastegraced Tagging: @laveusa + anybody else lets get these MOMS
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
NSFW Headcanon asks are Open! Rules
Opening Requests again! The limit for the inbox right now will be unlimited until I feel overwhelmed by the asks. You can find the masterlist HERE or on my blog to look at whatever I have answered before. So here are the ground rules:
- A reminder again this is a CharacterxReader blog, no ships or OCs will be done
- These will be Headcanons ONLY. No scenarios or mini fcs (Headcanons are bullet point form)
- Don’t be afraid to do different skin variations I love those
- These asks are strictly all NSFW. I’m talking all the porn and all the smut. No exceptions of any SFW even if it is an emergency ask
- The following characters will be off limits: Underage characters, Animals, Some Omnics (the exceptions being now Zenyatta and Maximilian)
- Character limit is four unless it is a specific group (no Male only or Female only asks)
- I am accepting to Omegaverse and Yandere asks if you do request it
- I’m usually fine with majority of kinks requested, however I have every right to deny a request if it makes me uncomfortable to do. Or just something that makes the character extremely OOC
- I ask for your patience some I might be able to muster quickly others I will need time to do
- If I have completed the request and you weren’t aware I will just send the link to it when I answer
All add more rules if I do remember them. Be Kind and push the payload
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Although Rio de Janeiro became impoverished after the Omnic Crisis, that never kept the people who lived there from enjoying themselves. Lucio found that even the smallest distractions helped keep the spirit alive in his hometown. Of all of those distractions, Lucio placed his most faith in music. He performed on the streets, in block parties, and eventually underground shows. When the Vishkar Corporation began putting strict law over Rio de Janeiro in the name of progress, Lucio was not backing down. He managed to steal Vishkar sonic technology that had been used against his people and turned it into a tool to bring them together. After the uprising, Lucio’s music rose to great fame and he became an international sensation. He is enjoying this higher status now, but he will not forget that there is an opportunity for great change.
POTENTIAL FCS: Eka Darville, Michael B. Jordan, Aldis Hodge
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tbh once i find a good fc for the Los Muertos Beef Omnic it’s over for u hoes.
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superchargcr · 7 years
>>okay so here’s how the human verse is going to go:
Ori/sa, a survivor of the Omnic Crisis and trained soldier, was the head of security at Numb/ani Airport when Doom/fist attacked. As the OR-15′s fought, Efi was trapped in the middle of the fighting and Or/isa stepped up and saved her and got her to safety. After the event, rather than building an Omnic, Efi thought to use the OR-15 parts to create an exo-suit for combat and defense. As a show of gratitude and seeing her bravery in the attack, she built the suit for Or/isa, who wears it in a Rei/nhardt-type fashion in combat. 
Although her personality is less robotic and naive, she is still very regal and proper. She speaks elegantly and calmly, yet she’s incredibly defensive and protective of the innocent.
Her fc is still Gabou/rey Sid/ibe.
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bunnyrosejpart · 7 years
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Chibi and normal sketches of my omnic fc/ocs ❤💕
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bunnyrose · 8 years
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Hapin-355 An omnic I made up...take and love him please.
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dragxnfall · 6 years
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full name: jae eun kwon
alias: casino
height: 6′1
age: 24
blood type: a
mech name: la princesse sereine
current occupation: (former F1 professional race car driver) meka pilot soldier by day and university student by night
fc: nct taeyong, hitsugaya and occasionally lyon vastia
born to an army general for a father and world-wide acknowledged entrepreneur mother, jae eun is the middle son of three boys. realizing his intelligence during his young pre-adolescent years, his father took jae eun under his wing and trained the boy in secret, carefully leaving hints about the changing world knowing the child was smart enough to fit the pieces together.
jae eun finished his military enlistment as early as he was able despite his mother’s encouragement to pursue education first, a task he’s currently working on in secret via online courses in hopes of being a biotech engineer. still loyal to the force, he stayed with the army despite the handful of his friends he made in school finding and following bad influences and inviting him relentlessly. he continued serving as a soldier for special forces in a brigade that is a long, estranged descendant of ghost.
the subunit he had been working under turned out to be an illegal sector not approved by the armed forces, quickly disbanding the troops, leaving jae eun without a path to follow in life. this led to jae eun’s friends to quickly eat him up, bringing him to the joys of the underground where trafficking, drug-use, gang violence and other illicit activities were ay-okay. 
it was while he was a passenger in one of his friend’s sports cars did jae eun realize he enjoyed the thrill of fastness. it triggered a newfound passion of adrenaline, and as a result, borrowing his friend’s car and having  essentially no fear after his covert op training, jae eun became well known among the underground as ‘casino’, accepting the most drastic of bets on his name to win. and he always did. he had become notorious for driving the most terrifying obstacles, uncaring if risks for arrest or even death were high.
his father was one of the first people to pilot the mechs when the idea of meka was born, becoming one of the soldiers on the first fleet to defend their country when the omnics resurfaced once more. the mechs were under developed, too new of an idea to be well plotted out and resulted in many casualties and his father’s life was among the count.
since then, jae eun had retired the underground scene and has joined meka, constantly finding ways to improve and fortify the mechs not only for the sake of winning, but to prevent any more innocent lives being lost in the gruesome rue that is warfare.
his mother, though still in grievance, urged him to obtain a public character, knowing he fully intends to fight until his dying day. she worried about his likability despite unknowing of his fame amongst the underground, feeling as though his naturally cold, quiet and calculating personality would not be well met amongst the people who looked up to meka. as a result, cool, suave and playfully flirty ladies man casino had returned, born of luck and skill.
casino is cocky and showy, his mech no different and is treated as his beloved according to the crowd. he doesn’t strive to be the center of attention, but when it’s focused on him, he makes good use of it and gives a performance. sometimes jae eun slips through in public in moments where he’s not required to talk, but for the most part, only his family knows his true nature.
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D.Va Info
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Full name: Hana Song || D.Va
Species: Human
Age: 19 INT || 20 KOR
Sexuality: Pansexual
FC(s): Kang Mina
Bio: Hana Song, now known worldwide as D.Va, represented South Korea in multiple international StarCraft tournaments. At the age of 16, she became the top StarCraft player in the world and went undefeated for the next three years of her life. At the age of 19, Hana was drafted into MEKA's army of mech pilots with the task of defending the coast around the East China Sea from a colossal adapting omnic, from the group/clan of onmics known as the Kuishin.
In at least one of those conflicts, D.Va's team nearly lost the fight with D.Va herself having to finish the fight solo after her squadmates were disabled and injured. While her squadmates were taking time off to recuperate, D.Va instead went to the garage to repair and try to improve MEKA. While there, an omnic attack was detected and D.Va had to fight them off 5 on 1 because reinforcements were unable to arrive quickly enough. While she was able to take out the first 4 easily enough, her mech sustained too much damage to beat the last one and she was forced to improvise. This lead to the idea of self-destructing her crippled mech above the waters of the South China Sea.
D.Va began to stream her combat operations online, and she gained fans around the world. Her fame led to her starring in the Goldshire Pictures movie Hero Of My Storm, as well as an advertisement for Nano Cola.
Note: Follows game lore but also diverges.
V001: Gameface ON
Default main verse. D.Va is a former professional gamer who now uses her skills to pilot a state-of-the-art mech in defence of her homeland, Korea. She’s currently recovering from the aftermath of two Gwishin attacks -- one was anticipated, while the other happened only a month after the previous attack -- while helping her childhood friend, Dae-Hyun, repair the mech. If the Gwishins were to rise up again, she will be ready for them, no matter what.
V002: New Game Plus
Modern verse. From a young age, Hana had a fascination with videogames. Her father used to be a pro-gamer in his heyday, going to small tournaments and the like, so it’s no surprise that he introduced his passion to his only daughter. Hana felt drawn in by them, the bright colours, the different kinds of games that there are, the mechanics... how some are simple but others are story-driven. It felt like heaven.
As she grew up, Hana became a pro-gamer like her father, led to a life of fun and competition as she participated in different e-sports events. Not only that, but in this day and age, she has her own twitch channel where she plays more casually -- or, tries to, as her competitiveness gets the better of her sometimes.
Dae-Hyun Park :: [ Bae ]
:: Hana ♣ The yin to my yang [ Dae Hyun ( kindcstguardian ) ::
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A “hero of her people”, Katya is the CEO of Volskaya Industries and the most powerful woman in Russia. Though she had her part in ending the Omnic Crisis, few know how she truly managed to create such crucial technology. If they did know, perhaps she wouldn’t be held as quite the hero everyone thinks her to be. All might still go well, if the hacker holding her secret hostage meets her end. Though there seem to be more devious powers at play...
POTENTIAL FCS: Eva Green, Lena Headey, Kate Beckinsale
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