bhuvaneshwariarun · 7 years
completing god, lead the tactless priest to bliss of soul
in the entangled paradox named existence that is falling and flowing as though it were a simple minded clarity streamlined along one dimensional straight line-unravels, the teeming sentiences both animate and inanimate, both human and otherwise, compel into being an objective paradigm of the noise and dominions of the seen, the heard, the felt, the touched, the smelt and the perceived, laying verily a common ground for relating with each other as initiators, stimuli and responding awarenesses to those stimuli and all the consequent jostle of energies as 'pleasing concords' or silent cold wars, as willing conversations, as innocuous or tremendous actions - each, in its ever prismatic time and place, leading, following, nurturing, annihilating and building.
for a great sage, a noble teacher, a loving servant and a remarkable avatar born, present and living amid all, the foremost determinant for them to be who they are and do what they do, is their capacity to relate to the rest of the world, so that this world is sustained by them into remaining in a steady status quo or is enriched into becoming a better thinking, better understanding and better analyzing intelligence or inspired into living a fuller life of frightening sensitivity, empathy, sympathy, compassion and love and all their corresponding expressions as impacting the lesser mortals - to grow tall, to rise high and embrace all, or as creators of beauty, efficiency, abundance of goodness and boundlessness of freedom on all levels of even trite and mundane bodily vitality and selfish mercenary preoccupations of the mind, thereby transforming them by offering them presently-undeserving gifts but that are well-deserved and understood by their subtler supportive counterparts and powerful and occult origins.
bearing in mind this mandatory need in the grand scheme of things that the giver and the taker be in a consistent and productively aware state of rallying interactions, the giver, by definition, should at some point in his day, acquire (in case he does not already possess them) qualities which naturally propel the taker without fear, resentment, hatred, anger, jealousy nor violence, towards the former.
the taker relates to the giver only when he observes fundamental similarities between them both despite all the many or few glorious skills, divine aptitudes and angelic predisposition that the latter may display. on the contrary, if the giver is caught up in a maze of low self esteem, bloated ego and petty self, his focus slips away to retrograde irrelevances and regressive self-obsessions. neither gains from such a giver. 
nevertheless, looking at the giver as an individual person, without pretending to be less, it is always evident that in any equation of give and take, he naturally possesses just that many limitations as needed for the taker to connect to him. howmuchsoever tormenting the existence of these limitations may be to the giver, these very limitations - repugnant, inconvenient and unwelcome - are the complicated gateways for the taker, to better worlds that willingly welcome with open arms, the taker. without the obvious evidence of these flaws in the giver, the taker simply cannot see him as a person who typifies possible growth, development, change and cardinal transformation; because, then the worshipped giver, becomes a lifeless idol, unreachable as an effulgent sky, lofty maybe, exalted maybe but of no human utility nor pertinence to this painfully human sufferer, this taker teetering at the suicidal edge of a suffering world
the curious aspect in the last page of this book is the fact that as the taker, the student, the disciple, the receiver and the needy entity, when this emptiness of swirling want craving and desire, learns more and more, imbibes more and more, internalizes more and more, transforms more and more and becomes a miraculous version of his own erstwhile puny personality, the need for limitations in the giver, to enable a worthy relationship between the giver and the taker, ceases. the enriched taker/mere mortal finds that he can relate to the avatar, in the latter’s resplendent and entrenched truth without any cloak of falsehood, deception nor compassion mitigating the teacher’s form and light, of heart and love, of limbs and power. 
climbing the eternally difficult mountains of creation, manifestation and expression, the giver and taker reach the acme of a relationship, when existence itself spontaneously fells the now-unnecessary congeries of human weaknesses, faults and mistakes of commission and omission in the giver, but only because the taker too is that much closer to his own divine truth, his own lit soul, his own incandescent sight in harmony with his own cadence of indefatigable love, that opens his cloisonné eyes to prolific spiritual reality - omnipresent, omniparient, omnipercipient.
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