#on broader topics of conflating sexuality and gender and expression but! not today lmao
whereimfeminine · 2 years
Yo being a fan of mcr and Harry on Tumblr is so weird. So many MCR blogs are like "harry WISHES he could be Gerard Way" and it's like they've picked a mainstream artist to shit on with zero context and so I sit here quietly like "nooo, they don't understand, harry just prances around and doesn't claim to be this paragon of sexual/gender fluidity." This is a weird rant but I think you're uniquely qualified to empathize :////
OMG literallyyyyyyyyyyy i actually went on a mini tag rant about this once before, it drives me up the wall. its esp ridic because like.. if you actually read what they've said harry and gerard have said remarkably similar things about gender and sexuality and self-expression. like both of them are doing and being who they want to be on their own terms, and isn't that exactly what we want??? yet the number of mcr people i see being like "oh harry styles wearing a dress? you want us to applaud or something? he's nothing like GERARD this has been so long coming for gerard and it's so big for him" etc etc like. ????? what are you mad about? if harry felt like he couldn't express himself how he wanted until 15 more years passed then it would be okay and good is that it?? is it only valid if you can write your own narrative about how they were Repressed and Tormented for years first?? like harry and gerard are both living their lives and looking happy and comfortable in their own skin and shitting on harry isn't gonna uplift gerard and it's certainly not gonna help other people feel like they can express themselves and dress how they want and not owe anyone an explanation. like i know ive said this before but people are so fucking weird about both harry and gerard in opposite directions on this topic and i dont get why and it's really harmful/counterproductive imo and anyways here's an even longer rant vaguely in response to your rant because this is a thing i have SO MANY feelings about lmao
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