#on my life if i get to the edolas arc in 100yq and they don't even talk to each other i might actually fight somebody
just-someone-online · 6 months
Okay, apparently I'm in an Edolas mood tonight.
If I could add one thing, just one thing to the Edolas arc, I would absolutely have more Mystogan and Wendy interactions.
Like, I'm sorry, but you mean to tell me that after finally reuniting with her Jellal, the one she was so shaken up over during Nirvana, their only interaction basically amounts to him saying "Hey Wendy, sorry I ghosted you for seven years, but literally everybody is about to die and I can't stop it, so you should probably skip town."
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aashi-heartfilia · 3 years
Star Dress Mini Series#07
Hello guys, Aashi here and welcome back to my Mini Series of Star Dress where I review SD and discuss its future potential. I am already done with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.
The SD for today is Scorpio ♏
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Firstly, I was surprised to see the number of battles Scorpio appeared in, despite having very limited moves. He has taken part in almost every battle Lucy had, since she got his Gate Key.
Defeated the Royal Guards of Edolas
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Fought against Kain Purgatory in S- class trials
Unison Raid Sand Buster with Wendy's Dragon Roar against Hades
Combined attack with Taurus in GMG
Team up with Yukino during Eclipse Gate arc and then helped in closing it, along with the entire zodiac
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Helped in Tartaros when Natsu and Lucy were up against Jackal
Against Brandish Mew of Spriggan 12 in Alveraze arc
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And latest, in Lucy vs Mimi 01 in 100YQ
The problem here is that he himself just uses his one move very often (Sand Buster) and then gets OHKOed by people like Kain and Mimi. His other attacks like Sand Spear and Sand Wall aren't that useful either.
Keeping all of that in mind I say, Lucy's SD is pretty useful. It gives her Sand Flight and helps her launch a no of swift attacks on her enemy. Though I don't think it has much raw power, it can still do considerable damage.
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Overall Ratings
The overall ratings are as follows:
Attack: 8/10
Defence: 2/10
Versatility: 2/10
Appearance: 7/10
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The attack power is good but it leaves her defenceless against opponents with high calibre. Versatility? It has just one move and that too in combination with her spirit. SD looks can be improved. It's good but it can be better and same goes for her powers which leads us to our next point, i.e. future potential for this SD.
Future Potential
Actually, this is one of Lucy's SD that needs a discussion related to SDM. If we observe closely, it is clear that Aquarius X Scorpio SD is Scorpio dominant. Look at that big tail, gauntlet and boots she gets. Wouldn't it be much better if she got a big pony tail and fighter like style instead of those little twig tails and Aquarius top etc. and it was some kind of Scorpio SD Evolution?
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I think it would have been a better idea of we got these evolutions instead which had one dominant form and some aspects of other forms. Maybe after that, a completely new SDM that is made by the equal parts of both SD could have made sense.
But anyways, that's not the point of discussion today. So let's look at some moves Lucy can acquire:
Throat Dryer
This was one of the moves that came to my mind when I saw Ajeel vs Erza. Remember, how he tried to kills Erza by absorbing all the water in her body via sand? He absorbed the source of life itself!! The first thing that came to my mind was could Lucy possibly use this spell too?
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It may look like playing dirty but things like that shouldn't come to mind when you're literally fighting God Dragons and the lives of your friends is on the line.
Lucy is not Ajeel but she should be able to use some sand magic too. The only move that Lucy's SD provides is Sand Flight and that's why I think it's good for her to get at least one sand related move. By sand manipulation, I am referring to her controlling small tornadoes or maybe even cancelling some sand spells.
For starters, Scorpio is actually a water sign so why not have some sand cum water element moves? This was the case when I first saw Lucy using Aqua Metria. She was literally controlling all the sand/ground and turning it into waves (like water). This move could have been a better fit for this SD but they had to show how powerful Aquarius is.
I think, it suits Scorpio better.
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The thing to be noted here is that later when she uses Aqua Metria in 100YQ it is a water attack (which Mimi consumes btw😂) but I think this was originally a Scorpio idea that they later scrapped to make it look as if it was always water.
Anyways, after updates it should look somewhat like this:
CQC : Swift kicks, Throat Dryer
LRC: Sand Manipulation, Aqua Metria (sand)
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~Thanks for stopping by~
(14 June 2021)
Neither the GIF belongs to me, not the fanart. Source- google
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