#on one hand “give him his skeppy” on the other “cause him irreparable pain emotionally mentally physically. THEN give him his skeppy”
gooperts-gunk · 1 year
now im not saying that q!bbh should go on an angst arc where he realizes that how people perceive him and take him for granted will not change and that it brings him to the point of Breaking rules on purpose to DEMAND being kidnapped and held hostage by the federation, DESPITE his worry over if dapper will be taken care of or not, so when he is everybody on the island realizes Oh. Oh fuck. Oh shit this is All off-kilter now What the fuck where IS he Where is his genius son Why did he leave us a book to go on a scavenger hunt to find him and is this just another silly prank (The end result is just him informing the scavenger hunters that he walked himself to the offices to be taken on purpose, He refuses to pour his true emotions onto the page no matter how much he wants to be mad he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings And being a doormat is just the unfortunate first domino to the topple of it all) Where the hell did he GO ...
... but im kind of saying that q!bbh should go on an angst arc. where he gets willingly kidnapped. because i mean we all wanted it so bad We'd get what we'd wish for in the most Messed up way And who knows if he'll be the same on his way out. Do you think the federation has a therapy service in there. I bet they'd just gaslight him and tell him that everything's fine and that he's overthinking things and that they're all his friends and they show appreciation in different ways and that he should just take what he's given Because god forbid he be selfish for once So he continues to be a doormat that makes people happy Leaving him to be the doomed unhappy islander for the sake of everyone else Leaving him to be alone without the one thing that the federation knows would make him happy Because then he wouldn't need everyone's approval because he'd have skeppy's approval Woah this post became a whole second thing that's fuckin crazy Anyway hahaha hey girl (q!bbh) please do have an angst kidnapped-by-choice arc You're so sexy ahaha
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