#on the sickest of bright sides he apparently passes?
naamahdarling ยท 2 years
Well my BF just had a terrifying encounter with a coworker, and I'm sort of scared for his safety, and I want to discuss him quitting right the fuck now, but hahaha no, we need the money so fuck us I guess. This shit. Do you report it and know that you have made yourself a target and HR might not back you up because it wasn't a threat directed at you? Or do you suck it up and work next to a potentially violent transphobe and hope he doesn't clock you? Like I know people deal with much worse so I feel bad being this upset, but also I refuse to be complacent because this is my boyfriend. I hate being poor so much. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
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littlemisskookie ยท 7 years
The Runaways: 06
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The Runaways: 01 02 03 04 05 06 Ship: Nerd!Namjoon | BadGirl!Reader Description: From the moment you saved Namjoon, you had him hooked. But the question is- are you worth all of the trouble you bring? Warnings: Triggering, Death, Violence, Dark Themes, Suicidal Tendencies Hinted At, Indicated Self Harm Word Count:ย 3,577 A/N: Last chapter! The ending Iโ€™ve been waiting for! Wahhhh!
"The lie detector doesn't appear to be... er... lying," the officer gulped, staring at the results. Officer Seokjin and Jimin stood before him. They had turned in the possible-cannibal for questioning to the closest police station, they held the man in custody there for the entire night. Of course, it took some explaining towards the police of the town, who were rather reluctant to take him in. Though once he was admitted briefly to the hospital for drug testing, which came in positive for various substances, they were more ready to take him in for further interrogation.
After a lie detector test asking simple questions, they began the one on one interrogation. The man came breaking down, a nervous wreck. Apparently, he and a few others had done a lot of drugs and such and eventually got into the dark web. The dark web was a hidden layer of the internet where the cruelest and sickest parts of humanity were shown.
The man spoke of various horrors he and the others had seen on the site. From infants having each limb tied to the backs of cars before they all drove off in different directions, to sites listing extremely detailed descriptions of ways to cook and prepare a female body for consumption.
One of the men in the group was inspired by a serial killer he had done research on, by the name of Albert Fish. Apparently, he was a notorious cannibal who kidnapped, raped and ate children. Another of their friends said a cousin of his had to go to a country that was lacking in food, and so they ate others to survive, and the cousin developed a craving for it. Curiosity consumed some, and pure maliciousness others. They collectively decided to try it out and found a man by the name of Min Yoongi who sold various body parts and prepared them, so long as the customers were willing to pay and visit the small town he resided to.
They had continued business with the man for many months. They never asked questions, like who were the people they ate, or how he got the body. They just knew what they needed to. Each other's name and the cost.
At some point, the man described the consumptions in such graphic detail that Officer Jimin had to run out of the room to vomit. The other officers in the station were absolutely mortified, shocked that something like this could be taking place in such a small town. Nothing ever happened here. Or so they thought.
A day had passed, and they were already filling a warrant for just in case to invade Yoongi's home. The police granted the two visiting officers access to the case since they found the cannibal and such. ย 
"What brings you two here anyway?" the man questioned, staring up at the two.
"We're looking for two college students- one's missing, and another's reported to visit here," Jin says, seeing how Jimin already gets the folded pieces of paper from his pocket. He had already forgotten all about the case they were originally pursuing, having decided this was a much more serious matter. But they could always continue the pursuit of the two young adults at a later time. Right after they get behind this cannibalism case.
Jimin slides the crumpled posters towards the man, the two bright, smiling faces staring at him. The man picked them up, humming to himself.
"I've seen the girl around alright," he grunts. "Dunno much about her, but a pretty face like that isn't something you see often here. But now that I think about it..." He ducks underneath his desk and the sounds of zippers becoming undone are heard before he pulls up a laptop, tapping away at the keys. He turns it around to face the two officers.
On the page, he had pulled up the Instagram for Min Yoongi. It seemed like an ordinary page, but considering the fact they recently found out he sold human body parts to cannibals on the dark web gave it a sinister underlying tone. "I've seen her with him once or twice."
Jin pulled it closer, sitting down on the chair in front of the desk. "Say... Jimin, isn't this one of the guys we talked to at that bar? When we were asking about the kids?"
"You talked to him, I didn't," Jimin spoke. "Wait... that guy? That's the man who's behind the monstrosities of this town?"
"I would've never guessed," the officer at the desk spoke solemnly. "Sure, he looks intimidating... but... No one would've guessed. I've spoken with him. Even I know him. Everyone knows each other here."
"What could that girl have to do with Yoongi, though?" Jimin questioned. "It doesn't make sense... You don't think she's involved, do you?"
"I don't know what to believe anymore," Jin muttered, gritting his teeth. "But maybe these two cases are more intertwined than we could've suspected."
"I'll give you the man's address. Do you want backup? You may need it. We don't know how dangerous this man is," the officer suggested.
"I think we'll be fine. We're both armed, and we don't want to bring too many people. That'd give him a heads up. Two officers should be enough, though we'll let you know if we need backup," Jin said, his tone stony as he closed the laptop. "Thank you for your help."
"I'd say anytime... but I hope an incident like this never happens again near our town," the man confessed. "I wish you two luck."
"We'll bring him here once he's arrested," Jin promised, arising from his seat. He looked towards Jimin, his eyes failing to mask the dread he was feeling. It was time to catch a maniac.
This was it. The house of Min Yoongi. Jimin found himself turning back each moment, his heart pounding so loudly he could hear it. What did he expect? A man with looming eyes to prowl behind him and grab him the moment he wasn't looking? To cut him up in pieces and cook him like the witches he only knew of in fairy tales? It was his first case, and already he was dragged so deep into a hell hole he couldn't even attempt to crawl out. It was just a missing case for a runaway, and now they were about to confront a businessman for cannibals. What a turn.
Seokjin, on the other hand, found his hand always hovering over his gun, ready to yank it out and shoot whoever was to stand in his way. He couldn't do that, though, no matter how much the person deserved it. He was only to use that in self-defense.
He rang the doorbell. No response. He rang it again a few times, and then pounded his fist against the door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" a voice grumbled from the other side of the door. There was a click of the door being unlocked, and Jimin felt himself shaking in his boots. He was already so intimidated, and he wasn't even face to face with the man yet.
The door opened but an inch, a chain preventing the door from being opened up all the way. An eye peered through the crack to glare at the two officers. "What do you need?" he rasped.
Jin held up the warrant, waving the paper in front of the eye. "We've got a warrant. Let us in. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
Yoongi was silent for a few moments, reading the warrant. He clicked his tongue, sighing to himself. "Not sure what you'd want from here, there's nothing particularly interesting. But alright, just give me a minute." He closed the door, and there was silence.
Jin tapped his foot, finding himself anxious. Jimin was eerily quiet, finding himself fidgeting. Finally, after a minute or two, there was a rattle of the chain coming undone, and the door was swung open to reveal Min Yoongi pointing a gun at the officers.
He shot, both hands holding the gun up as the barrel was aimed at Jin. The bullet hit him in the shoulder, and he fell down, crouching due to pain. Yoongi had fired again but missed. As he lowered his gun he closed a single eye, trying to aim at Jin's head. Jimin, however, had whipped out his own gun to shoot at Yoongi, hitting him square in the chest. He didn't stop, though, shooting four bullets at once, all of them hitting the man in the chest. Yoongi staggered back, dropping his gun as it clattered to the floor. Finally, he fell back, his own blood pooling around him.
The two were frozen, and Jimin was in a state of shock. "Is... Is he dead?" he whispered.
"He'll be dead within one to three minutes, you hit near or at the heart, and probably some major arteries. He'll bleed out quickly," Jin hissed, pressing against his shoulder. "Jesus fuck!"
"Oh my god, we've got to get you to a hospital," Jimin said, staring at the wound as blood stained the elder man's sleeve.
"No time right now. Get the first aid kit from the car, and I'll take care of it myself. You go investigate the house," Jin ordered. "I'll call some more officers here."
"Go inside? By myself?" Jimin gulped.
"You're not scared, are you?" Jin grumbled.
"No... I'm not," Jimin said, trying to pull a brave face. He rushed to the car, trying not to waste valuable minutes as he brought the kit to the officer, who was already working on bringing more officers there. Slowly and steadily, though shakily as well, Jimin stepped over the dying body of Yoongi, making note to turn the gun on safety and kick it back as far as he could from the body. He had seen too many horror movies to leave it just lying right next to a killer. Though he supposed he was a killer as well now.
The house was ordinary. It looked normal. Perhaps that was the scariest part of it all. It wasn't dimly lit, and it wasn't splattered with blood. It was rather tiny, though. Jimin ventured further inside the house, opening doors. There was no upstairs, nor was there a basement. It wasn't until he stepped into the garage that he found what he supposed was the 'lair' of Yoongi's misdoings.
A table of tools was in the center, and blood was splattered. Goggles, gloves, and an apron were hung up neatly on the wall, and cleaning supplies were underneath the table. On top of the table was a big bag. Jimin's stomach churned as he thought of what could possibly be inside, and he held his gun out in front of it, taking shaky steps towards it.
He undid the zipper, and the first thing he saw was a hand wrapped tightly in plastic. His heart stopped, his eyes wide and fingers trembling. Slowly he unzipped the rest of the bag, revealing pieces of body parts, many of them wrapped in plastic. Save for one part.
"Jimin? Did you find it?" Jimin heard the footsteps of Jin as he stepped forward. "Where are you?"
"The garage," Jimin called out, his voice tight. He did his best not to vomit, but he found himself continuously gagging at the sight. "I-I found the boy."
"...what do you mean?" Jin questioned, stepping into the garage. He came across the sight of Jimin holding up the head of Kim Namjoon, the head detached from the body, and the cold, dead eyes giving a blank stare towards the officer.
You leaned against the car, a cigarette dangling from your fingertips. You had left the night before, not getting a wink of sleep. You were afraid to so much as blink, knowing the moment you closed your eyes, his would be looking right back at you.
You were on campus grounds. You didn't know where else to be, really. What now? You should've called Hoseok already. His number was burning a hole in your pocket. How Yoongi found these professional criminals on the dark web was beyond you. But he was your last hope. You knew you should be breaking your mom out of jail now. You had the minimum you needed to pay Jung Hoseok. Why were you stalling?
You felt broken. You looked out at the world in front of you. It was all grey. Just like you. What was the meaning of life? Of anything? What was the meaning of walking across the earth if eventually everyone would be dead and forgotten? Everything amounted to nothing. Nothing mattered.
But who were you to give a damn?
Your gaze was glazed over, and you simply kept on puffing on your cigarette, letting the smoke drift from your lips to billow out in front of you. The scent was comforting to you. Maybe it was that or the fact you were killing yourself slowly, letting your lungs burn to the same black color as your heart.
Silently, you climbed back into your car, locking the doors and rummaging through your bag. The knife was still dirty, but this was the only part of him you'd get to keep with you. His blood was still smeared across the blade. You hadn't bothered to clean it.
You held it up, pointing the tip at your jugular. You took in a deep breath, closing your eyes as you pulled it back away from you. No, you weren't good enough for that. Slowly you aimed it higher, the tip now pointing up at your eye, staring right back at you. Yes, this is what you deserved. You pulled it back, about to stab it in as accurately as you could into your pupil when-
"Y/N!" a muffled cry says. You drop the knife quickly, kicking it back to let it slip beneath the seat. You turn back, seeing a man running towards your car from behind. He was cute, with bangs and tan skin. He runs to your window, tapping against it. "Hi, Y/N? I've been trying to find you! Luckily I saw your car, but you haven't been on campus in days! I'm glad I ran into you. But I guess it's not running into you if I was searching for you, huh? Well, I'm not the only one, but I'm Taehyung!"
You give him a questioning look and roll down your window. "Yes?"
"You know my friend Namjoon, right?" Taehyung asks you. "He's been gone for a few days, and the police are looking for him. I figured you may know where he was- well, you're my best lead anyway."
"Am I?" you questioned, your voice soft. "Why do you think I know where he is?"
"Well from what I know, he likes you a lot it seems," Taehyung chuckled. "Don't let him know I said that, though. He'd kill me. But I'm sure you already know that. Anyways, I'm his friend, and I've been kind of worried about him. His mom is bonkers, but I'm uneasy, you know?"
"Yeah, I get what you mean," you nodded along. "Well, yes, I know him. He and I went on a trip together."
"Oh? Really? Where?" Taehyung asks, leaning over. "Do you know where he is now?"
"Yeah. I just took him to a town- he liked it so much he decided to stay for a while, though," you mention, shrugging. "It's not that far from here, though. I guess he didn't think of it as a big deal, so he didn't contact you."
"Huh, that's unlike him," Taehyung murmured. "Guess he's really into the town."
You let out a fake laugh, "I guess so. Anyways, I promised him I'd return soon, I just had to get stuff here. I've already run errands and such."
"Oh, well, if you don't mind, do you think you could take me to him?" Taehyung asks you. "You said it wasn't far. I don't mean to intrude or be rude or anything, but I'd really like to see my hyung again. I'm worried, and I think I'd feel better if I saw him face to face again, you know?"
You thought about it for a moment. You know... it wouldn't hurt to give Hoseok a bit of extra money. To ensure he'd break your mom out, of course.
You gave Taehyung a smile, pressing the button to unlock the door. "Climb in then. I'll fill you in on my journey with him. You've got a very special friend."
"I know, but sometimes I don't think he sees himself that way," Taehyung chuckles. "Wait a minute- right now?"
"Why not?" You smile, not showing your teeth, your lips pressed tightly together. "I said it wasn't far, didn't I? Trust me, it won't take long. Time flies when you're having fun, right?"
"I probably shouldn't get in a car with a stranger, or someone I'm not familiar with," Taehyung mumbles. "But if Namjoon-hyung went with you, that must mean you're trustworthy. Alright, to hell with it. Let's go!"
He runs around the car to climb into the passenger seat. He's so energetic and excited, he reminded you of a puppy. Your eyes scanned his proportions. He seemed reasonably fit, though not bulky or anything. He was a standard muscular. Yoongi would like him, he'd do well. You were sure customers would approve.
You didn't feel guilt. You didn't feel sorrow. You felt nothing. You felt empty. You were simply a shell of your former self, if even that.
And with that, you pulled out of the parking lot.
Jin and Jimin were once again in the car, knowing full and well that other officers were in town continuing the case, examining the two bodies and the garage that probably took more lives than they could know of.
Silence hung in the air, both having blank expressions. Neither wanted to discuss the events of what had happened. Jimin was driving now, and Jin got the bullet removed properly once he was admitted to the hospital, his shoulder bandaged up.
"What do you suppose the girl has to do with Yoongi? How do you think she ties up into all of... that?" Jimin asks quietly, pondering more so to himself that he was asking Jin.
"I guess she's the deliverer," Jin says. "I don't know exactly. But if Yoongi never really left that town, someone had to go out and get the victims. I guess a pretty girl was the perfect bait."
"Why would she do it?" Jimin asks. "I mean... why would anyone be involved with that? Who could live with themselves?"
"Maybe the events involving her parents had messed her up so far in the head that it wasn't that horrendous for her," Jin murmurs. "Who knows? I don't think even she has a good explanation."
"What're we going to tell his mother when we get there?" Jimin gulps, his voice weak.
"We can only tell the truth," Jin mumbles.
"By speaking."
"The truth will kill her," Jimin said honestly, shuddering. "It'd kill anyone to know their child was a victim of such a twisted fate."
"I know," Jin spoke. "Believe me I know. But it's not like there's anyone who can tell us how to deal with this case. I know this is your first case, kid, but this is my first case dealing with this sort of thing as well. I'm as new to this as you are."
"I didn't really think of it that way," Jimin sighed. "But I guess you're right."
"Of course I am," Jin says. "That poor kid."
"I just pray to God this doesn't happen to anyone else," Jimin says. "We won't let her take anymore. It'd be inhumane."
"Agreed," Jin nodded, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.
"Are you tired, sir?" Jimin asks, glancing towards the elder.
"You get shot in the arm and tell me how energetic you feel," Jin murmurs.
"That's fine," Jimin says softly. "Go ahead and sleep then. You deserve it. After this, I'm taking a long nap as well. And then I'm going to try and forget that any of this happened."
He wasn't sure he could do that, though. Each time his mind drifted, it drifted to the way that Yoongi's body jerked with each bullet that dove into his chest. Instead of his heartbeat, he heard the gun falling to the wooden floor. Instead of a road, he saw his own boots stepping over a corpse of a man who had killed many more than he knew of.
He'd be in need of rather intense therapy after this. And there'd be a lot of paperwork. And nightmares. Jimin wasn't looking forward to the future in front of him. Before, he had thought that being an officer would be exciting and hold a lot of responsibility. Which it did, but not in the way he had anticipated.
Now? Now the future seemed bleak.
Two cars pass by each other on the same road. One police car, with two frazzled officers who had witnessed a horrendous and horrifying sight. And another of a shell and a boy who could possibly meet a horrible end. The two cars pass by each other, neither knowing who was in the other vehicle, and how much could've been both started and prevented had the drivers simply locked eyes.
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