#on the surface it’s just a gay love story setbin the edwardian era but it’s so much more than that
ghostofanovelwriter · 2 years
Just thinking about how em forster had no way of knowing in 1917 if there would ever come a time where people like him could be free to love whoever they wanted but he still made a point of creating a story where the canonically gay protagonist found himself with a happy ending despite not ending up with his initial lover because he still learned how to accept and love himself as he is and found a man who felt the same and not two decades after the book was published an openly gay director decided to make a movie that kept it lovingly close to the source material with actors incredibly dedicated to their roles so now to this day people can read the book or watch the film and understand what forster wanted to say , which just goes to show how far this story has come to finally reach an audience to appreciate it in all its glory and connect people to a time that seems so far off to them now, simply because forster believed that no one deserves to have a happy ending taken from them and even though he never got to live to see the day where two members of the same sex could love each other without fear of persecution he knew that it wasn’t him or who he was that was wrong, it was the world’s way of thinking at the time that was wrong, and because he never once doubted that he’s managed to create a legacy that has managed to surpass the test of time. In a way this story is a message to the future lgbt community to remind us that we’ve never been alone. We’ve been around for ages and prevailed. And not only we deserve to be loved, we deserve to be able to love, because neither sex or social class should be allowed to divide us because those aspects don’t define our entire identity.
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