#on twitter people said i shouldnt go on car rides any more
pestopascal · 4 years
While I will absolutely agree that CB2077 isn’t the ONLY game doing all this bullshit, or that other AAA studios don’t deserve the flack CDPR is getting, I have to say that this is absolutely the perfect storm and I think people are FINALLY seeing the problems in modern AAA gaming. CB2077 might be fun to play, may have a good story, but it’s almost impossible to see because of the glaring issues. Which, honestly, is a good thing. I hope games change after this.
under here
AAA studios have been like this and this sort of release has been completely normalised on all accounts by both the businesses themselves and fans because of the inherent reliance on modders (bethesda at the forefront of this), as well as the pushback every time companies actually go ‘uh we need a lil more time’ (although... they just shouldnt announce potential release dates, im even of the camp they shouldnt even start releasing the game until like 6 months out from their official date because they fuck it up every time. borderlands 3 being the only game i know of being in “secret” development and then announcing itself in march for a september release. game itself aside, thats how companies should do it). easily i can remember a lot of 2011 release games which have had the exact same issues as cp77′s release, and then every other game in between since. very rarely do you actually have a game that isn’t a fucked up mess of a pile of pixels. and it is always the customisable character ones that are honestly, genuinely, ugly looking at release. but you can definitely say its been happening looooooong before 2011, with unrealistic expectations, word limits, 11 month time frames, offloading sequels to smaller companies so they can suffer if it fails, etc etc. the entire system has been like this for so long... they dont know any real different nowadays.
i mean look. tlou2 released under crunch conditions this year, and was rewarded. it was ALL over the social media feeds, it was quite the controversy because, surprise surprise, the company promised they wouldnt do it uwu and then. bam ! crunch conditions. literally around that time too, bioware employees came out with a statement saying ‘man we wish dai FAILED so that back in 2014 we couldve proven crunch was a wrong practice’. they say this as well after having to produce da2 in 14 months, which just suffered from fans and journalism for reusing environments, because it was produced in 14 months, and honestly? no one pointed that out back then, bioware themselves pointed it out again this year, 6 years after release, that that game was produced in 14 months. rdr2′s release was hounded by stories of crunch, and they all disappeared into the night because... it was heralded as the best game of all time. that was 2018, 2 years ago.
i think too is that some people get kind of ... morally and ethically concerned. which is understandable. can you consume something when you know it was made under conditions like crunch? and i think one of the most confronting things about it is that 9/10, not only has your favourite company engaged in crunch conditions, they almost actively choose to continue with them. and then that’s a whole other bag of issues blown up over there when it comes to what is able to be consumed what isn’t etc etc
i think also like a mix of marketing, promises and then the expectations of what the game will be like have really had cdpr earn the ire of fans which is just like... you don’t believe what these companies are saying. you never should, esp when it’s their ceo’s saying it who don’t work on the actual floor. bioware itself is the main culprit of doing this to the point they finally came around with all the da4 concept art and teasing to be like ‘ummm but actually dont get invested?’. remember all that qunari lady fanart that bioware management was like ... please dont get attached? yeah. yeah. like at what point as well is there going to be heavy level of apprehension to approach this? and i can’t really talk either, i cracked open the door for mass effect again. i know exactly what kind of shit bioware will pull, i know they are teasing it already on social media, but mass effect is my ride or die series. that’s why people keep opening the door on letting these companies get away with it. and you can’t fault fans entirely either because this is down to a science of how to get money. i mean, fuck, mass effect andromeda’s entire advertising campaign HINGED on the n7 logo. for the nostalgia value. and i see text posts in the same vein of both ‘guys, disney isnt gonna fuck you if you consume every remake for nostalgia value’ and ‘its understandable why people do it’.
so then you have to go ‘well are fans as just to blame’ and then that’s a whole other argument.
i think also like. i personally havent run into aaaannnyyyyyyy of the issues that you see posted online. which is ironic bc 1) i play on ps4 and 2) its an old dusty ps4. in fact a lot of ppl i have spoken to who have had issues have played on pc. does this mean the glitches dont exist? ofc not, the vids and screenshots are right there. but like... ive had a basically unhindered experience so far, and i get where ppl are coming from (i do, i promise) where theyve basically found the game unplayable. is there also a standard of what ppl consider unplayable because ive played most AAA games at launch when they basically rushed to slap the box label on the game and called it a day until they work on patches. when ppl consider unplayable is also just... different per person. some people have a slight blur on the screen when turning too fast even in an MMO and decide the game is horrible and unplayable. some people can have broken quests and npcs not loading and falling through maps and still be fine. there’s no agreed statement of what makes a game unplayable either, which is why you read threads on twitter and someone goes ‘yeah this npc t-posed so i quit in the first hour’ with a dozen replies. everyone has different levels of it.
it’s a mixed bag of issues. im not excusing cdpr, but the ppl who worked on the game are honestly likely not the ones who pushed for a release. you’ve gotta look at sony and microsoft and ceo’s with bonuses coming up and the investors and shareholders and people who sit behind computers and read numbers detailing interest and demand and supply and how every single time they had to delay this game, the loudest (but smallest) bunch of assholes on like reddit and in the twitter threads complained that it was delayed AGAIN even though back in what 2015? they said it’ll come out when it’s ready. and yeah there are times when game delays result in a mismatched half assed sort of story (kh3... p5... ffxv... dai...) and then there are times when, if they need to delay the game... they probably need to delay the game. sometimes delays are bad sometimes theyre good sometimes you are sitting there like whew if you only didn’t try to be like THIS TIME this is the release date.
the ONLY WAY this will stop happening is, quite frankly, unionising. and everyone is allergic to that whole concept so like... this is “the perfect storm” as you put it. but it’s also not. people have been so disappointed over the last 2 years alone for gaming companies, the final product, the attitudes from higher ups, that i think cdpr is receiving a good few years worth of anger. i think theyre also on the receiving end of misdirection from american fans who still don’t fucking get the company isn’t american, because that’s another bag of issues as well. like we’re holding at least 8 bags of groceries out of the back of the car now, and we don’t want to take another trip, because there are so many little bits of this entire situation to look at. there’s so much back and forth.
i think the worst, but most realistic thing is: games won’t change. how they will social media wise will. maybe. assuming bioware gets their heads out their asses but... they’re going to be a lot more careful. i mean, hell, sony offered refunds. that was just a publicity stint. they dont give a fuck if the game was bad. as i said before, if they did, they would make all companies fix trophy problems, starting from like 2010 or whenever the trophy system first came out. they just don’t wanna fall in alongside cdpr being thrown on its sword. but the companies are gonna learn from this, get smarter, still do the same shit to their employees, still pay off journalists, still do media blackouts, etc etc. and we’re gonna be here in another year’s time, with another game, having these same roundabout arguments, and cp77′s issues are gonna fade into just a wikipedia article.
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pirate-kid2k19-blog · 5 years
Explaining the behaviors i grew up around to explwin why im like this. Started writing at 3:06AM and finished at 3:48AM
So basically in tennessee where i was born my uncle was an alcoholic pothead. We used to like plsy wrestle a lot and once i accidentally kicked him in the balls now obviously his natural reflex was to push me and i literally flew out that room so hard i nearly fell down the stairs. I broke my right arm. And i forgive him not just because he apologized but he stopped drinking because of that. He now only drinks on holidays or his birthday. Anyways, i grew up for 5 years around christians, witches, and 2 stoners.
my moms cousin was problematic af if he was famous twitter would cancel him harder than anyone else ever bc of this shit that traumatized me. Ill start with what only traumatized me for like 2 years, but then whatll haunt me forever.
So when i was 3, he was cleaning the cat litter. We had 4 cats at the time so there was a lot of shit in the litter. I was trying to get his attention bc i ended up with the room he used to hsve and i didnt want all the hotwheels cars on the wall, and i wanted to ask if hed take them down. Apparently i bugged him so much that he picked me up and put me in the trashcan w i t h t h e c a t s h i t l i t t e r wnd thats why i never went around big trashcans for 2 years.
Now im never gonna forget this. So he and my dad were having a small disagreement bc he did something wrong on a car they were trying to fix (they used to do that together) and well that turned into a full blown fight. Doors were broken, holes were msde in walls, amd my 3 year old self hsd to stand by the stairs and watch paralyzed by fear. Luckily my aunt called the cops and they stopped the fight before it got too bad wnd they were hurt n shit. But i will never forget watching my dad duct tape my kom's cousin's mouth shut and hearing the police sirens and seeing th lights outside.
Anyways, the people who owned the family home died and we had to move. My granddad on my dads side of the family let us stay 2ith. This dude names T.R. (im not giving out real names, but he used his initials as a nicknwme so we'll call him that.) He wasnt that bad of a guy, except for the fact that i developed insomnia due to not being abl3 to sleep til he went to bed at 5am bc of how loud he had his video games. We wouldve said something but we didnt wannw be rude and i think TR just dirntt think we could hear it. He couldnt real,y afford to take care of his dog with the job he had, and while my dad had a good paying job hed help take care of the fluffy chow he had. But after a while, we couldnt afford it either ehen my dad as unemployed and when we went to get him taken to the shelter to be put down (he was really old and miserable, he hardly got any attention bc 1 tr worked until nighttime 3very day just to afford rent and shit for him snd the dog to live off of, and 2 he was really skittish wnd an outside dog in a pen (though the pen was big enough for him and it had a roof and a little house n stuff, everything was just a bitndirty yeet) so he hardly got contact with people.) He kinda jumped out and ran away. He got ran over later on, sadly.
Once id been in georgia for about a year with an empty house next door (they were renovating it so ppl could live there and they wouldnt have to demolish the building since it was good on the outside and all that), my old neighbors/family friends moved in. This little autistic boy a year younger than me exactly (same day but he was born a year after me), his mom who laypter suffered an aneurysm and was paralyzed on all her right side, and her oldest kid mason who wprked at gamestop. You can tell what he looked like just ehen u think that he worked at gamestop and loved legend of zelda. Anyways, this kid and i hsd a lot of fun bc we hsd a lot in common and we both loved nsture and stuff like that. After abt 2 years, we uhh... did bad shit, we stole alcohol and got drunk n shit, hed steal his moms weed (it was illegal weed, she didnt have a card to get it for medical reasons at the time and btw this is after the aneurysm) and sell it to kids he met in the woods. See in the woods by my house theres a small-ish clearing where the property owners hunt and ride four wheelers n stuff, and we were all told we were allowed bsck there as long as the ppl who owned the property werent and we had to wear orange or bright neon yellow in hunting season in case they came bsck there thyd know it was people. This kid nearly got me to join this "gang" he called it. I was pure and innocent back then and said no bc in order to get in i had to cut myself (i had depression but not bad enough to wanna hurt myself or anything, and i hsd no clue wbt self harm or anything i was fuckin 8) and i just told them that me selling shit we werent supposed to hsve in school (candy/gum, slap bracelets, stuff that an 8 year old shouldnt have access to) was good enough for me. However, i wonder what happened to those kids. Theyre probably in high. School juuling in the bathroom lol. But anyways,this fuckin kid and i got drunk together a couple times when we'd sneak off into the woods and trespass n shit and after a while of not seinf each other, we got to meet sgain. I explained to him what being trans was and that i was a guy and he deadass just told me i already acted like one and he accepted me and called me a guy whenever we were alone (i wasnt out to my family yet). But then his house started falling apart and he moved and we havent seem each other in q year and a half. However, we might get to celebrate our next birthdsy together. We never got the chance to before and if i dont have company over next year on my birthday we might get to celebrate together :)
Some more shit abt this kid: he was the only friend i had up until fourth grade when i started selling art and being less of an asshole. And he knows more about me than any friend i have or used to have. Im the only person other than his mom who understands his memtal disorder so when my mom would babysit him i had to go over there after school in case something happened i could calm him. But uhh yeah this kid and i had some fun times and i hope i get to see him again soon. He still lives in the same city, just on the other side of the city.
About this area, basically im surrounded by woods and rednecks. Neighbors on the right are nice sweet old ppl the neighbors on the left are shady af and we in the white ghetto virtually. The hood is right down the street to the left and im scared to go there unless i was in public school on the bus or like if i had pepper spray lol.
Anyways im yoo tired to keep going gn.
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