#once again i swear i'm not dead i've just been hibernating
gorgongorgeous · 9 months
we be wip-posting
i got tagged twice by @rackartyg and @makesometime for this--you rats! this is what i get for telling y'all i'm writing things (said affectionately, jokingly, neither of you ever change, i love you both.)
as for WIPs, shall we take a trip back to those very early days?
They couldn’t have appreciated this during that skirmish in front of the Grove, too much chaos, but here, in this tiny room—it’s front-row seating before a professional dancer. He has the same sort of sinuous quality about his movements, making murder elegant in execution. Lethal performance art. No hesitation, just pure, carnal instinct. Oh, Astarion’s done this before. Basquiat is dead-to-rights sure of that. Many, many times. Maybe too many times, because he’s basking in the aftermath. Mouth ever-so-slightly parted, chest rising and falling with each deliberate breath, eyes down-turned toward his victim, so utterly engrossed that he might as well be on another plane. And something in his expression is wild and even hungry—there’s a sudden, swooping feeling through Basquiat’s gut and they want, no, they need to see that look closer-up, from the floor if necessary, from underneath him— Oh. Oh, that’s attraction. They’re attracted to watching him kill. They’re attracted to him, killing. Oh no. Sweet gods, if they don’t die here, they have got to get out more—
gonna tag @anonymousalchemist and @owlish-peacock36 since we're moots now--no obligation obviously, but friendly challenge ahoy! >:3
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Six: The Key
JJ x Original Character
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you guys are really gonna like this one...
You've ever had that moment in life where you've forgotten something so important that you feel physical pain once you've remembered? If you have, you know exactly what I mean.
A couple months ago, Sarah and I were planning to hang out and I wanted to sleep over. I had packed everything the night before to make sure I didn't forget anything. I had made a list for the first time in forever and I double checked before I left. Yet, once I got to Sarah's house I remembered one thing I forgot. Something I didn't even think to put on the list. Pads. I had gotten my period that night and I had to go looking through Sarah's bathroom cabinet to find a pad like a raccoon. Once I realize I had forgotten it, this awful feeling of dread came over me because I knew I messed up.
I hate that feeling.
When we get to the dock, I got that same feeling. I realized we forgot something; the key. Like idiots, we forgot the thing that starts the damm boat. I swear to god sometimes I think we all share one brain cell.
Although I remember this key piece of information, I don't let them know until the boat is in the water. Once the boat is in the water, I finally decide to break the news to them.
"Wow, guys," Pope chuckled, looking at all of us. "With twenty minutes to spare."
JJ and Kiara are smiling with Pope and I'm expecting a group hug but I know I'm gonna have to rain on their parade.
"Um, guys," I clear my throat. They're all joking around and fist bumping each other and I'm just watching. I kinda feel bad. "There's one problem."
They all look to me, waiting for me to be a little more precise. They all move closer to me and I look to JJ, who is as clueless as a snail.
"What?" He asks me, clearly being able to see that I'm pissed.
"How the hell is John B. gonna be able to start the car without the key?"
I don't think I've seen Kiara get so mad at JJ so quickly. They always have their mini fights here and there but this time she's pissed. "You forgot the key?!"
JJ rolls his eyes. "Sorry Kie, I was a bit distracted by the crazy Kooks trying to kill us all day!"
I want to step in and try to mediate since the both have reasons to be upset but I look to Pope for reassurance and he looks to me and shakes his head. Apparently getting between Kiara and JJ was a bad idea. So, I stay silent along with Pope as Kiara and JJ battle it out.
"I gave you two small tasks. I even wrote them down!" Kiara raises her voice, her hands coming up to her face to rub her temples.
JJ smirks. "Chill Kie, I gotta plan."
Kiara rolls her eyes. "Great. You've got a plan. Ya hear that guys, JJ has a plan. Well, that makes me feel better." Kiara's voice is filled with sarcasm and JJ knows it.
JJ let's out a loud sigh before turning to me. "Callie, you're gonna help me."
I frown. "Why do you always pick me when we have to get in trouble?"
"Because he -" Pope begins to say before Kiara elbows him.
JJ glares at Pope for a second before looking back at me. "Who says we're doing anything dangerous?"
I roll my eyes. "Fine, then what are we doing?"
JJ scratches his head. "We're gonna..." He looks to his house for a moment then back to me.
Then, it clicks. "No." I glare at JJ. "I'm not gonna steal the key from your dad."
"Yeah. If he wakes up, he'll kill you guys." Kiara pipes in, patting my shoulder.
JJ shook his head quickly. "Callie." Once he says my name, my eyes instantly meet his. He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me closer to him. "Nothing will happen to you. I promise."
He's so serious and calm as he says this I can't help but believe him. Last week I wouldn't have trusted JJ with anything, let alone my life but now it's different. I feel something for JJ. Something I don't have time to figure out just yet.
I nod. "Okay. What's the plan?"
"You're a psycho." I angrily whisper to JJ. I can't speak normally because I'm in his house and of I talk normally, his dad will wake up.
He's just told me his plan to get the key and now I'm sure we'll die. The key is on a chain hanging around his father's neck and the only way JJ can think of to get it off is to cut the chain. Not only is this a bad idea, it will get us killed. If either of us makes one wrong move, then JJ's dad will wake up and see what we're doing. Then I can only imagine the suffering I'll endure.
"My dad can sleep through a tornado. He won't even know we're here." JJ shrugs, totally nonchalant about the hibernating bear on his couch.
I take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's just do this."
I tiptoe behind JJ as we make our to the couch where his dad is sleeping. As I move around his cluttered house, I'm surprised. Of course, I never expected his living quarters to be four stars, but at least one would make me happy. No wonder JJ rarely goes home. Not the mention the mean man waiting for him each time he gets home.
The house is a complete mess and from what I can tell, it's mostly at the fault of his father, not JJ. There's empty beer bottles and spare parts. Two things JJ would never bring home, let alone scatter all over his house. It's obvious his dad has never cleaned up after himself which just angers me. Not only does he beat his son, he is beyond ok with letting his son live in these conditions. Maybe I do want him to wake up, so I can beat the shit out of him.
Once we get close enough to JJ's dad, JJ looks to me and extends his hand outward. I take the scissors that I found on the boat from my pocket and give them to JJ. He slowly reaches for them, careful not to even make a creak. I can't even tell if JJ and I are breathing because that's how quiet we are trying to be.
Once JJ grabs ahold of the scissors, he moves closer to his dad's face. This time I'm sure JJ and I aren't breathing. The only loud thing I can hear is my heartbeat which is beating so loud I'm sure it's gonna wake up JJ's dad any minute. I try to take small breaths through my nose and try to stay calm but that proves to be difficult because I watch JJ pick the chain with the key up with his index finger and slowly bring the scissors to the chain.
He slowly but surely slides the blades down on the chain and they make a small sound, definitely not loud enough for his dad to hear. JJ tries again. He reopens the blades and then closes them again, this time they sound even louder. Yet again, the scissors aren't strong enough to cut the chain.
JJ slowly places the chain back on his father's chest and turns to me, scissors still in hand. His brows are scrunched together and I know this means he has an idea. And if I know JJ, it's a stupid idea.
I raise my eyebrows at him. What is he planning. He shifts a little to the right and places the scissors on the table in front of the couch where his father sleeps. There's barely any room on the table with all the junk but he makes room. He then looks back to me and smirks.
I have no idea what he's about to do. Then, he turns back to his dad and does it. He grabs onto the chain with his entire hand and rips it off his dad's neck in a second, breaking the clasp.
I wanna scream at him. I'm wanna punch him. Although I want to, I can't because JJ's dad grumbles, waking up from his deep sleep.
JJ grabs my hand and quickly pushes me into his kitchen and under the table, away from his dad's eyeline. We're both so damn quiet, I'm sure we're not breathing again.
Since we're under the table, we can't see JJ's dad but we can hear him. He wakes up and gets up from the couch. He stretches and wakes closer to the kitchen.
JJ squeezes onto my hand. I forgot that we're still holding hands. I squeeze back and look at him. He gives me a half smile but I know he's terrified.
Just as I think JJ's dad is gonna walk into the kitchen, he passes it completely and makes his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
I let out a sigh. "Holy shit."
JJ let's go of my hand. "I thought we were dead."
I scowled. "Yeah we almost did, you ass. Why'd you do that?"
JJ shrugged, smiling at me in a way I can't explain. "I got the key, didn't I?"
I smirked, not being able to contain my happiness. "Sure. But seriously, next time I'm planning -"
I can't even reprimand JJ anymore because he's cuped my face in his hands and is kissing me. JJ is kissing me. It takes me a moment to realize what's going on and at first I'm not kissing him back. My body is limp because I'm in total shock.
I think he gets scared of my reaction because he let's me go and starts apologizing. "Callie, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm really -"
And now im kissing him. Both of my arms wrap around his neck and I dive forward to kiss him. These emotions have been building up since last night and now I'm finally expressing them. Once JJ reacts to me kissing him, he's kissing me back fiercely. His hands are my waist, pulling my upper body closer to him. We're crouched down under this stupid table but I'm having the time of my life. I've never kissed anyone like this.
He tastes like mint gum which I didn't think he would taste like, especially since I haven't seen him chew any gum since I met him. I wonder what I taste like to him.
We hear the toilet flush. This is what makes us pull apart. JJ's dad will be out any second and we haven't left yet.
We scurry out from under the table and JJ helps me up from the ground.
With his hand in mine, we run out of his dad's front door. We cut across the side of his house and run across his backyard. We pass the jacuzzi which is now drained. I can't believe that not even 24 hours ago I was having my first real conversation with JJ and now I'm running hand in hand with him. A lot can change in one day.
Once we make it to the dock, we see Kiara and Pope sitting on the ledge waiting for us. Once our steps are heard on the dock, Kiara looks up at us and smiles.
"You got it?"
Kiara and Pope both stand up once we get closer to them. JJ takes the key, still dangling on the chain, and holds it in front of Kiara and Pope.
"Told you I got it." He hands it to Kiara.
Kiara has the biggest grin on her face. "I always believed in you man."
"Bullshit." JJ laughs, looking to me.
That's when I realize our hands are still interlocked. Embarrassed, I let go and move slightly away from JJ, giving him space. He frowns at me and suppress a smile. Everything he does makes me laugh. If this is what liking someone feels like then I don't think I ever liked Rafe.
Once Kiara puts the key I'm her pocket, she extends her arms, ready for a group hug. We all extend our arms with her and all hug. We're yelling and screaming, joking about how crazy this day has been. I've never felt so appreciated, so loved by anyone in my entire life.
I understand why being a Pogue is so awesome. Being a Kook, there's not much room for community and family but here, I feel like we're our own little family. A week ago I would've never understood why Sarah loved hanging out with John B. and his friends but now I do.
Now I do.
I look up from our group hug and JJ is watching me. I smile at him and he winks at me.
I want to roll my eyes but I don't. I just watch him as he watches me. We're in the moment and I don't think I've ever felt as alive as I do now.
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