#once she was able to communicate complex ideas with me she deadass told me to go into accounting or pharmaceuticals lmfao
doushabaos · 1 year
conversation with my grandma using the pleco app it was kind of nice probably the most interesting conversation we've ever had. saved the words i didn't know.
words saved: 战争 (war)、核试验 (nuclear testing)、废水 (waste water)、交流 (exchange )、有兴趣(interesting)、目标 (goal)、制药 (pharmacy/to make medicine)、增长知识 (broaden one's knowledge)
昨天我准备英文课争论。昨晚我的婆婆(外婆)来我们的家,我们一边吃晚饭一边看大海纪录片。我跟婆婆俩用我的手机聊天,很有意思。我小时候会说粤语,我和妈妈的家人互相明白。但是我很小了,不太复杂,哈哈。现在我可以明白更复杂的话题,但是我不会说粤语,普通话也不太好。思想交流一点难,但是越来越容易,越来越有意思。我觉得我婆婆开心开心 <3
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