#once this all is over I'm going to play in Fable for Hours I swear I really could use playing Fable TLC or 2 right now
doli-nemae · 3 years
Hi, folks. Decided to share some info on Ukraine situation. I'm not very good in summarizing this type of stuff, but I'll do my best.
First and foremost, I just want to ask not to post/like/DOANYTHING with post where is shown Ukrainian troops movement. It's a small thing, but it can save lives.
And my apologies, most of the official sources are in ukrainian. I'll try to find translated ones and will update with them.
So, now let's get into it:
At night, Russian Soldiers again bombarded Kyiv. One of the shots were directed into "Antoniv" factory (20 min away my home btw))).
(One of the source because it happened multiple times and KEEPS HAPPENING: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=290879059810759&id=100066660016222&m_entstream_source=timeline)
Russian soldiers tried to capture and loosed Zmijinij Island. When they said our border guards should surrender, border guards literally said "F*ck yourself". Russian soldiers captured island, all 13 guards are dead. Lately this day, island was retaken by Ukrainian forces. Those guards, as any our soldiers, are our heroes and have shown that we won't surrender.
(Source with video with english subs: https://twitter.com/EmineDzheppar/status/1497206485054636037?t=ImR57XCm8jEfQuGIP0r9Cg&s=19)
Diversity group tried to enter Kyiv. Most of them were captured by our troops.
If you think they are attacking only factories and strategicly important object - oh hell no. They are shooting everything and everyone.
They attacked kindergarten in Vorzel city, nearby Kyiv. There was 50 kids and BY THE GOD none were injured.
(Source: https://m.facebook.com/irina.venediktova.31/posts/5253762707969955)
They attacked another kindergarten in city Ohturka. Man who guarded building has died. One worker has been injured and two kids achieved shrapnel wounds. Everyone are at hospital now.
A russian tank entered Kyiv. Entered the Obolon quartal where is no strategic objects. There's only shops and people's houses. Tank drove over a car with man, when he tried it block it way. Thankfully, man survived.
(Source: https://youtu.be/cXxOgzTcCnw)
People are gathering resistance in Kyiv and preparing for the worst. Some didn't even leave metro stations - it is used as bombproof. Same for people in Kharkiv.
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People are assigning into territorial defense, taking weapons, preparing Molotov cocktails and waiting for Russian troops to come. I would assign too, but my mom would kill me.
And I want to make this one clear because I'm sure some folks will argue about it. It may sound like "ugh, people are using WEAPONS and are going to KILL other people??". Well, folks. These bastards CAME into OUR land. They want us to surrender or die. As you see, we have no intention to do either of these things. So, if you want to be angry at people - be angry at those who attack. Not those who defend.
So, let's continue.
Found a map of current situation. You can change language there if you need to. It's been updated and you can see our situation right now.
People are constantly bombarded in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities. Russian forces has destroyed 80% of city Schastya (ironically, translated as Happiness). Our forces and people are doing incredible work by stopping Russian troops and showing them that they should go back.
Russia started to attack Ukraine from Belarus by the way. United with dictator Lukashenko who has been slaughtering his own people for their wish to CHOOSE a president.
By the way, just wanted to remind ya. We're still. Not. A part. Of. NATO. They haven't closed our airspace YET and I should remind you that Russia is using their aircraft very often and are bombing cities and villages.
Russia is still a part of SWIFT. German, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary and France are against banning Russia from there even though, man, if we'll fall - they will be next. The won't stop on us.
I should say, that Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are supporting this ban and I'm very grateful.
There's a lot of shit hapenning here and it's changing all the time. As I've been writing this, shooting in Kyiv has began. They call us Neo-Nazis, but that's bullshit. Russia has been terrorising our country ling before 2022 and 2014, they just hate us and want us dead. We fought for our independence for hundreds of years and when we achieved it finally, they just can't leave us.
If you're interested in getting more information - here are OFFICIAL information from our government. That's all in ukrainian, but if I'll find accounts with english translation in twitter I'll pin them here.
Presidents office of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/president.gov.ua
Armoured forces of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua
Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/KabminUA
Defense ministry of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA
Ministry of internal affairs(?) in Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/mvs.gov.ua
National police of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/UA.National.Police
State ministry of Emergencies(?) in Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/MNS.GOV.UA
State boarder service of Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/DPSUkraine
Center of strategic communications and informational safety https://www.facebook.com/StratcomCentreUA
Ukrainian land forces https://www.facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces
Navy forces https://www.facebook.com/navy.mil.gov.ua
Territorial defense forces https://www.facebook.com/TerritorialDefenseForces
And I've seen people, who wanted to help. Here are some places, where you can donate:
Savelife (they used to have Patreon, but Patreon decided to ban them yesterday just in time when they began to gather a big support. I could spent another hour ranting how hypocritic they are, but I won't take more of your time):
Redcross in Ukraine:
National Bank of Ukraine:
And a petition to ban Russia from SWIFT. It doesn't matter where you're from, so if you want to - here:
Please. Don't spread misinformation. We're Not Nazis. We're dying here while Europe waits. If you don't give a shit about us and still think we're fucking neo-nazis think about this: we won't be the last. They won't stop on us. They will conquer everything and will do anything until there's nothing left but devastation and death.
It's been a hard time. Anyway, thank you if you read it this far and thank you twice if you're sharing legitimate information about us and don't spread myths.
Stay safe. Love you all.
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