#once we got our drainage‚ i noticed a student behind me had gone kinda green and wobbly on her feet
whumpsical · 4 years
What do dead ppl smell like when u cut them open?
You might not enjoy knowing this but embalmed insides smell like certain types of uhhhhh deli turkey lol. I got the roasted turkey & avocado BLT from Panera Bread once and it smelled exactly like the embalmed body i had been dissecting earlier that day. Still ate it tho. (...the sandwich.)
Side note, the smell of embalming fluid makes most people feel very hungry.
Unembalmed, freshly dead bodies smell like they did when they were alive. You may also smell poop, urine, and/or vomit.
Unless you hit a vein when you cut them open, they're not going to bleed a lot, so you'll mostly smell the fat & muscle tissue. Fat & muscle are like a tangy, slightly mildewy, meaty smell. It's not very strong, or else I'm just desensitized to it.
If you do cut a vein, the smell of blood can be very strong. It's heavy, sour, & metallic. An episode of The Magnus Archives described it as something like meat that had been left on the counter and gone a little bit off, and i vibe with that.
Side note #2, achieving productive blood drainage is typically the point where new embalming students tend to pass out.
If you cut open a body later in its decomposition, there is a very good chance you will throw up. If it's in the bloating stage, it might literally pop and ooze grossness everywhere. In school we talked about how like every ~tough guy~ cop loves to head into a decomp scene all confident, then immediately rush back outside to puke.
I've never cut open a decomposing body, but i have popped blisters on bloated arms and, holding my breath, dressed green limbs in plastic sleeves to mask their smell. It only works a little bit. You can smell an even slightly "off" body through a closed (not buried) casket.
"Sickly sweet" is an accurate description, but like i mentioned in an earlier ask, you need to amplify that scent in your mind 1,000 times and add some tang.
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