#one bump = fem n two = masc
kittypyuun · 10 months
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@sskurwysyn AKFJFHAJFH?? THANK YOU????? Your arts real pretty...... (*´∀`*)
Have fem Leo as a big thank you
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bobbin-buckley · 1 month
Some Secrets Are Meant To Stay Veiled
Chapter 1
Family Issues
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Cairo Sweet x Masc!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Medieval violence, Cairo’s parents are homophobic and strict, cursing, sexual mentions, Miller is mentioned incase you care, witchcraft, satanic stuff
Y/L/N: Your last name
Some fairytales end with a good ending.
The princess finds her Prince Charming though tough battles and grief. Then gets married at the end and lives happily ever after.
Not this fairytale. Some fairytales end with a bad ending. Not everyone gets the ending they want, the life they want. Their dreams don’t always come true, or even what they pray about doesn’t come true, no one finds true love.
Those whom kneel in front of the cross and pray that everything is going to be okay. Their families are safe, other loved ones, their children, fathers, mothers, grandparents.
And for those who don’t pray, or dream can achieve and become stronger even if they are the weak. Wether it be a young man, a child, an elder, or even a woman.
Women aren’t supposed to be warriors right? Just the people who clean and make food, serve and are meant to be housewives.
Except for one in particular, no. Two in particular. Two young women who broke the rules by almost sacrificing their love for each other. Feelings are just feelings.
No one in this fairytale can change that.
“Get a move on Y/L/N!!”
Men are such trash. You thought. Can’t even treat you like a normal human being because you are a female who is meant to be a housewife, a maid. Not you though, that wasn’t your destiny.
You’re a knight, a warrior. A protector of the kingdom you live in and care for. Even if there are those who don’t see that, some see you as a fellow peasant, a woman, a maid. You were once a maid though, only at a young age.
You served in the kitchen, making good biscuits with fresh made jelly on the side. That’s what you we’re known for.
“The Bread Maker” they called you. It was unique and sweet, until you were fired from the job and forced to be your mothers servant. Not pleasant whatsoever.
The age of sixteen your father vanished one day. Never seen again. It made your mother go insane, she had asked the King and Queen if they could search for him, hoping to find him somewhere not far beyond the gates of the kingdom.
A week later everyone stopped looking for him. Some say he ran away because his wife was too demanding, or maybe some beast in the moonlight kidnapped him and had him for a late night snack.
Those stupid stories never made you or your mother believe. And once your mother gave up on finding your father she became mentally insane, started doing weird things. Saying weird verses that are not found in the Bible.
You read the Bible enough to know that what she was saying was non-existent in it. Maybe she just started creating nursery rhymes or her own stories to..let go of your dad. You heard a few people in the village say she was possibly a Witch. You could never believe that your mother was doing witchcraft, it wasn’t even proven anyways.
Witchcraft was banned from your kingdom. Because generations ago your ancestors got their hands on witchcraft and did the most unstoppable things known to mankind.
The people who find out about your past might think you’re also a witch if it’s proven enough. That could ruin everything. Your life, your mothers life, the kingdom. Nobody wants that.
This whole thing has been going on in your life for six years now. You became a knight at twenty one, it’s your second year. You’ve been told to just fall in love with a man and get married instead of being a sin.
But instead you deceived to make two great big sins in your life.
One being a female warrior, and two…
Falling in love the the King and Queens daughter.
“Watch it Y/l/n!” A man yelled through the moving crowed of villagers. You hated everyone, the way the treated you made no sense.
“Yeah Y/n stop bumping into people!” A young girl yelled from the side of the moving crowd. Even children accused you, called you names.
But hurting a child was a sin, so it wouldn’t look good on your name.
“Y/n The Child Abuser”
Doesn’t have a rhyme to it
You’re just making your way downtown in the village to go check on your mother. The maid you have that comes twice a week to help clean the small house you lived in, said your mother was acting strange this morning.
So you came down from your duty to check on her, make sure she had plenty of food and water. That was mainly your job instead of the maids, you’d get food for her and harvest it from the garden. Making meals for her at times when she couldn’t, or at least have premade ones that can last for a while.
You could see your small hut up ahead, it was kinda in a random place in the village. Your other home was stolen by some “professional” knight. Whenever your dad was around, he was a knight so you got a nicer home to live in. But now since he’s gone, you live in a poor hut on the outskirts of the village.
When reaching the small home you walked up the stone steps and approached the wooden door. You began to knock on it, calling out for your mother.
“Mother? Can I come in?”
No response. It’s always like that, every time you come visit. But the maid should be here, it’s her work day.
The door then swung open, the servant right there.
“Oh, good to see you Y/n. I was just about to come search for you.” She said, seemingly to have a worried face.
“Nice to see you too Gloria, what’s wrong?” You knew something was up, and it obviously was about your mother.
“Your mother, she’s not feeling well.” Gloria looked at you with a frown, then began leading you into the house, shutting the door and guiding you towards your mothers room.
Walking through the small house, you caught glances at the stuff the maid had cleaned, many religious objects and books, and pictures of your father. Yet some seem to keep disappearing for no reason out of the blue.
Gloria stopped with you in front of the bedroom door, gesturing for you to open it and peek inside. When you did, you could see your mother kneeled down in front of the cross she kept on the table of other religious stuff.
She was praying. But also not…
Her words were fast, voice lower..to a whisper. You couldn’t really hear what she was saying, but you knew damn well it was a verse.
“She’s been like that all afternoon, this morning she was okay. But ever since she’s been in her room she hasn’t stopped saying the same words.” Gloria explained, but you didn’t really pay attention to her much..only focused on your mother, trying to understand what she was saying.
“See the cruelty and the pain, that you have caused once again I turn the tables three times three. Bring light to your actions, I will be free, when light fades and dusk comes through, the pain you caused will come back to you, I say this spell to Karma tonight, I am witch, I stand and fight.”
“What’s she saying?” Gloria broke your concentration. You thought about her question, not sure if it was a good idea. You didn’t know that you’re own mother did witchcraft, or even tried to. It broke your heart, witchcraft was a sin in your village, kingdom.
It is banned
Even if it was a power back within when your ancestors lived. You knew some stories about them, they used witchcraft. I guess that really tells a lot about your family’s history, why your dad suddenly disappeared.
“Y/n?” Gloria broke your thoughts again.
“Oh, yeah sorry…..I’m not sure what she’s saying, she’s probably sleep talking again..” you walked away from the door..heading towards the front door.
“But she’s awake..” before Gloria could finish her sentence you left without a reply or a goodbye. You really didn’t want to speak to anyone at the moment, not after finding out your mother does witchcraft.
Not that you were like the rest of the village, you weren’t. In fact.. you were different by how you played the rules. Witchcraft and magic was always a fairytale to you, it wasn’t real. Not after your father had told you real stories of magic and witchcraft, even Satan when you were real young.
Your mother never liked whenever your father told these “joke” stories. She’d say your father was just trying to scare you. But truly he meant to tell you for a reason. It changed you.
It changed everything about you
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Amongst the village, over by where the farmers lived. There was a hill with a massive stone ground at the top. Most warriors when training would go up their and sword fight with their “opponent”.
On that training pad, was the King and Queens only daughter. Cairo.
Now Cairo wasn’t like her parents, wasn’t like any other woman, any other person in the village. She prefers the outdoors, preferred nature, books and writing. It was her passion.
Her greatest achievement
Currently she was sitting in the middle of the training pad, book in her lap as she read.
Poetry was her favorite to read, she’d trade things will the local writers in town. Jonathan Miller being one of them.
Nobody entirely liked the fellow writer, he was kinda odd around young girls. He has a wife, and people simply only liked him for his writing and his wife’s cooking. Though everyone is pretty sure his wife is fed up with him.
Cairo was reading one of Millers books. She was so engrossed in it she wasn’t really paying attention to her surroundings. It’s always windy up in the hills, the breeze flowing through her brunette hair, the ends of her white dress flailing in the wind.
Suddenly she saw a rock being thrown out of the corner of her eye, peering up to see no one who was responsible of the throwing rock.
No one in sight, just the large willow tree in front of her, it’s loosely leaves nearly touching the ground.
But then she heard a familiar voice to the side of her.
“Good afternoon, princess Sweet.” You said, smiling and walking up to her from the stone path.
“Good gracious, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Cairo complained, but not really mad since it was just you.
“Aw don’t be complaining.” “You threw a rock!” She argued, but a smile crept on her face as you stood now in front of her.
God you were sexy
“To get your attention but I guess that didn’t fully work,” you explained. “Anyways, what are you doing out here princess?”
Cairo made sure you could see her eye roll. She hated (loved) being called princess by you. She closed her book and stood up with a smirk, “oh nothing. Just reading a book out here in peace.”
You nodded your head, noticing the book she was reading. “Millers? You know he’s a creep right?” Cairo understood that, but didn’t care since Miller has been nothing but sweet to her.
“Yeah, yeah. He’s just nice to me though,” she looked down at her book, “he makes sure to give me the first look at his book.” Cairo heard your scoff, looking up at you.
“Psh- he only gives you the first look at it because he wants to fuck you.” Cairo gasped at your words, smacking your shoulder.
“No he doesn’t! He has a wife!” “So? That doesn’t mean he won’t cheat.” “Are you saying this because your jealous I got his book before you?”
Something like that,
You wanted to say
Something related to jealousy
“Nah, I’m just teasing you. Anyways, shouldn’t you be back at the kingdom? You’re stupid wedding or whatever is tomorrow.” You said, with a hint of annoyance and jealousy in your tone.
And yes, Cairo is supposed to get married to someone tomorrow night. Boy she wished she didn’t have to, but it’s apart of being the daughter of the King and Queen.
The fact that she doesn’t know who the man she’s supposed to marry is, she hates the thought of marrying someone she’ll just meet! It sucks! It’s like an escape room, or a puzzle with a missing puzzle piece.
How are you supposed to finish the puzzle if you can’t find the right piece to it?
Cairo sighed at the thought, not really noticing how she sighed out aloud, making you change your expression.
“You don’t seem excited..” you “pouted”. Cairo crossed her arms, the book still in hand.
“I’m not. How am I supposed to know I’ll spend the rest of my life with someone if I don’t even know them? Or like them? I hate the way the rules work here.” Cairo rambled, making you nod in understanding.
“I get that, but see how your parents turned out.” That was a dumb comment.
“Turn out to constantly fighting and being very strict about everything? Yeah no thanks.” Cairo retorted, huffing.
Was it clear that she is fed up with her parents?
“Okay well- you have me to go through it.”
You’re too sweet for your own good
“You? My parents won’t even let me see you! It’s because they think your family is cursed or some shit.” You scoffed loudly, not happy about that’s how her parents think of you and your family.
A curse? Curse my ass, your family is basically falling apart
You thought.
“Yeah whatever they can think that all they want. But we’re alone! No one knows we’re up here.” You grinned, looking around the hill until you heard a horse trotting.
“Princess Cairo!” A raspy voice was heard alone with the sound of a horse galloping. Then an older knight appeared, he was one of the main servants in the castle. The ones who stand right beside the King and Queen when at their thrones.
“Yes Lord Burkheart?” Cairo shoved you back a bit so Burkheart wasn’t suspicious of anything. He knew she wasn’t supposed to be seen with you.
“You know you aren’t supposed to be around this weak pest.” Burkheart spat out at you when he noticed your presence, and his words made you irritated. “Anyways, I bring you orders from the Queen, you need to be back to try a wedding dress on for your ceremony tomorrow.”
Cairo groaned at that mentally, she knew her mother would eventually notice her missing presence and have someone come find her. Cairo looked at you then back at the older man.
“Fine, I’ll be there soon.” She answered, wanting to go back to the castle at her own pace. Burkheart nodded and turned his horse away to head back to the village himself.
The princess sighed, rubbing her right temple with her right hand and clutched the book in the other. God she hated her own mother at times
“You okay?” She heard you speak up, forgetting you were there for a moment.
She turned to face you, “yeah. I am, just don’t want to do this.” She looked genuine, which made you a little shocked but not too shocked. Cairo always had a search for love you knew, but not like this. “And yeah, I get what you might be thinking. I’ve always wanted to fall in love, but at my own pace and who I choose.”
“No, no I get that. I respect that, so maybe you tell your mother that.” Another dumb thing to say.
Cairo was shocked at your suggestion, you know damn well her mom would absolutely say no!
“Are you crazy? If I told my own mother that she’d slit my throat! She’s been planning my wedding since I was a baby! Literally!” Cairo huffed, her hand over her mouth as she looked at the ground and thought. “Sorry, I wish I could stop her decisions but I can’t. It’s a family tradition.”
Cairo’s words made you upset and angry with the Queen. You kinda have a view of her side, you get parents can be stubborn. Your mom can be like that.
Cairo deserved better
She deserved you
She deserved to have her own decisions, she’s an adult. Almost. Eighteen is close enough, basically is an adult. But I guess not in Cairo’s “family tradition”.
“I’m sorry, I wish I could do something about it.” You mutter, rubbing your arm. You really did wish you could stop it, help her. You cared for her a lot.
“It’s okay, I’ll accept it at some point,” she gave you a small smile before looking over at the village and castle. “I should get going, don’t want to boil my mother for too long. Or the pot will spill over.” She tried to joke, but her laugh came out sarcastic.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later?” You asked with hope, you always wanted to see her.
“Maybe, depends.” Was all she said before walking down the hill with her head down.
God you’ve gotta do something about it
Felt like a short chapter but editing and reading through it didn’t.
So I just hope this is good 🧍🏻‍♀️
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
Can I get Miguel with a really short fem s/o. Like 5ft type of short. Please 🥺🙏
of course!! i’m so happy you’ve asked! i’ve always wanted to come around to write a small drabble of what it would be like as his short s/o since i’m 4’11 (i’m 19…still very short haha) <3
miguel o’hara x short fem! reader (pure fluff)
miguel, being taller than you, often finds himself looking down at you with a fond smile, appreciating your petite stature. he sees your height as an endearing quality, finding comfort in the way you fit perfectly in his embrace. he loves the way he can easily wrap his arms around you, feeling an overwhelming sense of protection and adoration.
your shorter height might also lead to playful teasing from miguel, who might make lighthearted jokes or gentle remarks about your size difference. however, it's always done in a loving and affectionate manner, highlighting the playfulness that exists within your relationship. “you’re so short, and i think that’s something that makes you adorable.”
as a couple, you naturally find ways to embrace and navigate the height difference. whether it's standing on tiptoes for a kiss or playfully joking about your petite stature, the contrast in height becomes a source of affectionate banter and connection.
during intimate moments, miguel might take extra care to adjust his movements and positions, ensuring your comfort and pleasure. he appreciates the unique angles and perspectives your height difference offers, reveling in the closeness and intimacy it brings.
in public, people may notice the contrast in your heights and admire the adorable and harmonious partnership you share. miguel takes pride in walking by your side, showing off the love and deep connection that exists between you, not minding the curious glances or admiring smiles directed your way. miguel is fiercely protective of you, his shorter s/o. in crowded places, he ensures you're safe by positioning himself as a shield, subtly maneuvering through the crowd to make sure you're not bumped or jostled. his arms may naturally wrap around you, making you feel secure as he leans down to murmur, "i got you, short stuff."
miguel affectionately bestows cute nicknames upon you that remind him of your height difference. terms like "little one," "pocket-sized love," or "my petite powerhouse" are often used, emphasizing the endearment he feels for you. you play along with a smile, finding these endearing names a testament to your unique bond.
given the height difference, spontaneous piggyback rides become a common occurrence between you two. whenever you're tired from walking or just feeling playful, you jump onto miguel’s back, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. he willingly carries you, relishing in the closeness and thrill of having you on his back.
when cuddling or snuggling up on the couch, the height difference provides a perfect fit for you to rest your head on miguel’s chest comfortably. as you relax against him, he wraps his arm around your shoulders, marveling at the feeling of your smaller frame fitting so perfectly against him.
a/n: so happy that my heart flutters whenever i write soft miguel with his short s/o—pls lmk if you want a masc/male version <3
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sugar-omi · 1 year
tags : suggestive content, yall are 20-21, ok for masc/fem/nb readers, dom reader, drinking, spitting drinks in coves mouth, possessive or jealous or yandere cove idk babe pick your poison <3, non-established relationship, maybe 1 sided love on coves part but not explicitly said ofc
synopsis : you’re tryna enjoy a party but cove wants to go home so he can have you to himself, so you shut him up..
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imagine cove is following you all around this beach party but hes too awkward to follow you to the hoard of people dancing and hes so jealous of everyone looking at you with wolfish eyes and hes so jealous of everyone griding and bumping against you
he takes a sip from the beer you left behind and steels his nerves to go up to you.
his body is trembling, whether its from anger, jealousy, or something else is anybody’s guess and all he can think about is how he should be the one grinding against you, he should be the one you’re looking back at with those eyes...
and he feels electricity go through him when you look at him approaching, your eyes lidded and hazy with lust and booze.
“y/n..” cove pulled you away from some scrawny skater boy and into his chest, easily towering over the shorter man and the mean look on cove’s face just the cherry on top to make him leave with nothing more than a grumbled “asshole..”
“don’t you wanna go home? ma-”
“cove i wanna have fun! if you don’t wanna be here than go home, or come back later!”
cove pulled you closer to him, not even considering leaving without you.
“if you’re horny i’m right here y’know...” cove bravely mutters in your ear, buoyed by the cheap beer and boxed wine in his system.
the look shared between the two of you is hot, its full of years of aged lust and you can’t deny cove looks especially good tonight. his baggy muscle tank top does nothing to hide his new muscles, the arm holes- if you can even call them that, show his toned and bronze sides and whenever he leans down you get a nice view of his chest and a flash of his nipples.
you tear your eyes away from his exposed skin, trying to not think about toying with his chest which isn’t hard when the buzz in your veins and cove’s brilliant blue eyes distract you.
cove is saying something more, but you can’t hear anything after he just insinuated, no directly said you could fuck him, and you take a swing from your cup.
grabbing cove by the frail straps of his tank you pull him to your level, smashing your lips against his and cove’s lips fall open in a breathless gasp. you trickle the liquid into his mouth, most of it dripping down your chins and staining your shirts.
you force cove’s mouth closed, hand cupping his jaw and you cover his mouth, feeling him swallow as you lick the alcohol off his throat and you lap over collar bones, sucking a hickey there while you’re at it..
“cove... lets go home okay?”
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