#one day I’m gonna write a whole thing about the complex gender roles of EAH
goldenappledelicious · 2 months
Really interested in the Charming parents relationship with their kids in terms of Apple and Darling relationship. Because the thing is, while I’ve seen a lot of takes where the Charming parents react negatively or still hold up Daring as the golden child, I’m personally of the opinion that they are far more destiny oriented. If Destiny says Darling is Apple’s prince, then they’ll accept it, even if they’re a bit confused.
The thing is, at least from how I interpreted Darlings book, she never read as the unfavorite the way Dexter did, though I know some people interpret them as treated similarly. She kept all her knightly interests pretty tight lipped and generally acted like they thought she should. Not the Golden Child or the Scapegoat, just a generally positive middle ground.
I also think the kiss reveal really hurts Daring place as the Golden Child of the trio. I think King & Queen Charming would definitely view it as a failure on Daring’s part. That he must have done something wrong or something must be wrong with him to cause him to fail at what should’ve been his destiny. Their favoritism is distinctly based on Daring being the perfect Prince Charming and if he can’t even do the one thing they think he was meant to do, then clearly he isn’t actually that perfect.
And while I don’t think Darling would just become the new Golden Child, I do think they focus most of their attention solely on her now. She’s the one with the ultimate Charming Destiny after all while Daring failed his and Dexter’s is still unknown. Clearly that must mean she’s the best of the kids. How the Beast reveal would go, I’m still debating. On one hand, Daring is still the true love of an important Princess, but the beast very much Does Not fit the values of a Prince Charming.
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