#one day i really should do something with these barely figure draing wips...
omaano · 5 months
Just picture the bongocat emoji. PATpatPATpat—
Who will be seen in "Clone With A Lightsaber 1-2"?
These are pretty old and I haven't made any progress on them aside from some daydreaming in the past months, but I'm pretty sure that you'd put the figurative bug in my ear about clones with lightsabers as a concept, and then I quickly sketched out a few poses in the hopes that my momentum from those Rex pose studies will carry over to these ones but, well. You can see how that didn't happen ^^;
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I was thinking of making them be Cody (because the one on the left looks very much like a slide that'd require a jetpack) and Wolffe, because I'm predictable like that. (and one more tangentially related under the cut just for you)
Thanks for asking! <3
List of WIPS for the WIP GAME
Also there is this one which is also part of the pack, but different and has its own file name, that also didn't get past the concept "don't forget you had this idea!!!" stage; but it is very much intended to become Rexwalker one of these days...
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and this isn't even done yet, but I am also hopelessly captivated with the idea of drawing a companion piece to it with a much older Rex and Vader with a lot more animosity going on between them, and where they are a lot more in each other's faces, but where the "have you lost something, sir?" title would still apply (not just for whatever soul Vader may or may not have lost, but also because Rex would still hold on to Anakin's lightsaber... is it a different one to what Obi-wan passes on to Luke? Maybe. Maybe Anakin took even more after his old master and had lost his saber one too many times and Rex never had the opportunity to return it and now he just holds on to it in memory of his "dead" general? Don't ask too many questions, I just really love Rex with Anakin's lightsaber)
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