#one fucking day I'll finish up that story of him in Icecrown
moonlost · 6 years
A couple of days ago, the Brother Unit asked me if I was going to be picking World of Warcraft up again once BfA launches. It was a question I had to mull over. I mean, a week ago my answer would have been a furious spitting of the word no as I stomped around the room like an enraged potato-monster yelling about how they ruined my favourite canon character. But some days to settle gave me the chance to wash the salt out of those metaphorical wounds. The answer is still no, but for a few more reasons than just nerd rage.
I’m still bitter about the AU mag’har and draenei and how they’ve been treated, for all the same reasons I ranted about and reposted. But, I can admit that there are some interesting ideas to be had with it. Ideas I have my doubts Blizzard will explore, but for my own characters?  A zealous crusader Kyali seeking to purge away all the corruption that nearly tore her family and her culture apart is delicious, as is a Zaruuk who was broken down by a Naaru to purge any fel corruption inherited from his father. I can just see this husk of who he was, aglow with holy energy to fight unquestioningly for his Naaru masters. A man finally fully accepted by his people, but who had to pay for that acceptance with his soul. I also wonder if there are splintered groups of draenei trying to fight back against this new crusade. Do the rangari attempt to hide away orc families from the burning flames of their kin? What about Nobundo? Does he still feel the call of Draenor’s elementals?  There are stories there, is all I’m saying. And interesting things happening with the main storyline as well.  But with that all said, I just don’t have a desire right now to play the game. Some of it is just my personal salt, I cannot lie. But a lot is just a need to take a break from warcraft. I’ve been enjoying my time away from the game. A lot of my close friends have moved on, joining them in Guild Wars 2 has been incredibly rewarding. I have never minded playing my MMOs solo, but being actively engaged with my friends again has been wonderful - be it roleplaying, running dungeons or showing off our whatever outfits we’ve worked out.  I’ve also been working my artistic muscles a bit more as of late, along with just doing more varied work and activities in general. There’s been a lot less pressure to keep up with some imaginary grind and I’ve been appreciating that a lot. WoW has been a big part of my life for a long time, and I fully expect to return to the game eventually. I’d especially love to try and get more active in the roleplaying communities, there are  s o  many rad people with equally rad characters. Plus I have a mighty need for one of those hyena mounts. But not right now. I hope that when the expansion hits, everyone playing has a fun time and doesn’t have issues with lag or whatever other server nonsense happens. In the meantime, I’m gonna keep trucking with my charr lady. Hoping to get some short stories about her written!
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