#one has parents that came from doctors and lawyers families and don't support the artistic line their son is going
srabaskerville · 2 years
"haven't you watch too much drama, Akk?" The most true ever said
Revenge against the teacher that was actually a secret boyfriend?? Akk??? WTF my boy
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Teenage Daughters Chapter 7 Rory Julia
They sit together a bit later, sipping whisky. Gillian and Joe had went home after talking to them and Rory. Gil was quite relieved at how well Rory took the news. Knowing the parents needed to talk, she excused them.
“Ring me if you need me hen.” Her parting words.
Rory had fell asleep after a promise from her dad that they would spend some focused time together over the weekend. Now it was time for Jamie and Claire to talk.
“You being right next door will help, a lot.” Claire says. She sits with her legs tucked up, sipping the whisky.
“Aye. I really want to be fully involved in her life. I know it won’t be easy for you. You have raised her alone all this time.”
“I think it will be both easy and hard. To have someone to back me up when I make decisions like the one about the concert. That will be very nice. But other things, things I am sure we will disagree on. Those will be harder. It will work out though. I am grateful that a unexpected fifteen year old daughter hasn't sent you fleeing.”
“Aye, I think if it had been any of the guys I was with that weekend, they would have. I was raised better. Or it took better. So Claire, tell me about our daughter.”
“She is stubborn. Was even born almost two weeks late.” She smiles a bit at the memory. “They had scheduled a stress test. The midwife was talking c-section. I went into labor, early morning the day of. Called Gillian. Was she decided to come, she didn’t play around. The contractions were two minutes apart by the time we pulled up to hospital. I was a seven, seven centimeters, when checked. Lord transition. They say you don’t recall it, after. They lie. I really thought I was being torn asunder. Gillian’s poor hand was near broke. It took near two hours to push her out. Stubborn. She was born on April 30th. 11:05 in the morning.” He gasps.
“April 30th. The lass almost made my birthday. May 1st.”
“How extraordinary!” She stands, walks over to the bookshelf across the room. “Sorry, should already be showing you these.” She returns with a photo album. “Her first picture.”
He stares at his daughter, covered in the fluids of her first home, her red curls matted to her scalp, as she is lifted up to her mum.
“She was a big girl. Almost nine pounds.”
“Sorry.” He knew that came from his side.
“I named her Rory, in honor of the Scot who started her in me and his red hair “
“Didn't fool you with the dye job?”
“No. Your carpet was still red.” He flushes a bit. “And Julia for my mum. She is Rory Julia Beauchamp. We can add you to her birth certificate and change her last name, if you wish.”
“I do. But let's ask Rory herself. It is her name.” She smiles, continuously impressed by him.
“We shall then. I had saved enough to stay home with her through her first year. Worked only part time her second.” She shows him more pictures. Rory as an infant. “She rolled over at two and a half months. Early. Was early in all her milestones. Crawled at four months. Cruising at six. Took her first steps at nine. Precocious.”
“Nine. Oh that most have been fun.”
“It was. She was soon running. Climbing. Her first word, ball, was around nine months too. Followed quickly by no.”
He laughs. “They all learn that one fast.”
“They do. She is very bright. Was reading at three.” He looks at her startled. “Yes. Reading, reading. Not just repeating memorized books. She is artistic. Loves to draw, paint, sculpt.”
“My mam. She is the artist. Rory gets that from her.”
“I knew it came from your side. I can’t draw a straight line. Art and literature are her favorite subjects. She is a decent science student. Struggles with her maths.”
“I can help with that. Got high honors in math.”
“That would be wonderful. She wants to write and illustrate children’s books. She will be good at it. Scares me a bit though. An uncertain career.”
“You wished her to be a doctor?”
“It would’ve been nice. But I knew by third year that wasn't a realistic goal. But something more steady.”
“If it helps, as my firstborn, she will have shares in Fraser Spirits. She will also inherit half the company. Her future, no matter her career path, is secure.”
She lets a long held breath out and relaxes fully. “Helps, it is like you removed a gaint weight from my back.”
“Good. You have carried the weight and worry of her raising, alone, long enough. I will happily take my share. Now, is there anything she needs, right now? Anything I can get her?”
“Summer clothes. She has outgrown everything from last year. We were going shopping this weekend.”
“How about we all go?”
“You don’t wish to just send us?”
“Is that what you would prefer?”
“No. Not at all. It is just, recall what I said about her stubbornness?”
“She gets it from me. I will match it. Besides, my clod heid has missed enough of her life. I don’t wish to miss a moment more.”
“Thank you.”
“I will have our family lawyer Ned Gowan, arrange for the DNA test, if that is alright? It is just to protect her inheritance. Not because I don’t believe she is ours.”
“That is fine.”
“He will also arrange for you to receive the fifteen years of maintenance I am behind.”
“Jamie, you needn’t do that!”
“I want to do that. She is my child. Her care and support is my responsibility too. You have done it all. Please let me help.”
“Alright. I will give you the information on her college fund. You can deposit it there.”
“As you wish.”
“I am glad it is you and not one of your mates I took to bed that day.”
“Me too. It was a hell of a way to lose my virginity.”
“I wish I would have known. I don't recall being gentle with you.”
“You wasn’t. I didn't complain though.” He moves closer, finding her hand. “There was something that went beyond alcohol infused lust between us. There still is.”
“She is the result. Not the cause.”
“Jamie, let us see her settled, used to you being her dad before we.. I have been careful about dating around her. My last serious relationship ended over a year ago. She hasn’t know a lot of ‘uncles'. Just two. Frank, my latest ex and a bloke named Philip around the time she was ten.”
“Wow. Impressive.”
“I knew when I decided to have her, she would come first. You being her dad makes it different. But still, I want her used to that before anything more happens between us.”
“You are an excellent mam Claire. I agree. It is very late. I need home. May I come by for breakfast with Rory before school?”
“Of course. Around seven?” He looks at the time and groans.
“Aye. Missed sleep is part of parenthood, after all. One other thing, may I borrow the photo album. To get to know her more.”
“Absolutely. We will get some pictures made for you.” They rise and walk to the door. “Wasn't the dinner you were expecting, eh?”
“No. It was so much better. Thank you for our daughter Claire.”
“Thank you for the same.” He takes her hand and kisses it.
“See you at seven.”
“I will have coffee.” He smiles and walks next door.
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