#one o' those greyfaces? [ anon ]
tickingdial · 2 years
(RP request ask. Will reblog from my multimuse.)
A beautiful sunlit day in Redwood, Zora's stomping grounds.
But something felt a little bit wrong.
Against the wall of a building, a small girl rested next to someone vaguely familiar... she was definitely small, at 5'2, at least, compared to her observer. The brown haired girl cringed in the harsh light of the midday sun, prompting the person next to her to hand her a pair of sunglasses. The burgundy redhead sighed, then spoke.
"You wanted to meet Zora, right?" The girl nodded, wiping her eyes. "Mhm... Well, anyway, is she gonna be here, Myrtle? I don't know this place well... there just haven't been enough reports for me to scan through on the internet." "You'll find her, Lizzie... though I really don't think this version of her will be..." The burgundy redhead gulped. "...like the one from my timeline." "My namesake will keep us safe. She wouldn't have granted my request otherwise. Besides, don't forget your Epithet, Myrtle." The glare in the girl's eyes made them flinch.
"...she wouldn't..." The girl trailed off. "...I doubt it, but it's always better to be safe than sorry."
"Zora Salazar... I wonder what this version of her will be like. If she's anything like the one you know, Myrtle... she might keep my attention."
Well, wasn't this an interesting situation in some amount? It was something that clearly, was very much different in the usual woods of trotting, and a visit to Redwood Run after a day of hunting doesn't commonly lead to a suspicious party that's ended up stumbling into what someone might call her town. Who is she, if not curious even a little, to investigate a bit?
The sundrifter stays within at least eyesight of the strange new person, knowing that she isn't on a bounty list anywhere (as far as she knew), and knowing that means she could at least get the drop on scaring someone post-October. Get a small spook, a laugh, it'd be as simple as that, wouldn't it?
Yeah. It'd be as simple as that. Zora's hand is held upwards gently, and orange sundials begin to tick, tick, tick through the air. The trees themselves seemed to change, from their growing state of decay for the upcoming winter, to the sudden bright orange that one may associate with her kind in the multiverse. A mark that she is watching, and she wants to watch them squirm for a moment.
This'll be fun to watch at least.
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eriversible · 5 years
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Oh? Even Deku’s loud drummer classmate friend is making her avoid those anons for the sake of preserving her innocence...! A true hero confirmed!
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“O-Okay, I won’t. Does.. Does this mean the second one was lying, too..? They said the same thing as everyone else, though, so I don’t think they were...”
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tickingdial · 4 years
Is your stamina still down? Are you okay...?
"Ah'm..still pretty darn injured honestly, ain't got shits worth of my usual stamina - I need a fucking buffet for that to refill fully. So..yeah, still down, ah'm still okay, and ah even gotta new pet today!"
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eriversible · 5 years
@crimsxn-cinder replied to your post “"OI!! KID!! DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE STUPID FUCKIN' GREYFACES! THEY'RE...”
"Just! Every time one of those assholes decides to talk to you... cover yer ears!"
Eri’s still a bit confused whether that second anon’s to be trusted or not, but if Bakugou’s a friend of Deku, then he probably has good reason to tell her to do this from now on. It’s a good thing Eri’s learned to try and read into people’s words over time (kinda)...!
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“O-Okay, I’ll cover my ears my ears from now on whenever those people talk to me. I-I trust you...!”
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