tickingdial · 2 months
.. A girl can think, y'know?
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About the people that she's missing, about the people that aren't here anymore.
Years have passed. None of 'em are 'round or even really saying hi anymore, if they even were able to. She could swear Moony's basically in the shadows permanently, she doesn't know where Horizon is, Aurora got locked off somewhere.
..She misses her crew.
The sound of a flute echoes through the winds of the resort she's gotten herself to.
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tickingdial · 5 months
My muse is now in an RPG and their fate is in your hands! Send me an ask to progress the story:
✚ Quest!: Give my muse an objective to complete
⚠ Encounter!:  Send a monster or a threat my muse has to face and I’ll tell you how well (or how badly) they handled it
★ Loot!: Reward my muse with bonus experience points or items
❤ Party!: Name a character and ill decide if they should join my muse’s party
✼ Adventure!: Send me an adventure you want our muses to go on
🔑 Key Item!: Give my muse an item that they would need on their adventure
💤 Rest!: Give my muse (and their party) a few peaceful moments to relax and gather their bearings
📦 Shop!: Send a traveling salesperson to my muse and allow them to buy and sell items
💉 Heal!: Give my muse a healing event to recover their wounds
☆ Fake Loot!: Supposedly reward my muse with a cursed item
💭 Converse!: Have my muse have a conversation with a local, or their party member, to increase bonds or learn more information
💖 Blessing!: Give my muse a magical bonus of any kind
🖤 Curse!: Give my muse a magical demerit of any kind
❔ Worldbuild!: Have the mun describe the current state of the world and types of adventures they could see the muse go on with those facts
🎬 Altered World!: Change something about the current world/setting to create a new path of action
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tickingdial · 5 months
.. A girl can think, y'know?
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About the people that she's missing, about the people that aren't here anymore.
Years have passed. None of 'em are 'round or even really saying hi anymore, if they even were able to. She could swear Moony's basically in the shadows permanently, she doesn't know where Horizon is, Aurora got locked off somewhere.
..She misses her crew.
The sound of a flute echoes through the winds of the resort she's gotten herself to.
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tickingdial · 5 months
💖Blessing!: Give my muse a magical bonus of any kind
Your next shot––regardless of what you're shooting or where you're aiming––is GUARANTEED to hit, no matter how impossible it is.
..Alright, she can be fancy with this one.
She loads in her revolver, spinning the cylinder before glancing to a bottle that she set up a distance away from her - various little props and corners set up to do this stupid trick.
Before, as she shoots, she swung her arm - causing the bullet to curve and ping around in a wonderful rube goldberg chain of ricocheting and pinging around.
And she aims a finger gun, waiting for it to hit before..
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tickingdial · 5 months
✚ Quest!: Climb the tallest redwood tree you can find
. . .
She is fucking high up there.
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tickingdial · 5 months
Ooooh, vacation time for Sunny!! Hope you have a good time!!
"Oh, you already betcha!" She has her full arsenal with her, and seems to be.. mid-chase? With a familiar rat even, aiming one of her revolvers.
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0 notes
tickingdial · 5 months
15. Your muse just got good news! How do they celebrate?
Zora wakes up in her treehouse finally. It's been.. damn near days since she's gotten any kinda action, or word from the local multiverse, or.. anything at all, really? She's tired, though. Tired, tired, tired - the clank of her poncho being put on and her walking can soon be heard as she hopped down from the high floors of her wooden abode.
Landing in front of her P.O. box, she decides to look through it. Some.. type of letter, today - first one she's gotten in a while, same for the greyfaces or people just beaming asks into her mind.
Cracking it open, there seemed to be an invite.. to one Wuhu Island. Though, she damn well knew that was a Video Game Location, this was Zora Salazar, nicknamed Sunny by her multiversal cohorts. Would that really stop her?
"..n' if I'm gettin' this.. so's that rat."
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A grin comes onto her face, before she took out her blade. It seems to fizzle, turn into a gradient before - CUT!
Result: 1d20 (11)
Total: 11
The one time usage she got for this to go somewhere, seeing the expansive tropical island. A beautiful place to hang out, chill.
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Before she hops into the rift, it shutting behind her.
Zora has now changed locations. Asks are still open.
0 notes
tickingdial · 5 months
Happiness Headcanons
1. Name three things that make your muse happy.
2. What is the last thing your muse smiled about?
3. Are there any scents that tie to a specific happy memory for them?
4. How do they show their happiness?
5. Write a drabble of one of their happiest memories.
6. How often are they happy?
7. What will usually put them in a good mood?
8. What would make them happier? Winning a ton of money or meeting their potential soul mate?
9. Are they effected by other peoples good moods?
10. Describe something they have done for someone else that made them happy?
11. How optimistic is your muse?
12. Is there anything that can instantly break their good mood?
13. How does your muse smile when they are happy?
14. Describe your muses laugh.
15. Your muse just got good news! How do they celebrate?
16. Does your muse have smile lines?
17. Are there any seasonal things that your muse is always happy to see?
18. Did they have a happy childhood?
348 notes · View notes
tickingdial · 5 months
My muse is now in an RPG and their fate is in your hands! Send me an ask to progress the story:
✚ Quest!: Give my muse an objective to complete
⚠ Encounter!:  Send a monster or a threat my muse has to face and I’ll tell you how well (or how badly) they handled it
★ Loot!: Reward my muse with bonus experience points or items
❤ Party!: Name a character and ill decide if they should join my muse’s party
✼ Adventure!: Send me an adventure you want our muses to go on
🔑 Key Item!: Give my muse an item that they would need on their adventure
💤 Rest!: Give my muse (and their party) a few peaceful moments to relax and gather their bearings
📦 Shop!: Send a traveling salesperson to my muse and allow them to buy and sell items
💉 Heal!: Give my muse a healing event to recover their wounds
☆ Fake Loot!: Supposedly reward my muse with a cursed item
💭 Converse!: Have my muse have a conversation with a local, or their party member, to increase bonds or learn more information
💖 Blessing!: Give my muse a magical bonus of any kind
🖤 Curse!: Give my muse a magical demerit of any kind
❔ Worldbuild!: Have the mun describe the current state of the world and types of adventures they could see the muse go on with those facts
🎬 Altered World!: Change something about the current world/setting to create a new path of action
3K notes · View notes
tickingdial · 10 months
My muse is now in an RPG and their fate is in your hands! Send me an ask to progress the story:
✚ Quest!: Give my muse an objective to complete
⚠ Encounter!:  Send a monster or a threat my muse has to face and I’ll tell you how well (or how badly) they handled it
★ Loot!: Reward my muse with bonus experience points or items
❤ Party!: Name a character and ill decide if they should join my muse’s party
✼ Adventure!: Send me an adventure you want our muses to go on
🔑 Key Item!: Give my muse an item that they would need on their adventure
💤 Rest!: Give my muse (and their party) a few peaceful moments to relax and gather their bearings
📦 Shop!: Send a traveling salesperson to my muse and allow them to buy and sell items
💉 Heal!: Give my muse a healing event to recover their wounds
☆ Fake Loot!: Supposedly reward my muse with a cursed item
💭 Converse!: Have my muse have a conversation with a local, or their party member, to increase bonds or learn more information
💖 Blessing!: Give my muse a magical bonus of any kind
🖤 Curse!: Give my muse a magical demerit of any kind
❔ Worldbuild!: Have the mun describe the current state of the world and types of adventures they could see the muse go on with those facts
🎬 Altered World!: Change something about the current world/setting to create a new path of action
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tickingdial · 11 months
"Well, I ain't ever meet a real demon before - jus' some guys with the facsimile of bein' one with th' word soul thing I deal with."
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There was especially that one guy that didn't go down while he had worshippers so she had to kind of wipe each of them out and let the Boss mess with that part.
"Look 'fer the tallest buildin' in the city, should be there n' th'.. third floor has our sorta break room."
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She hoped there wasn't a mass move while she was gone.. it has been a hot few.. months, since she last stepped in there after the amulet fiasco.
"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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13 notes · View notes
tickingdial · 11 months
"..Hundreds of years, huh? Ain't that somethin', bein' alive for that long?"
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She couldn't actually imagine it herself. She's one of few zoras that wasn't alive since literally the western era - at best, she's from the classic Swing Era compared to all of them, reacing like.. 80-ish. Maybe 100, she lost track a bit ago honestly.
Sepulcher turns, and she's asked where she'll inevitably fall in the plan for wiping out epithets.
"I'll be givin' mine up, prolly. I got enough experience wit' th' guns, swords, even cannons that I can go without it and I usually do anyways."
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"Only reason I had t' use it against you was that damn shield, if anythin'."
"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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tickingdial · 11 months
Oh, hell yeah, it's a bumpy ride - the damn thing felt like riding out a bull on the intense desert heat, but not only has she been through worse or even fought such, she was actually clearly having fun!
The poncho she wears it left open as she rides, holding onto what she can as Calamitas asks her question, and she figures that she can divulge.. some information on Bliss Ocean. Maybe she'll even get an ally.
"We got it all th' way over in Sweet Jazz, Taiga Country. Meant t'be an organization that tries n'.. helps out th' lil' guy in my world, help make somethin' of a society without th' powers that split everythin'. No chance of people having some dumb advantage cause they got lucky." There was the return of her cocky tone to her voice, as if almost natural.
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"Though, we've been needin' an amulet or somethin' t'do that, n' it hasn't 'xactly been the easiest thing to get." The cockiness soon switched towards anger - clearly, she's lost it in the past or something, probably due to a brawl.
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"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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tickingdial · 1 year
"..Well, Bliss Ocean is an organization, not a body o' water as much as I could wish-"
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She was talking while Sepulchur was proceedingly summoned, and her fight or flight went to fight immediately as she felt danger afoot, before the fucking creature ripped out of the ground..
And then, in the midst of her ready to pull a machete since she.. unfortunately had to leave behind her sword for freshening. It was lowered.
And then was told she could ride it.
It was little before seconds as she sprung onto the undead sibling as her eyes went to brightness and pure energy, stars evident!!
"OH, Y'GOT MY THANKS FOR THIS INSTEAD O' BEIN' CARRIED ANYWAYS! Yeah, let's get goin'!! Getcha some good wine over at the buildin' n' I can get myself some aged shit."
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She felt like a damn kid again on those lil' rides! Though those, weere technically recent and a while ago.
"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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tickingdial · 1 year
"..Good for me, beats usually drinkin' alone."
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Was this.. friendship? Like the friendship that wasn't with one of various versions of her? Maybe the start, but she shrugged and could give less of a shit by herself right now.
She flubbed up what could've been huge, epic fight, and was more thinking on getting some shots in. Maybe ale, maybe that old moonshine bottle she had.
Shit, anything worked.
"You got any fancy teleportin' on you or something? I got a warehouse o' this kinda crap, or we can take it up at Bliss Ocean. One's jus' less private, mildly more fancy - dependin' on whether or not Yoomtah cricks her android 'ead in."
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Hoh, how would this woman react to that mess of crap? She could only wonder.
"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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tickingdial · 1 year
..Grmblr, grmble.
She took a second to sit up after being bopped by Vehemence, looking clearly.. heavily disappointed in herself after that kind of fall. Eyes sunken a bit and her expression looming.
"..Yeah, I can damn well tell."
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She lost her energy for that brawl, almost immediately. How does she flub up so heavily, so quickly?
"Y'wanna take a rain check on that brawl? I think I'd take some hooch over my stamina drained like that."
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"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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13 notes · View notes
tickingdial · 1 year
"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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