#one of her redeeming qualities is that she genuinely wants to help perspective scientists succeed in their careers
erthlyheavn · 10 months
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Anonymous said: Liv whats your advice to someone that wants to pursue a career in science?
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"Well, first of all, you have to be willing to put in the work. Intelligence and natural talent will only get you so far. Second of all, don't be afraid to fail. I cannot even count how many of my own my projects have failed. But don't let that discourage you! Failure is the best teacher in my opinion.
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"That being said, explore your options! If one field isn't working out for you anymore, try something new! You don't have to give up pursuing a career in science completely. Maybe you just aren't in the field that works best for you. It might also help to broaden your skillset by learning about other fields that might interest you.
However, you can't just study science. You need to be able to at least understand other subjects that will help you in your respective field; like math, computer programming, and even English!
And above all else, be curious. I know it sounds silly, but science itself was born simply because someone was curious about how the world worked."
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