#one of my favorite hobbies is making sure my ocs have lots of yummy things to eat so it works out :>
miss-mossball · 9 months
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keeping his flower nymph well-fed
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OC Question Tag- Asha and Briana
Originally posted by @azul-alvarez​ and tagged by @alqulyndrys​
I so tag: @detachhunter because I can't remember who else has OCs @granddaughterogg if ya got any
I'm only gonna do my two favorite girls, because otherwise it would take forever.
1. What is your name? A: Asha Raine Urdr? Persephone? Not sure which one you want.
B: Briana. My real name? Do I have to? My last name is Mahmoud, but I’m not telling you my first.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
A: Asha is Sanskrit and my mom thought it was funny, because we’re Native American, because we’re commonly called ‘Indians’. Yeah, she was a funny lady.
B: Because I wanted to be.
3. Are you single or taken? A: Taken... He’s not okay with “girlfriend” yet, but apparently “inamorata” is fine. He’s, like, really old fashioned.
B: Taken.
4. Have any abilities or powers? A: Yeah. “Druidic” is a loose term that a lot of people would use to describe them, for whatever reason.
B: Mmhmm.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue. A: I mean, I’ll try. (Best not to bring up the cannibalism if she’s fooling them.)
B: You can go fuck yourself with a rusty pipe. What the hell is a “Mary Sue”?
6. What’s your eye color? A: Hazel.
B: You got eyes. What? Oh fine. They’re dark brown. A lot of people say they look black or grey.
7. How about your hair color? A: It was black way back when, but it turned white a bit ago.
B: It’s naturally black. I dye it blue. Because I fucking like blue.
8. Have any family members? A: No. (Lie)
B: That’s-it’s... complicated.
9. Oh? How about pets? A: *casts a nervous glance at Dust glaring through a window* I’m not sure.
B: We have a hairless cat named Grandpa Wrinkle. Don’t tell War though, he just thinks the house is haunted. We also have Pee-Wee.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? A: I don’t like it when people disrespect nature. I mean, it provides so much and yet no one wants to take care of it. I dunno, just gets under my skin. Also when people go after my friends.
B: When people are fake or when people are mad because people are who they are.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? A: Gardening, hiking, all that good stuff. (Stealing, assassination, espionage)
B: I don’t really have a lot of time.
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? A: Only in self defense. (Lie)
B: Only a little.
13. Ever… killed anyone before? A: Of course not. (Lies, lies, lies)
B: Yeah.
14. What kind of animal are you? A: I don’t know. I don’t turn into anything like the other girls. Maybe a deer. (Lie)
B: I turn into a Wadjet, does that count? You’ve never heard of it? It’s a big snake, basically.
15. Name your worst habits? A: I chew on my lips.
B: Nail biting. I watch TV a lot.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all? A: Death is pretty tall hahaha.
B: Hoda Sha’arawi. She was such an inspiration to me growing up. My dad didn’t really approve, but he was really old fashioned. I mean, Egypt changed a lot from her time, but it was still really inspirational to hear my great-grandma talk about her.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual? A: I’m demisexual, actually, but I have been known to frequent both ponds, if you know what I mean.
B: I think I’m straight. People have told me that since I’m Aphrodite that I have to be gay or bi or poly or I’m sending a statement saying it’s not ‘legitimate’ love. But I mean, honestly, that’s just what I like and not everyone will be happy no matter what sexuality I am. All love is legitimate, and if they need someone to make them feel secure then that’s something they need to figure out for themselves. I’m not going to be less me so people can feel better about being more them. ... I’m sorry, what was the question?
18. Do you go to school? A: No, unfortunately.
B: Not anymore.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? A: I do have kids already. As for marriage, I don’t know. Never really had a great experience with it, myself.
B: Nah.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys? A: Just like the other girls, I do have worshipers. A cult or two have sprung up with some weird ideas. No, of course none of them are true. (Lie)
B: Not after they meet me. Any real crazy ones usually keep their distance. You know, because War and his murder face.
21. What are you most afraid of? A: Disappointing the people I love. Especially Death and Hadiya.
B: Spiders. That’s why we have Pee-Wee.
22. What do you usually wear? A: Depends on my mood. Florals and leather is my signature style, though. Death likes dresses.
B: Whatever’s comfortable.
23. What’s one food that tempts you? A: Sweets. (Aside from the consistently intense craving for human flesh, it’s true.)
B: Sweets, usually. Chocolate is the best. Swedish chocolate is the best of the best.
24. Am I annoying to you? A: Haha, no no. (Lie)
B: Yes.
25. Well, it’s still not over! A: Go ahead sweetie, I’m an open book.
B: Fuck.
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)? A: I grew up lower middle class. Not sure where I stand now. I’m not even around people half of the year.
B: Allah. No, I can say it. Don’t start with me. I’m a damn Muslim and I can say whatever the fuck I want. Bitch.
27. How many friends do you have? A: A small group of friends. Family, really. I grew up with Hadiya and I knew Felice before things went to shit.
B: Asha gave me her Netflix password. And Strife says hi to Grandpa Wrinkle.
28. What are your thoughts on pie? A: Love it.
B: Next question. (Gotta get some pie on the way home)
29. Favorite drink? A: Grasshoppers are pretty yummy.
B: Fruity, usually.
30. What’s your favorite place? A: I can honestly say with Death. He’s just so unwavering and sometimes I need that. What do you mean? Oh, when I’m not with him I guess my favorite place is the forest. Same reasons. It’s old and peaceful and will probably kill you if you don’t treat it with respect.
B: Home.
31. Are you interested in anyone? A: Death is the only one.
B: No. I mean, there’s War.
32. That was a stupid question… A: No, no, it’s okay. No one really gets it. Not even me. Hahaha.
B: A waste of time.
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? A: I guess a lake. Unless it’s in alligator country.
B: A pool.
34. What’s your type? A: Apparently necromancers. I mean, I’ve known 4. And I’ve had the hots for all of them. That can’t be a coincidence.
B: What’s my type... my type... *thinking hard* Hot. I like hot guys.
35. Any fetishes? A: Nothing super weird. (Holy shit, what a lie. My girl is into blood play.)
B: Heh no comment. (Dominatrix)
36. Camping indoors or outdoors? A: Outdoors with friends, indoor with Death. He’s really on edge if it’s outside and that’s not what camping is about.
B: In.
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