#one of these days i will finalyl finish sorting all my csp assets so i can stop doing things in sai. today is not that day
melodybottles · 10 months
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very quick rf4-era collette redesign doodle.... i know raven's look stays the same, but i think it would be fun if collette + rusk + marian got new looks to commemorate taking over their family businesses :'D
design notes under the cut:
hat is blaise's! he passed it down to her as a congratulations gift when she was ready enough to take over. passing the torch via hat that clashes entirely with your outfit
she did not get any taller. her shoes however did
outfit is inspired by sweet lolita! i feel like every time i try to make a rf future design it ends up being at least a little bit inspired by some form of lolita fashion... (see my old rf5 iris & kuruna designs) i specifically picked sweet bc! well. all the candy on her og design + her jpn name being chocolat
hairstyle is inspired by a comment raven makes in rf4! she chooses to describe collette as having "long blonde hair" and that is... not a way i would choose to describe collette with her rf3 design because there are So many more ways to describe her look that fit it better, so it got me wondering "what if collette had a new hairstyle that Did make that descriptor feel more apt?" which is how this all started. anyways as shown i gave her the ponytail. the hair clips are based on the stitchwork on her kerchief!
the little expressions on the right are just bc i think, based on her brother and father, it would be fun if collette was the type of person who had a more relaxed default look / expression until one of two things comes up: either food or marian. and then she gets overenthusiastic or terrified respectively
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