#one time i was playing with the sound on and i was questing in zafaria and was facing down morganthe
OKAAAYYYYY Y'all reblog/tag what was personally your funniest fucking moment of your Wizard101 playthrough (can be lore or dialogue or moments with friends, etc.)
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dawn-eyes · 2 years
I don't know your OCs, so: all the questions, for whoever has the most interesting answer.
OC Ask Game!
(I will be using Elijah, Oran, Lenora, Calamity, Anna, Mycin, and Cate for these)
Answer these for your OCs:
1. Who do they trust most? What would they do if that person betrayed them?
Oran and Elijah have complicated trust with Merle Ambrose. At first, it is Oran who is the stickler to Ambrose's every word while Elijah has no qualms with rule-breaking. But after the end of Wizard City, where Elijah is punished by the Headmaster for disobeying his orders, Elijah becomes completely dependent on him for guidance. By the end of Marleybone, it is Oran who has to intervene and help Elijah realize he can't blindly follow Ambrose without questioning anything.
2. What is their hairstyle like? Why do they do their hair like that?
Lenora's hair is long and blonde and gets everywhere. She is constantly told that having long, untamed hair can be dangerous and that she should tie it back or cut it short, but she secretly thinks her messy hair makes her look more badass. (In reality, it just makes it harder for her to see.) Also, Anna wears a hijab, since she came from Earth and that was part of her culture. It is light blue and adorned with white crystals, since she is in the Ice School.
3. Do they have any tattoos? Do their tattoos have any significant meaning?
During her time as a student of Old Cob, Cate got the rune insignia of Shadow magic branded onto her skin. No matter how many spells and potions she has tried, she can never get it removed.
4. Do they have a love interest? Do they have multiple love interests?
Lenora and Malorn Ashthorn have been dating since they both joined the Necromancy teaching staff. Which obviously made it all the more traumatic for Lenora when Malorn was killed by Malistaire in Dragonspyre. Also, Calamity and Mycin get together at some point in Zafaria. I'm unsure yet, but I think I'll also include a romance between Elijah and Oran during Marleybone (their first kiss would be on the elevator of Big Ben, while they ascend to find Meowiarty.
5. What is their biggest fear? What if this fear came true?
Calamity's biggest fear is something happening to her younger brother, John. He joins the Zafaria student exchange trip (in which he later becomes lost in Zafaria) but thankfully Calamity is able to rescue him again. She was against his coming to Xibalba to confront Morganthe with her, but before the meteor struck, she and Jade Champion were able to return to Azteca and bring him to the Spiral Door safely.
6. What’s their most important physical attribute? (I.E. special tattoo, physical ability, accessory.)
Elijah's most important accessory is the Spirit Knife that was given to him by Oran. While most weapons cannot be used against the amorphous Undead, Elijah's Spirit Knife is his most powerful tool against them.
Anna's most powerful accessory is the Sword of Kings. It was given to her by King Artorius when she reunited the realms and became King of Avalon.
7. What does their voice sound like? Are they good at singing? Speaking?
Oran has a beautiful singing voice. He is a Life Wizard and plays the classical guitar, and it's said that his singing voice can have psychological healing effects.
Shadow Magic forever changes the voice of the user. Cate's voice was once just as ordinary as anyone else's, but since her time under the tutelage of Old Cob, her voice is now deeper and has a certain disembodied, echoed feel to it.
8. What do they despise most about their life? Why do they deal with this?
Cate's answer is obvious, but she hates that she has Shadow powers and that it is a facet of her life that she can never shake behind. Calamity hates the pressure of being the one destined to defeat Morganthe, and she often finds herself wishing she had never been roped into the quest to save the Spiral.
9. Do they have supernatural abilities? What’s the stupidest thing they’ve ever done with these abilities?
Obviously as students of Ravenwood Academy they all have supernatural abilities, but specifically one time Mycin (as a Pyromancer does) accidentally set his and Elijah's shared dorm room on fire.
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