#one time we only had some other brand's sunburn soothing stuff
neon-angels-system · 1 year
now I'm curious about the health of the meowtuals. like obviously medical history is personal information that nobody needs to share. but I wonder what allergies / intolerances you guys have :O
personally, I'm mildly allergic to cats (even though I love them), and I have sensitive skin due to eczema! sensitive skin means that if I use the wrong product, my skin hurts/gets itchy, n I break out in a rash. generally irritants are added colours/scents (includes essential oils and other "natural" products :/), which is rlly annoying, cause it means I can't use any pretty looking or smelling soaps ;;
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sholiofic · 5 years
Day 27: Ransom
I got a request for this prompt with Frank and Leo. This is in the same post-apocalyptic universe as Math and Poetry and Gunmanship. All you really need to know for this fic is that Frank is a wilderness scout that Leo hired to help her find her parents in a Mad Maxian post-apocalypse world.
"Huh," the bandit leader murmured, climbing down off his bike. "Looks like he came."
Leo squinted against the dust and the glare of the setting sun. She didn't have a good view; she was gagged, hands tied, and the only thing keeping her from falling off the back of the bike they'd set her on was the fact that she was tied to it. She couldn't even wipe the dust out of her eyes; all she could do was blink, and by now it must look like she'd been crying.
She wasn't. She hadn't cried at all. Frank needed to know that.
"Get her down," the leader snapped, and the bandit sitting in front of Leo swung his leg off the bike with a creak of leather and a stink of unwashed flesh, and untied the rope that was bound to the bar behind the seat, holding her on through the unpleasant, bone-shaking ride.
At any other time she would have wanted to take a closer look at the gang's machines. They were pre-Collapse tech, and still in good shape, tricked out in various ways by their owners -- some had spikes protruding from the wheels, some had weapons mounted on, and the bandit leader had a string of skulls rattling from the handlebars. Leo wasn't sure about their power source. They didn't seem to be solar, like most of the remaining agricultural machinery. Did people have fusion reactors small enough to put in a vehicle, back in those days? She wished she'd paid more attention in class, back in the dome.
Wondering about it gave her something to dwell on other than what was happening to her as she was pulled, stumbling, with the oily taste of the gag in her mouth and her nose half clogged with dust and tears, all the way to the base of the crumbling bridge across a long-dry riverbed.
That was Frank on the other side, she was pretty sure. The sun was in her eyes. It wasn't supposed to go like this, she thought, blinking fiercely to keep the dust-tears from being joined by real tears. She was supposed to come out here and learn to be like Frank, learn to survive in the wilderness and help find her parents, not get swept up by a bandit gang after she had (it was still so humiliating she hated to think of it) gone behind some boulders to relieve herself.
She'd spent the last few hours tied up on a filthy mattress in a tumble-down cabin, so she didn't know what they'd asked Frank for in exchange for her, or for that matter, how they'd managed get close enough to negotiate without Frank shooting all of them. She tried not to think of it, but she could all too easily see him riding onward, no longer burdened by a city girl who he'd had to teach every wilderness skill from riding to shooting.
So far, they hadn't hurt her, not to speak of. Roughed her around a little, but she'd had worse falling off the not-horses when Frank was teaching her to ride, and by now she'd learned not to snivel at that kind of thing. Even though by now she'd heard plenty of crude jokes about how much of a price they thought she'd fetch in the settlements down along the Salt Lakes, wherever those were.
Managing not to break down sobbing was really the only thing she had to be proud of right now. Frank wouldn't have spent the afternoon wrestling with the ropes tying him up, facedown on a dirty, threadbare mattress while a bunch of no-good bandits using him as the butt of their dirty jokes. He would've been out of those ropes in half an hour tops; he would've killed half the bandits and forced the other half to give up whatever secret loot they had stashed around. He would've set that cabin on fire and ridden triumphantly away with a brand-new arsenal slung over his shoulder.
Even if she hadn't managed to do that, at the very least she should've been able to get out of her bonds and slip off into the desert. It was the very bare minimum, after all the training Frank had wasted on her! And she'd tried, but they had tied her so tightly that all she had was rope burn to show for it, and some bruises from when they'd put her back, not gently, after she had tried to saw through her ropes on the jagged edge of a broken board.
Frank was going to be so angry at her, and rightfully so. She'd earned a good chewing out over this, between getting herself caught and then not getting herself out of it. Everything she'd done in this situation was the exact opposite of what he'd taught her to do.
But she didn't even mind being yelled at, if he was there to yell at her. She squinted into the blinding sun as the bandit leader took hold her of her by the ropes around her sore wrists and gave her a shake. "Hey!" he shouted. "We got her right here! You bring the stuff?"
Leo closed her eyes until all she could see through the dancing tears on her lashes was a splintered kaleidoscope of sunset colors. She could just make out Frank on the far side of the bridge, with the sun behind him on the edge of the desert.
Among all the lessons Frank had drilled into her, there had been several that had to do with gaining and keeping the advantage in a fight. And one of them was about light. Sun's an asset, he'd said, after putting her flat on her back in another hand-to-hand training session. She hadn't even seen him coming, could still barely see him as she squinted up at him with the afternoon sun glaring past his head. Get it behind you, then you can see, your enemy can't.
Oh, she thought, just as Frank -- the real Frank, not whatever scarecrow he'd built over there -- came up over the edge of the bridge and shot two of the bandits before they had a chance to move.
Leo lashed out and got a foot right between the bandit leader's legs. He stumbled back with a startled curse and then Frank was there, snatching her away and flinging her to the ground -- she went down hard on her chin, with no ability to catch herself -- and then he shot the bandit leader twice in the head and whirled to face the others.
Leo lay on the ground and watched dazedly as he took on the other two, grabbing one and spinning him around and using him for a shield to shoot his buddy. She missed a little of the action as she struggled painfully to her feet, but by the time she got up, it was all over. They were dead, she thought dizzily, every last one of them. That was what she could have done, if she was Frank.
But she wasn't, and if all of this had proven nothing, it was the absolute truth of that. She didn't belong out here.
"Kid," Frank said. She must've zoned out, hadn't even seen him approach, but now he was taking off the gag, pulling it out from between her teeth and making her cough. "Kid," he said again, turning her around and finding the bonds around her wrists. He cut her hands free while she flexed her sore jaw and even sorer tongue, finding her mouth drier than she could ever remember it being in her life. Frank was patting her down, rough and a little bit frantic, and she just stood there, not sure what she could say to make it right. If anything could.
"Hey. Kid. Leo," he said, taking her by the shoulders. "C'mon, say something, dammit. I know they had you for hours, know you're probably pissed at me, but hell, just give me a sign here, say something, let me know you're okay --"
Her startled, disbelieving laugh came out on a choking cough. "Frank," she began, a question mixed with an apology, but then she got the shock of her life when he pulled her against his shoulder and just held her there.
She took a few deep, hitching breaths, just breathing in the smell of leather and gun oil with her face pressed into his coat. "I'm sorry," she gasped out, finally. Her voice sounded like she'd been gargling with rocks.
Frank made a choked, disbelieving sound. "What the hell're you sorry for?"
"I got caught. I couldn't get away. I made you have to come get me. I did everything wrong and I forgot most of what you taught me and did the opposite of the rest of it, and I tried to get away but I wasn't any good at it, I didn't do any of what I was supposed to --"
"Leo." Frank huffed it out in a sort of half-believing laugh. He started to say something, huffed another sort-of laugh, and led her away from the dead bandits, pushed her onto a sun-warmed boulder. "Sit here. They give you anything to drink? No, of course they didn't. Drink this."
She took the canteen he gave her and gulped it down eagerly. Amazing how stale, warm water could taste so good after an entire day without it.
Frank took one of her hands in his big ones, turned it over, and carefully, very carefully, brushed a fingertip over the raw, bleeding abrasions where she'd fought the ropes. He laid her hand down on her knee, reached into a pocket of his duster, and took out a jar of the salve he kept around to use on the not-horses' saddle sores and other injuries. Leo knew how much it stung (she'd had it applied to her scratches and sunburn a few times by now) so she braced herself as Frank began gently applying it to her wrists.
"Kid," he said, looking down at what he was doing, not at her. "The only person around here not doing his job is me. Keeping you safe is what you hired me to do, remember?"
All she could think to say was, "Well, I haven't paid you in ages, though, have I?"
He laughed again, another of those hoarse laughs like he hardly remembered what laughing sounded like, and he went ahead and cleaned up her wrists and then dampened a rag from his canteen and cleaned up her face. Leo sat there and let him, while the world darkened around them. She had almost forgotten what it was like to go pliant under another person's care, letting their hands soothe away your hurts and aches. It took her back to childhood, back to having both her parents at home, with a warm hug and gentle ministrations from either parent whenever she tripped carrying firewood, or scrapped with other kids in the neighborhood. All those little hurts that she thought were big hurts then.
She didn't want him to stop and she didn't know how to deal with it either, and the combination of those two feelings carried her through Frank cleaning her up, until he helped her to her feet. She limped across the bridge with his arm around her, past the stack of rocks with a hat on top (Frank snatched it off as they went by) and down into a little valley where there was a banked campfire and the browsing not-horses and her blankets already laid out for her.
"Eat or sleep?" Frank asked her, and she was too tired to answer, so he laid her down on her blankets and pulled the top one over her. She curled on her side and lay there dazedly. Frank settled within arm's reach of her -- she didn't really feel like she needed to reach out and touch him, but she could have, and that was comforting, somehow.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
Frank brushed a hand across her forehead. "Nothing to be sorry for. Go to sleep."
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jlf23tumble · 6 years
Episode 14 made me incredibly sad that my judging ot3 is no more, booooo, but it also cemented how much this whole thing is rigged, so I’m here for it. I mean, it’s pretty obvious both from the edit itself and from the connections behind the contestants getting through to the live shows, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the primo Louis content and the general garbage I’m here for! This recap is dedicated to @newleafover and @justlarried in particular and to anyone else who finds it all as entertaining as I do, too. I promise, they’ll be shorter after this!
Louis’s been told who to put through (Brendan), and he’ll do it (of course he will, he’s a pro), but I’d bet solid $$ he’s also doing whatever he can to help the ones he had to boot (J SOL) on the DL.
We pick up where we left off last night, with rosy-cheeked Brendan. "I'm excited about this," whispers Liam before Brendan starts. ORLY? Not me, I’m increasingly annoyed by him, lmao. Nile’s face as this performance goes on gives me life because it more or less telegraphs, “This kid? This one's the one Simon wants to win this bullshit? Alrighty then.”
Me as Liam midway through this performance (his commentary at the end of it = “Really great, really great”):
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Everything about this show is heavily, ham-fistedly edited, and I have to believe some of these facial expressions are copied/pasted from other performances because you literally cannot bop your head to the slowest version ever of “Nothing Compares 2 U,” Liam.
Anyway, when it’s over, Nile announces, “That song was written by a dear friend,” and god, it only reminds me of just how many people he’s worked with, the career he’s had. I can only pray that all three of them had incredibly deep conversations throughout the rest of the night, sigh.
Will I ever tire of Dermot looking vaguely hot and telling us super obvious shit, like, “Now comes the hard part, where Louis, Nile, and Liam have to decide which four go through to the live shows.” (spoiler: no):
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Will I ever tire of Louis and Liam low-key bickering and talking over each other about trivial things? (spoiler: hellz no):
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Nile says, “I'll have to be honest with you, man, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes,” and I laff and laff because I read it on at least three levels.
CAN I DIE NOW because Louis is seemingly the only judge who hangs out with Dermot (related: someone buy these blue-eyed British boys some shades, and Dermot some sunscreen):
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This is a farce, but Louis is ethereal, holy shit, he’s so emotional, so connected to all of these boys and what this ultimately means to them. Dalton is in (yay!), Thomas is out (boo, and boy, is he beet-red from both the sun and emotions), Armstrong is in, J Sol is out (BOO), Anthony is in (meh), and Brendan is in (MEH).
The best part of the chat with Brendan was Louis fairly emotionlessly saying, “I thought long and hard about this decision,” lmaooooooo. The other best part is that Brendan is the only one we see talking to his family about this shockingly great news, thanks, editors--got it!
Shitty editing means that the feedback overlaps among the boys, so you can't tell who Louis’s talking to or about, but on the plus side, lots of coodles with thumbs planted firmly in shoulders, no matter if the person is in or out. I also love hearing his “hahahahahaha,” and the occasional "loads of love" complete with Harry Styles-style bow.
After Mark Wahlberg’s British cousin Anthony is in, we get a lot of tears (and WOW, does Louis look like his mum in this whole segment :-\ ), a spot-on Anthony impression, Anthony kissing his neck, and something you won’t see on various other blogs, ahem:
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Godspeed, Liam, sobbbbb, I miss you and your eyebrows and your gold watch so goddamned much:
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We head back to Ayda/Robbie’s house for the overs, and I’ll keep this short because I really, REALLY do not care. Except to say I bet Ayda wishes Liam’s album had been released in time for this fancy pool party (in which nobody swims because it’s literally designed for children):
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Ayda’s group does yoga outside because of course they do, and it’s meant to be wacky, loony fun based on the shitty music/edit, but it’s more pointless than anything else. I soothe myself during all of this by thinking about that pool, sigh:
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The guest judges are Leona Lewis and Adam Lambert, who are both beautiful (Adam especially) and about ten thousand times more helpful than David Walliams, I mean, these two at least have lived it. And speaking of David, I’m still not over the entire leather daddy thing last night at Robbie’s house, and how it seemed to be played off as a joke? Was that a fever dream? Who else saw that and wants to explain it to me??
Anyway, back to Ayda, and I’m bored thinking about the overs, so here’s a real brief rundown: Janice and Ola were both outstanding; Ricky and Louise were both boring; Gio is ~not my fave, he looks like carrot top cosplaying Harry Styles, and I keep hearing Louis from the auditions describing his act as more musical theater than actual rock, and I’ve never felt more connected to him, sigh. Danny is very sunburned and sweaty, but he does all right...feels Bradford wedding singer to me, which is what I think he is? Very on brand, lol.
Thank Christ the actual singing is over, so we can get to the good stuff, i.e., Dermot in a tight v-neck sweater whispering in Ayda's backyard, and all the contestants pensively wandering the estate in the dark (I don’t know why it’s so hilarious, but it really, REALLY is):
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I low-key want Ayda’s (knock-off) Versace...maybe it's real? Who cares, I love it, and here she is, instantly regretting putting Gio through:
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Anyway, Janice, Ola, Danny, and fucking GIO are in, and  Ricky and Louise are out (this is so noncontroversial as to seem obvious).
In lots of ways, the overs are channeling Harry’s fashion from years gone by, so it seems kind of fitting to hear “Sign of the Times” in the background (I’m glad Harry gets some $$). “Gotta get away from here…” LMAOOOOOOOOO.
Next week are the live shows, and I can’t wait to see what happens! Nothing really will, but Louis’s promising fun times, so I’m there. Except I’m not because I have a house guest in town, and he’s a massive Harry fan, but I doubt I can make him watch this garbage show, so my recap will come on Tuesday.
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Skincare and Other Ways to Live Your Best Life
So I've had a lot of improvement in the condition of my skin (in terms of the occasional hormonal acne, and hyperpigmentation that serves to remind me how wonderful my pre-teen and teenage years were), and I thought it would share it with you all my routine. 
Let me preface this by saying that I have tried everything for my skin. I’ve tried Proactive (which only really seemed to bleach my pillow cases), Tetracycline and Minocycline, all of the top of the line products from companies such as Peter Thomas Roth. I even went through all of the INTENSE steps to get on Accutane, only to find out that it doesn’t really do anything at all for hormonal acne and hyperpigmentation - and at that point the occasional cysts I would get were few and far in between *knocks on wood*. Long story short, you name it - I have tried it. 
However, I have recently become some what of a product junkie, and have a mildly elaborate skincare routine that is relatively inexpensive, and actually works. Since I fully believe in sharing the wealth, I thought I’d share.
I start off by washing my face using Noxzema Classic Clean. Noxzema is a timeless product - something your parents or grandparents probably used back in the day. It is by far the cheapest face wash I have ever owned (about $3.99-$5.00 depending on the retailer). I found out about it through my ex-boyfriend’s mother - who actually recommended it to me to ease the pain of a sunburn, as it has a cooling effect. You can read more about Noxzema here
I then move on to toner. I use Witch Hazel. It’s incredibly soothing, gentle on the majority of skins (so don’t come for me), and again - pretty cheap. I have found that it retails for usually $3-$5, with more high end brands (perhaps with Rose Hips Oil) going for $6-$7. I have used Witch Hazel for years and I love it so much. Technically, you don’t need to use a toner, but since using it twice daily I have really seen a difference in my hyperpigmentation and the overall oil production on my face. You can read more about Witch Hazel and it’s benefits here I apply Witch Hazel to my face using cotton pads, making sure to use both sides of the cotton pad all over my face. 
Last, I use exactly 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil. As with most essential oils, you will probably want to dilute it with water, or even our good friend, Witch Hazel. Let me warn you now Tea Tree Oil is STRONG. Personally, I do not dilute it; however, you might want to at least build up a tolerance to it. Again, it is very strong - in smell and in potency. With this being said, I have used it every day for the past couple of months and have actually taken a strange liking to the smell! You definitely get used to it. Additionally, I have found that it doesn’t burn or irritate my skin, but use. your. best. judgement. Finally, Tea Tree Oil can be found cheap at many retailers. I purchase mine at Walmart for around $8 and the bottle will last me about a month and a half. You can read more on Tea Tree Oil here  I apply the Tea Tree Oil directly to my face, using my hands to massage it into my skin until I don’t feel the liquid anymore. I will say that Tea Tree Oil definitely does not feel like oil, that is to say that it doesn’t have the same consistency as something like coconut oil. 
I then proceed with my make up. 
(Skip this step if you are not a make-up wearer) I begin by removing my make up with a make up remover. Currently, I am using Clinque’s Take the Day Off make up remover. It ranges between $10-$30 depending on if you buy it at Walmart or Ulta/Sephora. However, it is easily the best make up remover I have ever used. It actually takes it all off in one quick swipe. 
I move on to using Noxzema again to really make sure I get all of the make up off.
Next, I do one of two things. Every other day, I alternate between one of two products. The first product is a Dead Sea Minerals Clay Mask, which you can get for about $3-$5. I leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, and then remove it using Noxzema and my Panasonic, but you can totally just use your hands. On nights that I don’t use my clay mask, I will use this amazing new product that I was fortunate enough to receive a sample of from Sephora - it’s the AmorePacific Enzyme Peel. Now, this is a pricey item, I won’t lie to y’all. But it makes your skin feel - and I don’t say this often - like a baby’s butt. I alternate using it because for a tube of it, it ranges between $45-60. But again - wow. It really works so well. It is also apparently one of the best selling beauty products in Korea. And it doesn’t burn or dry my skin out. I am so in love with this stuff. It’s a powder that you put a couple drops of water in, work it into a paste, and massage into your skin for about a minute. Again, I really only do this at night and every other day because it costs a pretty penny. You can read more about Dead Sea Minerals Clay Masks here and the AmorePacific Enzyme Peel here. 
I then proceed with Witch Hazel. Again, I make sure to use both sides of the cotton pad.
Next, I use my Tea Tree Oil. This time I can use a couple more drops since I’m not really concerned with my face looking a little shiny or smelling like ... well Tea Tree Oil. It just makes my boyfriend crinkle his nose because I “smell like a koala.” 
FINALLY, I finish it off with a dime size (lol more like a nickle) portion of my Curology bottle! First of all, for those of you who don’t know about Curology - it is a personalized skin care product that you can purchase online. I was able to receive my first bottle for free (I only paid $4.95 in S&H), and received it in two weeks. Curology really easy, you can do it on your phone. Essentially, you will need to answer some questions about your skin type, what your concerns are, etc. And you will also need to upload pictures of your ENTIRE FACE WITHOUT MAKE UP. Here are the pictures I took for your reference. Curology also connects you with a skin care professional to answer all of your burning questions about how to use your Curology. It also comes in a precious little box that says “I was made for you,” and I found that to be incredibly endearing. For the second box, I paid $19.95ish. The bottles also last you for about 60 days, so for how well this product works + how much money it will save you in potential dermatologist appointments is so worth looking into. Again, you can get your first bottle for $4.95, so why not? 
Then I get my beauty sleep. 
Especially if you have chronic pain, or stress/anxiety - I highly recommend the following:
Epsom Salt Baths - Personally, I like to pair my Epsom Salt baths with water that is pretty hot - almost too hot? But definitely know your limits on this one. I don’t want any of you passing out in your bathtub and turning into soup. Don’t put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby. 
For baths - while I am soaking in my warm water that reminds me of the pit of Hell from which I came, I enjoy watching Youtube series such as Ask a Mortician, Buzzfeed Unsolved, various beauty gurus, and a plethora of other subjects. What I am trying to say is - take your time in the tub. Really allow yourself to detox. 
For showers - pump up the jams, and get your inner Beyonce on. Nothing screams louder to me that something is off about me than whether or not I sing along to songs. If I notice that I am not singing to a bop I know the words to by heart, I stop for a second and ask myself what is bothering me.
You can also take some time to write down your thoughts in a lovely journal, doodle a bit, or look at aesthetically pleasing images which there are a plethora of on Tumblr. 
I also found out the other day that we have to physically help our lymphatic systems drain. An un-drained lymphatic system (so to speak) can lead to you not functioning the way you need to, and just not feeling up to anything. I highly recommend that you read up on your lymphatic system here. However, long story short - you can help your lymphatic system out by staying hydrated, alternating between hot and cold (like a hot bath and then a cold shower), practicing deep breathing, or going for a brisk walk. 
I also recommend drinking about a tea spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day. The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar are numerous; however, here are some of the most significant ones: 
weight loss, reduced cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes
Additionally - and this is important - if you chose to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar into your daily regiment, be SURE to purchase the one that says “with the Mother.” I don’t know who she is, but that is the kind you need! Without going into too much detail, it definitely keeps you -- regular, shall we say? Apple Cider Vinegar tastes, well, like sewer water some might say - so you may want to dilute it with water or juice. Also, because ACV is quite acidic, you may want to drink it through a straw so that you don’t end up completely toothless. I am currently consuming 1 tea spoon in the morning, and 1 tea spoon before bed!
Also, ACV is apparently a great alternative to Witch Hazel! 
It is also good to do little things that may make you feel good about yourself, like making your bed, painting your nails, letting your conditioner sit in your hair for a little longer, treating yourself every now and again, or maybe indulging in a little retail therapy.
Eliminate anyone from your life that makes you feel less than
Drink your water and take your meds
Make time for yourself. Do the things you love. You cannot just work, study, and go to class 24/7.
Don’t be afraid to invite people to go out.
Don’t be afraid to say no to people when you have to, this includes clubs, work, or hanging out with friends when you really need to eat, sleep, do some homework, get groceries, etc. 
Anyway, I hope that some of these prove to be helpful to y’all! I know I promised that this summer would be the summer of self-care until classes resume for the fall, and I haven’t posted as much as I promised. I do hope to be better about that. Feel free to message me with your favorite skin care/self care methods, or comment them below this post. Additionally, I hope it goes without saying that if you can’t use these methods for any reason - you won’t try them, and that I am obviously not a doctor and can’t give you medical advice. These are all just things that have worked for me this summer, and I have definitely seen improvement in my skin, body, and well-being. 
I hope everyone is enjoying their summers! 
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sootnet-blog · 4 years
Five Herbs to Block Joint Pain
Joint pain can be caused by many different things, from arthritis to bursitis to injury. Even certain diseases like mumps, hepatitis, and the flu can cause troubling joint pain. And with six different types of moveable joints in your body, you’ve got a lot of potential pain points. Whatever the cause or the location, the result greatly impacts your ability to perform throughout the day. OTC or even prescription medications can help to relieve joint pain, but they come with troubling side effects and can interact with other medications you may take. It’s always best to start with the least invasive method of pain management first and work your way up to the harder stuff if necessary. Luckily, there are several natural herbs that can effectively block joint pain without causing unwanted side effects. Following are five of the most commonly available herbs that can soothe painful joints. But first, we take a look at the bodily process that actually causes joint pain. (Hint: it points to our bodies’ tendency to take protective actions too far.) Stick with us to the end and you’ll be well-armed with natural analgesics, both topical and oral, that can straight-up improve your quality of life. Many of these may already be hanging out in your pantry. The Driver of Joint Pain: Inflammation Inflammation is a complex process that can be both harmful and helpful. It is the body’s response to infection or injury and attempts to isolate the damaged part of the body from other healthy areas. That response is critical to fighting off foreign invaders. Inflammation is a key component of healing – think of the inflammation you experience after exercise. The result is that your muscles rebuild stronger than ever. However, chronic inflammation is associated with almost every disease known to man. When left unchecked, inflammation causes more problems than it solves, including crippling joint pain. That’s why popular OTC medications, notably ibuprofen, do more for inflammation than for the pain itself. The following herbs are known to reduce inflammation and swelling, thereby relieving suffering. 1. Aloe Vera
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You probably have some aloe vera in your cabinets somewhere and reach for it any time you or a loved one has a sunburn. It is also popular for treating small skin abrasions. But aloe can do so much more! It contains more than 75 potentially active components, including aloin and emodin, which act as analgesics to relieve pain. Aloe also contains several powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. There are a couple of ways that you can use aloe to soothe joint pain. The first is the standard topical application, massaged into the painful areas. Look for aloe gel that has been certified by the International Aloe Science Council. Some generic brands contain little actual aloe, or have had the active ingredients damaged by processing. Second, you can find and take an aloe supplement orally. A capsule is quick and easy to take, but you can also buy pure aloe vera juice that has a mild flavor and integrates nicely into smoothies or shakes. Please note that people who take diabetes medications, stimulant laxatives, or diuretic medications should speak to their doctors before ingesting aloe. 2. Eucalyptus
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Eucalyptus is a well-known topical analgesic that is incorporated into all kinds of creams and ointments for joint pain. It has that strong menthol smell that we tend to associate with pain relief treatments, and research indicates that even smelling eucalyptus in the form of an essential oil can relieve discomfort. The leaves of the eucalyptus plant contain tannins, which are thought to reduce swelling and the pain of inflammation. If you have never used eucalyptus before, please test for allergies before using the product widely. Simply apply a small amount on your forearm and watch for any negative reaction, such as a rash or hives. If nothing happens within 24 to 48 hours, you should be clear to apply eucalyptus to your painful joints. 3. Ginger
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In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is given to increase blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on healing in enflamed areas. Ginger is also thought to improve blood sugar levels, protect against heart disease, lower bad cholesterol, strengthen brain function, and even reduce the risk of developing cancer. Yep, ginger does all that PLUS it tackles inflammation and reduces pain. The active ingredient in ginger is called gingerol, which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities. Early studies related to the use of ginger in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are very promising, and research is ongoing into the pain relieving benefits of this potent herb. Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or in oil form. Most people enjoy the flavor of ginger, but feel free to use a capsule supplement if you want the benefits without the taste. 4. Green Tea
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Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can choose, for lots of reasons. From improving brain function to boosting fat burning, green tea improves general wellness. It is also a strong anti-inflammatory and has been shown to greatly benefit people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Most folks simply brew and enjoy green tea, but you can also take it in the form of a tablet or tincture. A green tea concentrate allows you to add green tea flavor to all sorts of foods. And conversely, you can feel free to add other inflammation-reducing herbs to your mug of green tea, such as ginger or aloe. 5. Turmeric Turmeric is the orangey-yellow spice used to make curry. More than just a pleasant flavor, turmeric has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. Scientists now understand that the active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, has anti-inflammatory properties. Recent studies on rats have found that turmeric has the potential to slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. The National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health suggests that turmeric/curcumin is most effective when eaten as opposed to applied topically. But that’s okay, because it tastes great in all sorts of dishes. If you don’t like the flavor, curcumin capsules serve just as well. Conclusion
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Herbs that are known to reduce inflammation are fantastic natural remedies for joint pain. They help curtail the body’s overactive immune response without causing more problems in the form of nasty side effects. Some are best when used topically, such as eucalyptus, but most can be integrated naturally into your diet on a daily basis and even doubled up, such as green tea and ginger. An anti-inflammatory regimen that relies on natural herbs is very likely to reduce dependence on OTC and prescription medications, which can only improve your quality of life. And remember, all of the herbs we’ve discussed have multiple health benefits beyond pain relief. You have nothing to lose by trying! Read the full article
0 notes
astro-b-o-y-d · 7 years
Daniel experiences his first sunburn, one that he definitely didn't get by accident. So naturally, he's miserable.
[Read on Ao3]
"That is...a very fitting look for you."
"Burn in Hell, Gwen."
Gwen made a face, as if she was struggling desperately to hold back a laugh. "It's funny you should say burn. And Hell."
"Not to worry, Daniel!" David said quickly, as he hurried to the nightstand by his bed. "One of the most important parts of being a camp counselor is to be prepared for any sort of emergency! Just sit down and try not to move so much while I find the Aloe Vera."
Daniel scowled as he seated himself in the wooden chair by the desk, every inch of his exposed skin stinging from what would normally be a painless motion.
He had only experienced pain this intense one other time in his life. The moment after the poison had passed his lips and began to work its terrible magic on his insides had been followed by unforgiving, agonizing pain, that no amount of emptying his stomach contents could soothe. The painful burning of his throat and nose as his body still tried to force the poison out of his system regardless of whether or not it would be successful. The constant fading in and out of consciousness, with no knowledge as to whether or not he would actually wake up the next time he passed out.
He used to think that nothing could top that as the most painful moment of his life.
Until he had woken up that morning, the majority of his body as red and as hot as the flames of Hell themselves.
"I warned you to put on extra sunblock yesterday during swim camp," David said, as he rummaged through the drawer. "It was one of the hottest days of the year."
"I did apply extra sunblock, David!" Daniel said through gritted teeth as he pointed at the bottle of sunblock on the dresser. "In fact, I triple applied it after I watched Nikki eat about half a pound of hers."
"...And you didn't stop her?"
"As if I care about what the little gremlin puts in her body," Daniel pointed out. "Besides, it was a brand made specifically for children, meaning it was non-toxic. Probably."
David paused his search to give Daniel a disappointed look. "What?" Daniel asked defensively. "You know how she is! Plus, it's not like I could actually stop her from eating it, even if I wanted to!"
"Yeah, honestly, I gotta take his side on this one," Gwen said. "I saw Nikki try to eat a fork last week. She's a weird kid with a stomach of steel and I doubt he would have been able to stop her from eating sunblock if she was determined enough to keep doing it."
"In any case," Daniel continued. "I was also...distracted with a more important task than stopping her from putting things in her mouth."
"And that task was?" David asked, returning to his search.
"None of your business."
"It is my business, if it involves you doing something you're not supposed to be doing," David said. "What did you do?"
"It wasn't anything bad!" Daniel insisted.
"He was helping Space Kid put on sunblock," Gwen said with a smirk. "I saw him from the cabin."
"Not necessary, Gwen," Daniel said through gritted teeth, while David let out a gasp of joy behind him. "David, don't you say a single word-"
"Aww, Daniel, you care about him, don't you?" David asked, ignoring the warning. "You care about a camper!"
"I am not having this conversation with either of you," Daniel said, crossing his arms as best he could. "Can we please return to the topic of why I still got burned even after applying that much sunblock to my body?"
Gwen let out an amused noise. "Aww, is the big, bad cult leader afraid to talk about his feelings?"
"Sunblock. Not doing it's job," Daniel said, giving her a look. "Let's get back to solving that, please."
Gwen rolled her eyes and strolled over to the dresser to examine the bottle. After a moment, she flicked open the cap and gave the concoction inside a curious sniff. "...Yeah, this isn't sunblock."
"What do you mean?" Daniel asked.
"I mean, it doesn't smell like sunblock," Gwen said, and gave it another sniff. "What the Hell is that?"
"That's not possible," Daniel said. "I've used it every day this summer and it's worked perfectly-"
His voice traveled off as he began to piece things together. "...Max. Max did something to it! I know he did! He probably had Nikki distract me while he switched the bottles!"
"Now, Daniel," David said, as he finally pulled a bottle of Aloe Vera out of the nightstand and returned to Daniel's side. "I know Max can be a bit of a prankster, but-"
"Don't you 'but' me, David!" Daniel said fiercely, his voice rising. "I know he did this! I don't care what the judge or either of you say, he is DEAD! Do you hear me?! DEAD! No one on this godforsaken planet will be able to convict me after I strangle the life out of hi-OW!"
Daniel let out a cry of pain as David (a little harder than was probably necessary) slapped an Aloe-Vera-covered hand against his burned shoulder. "There's no need for talk like that," David said sternly. "I know how painful sunburns can be, but I'm not giving you a pass on the threats because of it."
Daniel glared back at him, the temptation to press his luck strong. But he couldn't deny that he was in a tremendous amount of pain, and the threat of breaking David's hand if he tried that stunt again would likely be met with either another slap, or Gwen slamming him against the nearest hard surface; neither of which sounded ideal in his condition. "At least tell me you're going to punish him for this."
"I will talk to him shortly," David assured him. "No matter your history with the camp, I do agree with you that, if he is responsible for this, it was crossing a line and he shouldn't have done it."
"Also, to be fair, you're the dumbass who left your sunblock unattended in a camp full of kids who hate you for trying to kill them," Gwen pointed out. "Honestly, that's on you, Shia Lebouf."
Daniel raised an eyebrow. "What the hell does that mean?"
"It means that you shouldn't have left-"
"No, I meant the nickname."
"Shia Lebouf?" Gwen repeated. "You know, because he wore an ankle bracelet in Disturbia?"
Both David and Daniel gave her a blank look. "Seriously? I'm the only one who saw that? ...Okay, David I can almost understand, because he's not into scary movies." She pointed at Daniel. "But you're seriously telling me that you haven't seen it?"
"I don't think you realize what it means to be part of an..." Daniel paused for a moment. "...unpopular religion that happens to dabble in...sacrificing children to appease our gods."
"It was a cult," Gwen said. "You can pretend it wasn't all you want, but it was the textbook definition of a cult."
"Regardless, such activities didn't leave a lot of extra time to peruse the selection at Blockbuster," Daniel said.
"Blockbuster hasn't been relevant for years, genius," Gwen said. "It's either Netflix or you just straight up pirate stuff online."
"Which is illegal, not to mention rude!" David added quickly. "So, don't do that or I will have no choice but to call the judge!"
Daniel let out a groan as David finished applying the medicine to his burns. "There, that should help for the time being," he said, rising to his feet.
"Great, so instead of feeling like I'm on fire every time I move, I'll feel like I'm covered in slime?" Daniel said bitterly, as he also stood up from his chair. "Aren't I lucky?"
"At least slime doesn't hurt," David said, snapping the lid of the bottle shut. "With burns as red as yours, though, I think it might be smart for you to stay in bed for a few days. Maybe a week, depending on how quickly you heal."
"Wait, hold on," Daniel said slowly. "You mean, I don't have to babysit the pack of demons for a week?"
"Not necessarily how I'd phrase it, but yes," David said. "There's no sense in making you work when you can barely move."
"So, just to be completely clear," Daniel said, as he began to back towards his bed. "You're saying I don't have to participate in any of your ridiculous camp activities for the next few days?"
"They're not my activities, they're Mr. Campbell's," David said matter-of-factly. "But again, yes."
Daniel had reached the bed before David could finish his sentence, the cool sheets and soft pillow a welcomed sensation against his hot skin. "That's the smartest idea you've had in the time I've been here, David. Actually...it's probably the smartest idea you've had period. Cherish that idea, because you probably won't have another one like it any time soon."
Gwen let out a scoff. "Uh, I don't think you can make fun of him when you were hospitalized for drinking your own poison, idiot."
"I was distracted, Gwendolyn," Daniel growled. "Also if I recall correctly, you're the one who not only decided to bring a Satanist into the camp, but you also let her escape."
"At least she could, Joseph Christiansen," Gwen said, crossing her arms.
Daniel lifted his head. "Okay, now what does that nickname mean?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"...Don't you two have activities to run?"
"Oh, my gosh, you're right!" David said. "The campers will be finished with breakfast soon! Daniel, you just try to get some rest, okay? I'll leave the Aloe Vera on the nightstand, but if you absolutely need anything else, Gwen and I will be back to check on you in a bit."
"And if you try any funny business, I'll smack your burns as hard as I can," Gwen warned.
"Come on, David, he'd deserve it."
"Noted," Daniel muttered, his head hitting the pillow again. "And don't forget to tell Max I hate him and I hope he dies."
"Yeah, yeah, save your energy, Tom Cruise," Gwen said, as she followed David to the door. "Sunburns are fucking draining and you'll be too tired to feel anything besides exhausted. Trust me."
Daniel pointed at her. "Okay, now that one's just offensive. My religion was completely different from Scientology-"
"It really wasn't."
With a sigh, Daniel let his arm gently fall down to the side of the bed. "...Yeah, it wasn't."
It took about an hour for the cool bed sheets to become hot and uncomfortable against his burns. He had long since pushed the blankets to the floor and had already reapplied another layer of Aloe Vera in the hopes it would keep the pain at bay long enough for him to nod off to sleep for more than a few minutes.
No such luck.
He wanted to be angry, no, furious at Max for his little prank. Not that he wasn't, quite literally, red with anger over it. But as Gwen had warned him (he hated to agree with anyone at the hellhole of a camp outside of Space Kid, but once again, facts had to rear their ugly heads), it felt like someone had taken a vacuum to his energy and left him a drained, burned husk of a man and he couldn't even find the energy to keep hold of his anger for long periods of time.
Not for a lack of trying, for Daniel had tried desperately. He tried picturing Max's smug little face in his mind, or picturing him doubled over in a fit of obnoxious laughter upon hearing that his little prank had done the job. But eventually, his thoughts would be brought back to his aching skin and lack of energy, a lack of energy that not even the pitcher of water that David eventually brought him could fix.
All he could do was just lie there, too hot and tired to stay properly angry at Max. And the thought of Max taking away the opportunity to even stay angry at him was making Daniel even more miserable.
"Hey, Cult Man~"
Speak of the devil.
Daniel glanced towards the doorway with as much hatred as he could muster. Sure enough, Max was standing there with a cheeky grin on his face. "What are you doing here, you little monster?"
"Just checking on you," Max said, his smile widening. "David said you got sunburned yesterday. Wonder how that could have happened?"
"I know it was you who did it," Daniel said, wincing as he pulled himself up to a sitting position. "What did you do to my sunscreen?"
"Me?" Max asked, feigning offense. "Daniel, I am surprised. I mean, anybody here could have combined baby oil and hand cream to make something that looks like sunblock, but would really end up burning your skin to a crisp and no one would know it until the next day when the damage was already done."
"I'm going to murder you for this," Daniel said, his voice low and dangerous. "You will not live to hit puberty, I can promise you that."
"Oh, I'm so scared," Max said, as he approached the bed. "But seriously, you aren't going to do a thing to me."
Daniel glared at him. "You really think this is a game, Max?"
"I absolutely do," Max said. "You want to know why?"
"Oh, enlighten me."
"Because I know that the more I push you, the more you're likely to slip up and try to kill me," Max said. "Which would normally be terrifying. However, I know that the second you lay a hand on me, David and Gwen will toss your ass back in jail before you can even blink. And say you aretougher than you look and you can deal with a few pranks for the summer. I still get to prank you in the first place and you can't do shit to stop me."
Max crossed his arms. "You can't do shit to me, but I can do whatever I want to you-"
Before Max could process what was happening, Daniel grabbed him by the front of his hoodie and lifted him so they were eye-to-eye, his sunburn momentarily forgotten while his anger returned in full force. Max's smugness had immediately melted into terror as Daniel stared him down.
"Aww, not so brave after I call your bluff, Max?" Daniel asked, his mouth curling into a wicked smile. "No rude little comments or quips?"
"Let go of me or I'll scream!" Max said, his voice shaking.
"David and Gwen are with the rest of the campers on the other side of camp," Daniel pointed out. "No one would get here in time."
"David will notice I'm missing eventually!" Max pointed out frantically. "It's one of the most irritating things about him, actually. He cares too much. And he'd come looking for me after too long! He'll immediately suspect you if I turn up dead!"
Daniel rolled his eyes. "Calm down, Max. If I was going to actually cause you harm, I would have done it the moment I returned to camp," he said calmly. "Of course, I would love nothing more then to see your blood paint the walls of this cabin. Perhaps while David was watching. I know it would really mess him up to see his little golden boy slaughtered in such a gruesome fashion, which I would enjoy greatly."
Daniel shook his head. "But unfortunately, or I suppose in your case, fortunately, it's like you said: I cannot do much to retaliate to your pranks so long as I am still under house arrest, or serving time for my crimes. However, much like your pranks, your thought process is juvenile and that of a small-minded person. For you see, much like everything else in this world, the time I am forced to serve will eventually come to an end. If our justice system was broken enough to place me in the care of the people I previously tried to kill, it'll be broken enough to lift my sentence prematurely. And the day that happens is the day I will track you down and kill you as slowly and painfully as possible for everything you've put me through."
He felt his smile twitch at the sight of Max looking more horrified with every word. "You won't have David around to protect you forever, Max. And I highly doubt your own parents care enough about you to stop my plans. So you just keep pulling your silly little pranks and enjoy them while they last. Your pranks, your miserable little life...All will end with the passing of time. Or a knife. Honestly, I'm still not sure what I'll use to kill you, but I suppose that's a thought for another day-"
Once again, Daniel let out a loud cry as Max's tiny palm hit the reddest part his arm as hard as it could, and he instinctively dropped Max out of shock. With another slap for good measure (this time to his shoulder), Max jumped off the bed and raced for the door in a panicked fashion. Pain surged through Daniel's entire arm as he watched Max go, and he fell back against the pillow again with a groan, only to let out another cry of pain as his burned back hit the mattress too hard.
Great, now he was even more exhausted than before. Fucking Max.
"And how is the bedridden doing?"
"I'm going to kill Max," Daniel said, an arm over his eyes. "I'm going to kill him. He is so dead."
David shook his head as he approached Daniel's bedside. "Look, I really hate to be such a downer, but I must ask that you stop saying that. Unless you really want me to give the judge a call."
"Do you not see what that little demon did to me?!" Daniel asked furiously, removing his arm from his eyes. "Come on, David, just let me have my threats! I have nothing else!"
David picked up the bottle of Aloe Vera. "And that isn't Max's fault, now is it?"
"...Yes!" Daniel pointed out, and held out his arm. "It's entirely his fault! Well...his fault and yours. But honestly, I'm positive I would have definitely succeeded in my plans had Max not intervened. You were less of a threat and more of an annoying distraction than anything-ow, ow, OW! You're doing that on purpose!"
With a glare, Daniel rubbed the spot on his arm where David had 'accidentally' squeezed a little too hard. "I asked you nicely, Daniel," David said with a smile. "Now stop talking and let me reapply the Aloe Vera without all your negativity."
Blue eyes met green in a vicious silence, before Daniel huffed and looked away in defeat. "Between the arm pinching and the warning you gave me when I returned to camp, I'm starting to believe you have more of a dark side then you let on," he said.
"I wouldn't exactly call it that," David said, as he applied the medicine to Daniel's skin. "But I have my limits. And you've been pushing them ever since you got here."
Daniel raised an eyebrow. "And Max doesn't?"
"Max is a young boy with a lot of issues that are not necessarily his fault," David said. "You are a grown man who not only made the choice to kill one group of campers, but attempted to do it again and tricked me in the process."
"It's not much of a trick if you're simply too dense to see what's right in front of you," Daniel pointed out. "I wasn't exactly hiding it. And again, a ten-year-old picked up on it pretty easily-OW, okay, okay, I get it. I'll stop."
"There's a lot of things I'm willing to forgive, Daniel," David said, once again loosening his grip on Daniel's arm. "And I really would like to forgive you, as difficult or impossible as it might be. I was serious when I said I considered you a friend, and I'd very much like for us to go back to that."
"I don't need your forgiveness or your friendship," Daniel said, making a face. "I don't care what you or anyone at this camp thinks of me."
"What about Space Kid?" David asked, his smile returning. "He did ask if you were okay when you didn't join in today's activities."
"Don't try and play therapist with me, David," Daniel said. "Save it for the campers."
David stared at him for a moment, before he set the bottle back in place on the nightstand. "Very well. I'll come and check on you again in a little bit. I'll be sure to grab an additional bottle of Aloe Vera from the mess hall, because you're probably going to need a lot more. The sun really did a number on you."
Daniel settled back down with a sigh. "Yes, thank you for stating the obvious. I mean, next you're going to tell me that you're wasting your life playing babysitter for a bunch of ungrateful children."
David froze in the doorway. "You know, you can insult me all you want. I'm more than used to it." He turned back around to face Daniel. "But I don't really see how me being able to do my dream job for a living is a bad thing. I'm here because I love this camp and everyone in it. You're here because you tried to destroy all that. So really, which of us is that supposed to insult?"
Daniel was silent, mouth slightly agape as David turned back to the door and left him alone again. He stared at the doorway for a few more minutes, before his scowl returned and he once again tried to get comfortable against the bed sheets.
He had a feeling that being bedridden for a week was not going to be as enjoyable as he originally planned.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
How I Got Started with Herbs (and You Can, Too)
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/how-i-got-started-with-herbs-and-you-can-too/
How I Got Started with Herbs (and You Can, Too)
When my daughter was a baby, she had chronic diaper rash.  (And eczema, and diarrhea, and….)
I didn’t yet know anything about natural health.  At all.  We ate fast food, and packaged meals.  We had lots of over-the-counter (OTC) remedies around the house that we used any time we didn’t feel well.  I had absolutely no clue.
I tried everything to help her diaper rash, which would start with a bright red bottom, and progress to open, bleeding sores.  I slathered her butt in the white cream constantly, let her go diaper-free when I could, switched her into disposables until the rash cleared and cleaned my cloth diapers well.  Nothing really worked.
I did what all good parents do — I took her to the doctor.  I showed the doctor the rash.  The doctor took a cursory glance, told me it was bacterial, and prescribed an antibiotic cream.
I filled that prescription, and put the cream on her that night.
The next morning, not only was her diaper rash not any better — not even slightly — but the her eczema had flared up a lot.
I was disgusted.  I threw the cream in a drawer and never used it again.  I was sure that I could come up with something that could do a better job than that.  There had to be a better option, that actually worked, and that did not make things worse!
Looking for a Better, More Natural Option
I knew nothing about herbs.  I searched online, trying to get a feel for what my options were.  I came up with comfrey leaves and calendula flowers being good for skin healing.  I knew nothing else about them…but decided to go with it.
I made a ” tea” with water and herbs (totally guessing on all of this), then blended it with sweet almond oil, beeswax, shea butter (to make it thicker), coconut oil (because it was anti-bacterial and anti-viral), and lavender essential oil.  It wasn’t perfect — I later learned that using water was a bad idea, because it could separate or mold without other ingredients in it, but, it was the only way I could think of to do it.  It felt super weird to use a thin, clear cream instead of a thick, white cream like I’d always known…but I had to try.
But it worked.
It cleared up the rash in one diaper change.  It didn’t stop it from coming back, because it turned out she had a bunch of food allergies that were causing the chronic diarrhea, which led to the rash.  Once we cut those out of her diet, we were able to heal the rash for good.  (That’s a long story — you can read about it here, with an update here.)
That was my very first foray into using herbs.  I had no clue what I was doing, no one to guide me, nothing at all…and still I found something that worked.
(If you’re curious, this is the diaper rash salve I make and use now.  It works, too, and I promise it’s easy.)
How I Got Started with Herbs (and You Can, Too)
I learned more about herbs over the next several years.  It was a lot of trial and error.  I searched online when I needed something, and began to gather a list of things that worked.  I started buying herbs in bulk, first in tiny amounts, and later in large amounts.  I regularly have 10 – 15 lbs. of different herbs in my kitchen now!
It was hard to learn all the herbs I could use, how to use them, how to prepare them…and more.  And I still often feel like I’m only at the tip of the iceberg on herbal knowledge.  I hope, someday, to study for a Master Herbalist certification…but that will have to wait awhile longer.
Trial and error wasn’t a terrible way to learn.  But a lot of people aren’t really into that.  It’s nerve-wracking, to be with a kid who doesn’t feel well and not know what to do.  To worry about if you’re doing the right thing…or if you could even be hurting your child by misusing herbs or essential oils.  A lot of moms, despite really wanting to get into natural remedies, just won’t take that risk.
I totally feel you.
I’m a self-starter, an experimenter.  It’s just kind of my personality that I don’t let anyone else tell me what to do (sometimes to my detriment!) and I always have to learn the hard way.
But many of my friends, they’re not like that.  They want a plan to follow.  They want to know exactly what they’re getting into.  If someone hands them a book and says “Make the recipe on page 30, and use it like this,” they will do it.  They need clear directions, and a few successes to get them feeling comfortable with natural remedies.
Is that you, too?
I can help!
The Ultimate Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle
This is a really cool collection.  It’s called the Ultimate Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle.  It’s a very focused library of herbs and essential oils resources from beginner to advanced.
There are 21 different resources in this bundle.  Some of which I’m using for myself, to learn even more!  (I’ve already begun the Vintage Remedies ecourse, Herbs & Oils: Beyond the Basics, which is normally $197.)
Today I want to highlight just some of the most basic stuff.  The stuff that you need to get you started and feeling confident in treating sniffles, coughs, and similar things…right away.
Safe EO Labels
This bundle includes a set of 30 essential oil safety labels, created by Lea Harris, certified aromatherapist and one of THE top EO safety experts.
Each label tells you:
Whether it can be used on children, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, and or dogs and cats (inhaled and topically)
Maximum ‘strength’ for topical use (correct dilution)
Shelf life
Contraindications for use
Latin names
  These are labels you could easily print out and wrap around 10 – 30 ml bottles so that safety info is immediately at hand.  Or, slip the entire sheet of paper into a folder, or clip to your fridge.  No need to look up safety info in many places or wonder!
Value: $19.99
Essential Oils: Separating Myths From Truths
This is written by Kristen Smith, who’s currently studying to become an herbalist.  Plus, I’ve met her and some of her children in real life and she’s very sweet and very passionate about all of this.  She showed me an awesome little nursery and herbalism store!
If you’re confused about essential oils, and don’t know who to trust, this is a great book.  Kristen is not a rep for any EO brand, and does not discuss any brands in the book.  It is completely coming from a neutral point of view.
This book addresses such commonly-heard phrases, like:
Therapeutic-Grade Oils
Scent Indicates Quality
There’s No Research
It’s All Placebo
Pure & Natural Means Safe
There’s an Oil For That
Flavoring Water with Oils
Perfectly Safe for Moms and Littles
…and 17 more
  Basically, if you’ve heard it passed around as “advice” on social media, it’s addressed in this book!
Value: $9.95
Common Sense Home Remedies, #1, #2, and #3
Laurie Neverman of Commonsense Homesteading wrote these short books.  I haven’t met Laurie in real life, but we are friends on Facebook and I really enjoy her humor. 🙂
There are three of them, each focused on one specific topic.
#1 — Skin Remedies
Perfect for summer!  Starts with sunburn remedies (a whole bunch of them).  Then, it’s bites and stings.  After that, splinters, warts, acne, and even dry skin!  (That last one is probably better for winter.)
#2 — Tummy Troubles
This is possibly better for winter (which will come before you know it), but is really good year-around.  There’s help for upset stomachs, acid reflux, nausea/vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and gas.
#3 — Head, Throat, and Chest
This book is excellent for the winter yuckies!  There are sections for headaches, canker sores, earaches, sore throats, coughs, and congestion.
Each of these books is laid out with several remedies listed very simply in each section, with a description of how, when, and why to use it.  They’re very folksy, down-home type books — not medical advice, but what you really need to know to treat the “basics” at home, naturally.
Value: $8.97
The total value of just these three resources is $38.91.  They’re only three out of twenty, including that almost-$200 ecourse I mentioned above.
The bundle sells for only $29.97…which is a total steal, whether you’re really only interested in these three books, or if you were interested in several others.
There’s also DIY Lavender Creations.  This one is neat, because it focuses heavily on just one herb.  It has sections for facial care, body care, hair care, bath recipes, cleaning recipes, recipes (food) with lavender, anxiety and stress remedies, headache remedies, sleep, crafts, and more!  It’s really thorough.
Just a small sampling of the recipes/remedies you’ll find:
Foaming Facial Cleanser
Lavender-Clay Face Mask
Dry Shampoo
Lavender Body Oil
Soothing Bath Salts
Bath Fizzies
Lemon-Lavender All-Purpose Cleaner
Moth-Repellent Sachets
Honey Roasted Chicken with Lavender
Lavender-Infused Chocolate Truffles
Quick Apple-Lavender Jelly
Raspberry-Lavender Soda
Calendula-Lavender Healing Salve
Insect Bite Soother
After Sun Spray
Simple Lavender Soap
…and tons more
  It would take you a year or more to actually try all the recipes in this book!  That’s pretty action-packed.  It retails for $5.99 (which is way too low for all that’s in here!).
Mama and Baby Herbal Wisdom
This is my brand-new book, not available anywhere else!  It’s all about herbs and natural remedies that are safe during pregnancy, and with our most precious little ones.  I’ve been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for over 9 years now, so I pretty much only use herbs that are pregnancy and breastfeeding-safe!
In this book, you’ll find beginner info, like the 10 easiest natural remedies chart (using things you probably already have at home), plus how to make salves, tinctures, teas, and other basic preparation.
And, tons of awesome remedies, like:
Herbal Magnesium Lotion
Cramp and After Pains Tincture
Simple Pregnancy Tea
Postpartum Recovery Tea
Nipple Butter
Mastitis Salve
Colic Tincture
Teething Tincture
Good Night Lotion
…and more!
  Some of these are my favorite.  We use the teething tincture and good night lotions often!!
The book retails for $7.95.
The Bonus Offers
In addition to all of these books (plus several I didn’t mention), there’s an offer for 50% off your order with Golden Poppy Herbs.  What’s neat about this store, is that they sell their bulk herbs in 1/2 oz. quantities, so you can get tiny amounts to try and not commit to having a ton of something around if you don’t know that it will work for you.  It’s a pretty good deal, to get 50% off too!
That bonus is available to anyone who purchases the library.  But I’m also offering an additional bonus, that is exclusive to Modern Alternative Health readers!
This bonus is a short set of printables.  They’re your cheat-sheets to using natural remedies quickly and easily.  The pack, which is called the Quick Guide to Natural Remedies, includes:
Tummy Remedies
Respiratory Remedies
General/Misc Remedies
When to Call the Doctor
  Nothing in here is medical advice, it’s based on my own experiences as a mother of 5 children (and some advice I received from some excellent doctors I know). 🙂
The Bottom Line
So basically, what you’ve got here is an awesome package.
16 awesome books + printables + ecourses + bonuses (buy here).  It’s worth hundreds…but it will cost you only $29.97.
Seriously, don’t waste your time experimenting and hoping for the best like I did.  Why would you, when you have this amazing collection at your fingertips?  You’ll have the info you need, right now, to help your family to better health.
If you’re not quite convinced that natural remedies are better — maybe you think they’re a good idea, but when your little one really isn’t feeling well, you still reach for the Tylenol — definitely come back on Friday.  I’ll be explaining why that’s not a good idea, and why we don’t use any OTC medications anymore.
Of course, this collection is the perfect answer to “what to do instead,” so no worries! 🙂
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