#one timr a random ferret came into the house when i opened the door and i was terrified
spitinsideme · 4 months
Well, what animals are you totally NOT afraid of then? Like the ones that you'd always be fine with being around
cats !! i have a cat, shes great ! id pet a stray cat if they looked calm enpufh and in a mood to be touched .. alll other animals thouth ? not really !! i have a huge fear of getting bit by an animal and then getting rabies and BOOM dying !! and all mammals carrt rabies !! i went to sicily once and went out fot a walk at night and i saw a bat (far fron me in the sky) and i ran back home so fast that i almost tripped three times, i would notbe able to live in lijr any place in like amrrica or asia because if i saw a lizard or a weird fucking insrct ??? id leave immedialy i woukdnt get any sleep !! i see videos where therws just like bears around in the forest and people go on thosr fuking forests ?? and its common to go there ?? with fucking bears ??? i cant do that .. thats not me ... i wpukdnt even go NEAR a country where bears are a possibility ... im a pussy .. if i see a tiny mouse i get scared that they will bite me and i will die .. i cannot do it .. i have a fear of insects i cant even be in th3 samr ROOM wi5h a fly, mosquito, ladybird, moth or ANY flyong insect because i am too scared and my hesrt is beating si fast im 10 seconds away from gettimg a hesrt attack !!!! i have never seen a roach but from what ive seen online if i did see a roach id call the hospital immedeiately because i will have so much stress in thar one moment that im probbaly going into shock and my hestt will stop due to the high bpood pressure inside me .. we have those fucking crane flies here i am SO TERRIFIED OF THEM !! AND I MEAN IT !!! ONE TIME I SAW ONE NEXT TO ME AND I 9ANICLED SO HARD I FELL ONTO THE FLOOR ROLLED OVER AND BADHED MY HEAD INTO A WALL BY ACCIDENT AND THEN GOT UP, SLIPPED, BAMGED MY HEAD INTO THE OTHER WALL, AND JUST CRAWLED FRANTICALLY ALONG THE FLOOR TRYING TO OPEN THE LOCKED DOOR AS FAST AS POSSIBLE !!! I AAS SO FUCKING SCARED !!!
i realise i talked mostly about insects but i am afraud of all animals equally to me a rat abd a bear have the capabiloties to kill me even in different ways and a chicken fucking chaded me down once into a bathroom when i was like 10 and that was actually quite terrifiyong they fucking chased me across the playground into the classroom and into the fucking bahtoom i literally climbed on top of a sink because i wss scared and the fucker wouldnt leavr me alonr .. i have alwyad been a cowrd i was born with fear in my body
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