#one way or another I guess we're returning to Ukraine
doli-nemae · 2 years
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Wanted to draw my Sith Inquisitor but I'mm too broken to draw something normal so I drew myself.
I'm so fucking tired. I just want to go back home.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
"Sarcasm" : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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Chapter Summary : Yirina is remembering who is Stitch to her before arriving to the New Jersey with Park & Sims
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3600
Warning : little NSFW content !
The cold air of Ukraine was accompanying us on the way back to a Perseus base as I was with Zasha themselves after apparently another training in sniper rifle but on our faces, we could see that we were angered in the inside, mad to still be there with Perseus. Of course, we were wearing our usual military outfit, holding in my hands a very well cleaned no-scoped Mosin-Nagant as Zasha had one with a scope.
We were walking on a dirt path and at our sight, we could see the entrance of the guarded base and before we arrived in front of it, I stopped Zasha by myself, leading them just behind a military truck, hidden from the guards view. It was sure that I needed to have a private talk with them & my actions meaned that it was very important to do this.
"Ok, you're sure to do this ?" I asked to them, peaking my head one last time around the truck to check if nobody was here before looking at them again.
"We have to do this, we can't stay here any longer." They replied, sure of their response.
"I understand." I breathed, leaning myself against the truck. "Any news from Dedov ?"
"He....he has arrived in England and he's awaiting for me to come." They said in a low voice, cracking to talk about this.
"Listen." I moved my hands on their arms, trying to reassure them. "We're the 3th of January, we just need to prepare further our plan and then, the 6th, we're off the USSR in our way to England." I added, grinning at them. "We're going to do this, Zed. You, me, Portnova & Dedov."
"Not Freya ?" I shook my idea at that.
"It seems that she's no longer the Freya Helvig I once know." I exclaimed, sniffing in desesperation. "She still claims that she loves me but I could see the lies in her expressions & voice."
"Did you break up with her ?" They asked, looking curious at me and again, I shook my head.
"Will do it before we all left the country." I whispered, adding to my shaking head, holding back the tears inside of me. "Single again...." Then, I could feel a tear coming out of my right eye
"Come on, Yirina." They put their hand on my left shoulder, having seen my tear from my eye. "You're gonna get through this, we are going to do this."
"I know..." I cleaned the tear from my face before I removed myself from the truck. "There will no step back for us to do." They nodded, understanding the risks of our plan.
"Yiri is a little bit disturbed to flee the country but she prefers to live a better life with me than staying alone in a KGB office." They told me, talking about Portnova with emotions. "I gave her Beans for the moment until we came back to Moscow today."
"Don't worry, Zasha." I gave them a little friendly tap before I start to move. "Let's go at our car to leave this place." They nodded as we got away from hiding behind that truck.
We returned to the Perseus soldiers sight who kept the entrance & they allowed us to enter in the big yard with a lot of cars and military trucks. They were also soldiers walking around the place either for their training or to patrol the sector, we didn't focus more on the surroundings and more instead on walking to get on our own car. We started to pack our things in the car, removing the backpack we had and put them in the backseats, no one was disturbing us....no one.
"Grigoriev !" I could hear a man yelling at me and I looked at where that guy was to discover a man, wearing a blask mask and a black hood too.
"'Stitch' !"  I exclaimed fully annoyed by seeing that man before I looked briefly at Zasha "Stay near the car." I whispered at them as they were at the other side of the car with back right door opened before I closed my door to have my eyes on Stitch. "What do you want ?"
"You already leaving us ?" He asked, crossing his arms, sounding more provoking at me.
"Yeah..." I started, sounding a fake happy. "Can't stand any more to see your face around." I added, making a silent laugh.
"It's sure that you don't change." He exclaimed at me, sure of him.
"With you, I can't, one-eyed dumbass." I smirked before I could see him decross his arm to clench his fists in anger.
"Remove that words from your stupid mouth, Grigoriev." He pointed at me with his left hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, starting to move to face him, my hand on my chest, fainting to apologize and to be outraged. "You would have preferred other things like stupid asshole or fucking douchebag." I spread my arms to make him hit me as people start to gather around us, awaiting for the fight to break.
"Not going to work on me, сука !" He told me, trying to keep his cool and angriness in control and still clenching his fists.
"Guess you have better things to do like....." I rolled my eyes, thinking of something. "Fucking with Naga or....no....getting fucked by Naga."
"Don't...." He poked me on my shoulder, wanting me to stop.
"Did you like it rough, Stitch ? Do you want me to fuck you harder ?" I exclaimed, apparently retaking Naga's words as I supposely heard one day and that was enough for Stitch.
He looked at me with his deadly remaining eye before trying to throw an punch at me in rage that I was able to avoid in a quick move before I start to react by myself, successfully removing his mask off his face and then, I punched him in the face, causing him to step back. The others were cheering to see blood and if they wanted to see broken bones & blood, so be it ! After he step back, I waited that he striked again on me to make my move. As he tried to punch me with his right fist, I managed to grab him by his collar and to headbutt him.
After that, I make him roll over me, still holding until he touch the ground on his back and once he was on it, I moved my right leg to put it above the back of his neck to not make him move at all. I then grabbed his left arm with my two arms, with the intentions of breaking it.
"Want to say sorry ?" I asked him, having him on the ground.
"Иди нахуй себя ! (Go fuck yourself !)" He replied, enraged at me.
"Wrong answer !" I then proceeded to break his left arm with my hands but also with my other leg, causing him to curse and scream at me in russian as I was continuing in my moves and the soldiers around us were surprised by that.
"Yirina !" I could hear a female voice coming from the soldiers to reveal Freya herself, pushing the soldier in her path away. "Stop that immediately." She ordered me as I wasn't stopping until I decided to give a last kick on Stitch before I let him free by getting up, enough of beating him.
I decided to return back to the car where Zasha was waiting for me, near it. They were pretty amazed by what I did, not having any blood or something broken on me. The only thing  I broke here was my  links with Perseus....and Stitch left arm. I was going to enter the car until I felt a hand on my left shoulder.
"We need to talk, Yiri !" It was Freya herself, sounding apologizing.
"Don't call me like that, I'm not your 'Yiri !" I exclaimed, sounding angry at her, not wanting to have a talk with her. "Stop taking me for just an stupid redhead woman."
"No, it's not like that."  She tried to say, confused. "I love you..."
"Oh, yeah, you love me....uh..." I looked at her with wide eyes, not believing a word from her. "And what about Sonya ?"
"So-Sonya ?" She asked, not understanding me at all.
"Again, don't take me for stupid, Freya !" I told her, poking her. "I saw you multiples times making love with them and hearing you saying that you love them to the death." I looked away, taking a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you !" I affirmed, sure of my own words as she start to panick at me.
"No, you can't....you can't do that to me." She was losing her words, her voice cracking by that.
"Perseus has been lying to me on my life for years and you still want to follow him, you made me sick, Freya." I said, getting more & more angry in my voice. "Where's the Freya I once knew ?" I asked to her "Where is she for fuck sake ?"
"No, don't say anything." I cut her straight, fully angered now before I looked at her right hand, precisely on a ring. "Give me back my mother ring." I said as I take her hand to remove the ring and surprisely, she wasn't doing anything to counter me, still shocked by hearing this news. "I wanted to engage you for real but now, this is the past, we should have never been together."  I then put the ring in one of my pocket before I decided to go into the car.
"Please, Yirina, I'm sorry." She tried to make me change my mind, putting her hands on the car window as Zasha was getting into the car, next to me.
"Say that to your Sonya." I told her from inside before I started the car engine and then drove off the place with Zasha, not even looking behind me as we left the base behind us.
"I did the right choice !"
"Yirina !" Someone was nudging me as I was sleeping in the car that brought us to New Jersey. We had to quickly leave the New Orleans and we had decided to take the car as a mean of transport instead of the plane, making at least 19 hours of long trip between the two states. I slowly opened my eyes to discover Park was the one who was doing this to me.
"Aw shit, we're arrived ?" I asked as I was awakening in the backseat of the car, redressing myself to see that the car was stopped somewhere, looking as a military base and in the evening as we left the New Orleans at 1 AM. She nodded at me with an smile.
"Yeah, you started to sleep after we got through Washington." She replied at me before she opened the door of the car to let me get outside, allowing to strech up my body, tired of have spent hours in that car.
"You were sleeping like an baby !" Sims exclaimed at me as he was getting our stuff out of the car's trunk. It was the only the three of us, Wolf stayed in the New Orleans as he was assigned to the place we lived in for days.
"At least, someone didn't decide to woke me up brutally." I scoffed at him, making him remember the bad thing he did on me and laugh too as I moved to get my own bag. "I wasn't so noisy ?" I asked, curious.
"You talked a little." Park responded as she took her own bag, given by Sims. "I didn't hear what was this about and Sims neither." She then give me a little tap on my arm "You can maybe tell me later if you want." I nodded to her before I looked around.
"So, this is the place we had to join Adler..." I whispered as I was seeing the base we were now. "What's the name of the place ?"
"Fort Dix !" Sims answered, closing the trunk of the car, with his own bag in hand. "We're just staying for dealing with Stitch before we start to find a new place for a safehouse." He added before he start to walk to get into a building as we soon followed him.
Stitch.....his name was Vikhor Kuzmin....and he was the brother of that Sonya. It was weird for me to not remember him clearly and that memory I just had, now I could remember him. How I was able to break his arm like that as he was more tougher than me ? Must say that I'm still surprised by that myself. Now, we are trying to stop this guy who is in the US without knowing exactly what are his plans in here.
We entered the building with Sims & Park as Sims was leading the way for us. He knew the place very well and some of the guys too, greeting them on the way before we finally arrived in a sort of briefing room where we could see Adler, already dressed in his military outfit, apparently didn't change himself since he arrived here, standing next to a projector and there were Woods & Mason present too but also an man holding a sort of riot helmet and a woman in a baseball cap, having syringes along her arm.
"Sims !" Adler greeted him as we got inside the room, shaking his hand with an smile before he looked at us both with Park. "Park." He nodded at her, hesitating to shake hands with her but they did anyways before Adler looked at me. "Yirina." He said in a low voice and we shook hands....weirdly.
"So, how was the New Orleans ?" Woods stepped in, sit on a chair alongside Mason, asking that to us.
"Pretty nice....." I started with an little smile. "If we don't count the Ku Klux Klan." I added, almost laughing before I sit down....and realized that everyone except Park & Sims looked at me with wide eyes as they didn't believe that I will say these words.
"Let's just say that Yirina was able to meet those guys from up close." Sims snorted to all of them. "In short, she was captured." He added as I could see Woods & Mason sort of amazed by that story.
"At least, she's still alive." Adler breathed, not even wanting to know more before he pointed to me & Park the two person that we don't know. "Yirina, Park, I'm presenting to you Zeyna Ossou from the DGSE." He started by the woman, who waved at us and we returned the favor "And this is Wyatt Jones nicknamed 'Bulldozer' from the US Marines." He pointed at him, who nodded at us as a sign of politeness.
"Our good old Bulldozer !" Sims exclaimed, looking at Jones.
"See that you didn't change at all, Sims." Jones said back to him.
"Okay, time for me to explain the situation !" Adler interrupted the friendly situation as he started to move next to the projector and turn it on to reveal the picture of the good old Stitch himself, still masked...wearing an prisoner uniform. "This is Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin, he was the the production chief of the Nova-6 in Rebirth Island until the CIA raided the place." By hearing the place's name, I could see briefly Mason getting a little bit out of him, like a blank stare on his face before he came back to normal.
"I guess that you know him well, Adler, since you were there that day, I believe." Woods said, calling out Adler who slowly nodded.
"We got him captured but he wasn't so helpful so...." He scratched the back of his head, thinking. "I make him lose an eye." He breathed, looking at all of us, trying to catch our reactions....I guess nobody was surprised on how far Adler could go in his brutality.....I know that very well..... "He left an message for us in West-Berlin, explaining why we are here in New Jersey."
"You know well that it's a trap, Adler." Zeyna exclaimed.
"Yeah but you know also well that innocents are gonna die if we do nothing about it." He replied back to her, almost going to get angry for sure before he showed us a picture of a mall. "He has moved to an commercial mall called 'The Pines' and by what I heard, it's been days that the mall was closed."
"So, what's the plan ?" Park asked to him
"We broke in and we kill Stitch for good." Adler replied.....Hmmm....that's not an plan....but just the mission in general.
"That is the plan ?" I questioned him, biting a part of lips, looking not so sure to go into that place without an perfect plan. "We can't enter if we don't planify this...."
"Listen, we don't have time to do this kind of stuff, Yirina." He cut me straight, causing me to get up from my seat, not angry but just to confront him. "Stitch is unpredictable and having him around can't make us wait..."
"So, your plan is to send us inside a trap and to improvise ?" I cut him this time, crossing my arms above my chest. "Tell me if you got other plan to get rid of me, it would be perfect." I added, my grudge against him coming back before the door of the room opened.
"Adler, we got the reports for...." I turned around to see.....Hudson....after 3 years ago, the man that saw me like nothing and when our eyes met, I could see his shocked glare on me, seeing me alive after all these times. "What the fuck ?" He whispered before he looked at Adler. "What's the hell is this ?"
"Zeyna, Jones...." Adler started, getting his look on the two. "You might need to leave the room for an moment, there will be an private talk that you shouldn't witness." He suggested and the two...had no choices but to comply for it and got up, leaving the room in no time. Now, there were just me, Park, Mason, Woods, Adler, Sims & Hudson...the Egghead. "Listen..."
"I told you to dispose of her three years ago, she's an threat to the national security !" Hudson exclaimed, sounding angry to him and I could see Park stand to get on my side.
"She's under my...."
"I don't give an fuck about you think !" He cut her like that, making me angry inside of me....deep breath, Yiri !....."She is an enemy, end of the story."
"Is this what you think ?" I asked him, finding the courage to face the man himself. "I did maybe put the world in danger by inadvertently discovering Greenlight while I was working with Perseus but I did avoid him to blow your fucking work !" I said, giving my thoughts on the whole fucking situation. "I've been helping Adler & the team for almost 3 weeks since last month and nonetheless, the Egghead still see me as an enemy." I added....literally giving him that nickname I've had in head.....I did the right thing.....
"We wouldn't be able to advance more if Yirina wasn't there." Park defended me, getting her hand on my shoulder as Mason & Woods also moved to get next to me.
"Park's right, Hudson !" Mason arrived on my side. "Yirina is been helping us like she did 3 years ago and she's a good person for Christ sake."
"So you know right ?" Hudson asked and Mason nodded, certainely refering to me & Mason old state. "Nevertheless, she's different from all of us and think what you want to think but she's not one of us." He affirmed as I tried to keep my calm to his man face, resisting the urge to punch him in his teeth. "Isn't right, Bell ?" He added, making me take a deep breath, looking at the ceilling, still resisting.
"Tell it one more time...." Woods moved to face him, getting between me & Hudson. "I'm beating the shit out of you." He poked at Hudson chest before he removed himself to get back on his seat. Hudson wasn't still believing in me at all, looking at me with denial, like if I was still nothing before he decide to look at Adler.
"So, you have a plan against Stitch ?" He asked him, moving away from me, nearly nudging me.
"Oh, yeah, don't worry, Adler has a big plan for that." I scoffed like that, trying to joke to have my temper going down.
"Is that sarcasm, Yirina ?" He questioned me, raising an eyebrow at me.
"You're goddamn right, it's sarcasm !" I exclaimed, spreading my arms, looking at him as my voice was going louder. "A month ago, I woke up, realizing that I wasn't dead by your fault and having spent 3 years in a coma in a moscovite hospital and then, I found out that Perseus was still around making his moves." I then start to look around in the room facing the entire group, getting myself angrier. "We, our little group, we're making our best to not die but hey, let's go inside a fucking mall where Stitch is awaiting for us to kill everyone of us because someone here was stupid enough to not have a plan !" I looked back at Adler, looking at him with an deadly glare "So, forgive me, you ignorant fuck but sarcasm is all I fucking got !" I decided to move back to get on my seat again "Sarcasm !" I almost yelled before I finally sit down on my chair, getting my head hold by my hand on my forehead, feeling Park's hand on my back, trying to calm me down, before I could see her look at Adler.....
"We really need a plan !"
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