imasorenson · 3 years
Brackendra - My First Love
This doesn’t happen in a particular moment of the books, it’s more like an alternative universe where Kendra tells Bracken how she feels about him, so yeah, enjoy ! Also, I tried my best, but French is my first language, so I hope it’s not full of weird sounding sentences ahaha!
My first love
Kendra wasn’t scared of that many things, but talking about her feelings was probably the scariest thing she ever had to do. She fought demons, dragons and many dark creatures in her life, but being vulnerable in that way… that was way more scary.
She was siting on the porch of her grandparent’s house, cracking her knuckles while trying to find the right words to say.
How are you even supposed to know the right thing to say ?
Kendra wasn’t impulsive, she loved to have a plan, to follow instructions and to at least be prepared before risking her life !
Well, this time it wasn’t a question of life and death. It was more a question of : Am I going to look stupid cause I won’t know what to say or can I really do this without looking like a fool ?
It has been a while since she seen Bracken. Maybe that’s how she found the courage to tell him how she really felt. No being in his presence for so long made her forget why she was even scared to talk to him. But now that the moment of his return was only a question of minutes, it was easy to remember why she was so scared.
One word.
Her ego couldn’t take it, nor would her heart.
-Hello Kendra.
She could recognized his soft and warm tone anywhere.
-Hi Bracken, she answered, looking up.
Bracken smiled gently, and this smile warmed Kendra’s heart way more than she would like to admit. And for a moment, she wasn’t even anxious anymore, she was just glad he was here.
He came closer and sat down besides her.
-When did you arrive ? Kendra asked.
-Just now actually, you’re the first person I see.
Bracken always made Kendra feels safe yes, but every time he locked eyes with her, she felt like her whole body was a big pound of jello. He had a way to look at her that made her feel like she was the only girl in the world. Kendra always thought it was a cheesy line, but now she understood why people said they could get lost in the eyes of their loved ones.
Bracken’s eyes were so… blue and so… calm. Kendra couldn’t even describe them without zoning out thinking about their specific color.
-Are you alright ? Asked Bracken, worried.
Oh my god.
Kendra realized she may have been staring his eyes a bit too long, in silence, for it to not be weird. She knew Bracken didn’t feel uncomfortable, but that didn’t change the fact she felt, once again, stupid.
-Yeah yeah ! I’m fine !
She sounded way too happy and she answered way too fast to not make the whole thing funny.
Bracken tried to contain his laughter and Kendra was grateful for that.
-You know Ken… I missed talking with you, said Bracken to change the subject. I know I had a lot of work and I’ve been gone for a while, but now I don’t want to leave anymore.
-You missed talking with me ?
-I missed you.
Kendra smiled.
-I missed you too, she confessed.
She took a deep breath, it was time. There was no way she was turning back. The faster she would tell him, the better she would feel.
-There’s something I wanted to tell you.
Kendra raised her head, he was looking at her with so much patience and… love. She didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but she felt like his eyes were really filled with love and admiration for her. Spoiler alert, she was right.
-This is going to sound really cheesy, she continued, laughing. But…
When she locked eyes with him, she wasn’t scared anymore.
-I never met anyone that makes me feel the same way you do Bracken, and I really don’t want you to think I’m crazy or anything but… All these months you were gone were the emptiest months of my life. I don’t ever want to feel like that again. I was so scared to tell you how much you mean to me, but when I think about it… I’m even more scared to not have you in my life. I care about you, so much.
Kendra was worried he would say he was honored but he didn’t feel the same way, she was worried he would smiled and thank her but that it would stay like that.
Bracken smiled like she thought he would, but it wasn’t a smile he would use to be polite. He was smiling with happiness, he was smiling so hard that Kendra was even able to see his teeth.
He leaned a bit closer to her, gently placing his right hand on her cheek.
-I started to admire you the moment I met you. You shine Kendra, yes by your magic, but you shine way more by your personality, every time you enter a room you light up the space, every time you smile at me I feel like I could do anything for you, and every time I think of you… the only thing I want is to make you happy. You amaze me Kendra, by your kindness and your courage, and in so many other ways. I want to spend the rest of my time reminding you how incredible you are.
Kendra felt the tears in her eyes about to run down her face. She didn’t want to cry, but she realized she meant a lot to him, and it was the first time someone cared about her that way. Kendra never felt as happy as she did in this moment.
She cleared her throat.
-Does it mean you feel the same way I feel about you ? said Kendra.
-It means I feel like the luckiest man in the world.
He softly wiped away the tears on Kendra’s cheek.
-Yes, I love you Ken.
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