#online astrologer
devvaani · 2 days
Online Astrologer
Dev Vaani is an App designed to provide guidance and advice from spiritual gurus to help people make important life decisions and achieve success. It focuses on education, profession, life partner selection, and understanding one’s circumstances. If you have any specific questions or need more information about yourself please feel free to contact Dev Vaani.
What is Astrology
Astrology is the ancient science dealing with the analysis of the in-born personality traits of the native, strengths and weaknesses, and prediction of what lies in store for him in life based on the placement of various planets in different houses of his birth chart, which is commonly referred to as his Horoscope or janm-kundali. Though the science of astrology was invented in various parts of the world during human civilization, it attained its highest glory in India in the hands of such legends as Maharishi Bhrigu, Maharishi Parashar, Maharishi Jamini, and others. The most widely practiced system of astrology in north India is the Vedic astrology. A slightly modified version of north Indian Vedic astrology is in vogue in the Southern part of the country, whereas the Western system is practiced in Western countries.
Dev vaani Online Astrologer offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern convenience, allowing individuals to access personalized insights and advice with just a few clicks. Through digital platforms, people can connect with skilled astrologers who harness the power of celestial bodies to shed light on life’s complexities. Dev Vaani’s comprises esteemed astrologers who have meticulously curated a team of genuine experts.
Importance of Astrology
In today’s modern and materialistic world, with so much technical advancement, we human beings feel trapped in a rat race to achieve material success. All of us at one point in time, face the following question: -
How to live life? How to face life? and finally, How to conquer life?
Astrology is a ray of light, for those who are groping in the dark, struggling to find answers to their own questions about life. Very few individuals struggle to achieve higher goals in life like [nirvana] or inner peace. And yet a few mortals still struggle with basic problems like family, unemployment, debt, disease, relationships, etc. For some individuals, to whom God has been kind, their basic needs fulfilled, the question of name, fame, power, and position become more important
Astrology is useful in innumerable ways. Some of them are listed below:-
1) It can be used to predict mundane events.
2) An astrologer can give guidance and to counseling to young students regarding which vocation to choose and also bring harmony in what one loves to do and what one is actually doing.
3) Astrologers guide parents in the upbringing of children in the complexities of the present world.
4) Astrologers can give guidance to professionals, in choosing a correct line of work, pointing out periods of rise and fall, and also pinpoint when an individual will receive his or her first salary.
5) Astrologers can time a marriage correctly for a happy life ahead and also for parents to plan the marriage ahead.
(6) An Astrologer can guide an individual, who is a seeker of spiritual life, when the time is suitable so that one has enough savings, for the times that are unfavorable.
It is true, that an honest astrologer can be of immense value to the changing society of our times. Most of the astrologers who study this great science of Jyotisha have only limited knowledge due to the vastness and great depth of this sacred knowledge. One reason can be that it was revealed by lord “Brahma” himself to the great Seers. And from there descends this divine knowledge to us.
Dev Vaani Astrolgers helps people in solving many problems in life.
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anytimeastro · 5 days
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Navigating the complexities of love can be a daunting task, but astrology offers a guiding light to illuminate the path toward a relationship that stands the test of time. Discover how the alignment of the stars can enhance your love compatibility, strengthen your bond, and cultivate a love that blossoms with every passing season. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and gain a deeper understanding of your partner's unique astrological profile. Learn how to harness the power of the cosmos to nurture your relationship, foster mutual respect, and overcome challenges with grace. Whether you're seeking to deepen an existing connection or embark on a new romantic adventure, astrology provides invaluable insights that can transform your love life.
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Ready to unlock the secrets of the universe and cultivate a lasting relationship?
Talk to an astrologer online today and embark on a journey of love and fulfillment. Chat with astrologer online free and receive personalized guidance that aligns with your astrological blueprint. Learn more on my latest blog Link: https://talktoastrologers989.blogspot.com/2023/11/astrological-tips-for-lasting.html
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
This is a nice question as many of the people has the same kind of question in their mind about the accuracy of astrologer's predictions based on a birth chart and the person has not met with the astrologer in person.
Basically, a horoscope reading astrologer is not a face reader and so it is of no importance for a person’s presence before the astrologer during consultancy.
I am myself an astrologer and most of my client get their consultancy over phone as they are from different states with in India and also from different countries.
Many of the people whom I have consulted have not seen their face also on the message app as they did not display it.
So, the main recourse for an astrology prediction is the birth details and that is date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Based on these details a horoscope is erected and that becomes the base of the astrologer to understand and know his client.
And as per me that should be the real picture of a person as a person can have good photos on his message display app or the person coming in person may be in such dressing that may look as if he is a wealthy person BUT BUT his horoscope is like blood test which and where he can not lie.
The horoscope of a person reflects one’s true personality and it make no difference if the person is seeing the astrologer in person or getting consultancy from a distance call over phone / online.
Even if a person do not have his accurate birth details or no birth details, can also get accurate prediction from an astrologer having a distance call over phone thru prashna marga / prashna kundli / horary chart.
Thanks to science and technology that today any person can have the advantage of taking consultancy of any astrologers of any part of the world.
In olden days it was not possible and so one had no option other than to see the astrologer of his / her vicinity only, be it a good or bad astrologer as long-distance travel and having astrology consultancy is not always feasible for every person.
Today, to protect one’s privacy people do not want to have face to face conversation with the astrologer for consultation and they sometime want the answer on email as they even do not want their voice to get recognized.
Today internet has been a boon to the society for instant information on any subject, even for astrology and astrologers. There are different websites and platforms where one can get their visibility.
One can understand their quality of predictions by their views, and then they can call them to understand better. ( warning : please do not get carried away with views, they can be paid views also ha ha ha ha . . . . got confused ) One should read the articles of the astrologers and understand if they have written out of their experiences or it is just a copy paste articles from other websites.
So, in short there is no need to see astrologer in person for consultancy and one can get the same level of accuracy of predictions as that of one get in meeting an astrologer in person and can get the service sitting at their home and not travelling / going anywhere with any best astrologer of the world. 
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Cancer and Gemini Compatibility - Best Love Match?
The compatibility between Cancer and Gemini is a curious thing as the couple belongs to two radically different signs. Let’s delve into the traits.
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Get Love Dispute Problem Solution By Astrologer Pandit Ravi Shandilya. He is a trusted astrologer who offers effective solutions for resolving love disputes. With his expertise in Vedic astrology, he provides personalized consultations to clients dealing with various relationship issues. His guidance can help you find a way forward toward a happier and more fulfilling love life.
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devvaani · 2 months
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Online Astrologer
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Don't Worry! Dev Vaani is here to help you & Provide You With Vedic Astrology Solutions.
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sengerpankaj-4646 · 7 months
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Online career astrology involves using astrological principles and techniques to provide insights and guidance regarding an individual's professional path and success. Through digital platforms, astrologers analyze birth charts, planetary positions, and astrological indicators to offer personalized advice on career choices, potential obstacles, and favorable periods for career growth.
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Facts Of Taurus and Aries Compatibility In Love, Marriage & Relationship
A Taurus and Aries match is the combination of earth and fire elements. The couple makes an outstanding relationship in love, marriage, and sex, and learns more about their
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Conflict of Love, Marriage & Sex Of Cancer and Taurus Match
What is the result of the Water and fire sign combination in the area of life, love, marriage and sex, Get more details about the compatibility of Cancer And Taurus.
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futurepointindia · 2 years
2023 Education Horoscope with Astrological Tips and Remedies for Success
Education is one of the strong pillars of success in a person's life. Just like food, shelter, and clothes it shouldn’t be neglected and considered a necessity. Success in life is commensurate with education. Due to this, it is very important to educate at an early age.
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theacharyamukti · 2 years
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Theacharyamukti is The Best Website For Accurate Online Astrology Predictions. Talk And Chat With India's Top Astrologers. Get Answers To All Your Worries By Certified Astrologers.
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