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How to Decide Between SaaS CRM Software or On-premise Software? 
For a very long time, on-premise CRMs were widely used in businesses around the world. However, since the time cloud computing has evolved, a tremendous shift from on-premise software to cloud-based CRM has been seen. Also, many companies now do not even offer on-premise CRM at all. 
But which option should you choose? Deciding between SaaS-based and on-premise customer relationship management tools can be a challenging task. But having a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of both types of software can help determine which model is the best for your business. 
In this article, we will explore the differences between SaaS CRM software and on-premise software and provide tips for choosing the right solution for your business. Let us begin. 
What is Cloud-Based CRM?
Cloud-based CRM (customer relationship management) is software hosted on the internet, rather than being installed on a company's servers. It means you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection, and users can easily collaborate and share data. Because the software is hosted on the cloud, businesses do not have to worry about maintaining and updating it themselves, which can save time and resources. Cloud-based CRM is also often more affordable and scalable than on-premise solutions, making it a popular choice for many businesses.
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What is On-premise CRM? 
On-premise software is installed directly on a company's servers, rather than being hosted on the cloud. You can access it only from within the company's network and requires the business to maintain and update the software itself. On-premise CRM can offer more control and customization options, but it also requires a large upfront investment and can be harder to manage. If a firm has complicated requirements or security concerns that a cloud-based solution can not address, it may select an on-premise CRM solution.
Difference Between SaaS CRM & On-Premise CRM
Let us now explore the differences between SaaS CRM and on-premise CRM. 
One of the main differences between SaaS CRM and on-premise CRM is how they are implemented and accessed. While the cloud-based solution is accessed through the internet, the on-premise CRM is installed directly on a company's servers. SaaS CRM is typically easier to implement and access than hardware CRM because it does not require the company to set up and maintain its servers. With cloud-based technologies, users can log in to the software through a web browser, and the provider takes care of hosting and maintaining the software, which is impossible with on-premise CRM. 
A significant difference between cloud software and CRM available on-premise is the cost. The former is available at a lower price and is subscription-based. While the latter is costly as the companies have to purchase the appropriate hardware and pay for its setup and implementation. Also, the yearly hardware upgrades and additional costs can even cost the business a fortune for on-premise software systems. However, with software-as-a-service CRM all you need to do is pay monthly, yearly, or quarterly subscription fee keeping the other costs low. 
Maintenance & Support
With SaaS CRM, the provider is responsible for maintaining and updating the software, which can save the business time and resources. It means the business can focus on using the software to improve its operations, rather than worrying about technical issues. On the other hand, with on-premise CRM, the company is responsible for maintaining and updating the software. It can be a time-consuming and costly process, especially if the business does not have the expertise to manage the software on its own. Additionally, if there are any technical issues with the software, the business must resolve them themselves, which can be challenging and disruptive.
One key difference between the two options is control. With on-premise CRM software, businesses have complete control over their security measures, allowing them to customize and tailor their security approach to their specific needs and requirements. This level of control can be particularly crucial for businesses in highly regulated industries or those dealing with sensitive customer information. 
On the other hand, SaaS CRM software is hosted and managed by a third-party provider. While this can be convenient and cost-effective, it also means that businesses must rely on the provider's security measures and protocols. It can be a potential drawback for companies that want or need to maintain a high level of control over their security. Nevertheless, reputable online customer service software providers will typically have robust security measures in place to protect their systems and the customer data they host.
In terms of functionality, both options can offer a wide range of features and valuable insights. However, online CRM seems to be a win-win situation because it offers flexibility and scalability. The software can be scaled up or down as per the business needs because you can access it from anywhere in the world. Although on-premise CRM may offer more robust functionality and customization options, businesses have complete control over the software and can tailor it to their specific needs and requirements. However, this level of customization can also require a higher level of technical expertise and resources.
Which CRM Solution is the Best for You?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which CRM is the best for your business as the right choice will depend upon the specific needs and priorities of your business. To choose the right CRM solution for your business it is vital to evaluate your business needs and priorities. Ultimately, the right CRM solution for your business will depend on several factors, including your industry, business model, and specific goals and objectives. 
Key Takeaway
In conclusion, even though on-premise CRMs are more convenient for many companies which have still not chosen cloud-based technology. Both SaaS CRM software and on-premise CRM software have their unique benefits and drawbacks, and the right choice for your business will depend on your specific needs and priorities. Anyhow, it would be correct to accept that state-of-the-art software technology has more advantages compared to conventional one. 
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