#only Miku getting really worked up over DDR with Rin
lesbian-bird-talks · 3 years
As someone who is constantly looking for vocaloid headcanons, give them all please :)
Has a bit of an ego, because what 16 year old with international fame wouldn't?
People expect her to be super squeamish and hate bugs until they see her squash a giant roach with no hesitation or pick up a spider
Bugs are her frends :)
With that said she hates things like fish and frogs and anything slimy. Not scared of it just thinks they're gross.
Has a weird rivalry going on with Rin and Len. She refuses to actually acknowledge them as her competition because "that's childish and I'm not a child anymore >:[" but also gets 100x more competitive when either of them gets involved.
Girl boss. Has a big personality, good work ethic even if she acts like a brat sometimes, doesn't take shit from other people.
I think she'd be very similar to Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen tbh, but slightly less crass.
She wears her heart on her sleeve, and tends to use her hair to emote. She'll tug on it a bit when she's angry or overwhelmed, use it to hide her face when she's embarrassed or scared
Speaking of which she isn't AS devious as Rin and Len but she definitely gets up to some hijinks. Some hoodlum activity.
She goes with the twins feigning that she's there to keep them in line and then when they're like "we should put firecrackers under Meiko's toilet seat :]" she is suddenly deaf.
"god they're such kids 😒" she says as she is holding back laughter at the idea of the firecrackers going off.
I also just think that becoming a pop star at the ripe old age of 16 would have forced her to grow up rather fast. So she can be mature but everyone makes her feel safe enough to let out the Gremlin™ just a little. As a treat.
Her easy to approach, affable face she puts on for shows and shit is definitely a facade though, and behind all that she's just a girl who really likes French fashion and reading romance manga.
OKAY ADDING MORE NOW! I posted this,,,so long ago Jesus I kept forgetting to come add onto it.
(idk how to add breaks on mobile pretend there's one right here)
You know those characters who usually have their eyes closed and only open them when they get serious? Yeah I imagine her personality being like that
Perpetual Big Sister Smile™. Always looks gentle and friendly, but gets much more threatening when she needs to be. Other vocaloids take bets on whether she runs an underground fighting ring or if she's secretly a member of the yakuza
In reality she's just a gentle soul who learned quickly to not let others mistake her kindness for weakness. She is the opitome of "be soft but be ready"
Just Be Friends is a song she wrote about Kaito, they used to date until she realized she was a lesbian. The two of them are still very close! Ice cream man and his short, pink-haired body guard.
Being friends with Kaito means she's developed a sixth sense for when people are about to get hurt, since he's a bit of a klutz. Whenever Rin and Len's pranks are about to backfire she's right there to stop everything from exploding in their faces. Literally.
But she tends to let most of it slide as long as nobody is getting hurt. She enjoys watching the chaos unfold, and she even encourages it if she can get away with it while avoided an earful from Meiko.
Bribes the younger vocas with candy and comic books to do her bidding.
Super competitive. She goes so fucking hard on DDR and if you manage to beat her she is already thinking about at least 5 ways to kill you. You cannot escape. She will find you no matter where you run.
Her relationship with her mom is more like that of a sister's. Which is nice is some ways, but it also means she kinda raised herself. She's very independent and dislikes getting help from others because she's used to doing everything on her own. Meiko often forces her to take breaks or pairs her up with someone else.
She dislikes liquors but she really likes cocktails. Her favorite is a strawberry sangria margarita.
She thinks it's really funny to pretend like she isn't Luka when someone comes and asks for a picture.
"hey are you Luka?? Luka Megurine??"
"Huh? Who is that?"
And she has on merch with a picture of her face when she says that.
By extension she also likes to troll on her own fan forums
"Luka's music is mid at BEST :/" she posts on one of her 12 reddit accounts
Overall she's just a v fun person, though she tends to be very quiet when around people she's unfamiliar with.
Also her little cousin is Peko because I said so
Number one of the dynamic duo! She's older than Len by about an hour and she will never let her twin live that down.
Rin is probably the mastermind behind most of their mischief. Len isn't dumb, but he's more of an action guy than a planning guy.
She's not super into fashion, so dressing up in costumes isn't really her thing. She doesn't understand why Miku gets so into it.
With that said she isn't necessarily a tomboy, I'd just say she's more rough around the edges having grown up with the kind of brother who would give her wet willies and smash food in her face. She knows how to play dirty, literally.
She still very much likes to go shopping and wearing pretty things
Shes just her very authentic self, and doesn't care much about whether people percieve her as masculine or feminine.
That being said though she really enjoys sports. Not watching but playing. She's the best athlete at her school, which you think would translate well to dancing but,,,,
Shes not a BAD dancer, but she definitely has to work harder to nail choreography than anyone else does.
Moving to a rhythm feels different than running, following instructions feels different than making on-the-fly decisions. So dancing is much harder for her than tennis or basketball.
She's very smart though, and can make pretty fast decisions on her feet. This has saved her from many a costume malfunction or technical issue on stage.
Once she gets in the zone she's pretty calm and collected, but when she's not particularly focused it's pretty easy to push her buttons.
She's not very good at talking to people in general. She's blunt and can be overly-honest, and she's easy to tease and get mad. She fears people picking her apart, so she tends to take criticism more personally than she should unless it comes from Len, Meiko, or Kaito.
While she knows how to get attention, she doesn't know how to get unwanted attention off of her without brute force or speed. She leaves more delicate matters to Len.
She still very much enjoys having people's focus on her, though. Having to get overshadowed by Miku left her with a bit of an inferiority complex, so when the spotlight is on her it feels like her hard work is being noticed.
She has AMAZING breath control. She's a fantastic singer.
She heard about Beyonce being made to run while singing to train her lungs and just added that into her exercise routine.
Also because she's so into sports she's also fairly strong. She could beat your ass. She could beat my ass. She's already beaten flower's ass.
I don't think her and Flower would get along super well, namely cuz I think that Flower and LEN wouldn't get along and she doesn't like people who disrespect her brother.
Her and Len are very close, they don't really have any sort of rivalry going on. They just encourage eachother to be better so they can both achieve their goals.
Rin's dream is to own a house on the coast in California. Her favorite place to be is the beach in summer, and there it's like that all year round.
As I said before: action man.
This kid rarely ever thinks before he acts. He's impulsive and has poor self-control, so he just pursues any whim he has at any given point.
This combined with his impish desire to pester the people he's closer with leads to a lot of scoldings. From both his parents and Meiko.
Beyond him being a big prankster, he's just a great performer. He's always super high energy, really interactive with the crowd. He's the only one of the vocaloids that streams games in his free-time so he can hang out with his fans more often.
He is very open with his feelings about the people who support him, and is constantly thanking them for being there to help him realize his dreams.
He feels that way about Rin, Miku, Meiko, Luka, and Kaito too, but he's also very easily embarrassed and can't say it to their face.
So instead he's the type to leave them gifts and notes and then get really embarrassed and run away if they try to thank him in-person.
He also has a very one-sided crush on Miku, tends to try and act cool around her which never really works.
She is not the only girl he wants attention from, though. He pretty openly flirts with his fans that are around the same age as him. Sometimes he does it to make Miku jealous which, again, doesn't really work.
But he is incredibly stubborn, and it is near impossible to get him to do something he'd rather not unless you provide some sort of incentive
He's also very much so a Young Boy™
He wants to be seen as a cool guy, the kind who goes to parties and that's always surrounded by girls. Cuz that's just kinda what he thinks success for a man looks like.
So he has to be bribed to wear anything he decides is too girly
Once snuck off to a party, somehow managing to get into a space with a bunch of adults. He ended up getting into real trouble when some half-drunk men recognized him and decided to scare him. He ended up hiding in the bathroom while they pounded on the door to freak him out.
Only ever told Rin about that cuz he knew she wouldn't judge.
If Luka is the big sibling who went off to college and comes back to visit often, Kaito is the one who's still at home.
Especially to Miku, who's an only child and kinda latched onto him.
Luka is the chaos enabler, Kaito stops chaos from happening just with his presence. Him existing in the vicinity of the younger vocas is enough to calm them down.
He's very emotionally mature, but has a very child-like nature that people tend to be drawn to.
Imagine Iketeru from "Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan", except he learns what sex is and drinks alcohol. That's Kaito.
He's just very wide-eyed and whimsical despite being close to his 30's.
Though he can be kind of a klutz and say things without thinking, but he doesn't have a negative bone in his body so his lack of filter doesn't get him into trouble really
Its either a compliment or the kinda thing that makes people go "awe honey..."
He's just a very good guy. The goodest guy.
He went to the same highschool and college as Luka, they dated until graduation when Luka came out to him as a lesbian. He was upset, but incredibly supportive of her! They took a break from talking, but they've reconnected and he sees her as his most trusted friend.
Very secure in who he is. He's incredibly reliable and self-assured, always pushes himself to try his best!
He definitely doesn't live very lavishly, probably just a comfortably-sized apartment in a nicer area. He likes old lady furniture, you know the kind with the floral pattern? That's his SHIT right there.
Probably has a curiosity cabinet filled with cool things he found on the street and would pick up to take home.
Very close with his dad! They talk often, his dad owns literally every piece of merch and attends all his performances.
He perpetually smells like vanilla and honey.
Everytime someone mentions it, he just laughs and says thank you, but he doesn't know why. He doesn't use any body wash or cologne that smells like that. He doesn't bake. Even after years he's still confused.
He's not aware of how attractive he is and has made people blush a lot with how much he enjoys physical affection
Imagine getting hugged by a kind teddy bear of a man with a pretty face who smells like vanilla, he is unaware of the kind of affect he can have on people.
Meiko was one of these people before they became friends, now she's become immune to his casual toucheyness. That just comes with being someone he cares about!
The queen herself
Okay so first I headcanon in this universe where they're part of a talent agency, Meiko isn't a singer anymore. She quit and took up a job as a talent manager.
She had seen too much of the dark side of the music industry, getting creepy fan mail and gifts and people threatening her safety. All before she hit 18, it had kinda fucked her up.
She was going to quit entirely, but when Miku got scouted the idea of leaving her with nobody to help her navigate her v quickly growing stardom left a pit in her gut.
So she stayed to train and manage her, and ended up taking a v motherly role for everyone who came after her. Minus Luka and Kaito.
She feels very responsible for the well-being of all the younger vocas under her management. She even goes as far as to filter their fanmail personally, reading through it before handing it off to them.
She doesn't want them to get hurt in the same way she did
In terms of her relationship with Luka and Kaito, she's fairly close with them both, but she relies on Luka much more.
Luka's more laid-back attitude to life provides Meiko with a fresh outlook where she'd otherwise feel confused, frustrated, and stuck.
Which happens a lot for Meiko, who is constantly wondering if she's doing enough. For herself, for her career, for these kids she feels responsible for.
Though despite her neurotic nature she still finds time to relax. One of her biggest hobbies is still song-writing. She writes a lot of songs for Luka, she'll often play the piano while Luka sings when the pink-haired lady stops by Meiko's place for a visit.
She also enjoys learning to cook, and while Kaito doesn't bake the two of them have bonded over making food. The three of them meet at Meiko's house regularly to have drinks and try a new recipe and just talk.
The younger vocas don't often get to see a softer side of Meiko, though. She's never outright mean to them, but she takes their safety and development very seriously.
She monitors their schedules closely and keeps a pretty tight leash on them all when it's time to get down to business.
She's pretty easy to loosen up tho all they gotta do is look at her with them big ol' eyes.
She loves them too much to say no when they're begging like that.
And she's also good at noticing small details about everyone. She has a good memory too. If you passed your exam last week you bet your ass she's getting you a present, she won't let success go by without her letting you know she's proud of you.
She spends a lot of time worrying, but overall she's very satisfied with her life.
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