#only later they told me she farted and i undertood what he meant by 'i almost didn't get out the room alive'
artgirllullaby · 5 years
Murphy’s First Date
*Arrives late with a Starbucks frappucino* I won’t even ask because being late is now my thing so *shrugs and slurps from frappucino*
Well, after being forcefully transferred non-officially to my new position in my work, my time to write has been reduced (not to talk about the whole stress that consumes my energy to write) so when inspiration/motivation hits I literally have to go overdrive before it expires. Which is why I’m not joining many fandom events, sorry guys.
anyways, this is inspired on true fact events that happened this weekend at home which got me to think “what if was Starco” and it got me giggling so much to think that I have to write and share this. And since the shoe fits, why not join @starco-week Day 1 and try fill in again? :D
So let’s go!
Fun fact: The part that was inspired in true events it’s in the tags, but I recommend you to look only after reading the whole thing ;)
Murphy’s First Date
Marco let himself drop on Star's fluffy carpet. With the towel still on his head he tried to hide his face from her, frustrated on how the day went from awkward to a holy level of mess.
It was their first official date as a couple, but everything went down in the most awkward ways. First with both their parents wanting to tag along, it took them a run along the mall to lose them and get somewhere else, then they ran into Janna who was monitoring the date through one of the cameras in his hoodie. So while getting a new shirt and hood, they run into Ferguson and Alfonso, who decided to pay help Marco which was nice… until they left for their DND meeting and Marco realized they switched bags, leaving him with a elf costume he had to wear so Janna stop looking into his date.
So they finally get to tacos and made their order… And then Jackie and Tom arrived and sat by their table trying to find comfort and completely missing the fact it was a date by them (Marco couldn’t blame them when he’s wearing a freaking elf costume) because, one had a huge fight with her girlfriend and was afraid they would break up, and the other got stood up by his date. So instead of eating more tacos, Star and Marco ordered them to go and tried to calm down both the friends who were crying their hearts out and stuffing their faces on tacos.
That is, until Jackie girlfriend showed up and talked to her and they were making out right then and there (At this point he didn’t even know if he wanted to ask for them to take another table or just leave) and Tom's date (Janna?! Say what?!) Showed up eventually since she was late trying to fix her TV ("thanks, Marco." She had said and suddenly it got him that their date was spying on his somehow.)
It was almost night and things were a mess, but it was OK! Because he got Star, she was happily walking beside him holding his hand and they had some tacos to eat somewhere nice and finally things could be fine!
That was, until the thunder and sudden downpour went on them.
Holding her hand tightly and trying not to slip on the streets as everyone run for cover, Marco got in his house and search for his key… Which was on the hoodie he threw away with Janna embodied camera. He hitted his head on the door angrily as Star tried to call his parents by no results.
His parents got home ten minutes later finding them soaking to their bones as they waited by the door, trying to take cover in the little patio build there with no use (it almost could shelter one, two people was impossible). The Diaz opened the door to them, Star's parents walked in right after them carrying Mariposa under an umbrella.
He took a looked on the tacos in vain before throwing them in the trash for being soaked and ruined.
But the worst part, the worst of it all wasn’t the awkwardness, the shame or everything that went wrong. The worst was when he got her a towel and was about to tell her to take a shower to get warm and she began to sneeze.
Star got sick.
They stayed out in the rain for too long and she just had because a normal human, so it was only natural she as her body wasn’t used or weren’t prepared for such things as getting soaked in sudden cold rain, of course she would get cold!
And now here they were, sitting in Star’s fluffy carpet in the room she left ready for her visits in his house, as Star had her hair dried by her mother, curled under a blanket his mother gave and a hot drink (probably some mint tea by the smell of it) to try help her to avoid getting anything deeper than sneezing from cold.
Marco sighed frustrated as ever throwing the damp towel away as he finished drying his hair and left it a mess.
"Are you mad?" Star asked cautiously.
"Of course I am!" Hiding his face between his hands he confessed to her "I was right all along, I was a terrible boyfriend to Jackie and I a worst boyfriend to you!"
"Wait, what?!" Star put her mug with the tea down and took his hands away from his face "Marco, what are you talking about?"
"What am I talking about?! I am talking about this our first date as a couple being ruined!"
Star blinked at him "What?"
"Come on, everything that could be wrong today had gone wrong!" Marco pulled his pajama shirt up to hide his face "From our parents, to Janna, to Ferg and Al, to Jackie and Tom to the stupid rain and now you’re sick! I’m the worst boyfriend ever!"
Star smiled ever so lovingly at him, remembering how she fell for this dork. "Marco, you’re not the worst… You’re the best ever."
Gently, Star pulled his shirt down until it was down his neck and she could see his face again, but he avoided her eyes by looking to the other side.
"It’s not your fault… Actually I think it’s mine."
"What?" Marco asked confused looking at her.
"Well… I didn’t really think of this as our first real date or anything… I mean, dates are for couples to know each other and bond and we already have all that, we have for a long time… So when you told me we would go out, I thought it was, more casual hang out and stuff. So I told our parents and I might have let them think they were invited because wasn’t anything special… Like, you said ‘we’ as The Diaz and The Butterfly, not as Star and Marco."
"Sorry, I should have asked before talking to your mother and kinda letting her think the same thing."
"No, it’s ok…" He sat up thoughtful, "I think I also should have let more clear, I never mentioned about movie and dinner, now that I think about it make sound like hanging out… I wanted to make it kinda like a surprise, but I should have at least let you known I wanted to be just the two of us.” He smiled at her.
Star nodded and went on, "Then about Janna… I asked her to record it." Marco blinked at her several times too shocked to speak, so she went on "I… Once she said about the cameras, I thought would be nice to have some recordings for us, so I asked her to record… But when you found out you got so freaked out I couldn’t tell you! So… I just let on mine." She looked at her lace pin soaked and frowned "But I doubt something survived the rain."
Marco rested his hands in top on hers and caressed gently "I guess, I did freaked out more than I should have…"
"You guess?" Star chuckled
"Fine, I screamed like a little boy wetting his pants for finding monster under his bed." He sighed "Recordings are fine, but we can do that ourselves Star. We can take pictures, videos and whatever else you want. Even contract Janna, but let me know first, OK?"
Star nodded and held his hands, "Then… There’s Ferguson and Alfonso."
"How you have anything to do with us switching bags?"
"Cause I was trying to recover your hoodie and the camera without you noticing, so I dropped the bags, but both looked the same and were zipped, I didn’t have time to look cause they came and I had to guess, so I went with the lighter one because I thought his costume would be heavier!" Star facepalmed herself "When you checked and I realized the mistake they were already off. I had sent a text for them, but they were on the road until few minutes ago, Ferg said he will get your hoodie back to switch."
"I don’t care much about the hoodie, I just didn’t want to make you feel a idiot walking around with a guy dressed as a elf for no reason… But didn’t work much."
Star laughed "I guess it didn’t."
Marco smiled and sat closer to her passing his arm around her shoulders and giving her cheek a gentle kiss that made her giggle.
"Wait, you don’t have anything to do with Jackie and Chloe’s fight, do you?"
"No! No, no no no. That was just an unfortunate coincidence for real. Though Janna did get late because I had asked her to go get the camera you threw away" she smiled ashamed.
He smiled painfully back, "Yeah we gonna need to make it up to Tom somehow even if I ruined without knowing. He deserve better."
His girlfriend agreed and held him closer, "I thought you got angry because after you threw the hoodie away you lost your keys and got wet… And I know you hate wet socks. So I was afraid to speak and getting it worse… I’m sorry."
He smiled at her and rested his forehead on hers, "I was angry that the date went wrong and you were getting wet. I was never angry at you… Well, maybe a little bit now, but it’s already gone knowing you meant well."
Star smiled at her boyfriend leaning up and touching his lips with her own on a longing kiss before snuggling into his embrace wrapping them both in the blanket.
"You know, we don’t need anything else. This is good."
Marco hummed in agreement caressing her back, "Yeah, this is fine… As long as I have you it’s OK."
Star smiled "With or without dates, we belong together" she giggled.
"That was super clichê" Marco laughed.
"Shut up."
For a while they stayed like that. Getting warm in each other arms and being just comfortable in each other. And for that moment Marco realize he really was too stressed on what he wanted them to be instead of what they are and taking that into the natural way. Star was right, they had their relationship a long way already, some things did change now they were a couple, but they become a couple by who they were and that could not change; if so what would be the point?
Yes, they had flaws and things to solve as any other, but they were just in the beginning and sincerely? Marco couldn’t wait to see what was to be  in future.
They rearranged their position and he turned on his notebook in her room, choosing a movie to watch undercovers with her, and to be fair? This was as good as any date they could have. Maybe wasn’t fancy or epic, but they had each other and they were having fun watching some silly movie in the comfort of the home, and that was good enough for them. So what? They didn’t need anything else, opportunities for all the other stuff would happen eventually.
As he thought about all that, taking her shampoo essence and handing her tissues when she sneezed a few more times, he heard it. A squishy sound, so soft and low he almost missed if wasn’t for the silence in the room as he was selecting another movie.
"Star… Did you just fart?"
Suddenly looking like a red tomato, she looked down completely embarrassed "I-I guess that Taco didn’t get me so well… Sorry ha ha"
Marco laughed, "It’s ok, it’s very normal-" he was about to comfort her, when he stopped mid sentence and felt the smell looking at her horrified "I take it back, it’s not normal."
"Star, you’re rotten" Marco said getting out the blankets.
"Air! I need air!"
"It’s not that bad!" Star pouted getting more embarrassed.
"You can get worse than this one?!" He said surprised as he opened the door.
"Stop that!"
"Oh my God, Star!"
Star facepalmed herself, she was really being fart-shamed by her boyfriend? "Marco Diaz!”
"Marco!" Rafael called from the living room "What is this rotten smell?! Did you find the corpse of Mr. Cinnamon?"
Star wrapped herself under the blankets hiding embarrassed, as Marco replied "No, dad. Star just farted!"
She looked out the covers with a look that said betrayal to what Marco didn’t see as his back was to her.
"Oh my, that was a powerful one." Angie commented.
Marco suddenly took a moment to realize "Wait, corpse of Mr. Cinnamon?"
"Yeah, your hamster in Fourth grade stays for another time, Marco. Fix your girlfriend!" Rafael replied murmuring about turning the fans on and home essences.
Marco turned around and got attacked with a pillow by Star "I can’t believe you told them I farted!"
"What?!” He replied as he defended himself as he replied “They could smell!"
"Ugh! Marco Diaz, you’re the worst!"
Marco began to laugh as he knew she wasn’t serious just extremely frustrated on her embarrassment. Now this was more like them, switching from a sweet moment to awkward to laugh.
It would be a long and fun journey.
"We spiraled high on a gust of love!" Marco began singing as he got a pillow to defended himself of her pillow attack "And I knew right from the start, nothing could tear us apart… Until the day you farted hard-"
"Marco Ubaldo Diaz!" Star screamed at him angry. He began to fall down as if he was being dramatically defeated.
"-and now it’s too little too late!"
Oh oooooh
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