#only like 2 of these men r actually old idc
th3ronin · 2 years
i love seeing random old men have grudges against eachother cause i get to tell everyone theyre divorced. ben king and julius little are divorced. kazuo akuji and mr wong divorced over whatever shogo did to sadie. angel and killbane? they werent married but they were fiancés
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f1nalboys · 3 years
the collection live post thing lol
-i like this opening scene way more than the first one i’ll say that
-also asa is literally just going 😡🔪🪓🧨 like go do ur job
-just waiting for everyone in this party to violently die
-asa thot dropping on the light fixtures he’s such a whore
-where’s my sexy man arkin
-there he is <3
-ooooh i like how they show the traps in this one ALSO THE FUCKING TURBINE SHIT??,, BAD ASS
-douche canoe gets to live w only a pinky cut off? 🙄
-this bitch didn’t help arkin like ??? what else can u do????? annoying as mf
-again how does asa even find the time/energy to make these traps?
-why would she stay there while he friend gets crushed to death? id hate to see that
-do car alarms just not go off when someone lands on them LMFAO
-ok so why did they handcuff him? my man was KIDNAPPED
-taken meets the avengers
-this mf breathes like he’s 89 years old and an avid smoker
-arkins accent heheh heheheheh
-lmk when a bra strap can actually open a fucking chest
-asas kind of stupid
-asa more like assa amirite
-this guys a douche when is he dying
-‘you already abandoned the girl once you gonna do it again?’ man go fuck yourself SHE ABANDONED HIM FIRST U CUNT
-be nice to arkin or asa will kill u
-i wanna reas the wiki you see if paz dies so badly i love her
-can they just fix the mfing lights already!!???? I CANT SEE W THE FLASHING U BITCH
-my sister can’t watch this bc of the flashing lights so now i’m gonna have to do a play by play
-arkin what is with u man you were in this fucking place for however many months why r u not looking where u walk and put ur hand 🙄 i love my men stupid
-we got arkin in that sexy grey undershirt now 😝😝 i would drink his sweat sorry idk who said that i was hacked
-asa is a little bit of an artist as you can see
-asa is so mean can’t the man give it a rest for just a second
-also he’s stupid as hell arkin was literally not even 2 feet away from him and he somehow misses him 😐 i think this guy likes the chase
-go find paz u bitches
-these mfs could’ve been saved if they had listened to arkin just sayinggggg
-don’t trust abby that bitch she’s a liar
-can lucello die already i want paz to live forever and ever
-question r we supposed to care abt elena or whatever her name is? bc i don’t
-i like abby i feel bad for her
-abby is a cunt nvm
-haha she died literally quick as all hell hehehe
-damn rip the dogs my bitches haven’t done anything wrong
-tubi is giving me too many ads 😐
-would the third collector movie be called the collected 🤔
-elena was a little too happy to break arkins arm 🤔
-asa is such a bitch like man let them leave 🙄 he rlly killed paz and for what????? bc she was a girlboss??
-arkin get tf up and get outta there let the other mfs die idc abt them
-paz should’ve lived i hate asa
-stab him in the FACE don’t punch him
-i was talking to arkin abt u asa god damn
-genuine question here, asa LITERALLY caught on fire so how did he survive?
-arkin dropping to his knees abt to die in the fire us so dramatic king u could’ve jumped over the fire but at least elena was literally thinking at all
-ok i didn’t realize how far away from the door he was LMFAO ur forgiven babe
-damn arkin been through a lot :/ i don’t give a single fuck abt elena or her storyline i care abt arkin am i a misogynist
-so annoying that asa somehow made it out of there it rlly makes no sense but i’ll let it slide bc if the end scene
-yesss arkin beat his ass!!! lock him in the trunk king!!!!!! i hope the collected 3 is arkin torturing asa like he deserves <3
-oooh was asa the little boy that they mentioned on the radio? abt the dad going crazy and killing the family and setting them up at the table for thanksgiving bc he ingested chemicals from taxidermy???? interesting
-‘you here to kill me?’ boy get in the trunk
-nice punch arkin babe 😝 do that to me while we fuck
-hacked again sorry
-the stupid animalistic growls asa lets out r so funny to me
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
undercover brother (2002) review
sup been a while but didnt forget about yall and your eager butts to dive head first right in the flooding words coming out of my mouth today gonna rev "undercover brother" (2002), its gonna be solid guys
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so we start with an introduction where we talk about how black culture was losing its flavour after the 70s, progress was slowed down n all as we reached 2000 but dont be fooled, its all cause of a buncha events orchastred by "the man"... a big racist mf ig whos also the kkk equivalent of the team rocket boss, sitting in a ig chair, never see his face in the flashbacks or like the bad guy in inspector gadget, more like him ig since we actually see the team R boss face quite often nonetheless, theres a form of mystery folding this whole business... THE MAN acts in the shadows and he hates to see how dark those are, he wants things to be like it used to be back in slavery times good oltime for him but.. not for the fam
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ofc then here is introduced THE REAL MAN OF MEN => undercover brother, our hero and damn he has the style of a whole pack of elephants trampling around in pink disco suits every ladies wanna a piece of that sweet fro he is packing up on his head, funky
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ngl, the whole way this mov is filmed n edited is sike asf, dope guys especially considerin its actually made in 2002, loving it anyway then were also introduced to the other secondary protags who are from an organisation here to stop The Mans evil doings and careful: undercover bro was actually a solo act until now cause now they gonna collaborate all throughout da mov: its the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D, with conspiracy brother (tbh a fav here, guys wack like the whole plot guy thinks computer comes from a story involving peanut and idk guys he keeps rambling bout bs which makes him a+ character) smart brother, chief and sister girl (original name/10)
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so btw the organization is on a mission rn at the beginning to destroy The Man (lets call him tm for the rest of this rev) financial infrastructure aka funds to stop him better or smthg and it gets spicy as they get caught but ofc undercover bro barges in from nowhere wow big disguise as an old man no one noticed him so like slash bawow boom vlam, bad guys ko and he squeedaddle out of there like twas breeze gg man, he also get fed a nice editing of xrays battle like with a side of kungfu n whatnot, undercover bro knows his stuff
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nice sounds effects ah yes btw romantic intrigue with sister girl begins here, its the zinc of the flinch as ub (undercover brother) notices her big wink wink nudge nudge, btw later she is asked to go enlist him in the corps so he can help stop the man with them n shit and he trynna get her in his bed cause thats we this brother is used to, getting laid as soon as he meets a chick, who can resist this dude?
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he gots moves, fro, style, skills and also at times he is a pussy but k, not everyones perf sometimes you just simp for a white blond blue eyed woman (spoiler) and crawls on all four looking like a big preppy nerd btw in this review im trynna not spoil the whole plot cause guys, this movie gotta be on yo watch list kay? im not here to ruin this experience in yo life itd be pretty uncool of me so im just gonna state the big lines then its up to you to swoop the tiny ones out of the watch, knot your own breds n stuff
back on the whooper slapping: intro credits roll, we get some nice back story for our hero, making sure we can understand his cause in saving the black peeps from TMs assholery might truth n justice be your guide
so what the big plot then? well yknow how a big antag cant do shit on his own cause hes too busy sticking brooms up his ass in his private quarters? yea well same goes here so there this gay guy who will be twerking later on btw, a scene to behold, rumps to ogle at, so hes a bad guy and gay n gonna do most of the dirty work for TM, whats new? idk what to think of it yknow its a stereotype in movs so ig ok still uncool but ill see it as all in good spirit cause theres bad n good im not excepting this to be the best watch of my life, nah it wasnt either, but i had a good laugh kay? makes up for it cause unlike some here i got no shit up my ass alley its clean scrubbed up n down so i can smoothly take a chillax up n a shit out without a night tormented by constipation, nah its all sliding where it should no pain no sweat
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so the big lines is that a war hero whos a black man is gonna become president and wtf no is the only react racist mf could have which is what they have, bad guys gonna stop it from happening at once and the brotherhood aint letting it happens cause obvs something is wrong as every black peeps gonna turn into a stereotype like waddup in this mad world? its all because of the poisonous fried chicken brand TM will get around ty to another poison to make our war hero delusional n so on were also introduced to white evil she-ra later btw, just dropping this in cause undercover brother really wants to make oreos with her n sister girl (his words) ig shes the second love interest, im not too invested in this romantic intrigue it was just necessary not like twas very developped anyway its even more of a bedroom intrigue when it comes the the white blue eyed blond chick, sister girl before hoes yo
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whats it in conclusion about this movie? first, the plot: hilarious biznasty worthy a+ bs especially how its turned yknow, the clichés were turned upside down n if not theyre just turned into a big satire of themselves editing + music ? yknow its actually good, and funky asf im digging it, a travel in time nostalgia of times i lived acting is pretty neat its not an ironically good movie cause its hilariously ridiculous in the making way its all about the plot here, plot twists and characters, the whole universe ig like its superior to big mamma sorta plot or maybe im dropping this comparison cause its been a while since i saw big maam, for sure twas under estimated while over brought when this here? it got freshness packed in
the spoiling was light and this is cause this movie got a 69/10 rating jk 8/10 if were gonna be serious, im gonna list wats unwoke n uncool here: 1 gay villain stereot, gotta be honest here its not that big of a deal tme seeing when it was made and how i still laughed yknow idc this much but some could go apeshit over it 2 not enough conspiracy brother content: this is all i ask for 3 had no snacks while watching the movie, too bad id dig a aj or grape soda right about now n then 4 more lines for car wash chicks jk this last one idc about, but car wash representation is lacking once again in american movies, i cant believe how looked over it is, as if they didnt need smore rep in the medias its not an easy job washing car all day long, standin in those ghost buster lookin suit while staring at the hot guys in hot wheelys, whos gonna pay you a drink when youre just an old carwash lady? thought finally a hero would step up in this movie but there it goes thrown out da window, the potential was real until it got blown away sure sister girl was a solid character but give the washers some credits cut them a slack of free time n have a lil date together there on top of a truck to keep it native
nonetheless this is a top rec for anyone who feels like slipping into some conspiracy slippers
tg, out
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xveilofnightx · 6 years
warning about user lewdphobis
known users: @/lewd-phobis on tumblr, @/pprotomann on vent (previously @/LewdPhobos), @/lewdphobis AND @/phantom_racer on instagram, @/lewdphobos on twitter
name: harper
hey what’s up fellas. i’m aware that this post very much looks like a meme or something that shouldn’t be taken seriously, but please keep reading if you have interacted with this person or seen them around the webbernets. in order to keep petty conflict out of tags, i’ll be using slashes in the names. i don’t want this getting too much attention outside of people in this person’s reach. yes, i know the slashes look stupid.
this person is active in the N/S/P, T/W/RP, and Protom//en online communities. to summarize, this person is incredibly rude, straight up violates peoples’ privacy, and is an actual factkin. if you don’t know what the hell that means, you don’t have to pay attention to that part. it’s really just icing on the cake. 
below the read more link are screenshot receipts of their odd and dangerous behavior. 
alright so it all started when i saw some weird bull going on on the vent app, which, to be fair, should be a safe space where one shouldn’t be judged. but it’s really just as bad, if not worse, than tumblr with people oversharing information. and it’s still a very public sphere so there is really no excuse for the overshare.
the kinnie part is the first part, so if you don’t understand any of that you can skim through this or just skip it.
chapter 1: real factkinnie hours
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OK let’s be deadass about this. seeing this, before even opening the vents, is not a great sign. r/aul panthe/r is the lead singer of the protom//en. the protom//en perform with stage personas, but these personas are not characterized with anything other than an outfit and some very loose lore about robots. a very strong point about the band is remaining genuine while having a very loose lore. personas are not individually characterized apart from each band member themselves, and that has been made a point many times officially.
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alright so when you open this baby’s shell you see some weird shit straight off the bat, and i don’t mean “hey don’t kin that character” i mean “hey don’t kin these real mf people.”
not only are there about 2.5 protom//en listed here, but real people, like, y’know, guy-manuel, a real french musician who has no characterization connected to a persona besides a performance look. 
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this bit here, you may not see a great problem with, but its still weird, and is important for this next part.
so i made this post on vent that was basically just “wow someone out here really kinning protom//en huh......crazy....” (if you want the exact post, message me or scroll through my vent, idc)
and then i get this lil blip on my vent notifs and its this, from arthur (harper’s partner)
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at first i’m reading it and i’m like. alright seems reasonable. but i’ve come not to buy it. to begin with, harper has been in the kinnie community for longer than they’ve been active on vent. second of all, this @ was a month after the original post about kinning r/aul p/anther, and i’d really like to say that that kin list didn’t pop out of thin air in those few days. i responded.
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i don’t know about you, but if i were new to a band i wouldn’t assume the band members are “characters”. other than that, seems like an alright message, so i just point that fact out. i do regret the tone of this next part, rude on my end.
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once again, my response was pretty rude. but they also don’t know if i was truly vague-posting. about harper. if harper didn’t know what factkin was, arthur certainly did know, by the way they replied. once again, my response here was pretty rude. guess i was fired up by someone kinning a grown man with a family and friends, i don’t really know.
arthur/homophobos changed usernames to T/WRPb/and (you can scroll through their vents or DM me for proof) and then posted this
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the snake emoji refers to harper. i think its weird they’re trying to pull it as ironic here, since the initial posts were not ironic. they continue to make jokes like this and shit until the real stupid shit comes along.
chapter 2: real bullshit hours
harper and arthur are soon making some of the weirdest jokes i’ve ever seen by people who have just been corrected that these people are people and not characters or made up jokes. if their fan bases were bigger, i could understand there being people like this. but for a tight-knit fan base, this is kind of ridiculous to see, and its clear why it should be rid of this kind of behavior. 
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this post, though from before everything happened, is still super odd considering its about a real grown man. 
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this came afterward. this joke would be a whole lot different if the person were 100% fictional, or even if the person was into internet humor. but that just isn’t the case. who makes jokes like this about grown men? scratch that, what kind of people make jokes like this about grown men?
chapter 2.5: bullshit, but this time it’s personal
harper followed a friend of mine who does local band stuff around nashville. i don’t like posting DMs (especially without consent, when they see this, they’ll probably kill me too). but there is no reason why a casual fan, especially someone “new to the band” should be following this particular person. there are rarely, if at all, any traces to public tags from this person. 
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so um. Yikes! security concern. haters will say Why Not Private Account, yadda yadda? because people like harper are not even their target audience. and i don’t think there’s ever a situation where liking someone’s old candid photos, when you previously have not even seen that person in this way, isn’t creepy. 
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this one’s just weird. look at any of harper’s social media. seriously. and i don’t care if harper sees any of this because they straight up lied to someone who they were previously creepin’ on. lol. 
also this is one of their friends who is just weird as shit lol. no real connection to the specific situation, but this is really the type of people they are. 
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these are really kids publicly posting about a 30-some year old man with a family like this. and they’re teens, there’s really no excuse.
if the anonymous friend would like their DMs taken from this post, I’ll comply with that. i’ve also never typed out one of these before, sorry if it was all over the place. 
i’ll post arthur’s usernames too:
@/homophobos on tumblr, @/tw/rpcore on twitter, @/tw/rpband on vent app (previously @/homophobos)
if you have any questions, message me. love you. stay safe.
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charlotte make this fucking post already before i combust
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I AM WITH LOGAN NUT NUT NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm away from Madeline and Joradn and Toph and :( I'm worried! But I chose Kai so that's fun hopefully he'll stick with me fjndsfjsdak I'm gonna try to bond with Madison oh my this is a mess
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A 3-3 split on this tribe, I need to find an idol just in case, I'm not willing to go to rocks for Toph and I'm sure he is not for me. Lets see how this goes, Madeline exposing me as her friend already. Lets just win my Hippos, I don't want to go to tribal.
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Jaiden.... on my tribe again.... I like him but.... BUT... BUT he talks too much he's going to ruin my game GRRR. Hi Jaiden I love you but you WORRY ME
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Ugh I'm like REALLY emo I was separated from Jordan and Madeline what the FUCK we got the best scores WE DIDN'T EARN THISjdjasfklas i miss them rip. and now like everyone on my tribe is.... asleep. They're like ALL europeans. GET UP U FUCKS I NEED TO TALK TO U Also I'm going to make an alliance with one representative from each country and call it the United Nations... I'm just working on it okay it's going to happen
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WAIT FUCK IM AWAY FROM RHONE TOO WTF... I didn't think this through last night but honestly my second choice was Logan for the thing (first choice because I wanted him over Kai but I was scared of Madeline and Jordan) so like this wouldn't be very different but ugh. Toph, Rhone, Jordan, Madeline, and Ruthie (I forgot to talk about Ruthie I love her) are gone and I'm EMO AS HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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NICHOLAS IS PLAYING THIS GAME? I knew this but forgot, I remember he as INACTIVE and got a strike during the selfie round, eventually I hope I can get on his tribe I know he would tell me if he heard my name.
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Um another thing. I'm so happy to be on a yellow tribe. I love yellow it's the color of positivity and sunshine and that's me
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WOW THIS FUCKING TRIBE SWAP! WHAT THE HELLFUCK! THIS IS SO GOOD! Okay, so. Accordan to Jordan, Rhone wants to work alongside me JP and Nicholas, which I would be fine with. We're also excited for/planning to work with Jack as the trio of Jordan and his students, so... This is probably the most secure I've been all game. I was good on the Hippo tribe, but now I know for sure that I'm alright. But there's one other thing that excites me here, and that's our challenge potential. Sure, that's a general good thing, but it's super cool in my case for one specific reason. I've never been to a premerge Athena tribal. Watch my streak continue.
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Time to work my charm on this tribe HOPEFULLY I can find someone trustworthy to work closely with! I've played a game with Ian before and I mean, I thought he didn't like me after but we've talked since then a little and I'm excited that we have another chance to play and maybe start over, he may be the number one to tell all my tea to that I'm looking for!
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On 10/16/17, at 10:46 PM, Emily wrote: > hi!! On 10/16/17, at 10:48 PM, Madison 🐷🐷🐷 wrote: > hi! On 10/16/17, at 10:48 PM, Emily wrote: > how are u!! It's currently 11:38pm. Good talk, Madison ;)
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Hello my mates! 18 Castaways are left. So, the Swap happened and I am okay with my tribe so far. I get along well with Emily, but I'm a bit concerned that she picked Kai to stay on her team. I'm cautious around him. I'm back with Amanda and I don't really trust her anymore lol, but for now it's best to stick together, especially after what she's been through in the vote. But for now, I still want to talk a bit with Madison and Logan. I feel like I'm not the first target at the moment with a clear group of 2 in play and the old target on Amanda's back. I don't have that much to talk about yet, but I'm keen to get a bit more social now - last week was very heavy on the irl side. But I'm happy to be on a tribe that's so european. :D Cya soon~
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Ahh this tribe is pretty lit. I feel really safe within it. I have logan, Emily, Andreas and Amanda ahh this amazing Time to win a game
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I miss having people be awake and I’m awake and having an active tribe wtf happened I hate
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I really need these Europeans to wake the fuck up why was I put on a tribe with ALL OF THE EUROPEANS WHAT IS THIS FDMJKLSAJLK I just want their input on the song ideas and they're absent because they're sleeping and I get that but also FUCK THAT WTF I just want to get started with this challenge I'm excited and energized and avoiding doing my homework
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I just love Logan
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So I'm definitely happy with this new tribe. Lily, Jordan and Nicholas are all people I wanted to work with on Hippolyta so for them to all be here means that we can lose a challenge and probably be okay! I'm completely indifferent towards Jack and Raymond honestly. I'm so bad at connecting w people sometimes especially men, idk why. I'm just slow to warm up to people I guess. I HATE music video challenges because I'm really busy IRL and don't have time for this shit quite frankly. Idek what I'm gonna contribute to this challenge yet so I guess I'll just have to see what I'm able to do tonight.
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OKAY NEW TRIBE WOOOOO! Rankdown! Emily - THE SWEETEST SWEET BEAN. Obviously I want to work with her going forward. She'll be my new like f6. She'll beat me past that, comp queen. Kai - My literal son? I love him. He's a good one, and I wanna see if I can make this hoe my goat. I'm not going to be a goat this game, but I'll see if I can be a goat farmer :~) Madison - My inactive queen. I can EASILY make her my goat. I know she _can_ get far in games, and I'd like to take her there again. Hopefully I can make her loyal and keep her out of the crosshairs by feeding her limited information. If she thinks I'm gonna just tell her shit, I can hold onto that relationship for a long ass time. Andreas and Amanda - Both of them talk to me about the same, and these are my first targets to go. While they're both sweet, I don't think they'll end up being much help to the tribe, aside from Andreas winning reward for us. Amanda didn't even guess, not that I'm shocked. I told people this would happen. They didn't believe me. I'm never fucking wrong.
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ok so im hella bored at school 1. i am super stoked about the new tribes still! this is GREAT! i have been put into that hippo alliance which makes me think that i am in a p good position bc they see me as a semi-inactive goat type but they also need my vote to keep majority for now so im gonna keep on doing me ~ 2. the reward disadvantage thingy is probably good. it lets us most likely go to tribal and vote someone out which usually isn't a good thing but now i can use my vote as currency to prove loyalty! 3. this challenge? is perfect for my game right now because it lets me participate for once and prove i am an asset to the tribe for now! people are usually reluctant to submit for lip syncs but idc what people think about me so u know my dramatic ass will submit! ok thats it for now yeehaw
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I’m on mobile so I can’t quote rn but Logan: Can we just make a pact now Logan: we’re not letting Jordan pines get anywhere near the end of this fucking game Listen, I know he’s right, but... UGH I NEED TO LISTEN TO LOGAN WHO I KNOW WILL BE A BETTER ALLY TO ME jwnjwwnjwnwjwn maybe Jordan will go out pre merge so I don’t have to show anyone my cards regarding him lmao but who can never be sure????
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Was awesome to not be given the disadvantage, I'm not sure what all went in their decision as to who to give it to but glad it wasn't us. This challenge is the most dreaded aspect of these games for me. I'd rather have winterbells two rounds in a row than a music video
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I feel like this is a school group project that I do my portion for but then I don’t get the portions from any one else until an hour before class. I’m gonna cry tbh Europeans please it’s like 3-4 your time WHERE IS UR SHIT and like literally this song is only three minutes long the least you can do is record yourself lip syncing to the song and upload it to YouTube and send me the link I’m SCREAMING
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Okay Amanda is at the emergency room that’s um a very valid excuse but WHERE THE FUCCCCC ARE KAI AND MADISON?? Andreas and Logan told me they were filming later today but @Madison @Kai HENLO U STINKY TRIBE MEMBERS WHERE R U
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Omg SO I just got out of my American History class and we have been talking about WWII so my teacher is talking about double agents and this guy called Garbo and I’m literally sitting in class thinking ... this is a genius strategy to use in Survivor I’m crying!!! So like basically I’m going to be Garbo, posing as a German and feeding the Germans accurate information up until D-Day where I fuck everything up for the Germans and get right with the British. D-Day meaning ... the day we take out Germany's closest ally. Germany meaning literally any person I want to screw over and British being ... probably Logan and whomever Logan and I want to work with. See like this would work out better if things were actually happening in the game wkwjwjnsja ... I don’t think much is happening on my tribe (at least I hope not) like I haven’t been put into any alliances so that’s :-/ there’s probably an alliance I don’t know about and they’re plotting against me and I won’t even be able to use my cute Garbo strategy. Also like this is an old and flawed strategy I’m sure but IM JUST TRYING TO BE GARBO OKAY he’s an icon and tbh a very big reason why the Axis Powers lost WWII so we all need to appreciate Garbo. Also if this dude’s name isn’t Garbo then my history teacher told me wrong and I’m just looking really silly but my history teacher is a woke bitch so I trust him. Thank you Garbo for doing the good shit and also inspiring me for this game lol
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Anyone want to learn more about Agent Garbo? Um here are articles: http://www.npr.org/2012/07/07/156189716/agent-garbo-the-spy-who-lied-about-d-day https://www.mi5.gov.uk/agent-garbo HISTORY IS IMPORTANT!!!
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On 10/19/17, at 3:30 PM, Emily wrote: > hey!! are u able to record videos for the music video challenge? if u can’t it’s no big deal I was just wondering On 10/19/17, at 3:30 PM, Kai . wrote: > Unfortunately not... i did mention it in the tribe chat already xD > Sowwy hun On 10/19/17, at 3:31 PM, Emily wrote: > it’s all good!! OH BITCH I DID NOT NEED THAT FUCKIN ATTITUDE this is me hinting to Kai that he should ... send in a video lmao. I get that like he doesn't have much time but three minutes P L E A S E it's going to be so weird if our video has three people in it! I'm getting Madison to send in a lip sync too (possibly) so that makes me not frustrated with her but like ....... Kai with this attitude "I did mention it in the tribe chat already xD" SHUT THE FUCK UP use REAL FUCKING EMOJIS and then he calls me "HUN" BITCHD FJKDSJFKAS I love over reaction but anyways our video is going to be weird because like Logan, Andreas, and I are the only ones who have submitted stuff!!!!!! UGLY!!!!!
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I actually had a lot of fun filming for the challenge! Wish I could've gotten that bass line down a little better...smh I'm really surprised about Jordan. He's like a Sour Patch Kid -- first they're sour, then they're sweet. I just hosted him in Island of Shade and it's funny how I went from literally having his bitch ass blocked after House of Shade 9 to now where we're allies and kind of...friends? He's really matured in the couple of years we've known each other and it's actually really sweet to see. I do feel like he's a great ally for me because he's stronger than me in competitions and I crush him in any endgame scenario presuming I don't totally bungle my social game at the merge (and there's a non-zero chance of that happening tbqh). He's a genuinely good person even if he is kind of irritating at times. I'm like six years older than him so of course I'm gonna find him irritating lmao. Can't really say much about anyone else on this new tribe. Just not getting a great vibe from Raymond, Jack hasn't really tried to talk to me, and I trust Lily and Nicholas but they're both pretty inactive. I feel like Jordan and I are kind of the heart of this tribe right now, which hopefully means if we do lose this challenge we'll be safe. I just really hope someone I wanted to work with in this game doesn't get swapfucked tomorrow! :(
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Here is the first draft that I’m submitting a confession to prove that ... only half of our tribe has submitted and we have five hours unrbabsjwbwjwb https://youtu.be/idbuRp73rig I’m literally,,,, CRYING what the HECK where is EVERYONE PLEASE HELP ME why can’t kai submit like wtf. Logan also told me not to expect much out of Madison so WOOHOO!!! I LOVE LOSING IMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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HONESTLY the main thing I've learned from all this is not to listen to what anyone has told me about other people.
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This is amazing. I was worried that if we lost and i didnt actuallt participate thered be a higher chance of me being voted out but i still feel super safe and in a good position with everyone!
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Yay I’m glad we won! I am excited to watch all these!
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The Men Lips came out with that WIN HONEY! I’m so happy! How did we do that I’m really shook. I have such low confidence in myself I really did not expect out tribe to win wowie snabajbanan now I get a day off! How fun! I’m sick rn so like that’s good all I want to do is watch Buzzfeed Unsolved and wait for this announcement that Charlotte/LA/JD were talking about earlier.... hmm. If we’re tribe swapping AGAIN I’ll cry sksbsjsnsjs but honestly? Not so bad. I don’t really like my tribe too much but of course I love Logan lol. And Andreas is cool. Anyway YAY WE WON
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“i liked the knives and the cat. i also liked the girl waving around the knives. that was the highlight for me.” I WAS THE HIGHLIGHT FOR HER SJJSNSNSNS IM HONORED
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Also fun fact: my dad yelled at me for using his expensive professional binoculars because I didn’t put them in their case correctly when I like put them up lol. But it was worth it honey we won-y
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Hello again! There's a rainbow outside my window right now. https://i.imgur.com/1KZpEFA.jpg BECAUSE WE JUST WON IMMUNITY! I really didn't expect that since I didn't give it my best, but oh well... I am not complaining. :) Emily did most of the work, props to her. Logan contributed as much as I did. Amanda, Kai and Madison are MIA - even in chat for the most part. But that won't matter too much right now. Also yay, it was fun winning the Reward Challenge by punishing that cheeky A1 placement. CHECKMATE ANTELOPES! There were no Antelopes in Ancient Greece. And soon there won't be any in Themyscira. I am already a bit scared about the next Challenge, but for now, I'll have a relaxed evening. Also, if Madison doesn't start doing much soon, we'll have an easy target SHOULD we go to Tribal Council in the near future. See ya again in Round 4 :)
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okay so going into tribal tonight i feel good! i have my og hippo alliance of 4 and then i have good enough bonds with raymond and jack to where i dont think that they would come for me if given the chance. the logical thing to do is to vote out someone who didn't contribute on the challenge, but i know that isn't going to happen because if the og hippo alliance falls apart then that leaves a lot of room for uncertainty. however i do know if we go to tribal more than 1 more time after this i will be the next one to leave the game because i am the lowest on the totem pole for the og hippo alliance. it sucks and i don't want to do it but i think i have no choice but to vote with the hippos damnit
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Wow Madeline is annoying huh?
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Oh my god that last confessional was ME djxjsjdjf
(((((Host: bitch >.> ))))
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Love Antiope turning into the new Copa... not a good run so far. I'm siding with the Hippolyta majority to vote out Raymond, and after that, me, Jordan, and Lily will become the majority if we have to vote someone out again. Or maybe I'm just gonna get voted out and then I'll just die. Who knows.
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a-chan-san · 7 years
@prfm-uk tagged me in this like 5 months ago.. heheh
I tag my one friend on Tumblr @p-r-f-m :)
What is your middle name?
Nicole (Oh god I keep fucking with the format I’m sorry)
How old are you? 23. Practically a senior citizen on Tumblr
When is your birthday? May 1st
What is your zodiac sign? Taurus
What is your favorite color? Light blue, light purple and white
What’s your lucky number? meh maybe 14
Do you have any pets? 3 kitties :)
Where are you from? True north strong and free! Close to Vancouver 
How tall are you? Not sure? Maybe 5′7
What shoe size are you? 8 but who cares
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Probably like 10 but wear only 3
What was your last dream about? I can’t remember but I woke up mad at my boyfriend :P
What talents do you have? Uh. I do’t really have talents. I can speak Japanese semi decently and can make paper stars. That’s about it.
Are you psychic in any way? Nah but I think I have pretty good foresight 
Favourite song? Queen Charlotte of the Hyenas-Chucky Danger, Magic of Love, Party Maker, Koi wa Zenkei Shisei-Perfume, Watching You-Pogo
Favourite movie? Pride and Prejudice, UP, Kiki’s Delivery Service 
Who would be your ideal partner? My bf is pretty aight
Do you want children? I want to want children...kids suck so much though 
Do you want a church wedding? Nah
Are you religious? I was but now nah 
Have you ever been to the hospital? Probably 5 times due to broken bones and asthma 
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nope!
Have you ever met any celebrities? Carly Rae and lots of hockey players. Also the band Cat Empire if anyone other than me cares!? (it was amazing)
Baths or showers? Showers are more practical but I am a Lush bath bomb slut
What colour socks are you wearing? No socks
Have you ever been famous? Neigh
Would you like to be a big celebrity? I would like to be a middle class celebrity 
What type of music do you like? I can’t really block myself into a category. My taste is all over the place.
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yeah I just went last month!
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2, but 4 on my bed
What position do you usually sleep in? On my side
How big is your house? 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 3 stories but very skinny
What do you typically have for breakfast? Instant oatmeal being as I work at 730 am 
Have you ever fired a gun? Nope
Have you ever tried archery? Yeah I used to be hella good
Favorite clean word? I’m sure I could remember if I sat and thought about it for long enough but I can’t be bothered.
Favorite swear word? Good old fuck is my go to
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Probably like 37 hours or whatever it was on the way/first day of my Japan trip
Do you have any scars? One on my knee form whiping out during Terry Fox run ‘05
Have you ever had a secret admirer? nnnno?
Are you a good liar? Oh my god no. It’s so bad.
Are you a good judge of character? I think so 
Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yes but not well. So actually no.
Do you have a strong accent? Nah I probably just sound like an American. No ones ever pointed it out to me.
What is your favourite accent? Aussie maybe?
What is your personality type? Marshmallow 
What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Oh god I just spent $95 on a pair of TOM runners. I don’t even run wtf.
Can you curl your tongue? Yis
Are you an innie or an outie? Innie. I feel weird answering that. 
Left or right handed? Right
Are you scared of spiders? Yes. The bf comes in handy because of this.
Favorite food?
Perogies, pizza, Sandwiches, curry 
Favorite foreign food? Ramen or Indian food on a whole mmmm
Are you a clean or messy person? Messy but improving 
Most used phrase? I’m really bad about using phrases to death but I can’t think of one atm
Most used word? I asked bf and he said it’s ‘BOIII’ right now. Kill me.
How long does it take for you to get ready? for work? 20 mins, to go out like an hour
Do you have much of an ego? Nope. At work I can be a bit cocky tho
Do you suck or bite lollipops? NO BITE >:(
Do you talk to yourself? At work alll the time
Do you sing to yourself? Yeah
Are you a good singer? Not really since leaving choir 
Biggest fear? Social Anxieties mess with me real bad. 
Are you a gossip? Uhh Unfortunately lol
Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Saving Private Ryan. That counts right?
Do you like long or short hair? on other people? Idc. On me I like it short but currently trying to grow it out and it is a mega pain. 
Can you name all 50 states of America? Lol no 
Favourite school subject? Japanese and Music 
Extrovert or Introvert? Extrovert with unfortunate anxieties 
Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope
What makes you nervous? My scary man boss, Thinking about job hunting, having to do shit in public by myself 
Are you scared of the dark? Not scared but if I sleep in pitch black I’ll have panic attacks and or sleep walk lol 
Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depending 
Are you ticklish? OH YES
Have you ever started a rumour? Nope
Have you ever been in a position of authority? Hmm probably but I can’t remember. I guess at work sometimes. 
Have you ever drank underage? Just tastes 
Have you ever done drugs? Weed but like barely 
Who was your first real crush
Hmm it’s hard to say when it gets real. Let’s say Paris in grade 8
How many piercings do you have? 3 if you could each ear :P
Can you roll your ‘R’s?
Hmm maybe?
How fast can you type? Meh
How fast can you run? so so slow 
What colour is your hair? Dark Brown 
What colour are your eyes? Hazel 
What are you allergic to? Dogs. With a side of lots of asthma triggers 
Do you keep a journal? I used to but it fizzled out :(
What do your parents do? Nada. Ma is on disability due to a broken back. 
Do you like your age? Sure but it doesn’t mater? Knock on wood I get to try them all 
What makes you angry? Hm why am I having so much trouble thinking of something. When I bonk my head while getting into the car >:( 
Do you like your own name? Yeah I didn’t when I was younger but I was a stupid kid who thought it was cool to hate your name. My name is my name. 
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Looove the name Neil even though its a stereotyped nerd name
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? One of each or just a girl
What are you strengths? Honestly, frugality, strong morals in some aspects 
What are your weaknesses? Shyness, slow learner 
How did you get your name? I think I’m unfortunately named after a country singer. Old men like to believe I was named after a car tho.
Were your ancestors royalty? No. But I think my great grandpa was very famous/important in Vancouver for some reason 
Do you have any scars? uh
Colour of your bedspread? Pink. Even though I hate pink...
Colour of your room? Foresty green
Does it ever get better?
It does. It really great to age and look back on who you were and be aware of your mistakes and see your improvements. (sorry I couldn’t get this line to format properly (apparently formatting isn’t where I’ve improved)) 
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omegawizardposting · 7 years
Boyo, I'm not here to tell you how to act over the internet nor do I want to. Personally I'd take a break cause that drama is getting in too deep in "OMG YOU DON'T AGREE WITH MY FEELINGS AND OPINIONS! BLOCKED." It's sad, especially when it's over a hell hole of a site like this and it's very childish. And I hate break it to you but it's even more close minded and goes against​ what you're fighting for. If you block me idc, it's no skin off my nose. Just a word from the wise.
The only people I block are actual bigots (transphobes, aphobes, homophobes, hell, even cis/heterophobes, sexists, racists, etc.) and people who just straight-up annoy me.
I’m sorry, but I have the tools to tailor my experience on this site. I’m no longer an anti-SJW who spends hours at a time going round in circles with people who are not going to listen to what I say, who are obviously not listening to what I say. I would much rather enjoy my time on here and block obnoxious people (again, usually actual bigots) than waste hours writing essays to them that they will not read.
An essay every now and then is fine, I go on rants sometimes, but those take me a few minutes to type up, as opposed to LITERAL HOURS that “The Discourse” can consume and has already consumed of my life. Hours of me trying to convince bigots that what they’re doing and saying is bigoted. Hours of me trying to make people understand that privilege is a complex beast, or that men have issues too, or that internalized bigotry is a thing.
H O U R S.
(And if this is about the last guy I blocked, he literally admitted to not reading the thread before commenting. I’m sorry, I have no patience for people who come in without context and derail conversations. If someone’s not going to read shit, I’m not going to entertain them. Why should I? They aren’t here to have a legitimate or relevant discussion, they’re here to start shit.)
People who are open to education are fine, I’m happy to discuss with them, I’m happy to be educated by them--but people who aren’t, people who are stuck in their ways, people who are just tryna start shit to start shit, are getting blocked, because they are exhausting and entirely pointless to deal with.
Y’all think it’s all about, “MUH LIBERALISM,” but, literally, it’s just because these people are annoying.
I’m tired of going round in circles with people who aren’t going to change their mind, and, as for bigots, why the fuck should I have to entertain them on my own personal blog? That’s what this is--you know that, right? This isn’t a strictly political blog, where I might be expected to keep channels of communication open. It’s a personal blog. It’s more anime and dicks than it is discourse. These days, most of the discourse is just me 1) talking about trans issues, 2) railing on actual bigots, or 3) reblogging stuff from other people without even commenting.
If you want to do that, be my guest, but I’m tired. I just want to talk about anime, dicks, and occasionally whine about bigotry in peace, and I use my block tool to accomplish that. I’m not here to change the world, I’m here for myself and for people who want to be here with me. That’s it.
If you want a political blog, find one. This is, again, a personal blog, and if I don’t want to deal with people I find obnoxious, I don’t have to--nor will I. It’s not “childish,” it’s just me not wanting to put up with shit if I don’t have to put up with shit.
I understand that maybe you don’t get it as an outsider looking in. You can’t possibly know what’s going on in my mind and my life that would make me want to block people. You probably don’t have all the context for a lot of situations, because you only see bits and pieces of arguments that cross your dash. I fully understand that.
But, seriously, I mean it, I’m just tired, and I want to have fun on this website again--and I’m not going to have fun if I spend all of my time doing what I used to do, debating the same old brick walls, over, and over, and over. That’s what being an anti-SJW was for me, that’s what being an anti-SJW is for a lot of people. I did that, man, and I’m done with doing that.
So I block and I move on with my life. I cut people who dampen my experience on this website out, and it’s been great. It has saved me a lot of anxiety and stress and frustration. Being able to avoid people I know I don’t mesh well with or I know hold legitimately bigoted opinions has saved me so much trouble.
I ‘dunno, dude, I can’t say much more than this on the matter. I’m not going to stop blocking people that annoy me, and I’m especially not going to stop blocking actual bigots. If I think someone is open to education, I’ll talk with them. If I think someone isn’t, I’ll block and move on.
Maybe I should try to educate more, but I’m just not in a place mentally where I can do that, I guess. I’m becoming more and more asocial with every passing year, I have a lot of projects going on right now, I have my future to worry about, my own personal problems, and I just don’t think I can be the crusader for justice you want me to be.
I’m sorry, man.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
Who let me watch 5.06?
I should be doing an assignment that’s due tomorrow but ya know due tomorrow means do tomorrow. Lol I know I should be ashamed to be a procrastinator but university has ruined me anyway. I’m tired from literally going to one lecture haha, but in any event I’ve been rewatching mad men for the who knows what time but I thought I’d take a break from all that and watch an episode of CtM & @flyingnonny inspired me to do a reaction post so why not? I decided on 5.06 since last Sunday’s episode reminded us of that camping trip 😂😂  here goes nothing.. 
*skips intro bc I’m impatient*
Cute community moment ☺️
TRIXIE😍 slaying my life
Shelagh looks so good too 😍 and Angela melting my heart!
Why is shelagh forever wearing cardigans? I like cardigans every now and then but all the time, really?
Everyone is sitting outside, Trixie is in a sleeveless dress, as is Barbara, so it has to be warm?? take it off Shelagh
She’s still my bby though even if I don’t always agree with her fashion choices
what gross vejo pinching Trixie’s ass? That’s not ok
And Babs too lmao, creepy old man, die
Shelagh saying “hello dear” aw
But this is like the only interaction between Shelagh and Trixie & that does not suffice !!
I HAVE EVEN GIVEN REASONS WHY & I CAN GIVE THEM AGAIN ***        1) Why not?? Shelagh has like no real friends besides her husband and sort of Sister Julienne?                                                 
 2) just please, because I’m asking nicely                                                     3) When Shelagh was Sister Bernadette she was often friendly/ in the gossip and conversation with the nurses & remember that one time Trixie grabbed her to come listen to Jenny’s phone conversation?               
4) Trixie was the only one besides Sister Julienne to visit her in the sanatorium. That has to count for something!                                             5) They’ve both been on the show since day 1 & have known each other the longest (besides the nuns) why wouldn’t they be friends or least actually speak to each other?
Aye this is the lady who’s fake pregnant
Shelagh wearing earrings though >> here for it
Sorry there will be a lot of gushing over Shelagh and Trixie
And also I WANT TRIXIE’S HOOP EARRINGS SO BAD, where can I find them??
And how do I get her clothes and figure and her everything lol?
PHYLLIS ! My champion
“Would it have killed you to sit down for five minutes and eat the whole thing!” I LOVE HER, SHE IS A GEM, A HERO, A BADASS & IM NOT READY FOR SUNDAY. IM GOING TO BAWL WITH AND FOR HER
she deserves the best
I think this is the only time I’ve ever heard Trixie address Shelagh by her first name?? a prob.
They need to interact more 😭💔💕😍 I will stop saying it when I’m dead even then I’ll prob say it
Actually when I think of it no one ever calls Shelagh by her first name besides obviously Patrick? And Sister Julienne
And I need at least two seconds of them dotting on pregnant Shelagh
Helen looks so good like goals
“I threatened to put one man over my knee but that only encouraged him” HA IM DEAD NO KINK SHAME
I think there’s been a similar joke before but fuck it it’s still funny to me
But seriously everyone loves Trixie lol how could you not though?
Hey Pats, it’s been a while
Lol omg Tim in that uniform.. Not the best costume 😂😂
Never seen Whistle Down the Wind
But you see, Tom and Babs making out as usual, I’m not knocking it lol but this is why Sister J told her to chill when they went to South Africa😂
also lowkey jealous bc Jack Ashton is handsome af and that could’ve been me but it’s all good. He and Helen are adorable together and I’m here for it x10000
Omg I forgot this lady got assaulted
Oh shit I just remembered this is the episode where sister MC is attacked FUCK WHY DID I WATCH THIS
she can’t report it bc she’d get arrested for soliciting wtf
But remember Shelagh wore the headbands in like series 3 (so glad she stopped I was not here for it)? They must’ve gave them to Babs lol
I forgot Trixie didn’t tell the nurses about AA yet
But she looks gorgeous as ever, even with her mascara running
Lowkey nauseas looking at all that fish ugh. Funny becuase they put a grocery store that has a fish market on the block up from where I live in NYC and I hate it  
I forgot about Peter lol and he was in an episode this series whoops
LIKE WHERE’S YOUR WIFE LOL, *I know, too busy for this, I don’t think she’d fit in the series anymore anyway*
Sister Mary Cynthia 😰❣️
Lol she doesn’t sing loud enough ??
Sister Julienne is so cute when she smiles but don’t forget she’s a badass
How did this girl hide her pregnancy though?
And did her brothers just not realize she was pregnant and the mother wasn’t?
Oh jeez my cousin was a colic-y baby and my parents kept him like 3 days a week when I was in high school & it was a nightmare. I didn’t sleep for so long
Dont get me wrong I love babies. But when they scream when I’m trying to sleep, nope. Return to sender.
Shelagh is so excited about camping it’s the purest and most adorable thing 😭😭And I like her shirt  
Shelagh made Tim copy the napkin folding from a magazine, SHE IS A GEM
“We never have serviettes on a weeknight” wtf did they just not use napkins every day? I’m confused Lmaoo. What am I missing here 😂omg that reminds me of one of the times my family and I went on a cruise (2006, hella long time ago already wow?? 11 yrs yikes) and my brother & cousin were late to dinner and lied to my mom & aunt saying they were at a “napkin folding class” & my family deadass believed it up until 2 years ago😂
Shelagh’s accent is so cute. I’ve said that many times but it’s so sweet. But again why do we just have to accept she’s Scottish with no context as to how/why she came to England? Like I’m sure there were convents in Scotland. I dont even care that much I just will forever be curious as to why it seems she had no life before she got married lol? Like they don’t ever bring up the fact she was a nun, but ok maybe she feels awkward talking about it but what about before? 
They’re so excited it’s so precious, protect this family 😂😭💕💕
Sister MJ is fasting lol I should try it😂
Omg another dumb story, I didn’t realize today is Ash Wednesday and was hella confused seeing some people with ash on their forehead 😂😂 I should give up something for lent but idk what, we shall see. My mom gave up carbs last year & I died bc I lived at home and ate what she cooked and almost all my fav foods are carbs😂
Shelagh referred to Patsy as Patsy, I’ve only ever heard her say Nurse Mount??
lol Tim you’re what 14? you know damn well those arent* bullet holes
at least he has some of his innocence still. I didn’t @ 14
Sometimes I forget I’m gonna be 19 this year wtf. I’ve accidentally told people I’m 16 before and had to correct myself 😂😂
Patrick is excited about this holiday, boy you don’t know what’s coming 😂
I wanna fight him
Diane’s anemic ? Or her mum is just assuming
SHELAGH IN HER CAMPING OUTFIT!! The hair scarf and trousers !! I’m so here for it 😍😭
I want to see her in another pair!! yes lets get it 1962. Probably not likely this series but hopefully next series!! Ah can’t wait
Shit this series is almost over 💔💔 but omg 1963 gonna be lit as well?!
Like the space race started/orbiting the earth, Kennedy’s assassination .. wait never mind lol I’m thinking of American History moments. but still a lot of it was crazy world news so maybe it’s mentioned?? first bond film came out in'63, petition for Tim to go take Susan whatever from around the corner to see it since we know he liked the novels
Lots of famous films came out in ‘63 so there’s gotta be some reference.
Fun fact: I love pop culture references in period drama bc I’m lame jk I’m majoring in education (to teach history)
Old news but still relevant: Phyllis’s turn on: Rolodex systems 📇
“CRANE, as in the wading bird or industry lifting equipment, whichever you prefer” LOVE U PHYLLIS, YOU CORRECT HIM
lol the roof rack, bet it was Phyllis’s they borrowed when they moved
LOL THE THE NURSES & SISTER WINIFRED DYING OVER PATRICK’S SHORTS (EVen though sister W “swears she’s not looking”)
Poor Judith💔
It’s a vicious attack Sister J! But you don’t know it yet so I get u
Here comes summer..😂
Shelagh and Angela being adorable !!
Tim and Patrick proud that  they set the tents up & boom it falls 😂 which is symbolic for me taking exams, I think I did well or at least decent on them and then I find out I failed by like 5 points
Nonnatus table scenes <3 😭
”I’ve seen more dangerous marshmallow bunnies“ lmao Pats this is a serious moment I shouldn’t laugh
Shelagh took off her glasses 😉😏 but fr how is Laura Main so perfect
Patrick put scotch in its lit, pass it over😏
Lol Shelagh drinking is a strange thought but I’m so here for it. Nuns can’t drink right? Idk. Imagine her drinking alcohol for the first time and just getting drunk 😂 we know Patrick and Tim are lightweights getting drunk off one beer so I assume shelagh would too😂
Damn it Patrick, you spilled your cup. Furthermore proving you’re a disaster 😭
“And if you don’t mind my saying so, you’re not exactly Cliff Richards yourself” SHELAGH 😂😂 another great line of hers, love it
I love their playful banter lol we need more of that 😂 but lets be real series 6 has had some of the greatest Shelagh and Patrick moments so I can’t complain 😭😍
Peter and Barbara is such a unusual dynamic haha
“How is chummy?” Wait does Babs even know Chummy? I don’t even remember if they met tbh
But for real Shelagh did you really think Patrick would just forget about work completely ??
Lol Angela crying because she is petrified of squirrels😂😂and Shelagh running to her is so cute.
Why didn’t she just get rid of the *creepy* squirrel nutkin book? it seemed like they still had it in series 6 haha
rice pudding is I think the same as aroz con leche, lol it’s gross sorry
Diane’s water broke oh shit
the Turners all in the tent playing I spy bc it’s raining haha
I went camping for the first and last time this past summer w/ my sister in laws & her friends, it was awful 😂😂 I got like 100 mosquito bites that became welts, i literally slept in the car the second night & it was mid July fairly south of east coast aka it was humid and sticky af , there were wild horses that walked around..Thank God they brought alcohol cause it was a nightmare I don’t wanna remember 😂😂
lol yes go to a hotel, should’ve done that from the get
So what exactly does Fred run? some civil defense thing?
She’s in labor and can’t even scream omg, I’m screaming
“They are often incorrect in their opinion” Sister MJ is a gem. I want someone to look at me the way Sister MJ looks at cake and the television
Phyllis yelling at Dr Godfrey😂
There you are Beatrix, it’s been a while
Patsy being suspicious with the card game line lol. but when is Trixie going to find out about Patsy and Delia?
Trixie and Sister MC to the rescue but omg this is wild I forgot
Fred wtf you can’t be sneaking up like that
“There are flowers on the table, and feathers in these pillows, that’s all the nature I need to get back to” I feel you Patrick lol, I like nature but not camping
Lol remember Shelagh’s old nightgown? ah I don’t miss it. The bri nylon is such a look™ & obviously has magically powers i.e this miraculous conception.
“..or they’ve been mulled to death by squirrels” IM DEAD HAHA THAT WAS A GOOD DAD JOKE, NICE ONE PATRICK
aw the baby is so precious
Why is the operating room/being in surgery called theatre in the U.K.?? and why is the doctor’s office/practice called the surgery? so many questions from a confused American..
Sister MC by the docks😭💔 she was just chillin with God and THIS HORRIBLE MAN RUINS EVERYTHING WTF UGH
Oh no
Patrick even if you were there she wouldn’t have called you, don’t blame urself
it’s not your arrogance sister MC!!
“don’t you even say the word fault, do you hear me, I won’t allow it” 😭💔 it’s NOT your fault sister MC 😰
I forgot how upset/hurt this episode makes me
“The worst thing is that I actually stopped to pray…” my heart hurts
You can’t even blame her for being angry😪
Judith you’re not a bad mother!! This isn’t your fault either
Sister MJ IN THE BATHROOM WITH HER😢😢💔💔 I’m c r y i n
Everyone so quiet at the table..
Russian prison tats??
“I thought at first it was a test of faith, but it was a test of strength. I can bear more than I ever though I could and I can bear it for others because my strength is a gift, from him..” brb sobbing
I feel so bad for Mrs Hills bc I understand she thought she was doing the right thing and was trying to protect her daughter from the stigma & judgment from having a baby born outta wedlock 😭
But damn she almost killed her & now she can’t have any more kids
“I’m a mum, mum” Aw
lol I want children (obviously not anytime soon) but if I do Ima be shook for the rest of my life. Like my kids will  be like grown & I’ll still wake up like wtf I had them?  Lmaoo
Patrick jumping on the bed was cute lol
The Turners being cute and an unrealistically perfect family together as usual
Trixie 😍off to her AA💕
“I think it’s about time I came clean..”
Im so proud of her omg. She’s come so far in 6 series 😭💖💖😭
And Patsy and Delia are supportive yess👏🏼
“New truths were being spoken at Nonnatus house, but some remained concealed. While one voice rose, striving to erase its agony in song.”
Thanks Vanessa,, The End 😭
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