#only mobile for the weekend but I have been on such a brain rot recently I may send a bunch of memes
fightwing · 10 months
Two panels i have not been able to stop thinking about are:
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If there’s one thing tita.ns (2008) had its the audacity
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thatssokatsuki · 5 years
Monster || Hitoshi Shinso x Reader
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinso x Reader Song: Dodie Clark - Monster Summary: You’re a simple transfer student who sees more in the quiet class outcast than meets the eye Warnings: fluff, mostly Word Count: 2,537 A/N: If you’re on mobile, I’m so so so sorry, not all of the formatting is crossing over ㅠㅠ
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Tell me again about how it hurts Being awfully loud for an introvert Get out of my room, smile wiped clean Isn't it weird to be so mean? 
His entire life, Shinso had to deal with people making crude comments and overall bullying him over his quirk. Yeah, sure, it wasn’t a physical quirk like say Almights or Mt. Lady,, it was more mental. Well, to be specific, he could brainwash people when he wanted as long as they spoke to him. For this, well, everyone thought he would make a good villian and nobody would let that go for years. Even when he got into the school of his dreams (albeit into general studies because his quirk doesn’t work against robots for obvious reasons), it never let up. There were a handful who didn’t treat him like some kind of monster, but even so he was usually met with distrust which understandably got on his nerves quite a bit. He pretty much got tired of it real fast, and that was very evident in his face, as he hardly ever smiled and his exhaustion showed very clearly in his eyes. 
I'm guessing that I've grown horns I guess I'm human no more I can tell I've rotted in your brain
A few months into the school year, you transferred into his class, also having a quirk that didn’t really help much in combat. Not too long after walking into your class, you noticed a tired looking, but cute, boy in the back of the room sitting away from everyone, or rather, it seemed they were sitting away from him. He seemed disinterested in you and your other classmates, and even went as far as to yawn as you introduced yourself to the class. There were a few other empty seats around the classroom, but it would seem you surprised him when you decided to take the empty seat next to him. A brief look of confusion crossed his face, but he quickly shrugged it off, assuming you handn’t heard about him and his quirk yet. However that would quickly change. Just as you were getting up to go to lunch, and hopefully sit with him, one of your classmates noticed what you were going to do and tried to stop you. They had said that he was almost destined to become a villain, and that he had a brainwashing quirk. He happened to overhear this and ended up assuming that you would be no different than anyone else he had ever met. He assumed that you would think he was a monster.
Oh, how easily passion twists You think I'm a crazy bitch I craft my words to fit your head 'Cause no one listens to the dead
You ended up shrugging off your classmate, mumbling a mere “His quirk doesn’t make him a villain in the making”, although no one seemed to hear you. Your classmate threw their hands up and said “Hey, just thought I’d warn you before you speak to him”, and walked away. You jogged up to him and decided to go for a friendly greeting, but he cuts you off, saying that hes not interested in hearing your opinion about him or his quirk. This leaves you standing there, shocked, as he continues his pace to the cafeteria. He honestly felt a bit bad after the fact, because you seemed genuinely nice,, but hes seen enough “genuinely nice” people that he doesn’t wanna take anymore risks. Hell, its not like anyone up to this point wanted to be in his presence. 
So maybe I will talk to you The only way I know how to Mhm, I've said my speech Mhm, through sharpened teeth You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin Please let the devil in
Despite your recent interaction with him, you ended up sitting at the same table as him, figuring it was better than sitting by yourself amongst people you dont know. A lunch alone and silent had seemed like the better option than having to listen to a conversation you had no interest in. He looked down the table and noticed you seeming deep in thought, quietly poking at your food. He looked around and took note of the empty seats at all the other tables, and how even after your last conversation, you chose to sit at the same table as him anyways. “Hey! y/n, right? Look, I’m sorry about earlier..” He said, shifting in his seat. You simply looked up at him and shrugged, smiling slightly. He took your lack of words in a response as you taking what the other students said as truth. So he looked back at his own food in silence, not expecting your eventual response. “...Actually, I understand. You probably overheard what they said.. It wasn’t cool of them though, and I can’t even begin to fathom what it must be like to deal with that..” You had said softly, but loud enough for him to hear. He looked back up at you, a little surprised, but you haven’t looked up away from your food it would seem. “Yeah, its rough, but its been this way for a while so I’m used to it.” He had stated. This time you looked him in the eyes, sadness adorning your own. “You shouldn’t be, though.. Used to it, I mean. Your quirk is honestly really cool, and I think it’d make you a really awesome superhero.” You finally saw the smallest of smiles creep onto his face, causing you to smile back at him in return.
A meter apart, we blankly stare We shout in our heads, "Are you still in there?" Well, this ends bad then, we knew it would So we won't eat our words, 'cause they don't taste good
A few more months pass, and you and Shinso have become practically inseparable.You both got some odd looks here and there, but nothing you couldn’t handle. You wouldn’t trade your best friend for the world, and overtime you felt yourself wanting to be more with him. He was quiet and a bit cold, yeah, but with you he was sweet and charming and warm. You knew he would never use his quirk on you to hurt you, and you wouldn’t do the same to him. Although your newfound feelings caused for some awkward moments, but thats mostly because he didn’t know how you felt. He honestly wanted to know why that happened, but he knew forcing it out of you would only break the trust you both shared, although he would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried you would finally listen to your classmates. 
I'm guessing that I've grown horns I guess I'm human no more I can tell I've rotted in your brain Oh, how easily passion twists You think I'm a crazy bitch A thousand words are left unsaid 'Cause no one listens to the dead
A few more months pass, and to his relief, you two are still as thick as thieves. Whenever someone would bully him, you (in your slowly growing confidence) would stand up for him, and if anyone bullied you, he had your back and stood up for you. Along the way, you had befriended some of the kids from class 1-A,, Deku, Ochaco, Jiro, Tsu, and Tokoyami to be exact. Although it was during that time you really shined in his eyes, and he realized that he started liking you as more than just a friend. It was hard for him, at first, dealing with his crush on you. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, or think hes changed. You mean too much to him for him to lose you over feelings he didn’t realize he had. None of your other friends knew either, as you were his only confidant, so that made dealing with these feelings a bit harder. However, unbeknownst to you and Shinso, Jiro and Ochaco managed to connect the dots pretty quickly, which then hatched into the matchmaking plan of the century, or at least, for your friendgroup. The plan wasn’t to elaborate, it was mostly just to catch you both talking to eachother standing towards eachother, and they’ll both just accidentally bump you into him, so he’ll have to catch you and you’ll have to hug for the first time. The others didn’t really like the idea, but they couldn’t think of anything better, so they went through with the plan the very next chance they had. 
So maybe I will talk to you The only way I know how to Mhm, I've said my speech Mhm, through sharpened teeth You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin Oh, I think it might be worth a try
The very next day, you and Shinso are standing outside of school having a brief chat while you wait for your other friends to catch up. It was a normal ritual for the group to go home together after school since the only other time everyone saw eachother was in passing or at lunch. Today, however, You happened to have had your back to the school doors, and Shinso was so invested in what you were rambling about that he didn’t even notice your small group of friends making their way towards you. Just a moment later you let out a yelp of shock as you went falling into your best friends arms causing you both to blush like crazy. Both Jiro and Ochaco apologized for their “clumsyness” and stated that they were just excited due to a good day at school and that they “couldn’t wait to tell you what happened”. You both laughed it off, although could hardly look at eachother without getting flustered after that. Especially you because in all this time, you had never noticed how strong shinso had gotten since the sports festival. The plan, as expected, didn’t go quite as your friends had hoped, but it did confirm to them that there were definitely feelings present. This time, as a group, they decided to just confront you both individually and hype you up so that you could confess to one another.
Oh, am I ready to let this die? Mhm, a monster's here Mhm, you plug your ears But hey, you might just listen to it sing Please let the devil in
Luckily for the group, you all had the next day off from school, it being a weekend and all. Jiro, Tsu, and Ochaco decided to go to your house, and they managed to talk Deku and Tokoyami into going to shinso’s for this plan. At first Shinso was a bit confused but decided to go along with it anyways. You seemed to cherish these friends, so what was the harm in getting to know them better? The next few hours ended up being quite the wild ride. When first confronted by both parties, your feelings were adamantly denied for the other, and then denial hit as there was no way your crush liked you back. The girls stated that he was never as interested in them as he was in you, and the guys stated that just because youre comfortable with them doesn’t mean you don’t look at them differently than the way you look at Shinso. Eventually, denial led to hope, and the “proof” led to a peptalk. Next thing you knew, you and shinso were planning on when to hang out, leaving out a key secret as to why you wanted to see eachother in the first place, leaving the other to think that you were just gonna hang out as friends, per usual. 
We won't eat our words They don't taste so good
You dressed up a bit, as did he. You both wanted to look your best for the upcoming confession you both would be making to eachother. You knew Shinso didn’t really care for looks, but you did your best anyways, wanting to look nice for him anyways. He left a bit early to get a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. He figured that even if it didn’t go well, it would still be a nice gesture. Time flew by faster than you expected as you both got ready, and the next thing you knew you both were standing in front of eachother outside of the local small coffeeshop. You greeted eachother with small compliments, and Shinso brandished the flowers, handing them to you a bit abruptly. It caught you off guard, but the small thank you that escaped your lips and the dusting of red across your cheeks told him he made the right call. You both go in, and he tells you to just pick a table and that he would order. Having been friends for a while, he knew what you wanted, and you trusted him to not disappoint. A few minutes later, and a few shy glances later, he was sitting across from you, flowers on the table next to the window, favorite coffees in hand. You had looked around, trying to gain some confidence when he gently grabs your hands. This caught your attention, and caused you to forget what you were about to say. He looked down at your hands as he started to gently play with them across the table sweetly, and he mumbled a confession. “Look, y/n, the last few months have been amazing-” before he could finish his sentence , he looks up at you to see your shocked expression. He shifts awkwardly in his seat, unsure how to read the gaze you had set upon him, but he decides to continue anyways, this time looking into your eyes. “I, just.. ahh.. I really like you, y/n.I know you probably don’t feel the same, but I just had to tell you. I hope this doesn’t run anything between us..” He states, and to his dismay you withdraw your hands, and take a sip of your drink, needing a moment to process what you just heard. 
Look, we know that I've seen this before High and mighty, at the top of your list Adoring every move, now my rank is sinking But we're both guilty of black or white thinking And through my red eyes, you look pale All of your scars are looking more like scales Two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers Blind to the past, like a couple of monsters Just a couple of monsters
You blink a few times, and place your drink back down, reaching out for his hands again, missing the feeling of his hands against yours. You look back up at him, giving him a small smile as he looks at you expectantly, “Thats actually why I wanted to see you today.. Shinso, I really like you too. You mean the world to me.” He pauses for a brief moment, just like you did just a moment prior. “So...Does that mean we’re dating now?” you giggled to yourself over his question, “If I didn’t know better, I would assume this is our first date~” He chuckled and shrugged, leaning in onto the table, “How would you feel if it was?” “I would be most delighted~”
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