#only the son he named after his brother and hia everything
jonathan-mcgregory · 7 years
Something About the Way You Look Tonight
Day 11- Klaine Valentine’s Challenge
Author: Porcelain and Leather
Rated: T
Kurt grinned as he pulled into his father’s driveway. He looked at Blaine and took his hand. “Are you ready for this?”
Blaine smiled and kissed his hand. “I’m ready, baby.” He kissed him softly. “Do you think he’ll like me?”
Kurt looked at him lovingly. He pressed his head against Blaine’s and sighed. “Babe, He is going to love you.” He kissed him softly and cupped his cheek. “Because I love you.” He pulled back, smiling at his boyfriend.
Blaine smirked at him and leaned into his hand. “You love me?”
Kurt giggled and nodded. “Yeah, I do. You are a pretty amazing, man.”
Blaine pecked his lips. “We should go inside before your dad comes out to check on us. He might not like us making out, in his driveway.”
Kurt laughed. “Oh that would not end well.” He climbed out of the car and met Blaine at the door. He took his hand before heading inside. “Dad? We’re here.”
Burt walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron. “Hey, I was just putting the food back into the oven.” He grinned at the two teenagers. “Why don’t you two make yourself comfortable?” Burt looked down at their connected hands and rolled his eyes, walking back to the kitchen. He told himself to remain calm. Kurt was an adult now.
Kurt bit his lip and blushed. “That was okay, I guess.”
Blaine smiled at him. “It was. He is trying to be supportive, but It’ll be a bit of a struggle.” He walked over to the couch and sat down. “Come sit with me.”
Kurt sat down and nodded. Blaine’s gift was helpful, sometimes.He caressed his hand and took a breath. “I think I’m more nervous that you are.” He chuckled softly.
“Kurt, this is important to you?”
Kurt gulped and nodded. “If I’m going to be with you, for eternity, I need my family to love you.”
Blaine sighed and looked down, guiltily. “I hope... because I really do love you.” He looked back up and kissed him. He wanted to tell Kurt the truth but he did not want to upset him yet.
Burt coughed as he walked back into the living room. “Okay. Enough kissing.”
Kurt jumped back and giggled, blushing deeply. “Sorry, Dad.”
The man shook his head, chuckling softly. “No, it’s fine. I’m not some old prude.” He sat in his chair, facing the boys. “So, Introduce me to your boyfriend, Kurt.”
Kurt sat up and fixed his shirt. “Dad, this is Blaine. Blaine, this is my father, Burt Hummel.” He looked between the two men and smiled.
Burt offered his hand to Blaine. “It’s good to meet you son.”
Blaine took a deep breath and took Burt’s hand. “It’s good to meet you too.”
Burt raised a brow at him. The boy was freezing. “So, I heard you say, you love my son?”
“Dad!” Kurt screeched, looking panicked.
Blaine chuckled nervously. “I do, sure. I know it’s only been a few months, but I can safely say, I love him. It’s hard not to.”
“Good answer.” Burt chuckled and looked at his son. “It’s alright Kurt. I’m done asking the tough and embarrassing questions.” He sighed softly. Hia son really was growing up. “Would you like anything to drink?”
“I would love a glass of water.” Blaine thought a moment, wanting to seem normal.
Kurt licked his lips. “Let me get that. Dad, can I talk to you in the kitchen?” He got up and went into the kitchen.
Burt got up to follow him. “What’s up, buddy?”
Kurt bit his lip as he filled a few glasses of water. “Well, what do you think?”
Burt smiled and grabbed a tray for the water. “I think he is a very polite young man.” He took the glasses of water and put them on the tray. “I’m just worried that you are going too fast.” He looked at his son. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Kurt nodded and smiled at him. “I know, dad. Blaine and I have talked about this.”
Burt nodded. “And what did you decide?”
“Well, we are not going to get married or anything, but we have decided to share an apartment in New York. He is going to Columbia and hopefully I get into NYU.” Kurt sighed hoping that his dad would not catch him in a lie. He looked at his father.
Burt closed his eyes and took off his cap rubbing his face. ‘It’s not easy living with someone Kurt.” He opened his eyes and shook his head, “I’m not sure I like this. Are you really sure you want to risk it?”
“Yes, I know that I’m young but this feels right.”  He shrugged taking the tray from his dad. He was pretty sure that Blaine had heard everything but wanted to keep some semblance of privacy. “I need you to be supportive dad, and if it’s a mistake, I’ll talk to you first.” He sighed and went back to the living room with the waters.
Burt did not like it but he knew that Kurt was right. It was his choice, and he would support him.
Kurt giggled as he Blaine kissed his neck. He ran his hands through his boyfriend’s hair. He really loved when they had alone time. “Babe. I love when you do that.”
Blaine growled playfully. “I love doing it.” He nipped at his ear. “God, you are so beautiful.”
Kurt moaned and pressed his body against Blaine’s. He pulled him into a deep kiss as he rolled them over, straddling his waist.
Blaine growled into the kiss, gripping his hips. “Fuck, so hot.” He nipped his lip rolling his hips.
Kurt gasped and threw his head back. “Don’t stop.” He whimpered gripping his shoulders. He body felt like it was on fire. “Feels so good.” The door opened and kurt cursed. He glared at his roommate, as he rolled off his boyfriend’s lap. “Hello, Hunter.”
Hunter smirked at them. “Did I interrupt something.”
Kurt grumbled and shook his head. “I thought you were going to be out all night.” He leaned back into Blaine’s arms. Blaine kissed his forehead and sighed.
Hunter shrugged putting his keys in his dresser. “My date got called into work.” He looked at the two and smiled. He really wished he could be as open as them.
Kurt gulped and nodded. He knew Hunter had a hard time, with himself but he was a little annoyed. “Well, I hate to be rude, but our date was still going on. I leave you alone when you have guys over.”  
Hunter groaned and rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I thought you guys would have been heading to your little Glee practice, by now.” He snapped back. Usually he admired the pair’s talent and dedication, but he was not in the mood to argue with Kurt. “Or are you two just going to spend the night not getting lucky, but getting really close.”
Kurt growled at him and threw a pillow at his face. “Shut up, Hunter.” He took Blaine’s hand. “He’s right. We really do need to get to rehearsal, Wes will be pissed of we miss another.”
Hunter just waved after him as he stormed out of the room with BLaine. Blaine squeezed his hand. “Why do you let him get to you.”
Kurt sighed as he started to calm down a bit. “It’s just, makes little snide comments, about me being gay, but he sneaks around and with college guys.” He huffed. He would be a nicer guy, if he’d just stop beating himself up, about it. Damn, I am tired of closeted guys who take it out on me.”
Blaine stopped him and pulled him into his arms, kissing him tenderly. “There has been more than Hunter?”
Kurt took a deep breath and nodded. He had no idea why he had never taken the time to tell Blaine about Karofsky. “My bully, back at McKinley. His name was David Karofsky.” He closed his eyes trying not to let his emotions show. “I got tired of him pushing me around and I confronted him.”
Blaine cupped his chin and kissed him. “Hey, did he hurt you?”
Kurt chuckled, a tear falling down his cheek. “I wish. He told me to get out of my face. I thought he was going to punch me, but he fucking kissed me.”
Blaine growled at that. “He forced himself on you?”
Kurt shook his head. “I pushed him away and he stopped. I just… I had never been kissed before. I started dating Noah, the next day.” He blinked his eyes open. “I told him what happened and…” Kurt smiled at the memory. “He said he’d take care of it. Then he asked me to go to dinner with him.”
BLaine nodded smiling. “Noah, he was the guy you were dating when you transfered.”
Kurt nodded. “I was okay, for a few months. Noah never really came out and said we were dating, but he was so sweet when we were alone. David left me alone for the most part, but then he got scared I would out him.” He gulped. “So he got me alone, and told me if I ever told anyone about the kiss, he’d kill me.”
Blaine held him tight. He was afraid that if he let him go, he’d go after David, himself. “And that is why you changed schools?”
Kurt nodded, feeling a little ashamed. “Yes, I told my dad, and I was afraid he’d get sick again. So My brother Finn, and I found Dalton, and I secretly applied. When I got the scholarship, I asked my dad if I can transfer and he reluctantly said yes.” Kurt shrugged. “I ran away.”
BLaine shook his head and kissed him. “No, you survived. This Karofsky could have really hurt you, and, on the bright side, If you had not have transfered, I never would have met you.”
Kurt chuckled and nodded wiping his eyes. “True.” He rolled his eyes and decided he was done talking about this. “We should really go to practice.”
Blaine shrugged but nodded. “I guess so. Just promise me, if he ever tries to hurt or scare you again, tell me?”
Kurt nodded. “I promise.” He kissed him a final time before walking to the chior room.
Wes stood in front of the group. “Okay, I think we are ready for Nationals.” He looked at the agenda. “We do have a request. Kurt and Jeff have prepared a number for us.” He motioned for them to start as he sat down.
Kurt moved over to the piano. “Thank you, Wes.” He nodded toward Jeff who sat on the piano. “This is for Nick and Blaine.” He started playing the opening to “Something About the Way You Look Tonight.”
Jeff: There was a time
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
I need to tell you
How you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay.
He hopped off the piano and walked over to Nick, kissing him softly.
Kurt: And I can’t explain
But it’s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It’s that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can’t describe
But it’s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight
Kurt smiled as Blaine came to sit next to him.
Blaine and Kurt : With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I’m speechless and I don’t know where to start
Jeff: And I can't explain
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Oh, it takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can't describe
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
Kurt: The way you look tonight
Jeff: The way you look tonight
Blaine: The way you look tonight
Jeff: The way you look tonight
Nick: The way you look tonight
Kurt: The way you look tonight
Jeff: The way you look tonight
All four: (The way you look) the way you look tonight
The way you look tonight
The choir room broke out into applause as the couples kissed. Wes banged his gavel laughing. “Alright, get a room, you guys.” He smiled at the look of love in his brother’s eyes. He got a call and answered the phone. “Yeah, Alice?”” He chuckled softly. “He is busy, at the moment.” He laughed and shook his head. “Yes with Kurt. I’ll have him call you later.” He hung up the phone and smiled. “Alright. Everyone, I guess the meeting is over. Blaine, can you and Kurt stay?”
BLaine nodded as he watched the other’s leave the room. He walked over to Wes. “Is everything alright?”
Wes nodded patting his shoulder. “Yeah, That was Alice. He said that Jane and Alec are coming, this weekend.”
Blaine gulped, his eyes going wide. “How is that alright? They only bring bad news.”
Wes smirked and shook his head. “They are coming so that Alec can ask Sebastian to return with him, again.” He grinned and licked his lips. “Apparently he is miserable about your brother.” He chuckled softly. “I just need you to cool it, while they are here.”
BLaine nodded and smiled. Sebastian was going to lose his shit with them here. “Maybe Kurt and I can go to New York this weekend, avoid them all together.
Kurt’s stared at him. “Are you serious? I can’t afford to go to New York.”
Blaine waved it off. “Don’t worry about it baby. It’s on me. Trust me, you do not want to meet Jane. She’s kind of a vindictive bitch.”
Kurt gulped. “Will she hurt me?”
Wes nodded. “Quite possibly. She is adamant that every Volturi ruling is carried out ot the letter, and her gift is,” He thought for a moment. “Shattering.” He let out a sigh. “And she loves using it.”
Kurt nodded and looked at his hands. “So, you want me to hide my feelings for Blaine.”
Blaine wrapped an arm around him. “We don’t have to, if we go to New York, and we can spend the time looking at apartments.”
Kurt looked at him lovingly. “Alright. But I insist on helping, pay for the trip. I’ve told you before, I’m not okay with you spending so much on me.”
BLaine nodded and kissed him. “Can I at least take you to see a show?”
Kurt grinned and nodded. “That, I’m okay with.”
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allurascastle · 7 years
There isn't any shame in being upset about somebody who's harassing you. I'm sorry you're going through that. I hope everything works out with the restraining order, or that that guy just leaves you alone in general. Take care.
Aww, thank you! It makes me feel a little better for you to say it, I just…really hate having emotions and being effected by things. Boo.
Admittedly, I’m 60% sure most of my response to this is because this isn’t the typical kind of creeping. THAT I can deal with just fine. This is…wow. Just downright unsettling. (And the conversation we’d been having immediately before the one that sent me into fight or flight mode really just makes the whole thing worse.)
This dude, who I’ll from now on identify as Logan, was someone I first met in early May if I had to guess. It was before Ethan was sent to jail.
(Context of Ethan: he’s one of my two older brothers, who are twins. He is very much the problem child of our family, and is the one getting into legal trouble and drugs all the damn time, is abusive, self-centered, and delusional. Overall: awful person and has done enough shit to warrant me saying he deserves the life sentence he may very well be getting. Back to the story.)
I’m not sure why Logan was in the infant’s diaper aisle, he didn’t grab anything and just tried chatting with me, but he recognised me pretty much on sight (in retrospect, my name isn’t a very common one and we wear name badges, he could have pieced it together from that - and I say that because it was a little too fast for having been three years…or maybe not) as being Ethan’s sister. I say “tried chatting with me” because the second someone utters Ethan’s name, I’m all but gone. I hate him and want nothing to do with him and hia fucking friends need to leave me alone. (But I was at work, so I said “yes, now how may I help you?” and then left with “good night, I have work to do.”)
At the time, I assumed he was one of Ethan’s recent friends. He goes through them like toilet paper, as you’d expect from a serial abuser, and is really great at convincing him he’s great and swell. They never listen and frankly, 8 years of no one listening to you will just have you throwing your hands up in the air and saying “go get your fucking self esteem ruined away from me, idgaf.”
Now…Ethan has this habit of talking about us (the family) and showing off pictures (last I checked), so I chalked it up to that, fumed, angrily ranted with a friend and moved on.
Saw Logan a few other times. He asked me how Ethan was doing once and I angrily snapped “I don’t know, I don’t talk to him.” To which he responded: “that’s a shame, he’s a great guy.” I had no answer appropriate for my workplace so I just walked away from the fitting room with none of the items I intended to put away. I think I saw him one more time before this most recent* time, but I don’t remember any of it.
*the most recent time would be earlier today, 9/24, but I am actually referring to the incident, which happened around 8:10PM on 9/19.
So…the incident. It started off innocently enough - and at this point, I should mention I had bad vibes about this dude already, but brushed them off because he obviously wasn’t neurotypical (which made me disgusted with Ethan, but I wasn’t shocked), I’d guess on the autistic spectrum if I really had to: just the way he talked and seemed to process things.
But so, I figured it was good ol’ social ableism and told myself “you’re better than that” and was friendly with him bc a) it was my job, b) I had no reason to be rude but if he brought my brother the fuck up again I was GONE, okay, GONE. I ain’t here for that shit. I like my life drama-free. I should ALSO mention that thos whole time, spanning a few months, I didn’t know his name AND I was under the assumption he’s the one who turned Ethan into the troopers for the Rikki fiasco, and in my eyes, that was a bit of a redemption most Ethan’s friends would never get.
I really wish I’d just…listened to that bad vibe and gtfo of dodge. At first, he strolled up to Fitting Room while my coworker, an older gal named Sharon, with a cart of Halloween decorations and said he was just in the store buying some Halloween stuff and proceeded to tell Sharon about what he was going to be for Halloween, emphasising that it was the scariest thing he could imagine (turned out to be a “dark Flash” from Flash a few years ago. Idk bc I’m not really into superhero TV shows or movies. Doesn’t sound scary to me, but whatever. We all have different things that really spook us).
We somehow got onto the subject of a kidnapping that’d happened in the area, and from there some dude has apparently been reported watching female employees leaving at night from the parking lot (creepy, and I didn’t know that, but I also get picked up because I don’t have my licence yet). And from there, I mentioned some things to do in that sort of situation, and the conversation shifted towards the subject of kidnap AND rape (he mentioned that it happened to his friend’s niece when she was thirteen and that it broke his heart. This is the only thing that really sticks out from this part of the conversation and for a reason).
Sharon leaves, and Logan starts talking about his relationship woes and saying how when he’s around girls he likes, he gets flustered and starts pouring his heart out - and mentions a specific time he did this with a long time female friend of his and he starts bemoaning about how the friendship they’d had for so long was just gone. (I politely asked him if she had reacted cruelty, because - and I SAID this - there was no reason for the friendship to be gone since she didn’t reciprocate, after all she wasn’t obligated to. He said that she was but…the way he said it sounded Bad.) And then onto cheating (I told him no one deserved to be cheated on while trying to edge away, because dudes getting onto the friendzone is a huge red flag, and then going onto cheating? B y e) and he mentions he caught his recent* fiance cheating on him (and specified that he caught her walking up to some dude. Er…I hoped I was just missing some context from that, but I’m not giving the benefit of the doubt on it).
And then. AND THEN he says this: “You know, I was really into you a few years ago, but your brother said not to try because of the age gap.”
My alarm bells were already going off, but my blood went cold as ICE at this.
I’m eighteen, a few years ago I was fifteen. I hadn’t EVER met this dude, and I commit all of Ethan’s friends to memory so I can avoid them. Also, nice hypocrisy, Ethan (Rikki is either 14 or 15 right now. He’s in jail for dating and fucking her).
Now, back in 2014 before Ethan moved to Anchorage, he did not live with me and my parents, and we were living in one of my dad’s friend’s cabin. He lived with my grandmother a decent way away, and were were pretty fucking livid with both of them. So he only got to come over to see his kids when we had them, bc their mother had a restraining order, but even that didn’t last bc - well, he was abusive and homophobic and screamed at my TODDLER NEPHEW that he would not have a gay son…when all he did was put on a straw hat to get giggles like his sister.
So yes, I have never met this dude. I didn’t even know his name until he mentioned going to grade or middle school with my sister in law (I…am not sure how he knew my other brother was married, that happened THIS year) and her brother, who he called by…well, I’ve only ever hear this brother called “RJ”. I was a little shocked and mentioned it, and he mentioned his name and how he wasn’t called by it much anymore either. I completely forgot this until I was in the car on the verge of crying again to Susanne.
“You know, I was really into you a few years ago, but your brother said not to try because of the age gap.”
Like. I’m going into panic mode as everything I’d thought is being challenged. (I vaguely recall in our conversation with Sharon, him mentioning how much he hates pedophiles and me asking if he was the one who called the troopers on Ethan than, and even after a short summary he maintained he wouldn’t “do that” to Ethan… Also at some point we established he was terrified of my parents, and after that night he has a very good reason to be.)
I don’t remember what I said. I just remember trying to leave again but a customer came by and I had to let them in the rooms because I had the keys, and policy states I can’t leave with people in the room, and Sharon has the radio with management on it.
He then asks me, while I am effectively trapped there, if I believe in fate. “No.” I said as curtly as possible.
“Well I do, especially when it comes to love.” I LEGIT WANTED TO FUCKING DIE. I WAS CRINGING SO HARD. He went on to say something about how love’ll happen of it’s meant to and…
The customer left and I told him I had to go do my job and took off weaving through apparel.
I think I saw him head towars Halloween (the front of the store, where he presumably got the shit in his cart; what brought him over in the forst place was apparently a discarded shit and it drives him nuts whem those get left around by other customers). I didn’t have a radio to find out where a manager was, but I booked it to Customer Service to hunt a CSM down.
I told her, came up with a code (code alex) if I ever needed to be saved from a similar situation. Not even an hour later I was still so nerve-wracked and only getting more anxious as I was there until 10 but Sharon was leaving at 9, that I went and talked to an ASM. Or tried. I staryed crying on the phone with her so she sent me on a break, and I started to break down again talking in the office. She sent me home early at 9:20 PM and told me to contact management if the dude showed up again.
My sis talked to her on Thursday about the guy, since she knew his name, but I don’t remember what Susanne said was the outcome bc I didn’t work Thursday and The ASM wasn’t there today. (I did have to tell another ASM who had me call the police, who recommended me to go get a stalking order after he stopped being stupid.)
Another ASM heard while he was back there and offered to walk me to my car, and hung around for a little bit when I told him I was being picked up. I know he told my sis he’d walk me to my car of I ever needed or wanted someone to, so that was a relief.
TODAY I saw him briefly right after I clocked in and was on the salesfloor talking with my coworker E. He tried talking to me but fight or flight kicked in and I noped all the fuck the way to Mark, who had the radio, and then hunted Jaime down with E walking with me.
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