#only thing is Im not stunningly beautiful like every other person he dates
bigfootsboytoy · 7 months
My biggest delusion is the aggressive belief that if Spencer Reid and I existed in the same universe and were the same age, I could make him fall in love with me.
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
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fred weasley x insecure! reader
Would You Shut Up and Listen!
description: you’re feeling a bit down after hearing some nasty comments, good thing your boyfriend Fred Weasley is always there to save the day. this was requested by a lovely human, hope you like it! <3
warnings: self confidence issues, implied body dysmorphia & i think that's it! (gif is not mine, credit to owner!)
You loved your boyfriend, Fred Weasley. Sure, he could be sarcastic, a jokester, & utterly obnoxious at most times; but he never failed to make you feel like the most beautiful person in the whole world.
One day after transfiguration, you were headed down the corridors to meet Fred for lunch. However you could help but to overhear a particular nasty conversation going on behind you.
‘I mean, just look at her. Isn't she embarrassed of herself, how could Fred Weasley like that.’ sneered a ravenclaw from your year.
‘Tell me about it. He could have anybody and he chooses her. He clearly doesn’t care much for looks, I’ll tell you that right now.’ whispered another.
I knew it, you sighed to yourself. Since you started dating Fred months ago, you always thought that you didn't necessarily ‘carry the looks’ in your relationship. While that was the farthest thing from the truth, you just couldn't help but to feel that way. He was Fred frickin’ Weasley and you just felt like a nobody. Instead of meeting your boyfriend for lunch you decided to head up to your dormitories.
You threw yourself onto your four poster and let a small tear escape. Pull yourself together, you said to yourself. But you couldn't help but to stare into your full length mirror, picking out every little flaw that you could possibly see until you just sat there looking at yourself and the pool of tears at your feet. After a few moments, you headed down the corridors to potions.
Sitting there, staring into space while snape lectured the importance of a sleeping draught (or whatever he was on about), you felt a note fall into your palms.
lets chat later, my love. you look upset. xo freddie
You felt your lips tug up into a smile. Though you may not have felt worthy, you knew that Fred would always make you feel better. After the torture of potions finally adjourned you felt a hand tug you into an empty corridor. You looked up to see your handsome boyfriend looking down at you.
‘Whats wrong, love. I was worried today when you missed lunch. Please, tell me.’ Fred pleaded.
‘Im not upset. Its just- I don't know, its just stupid’ you sighed. but he gave you a look so you continued, ‘Freddie, its just that you are just so perfect and I’m just so bleh. I mean you’re funny and kind and handsome, and I'm just your ugly girlfriend, who drags you around everywhere I go and-’
but you were cut off by a rather angry looking Fred, ‘UGLY!? Who on Earth got you to think that, are you insane!?’ 
You simply swallowed and looked into his eyes. You then began describing all of those things you saw in your reflection, all the negativity and ugliness others made you feel. He just looked at you with the most puzzled look on his face, ‘What?’ you questioned.
‘I just don't understand-’ ‘Well, Fred I feel like I just made myself pretty clear.’ ‘No like, I just don't get it. What do you mean? You are absolutely perfect, not just in my eyes, but in everyone else’s as well.’ ‘Fred, you don't have to say this because you feel sorry for me-’ 
he cut you off rather aggressively this time, ‘Y/n, would you just shut up and listen!’ he swallowed harshly, ‘You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And not only are you stunningly gorgeous, my love; you are so incredibly kind. And not to mention almost as funny as me.’ he smirked. ‘I don't care what anyone else says, because I wouldn't want to have anybody else except for you. Because I love you, more than anything.’ and with that he placed a gentle kiss onto your lips. 
‘Did I mention how incredibly sexy you are as well?’ he said with a cheeky grin, running his hands around your waist to the small of your back.
“freddie!’ you giggled, as he pulled you up to the gryffindor dorms. How you loved this boy.
And how you loved him even more when saw the two ravenclaw girls, who were making fun of you, walk into the great hall the next day with bright orange hair.
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themian · 4 years
Men fall in love with women because...
In the initial stages of dating, there are a host of emotions going on. You’re excited, nervous, maybe smitten, maybe excited for the future but also dreading it… You may think that love is love, no matter who you are, but it’s not. Different people fall in love in different ways, and men and women in particular often think about love and relationships differently. Even if you think you can ‘make’ a man fall in love with you, it’s highly unlikely. You may get him to lust after you, or desire your company, but love is something different.
To help you get a better understanding of the male heart and how it works, here are seven expert insights about how men fall in love:
Men tend to be more visually stimulated than women Studies have shown that men are more visually stimulated, while women tend to be more auditory. “As a result, men tend to fall in love with what they see, and women with what they hear,” says relationship coach, Dr. Tracey M. Phillips. “Men need to constantly be visually drawn to the person in order to fall in love.” But that doesn’t mean you have to be stunningly beautiful to attract love. Visual stimulation and attraction can build over time, or it may be where the initial attraction comes from but a deeper love builds as you both learn more about each other.
They fall for someone who appreciates them. Men may pursue a woman they’re into in various ways, but if a woman keeps up with the “hard to get” game or doesn’t appreciate even the little things they do for them, they’ll quickly grow bored. Some may claim differently, but teasing a man or stringing him along is not the way to build affection or a healthy relationship.
Men actually fall in love faster than women. It may be hard to believe, but according to a study in The Journal of Social Psychology, men fall in love faster and express it faster. The reason behind this, according to the study, is because men don’t question their emotions like women do. So if a man feels like he is in love, he won’t deny it.
Men fall for someone they know is happy around them. When a man feels like he can make the woman in his life happy, he’s more likely to fall in love with her. But we’re not talking about superficial happy (like him buying her things or doing her favors), we’re talking about bonding. When a couple bonds and genuinely enjoys their time together, both people feel connected and secure in their ability to make each other happy.
He’ll want to be the best he can be. When a man falls in love with a woman, you’ll notice because he may start to push himself a little harder, make more of an effort with certain things, and may even change some of his bad habits. He’s doing this because a man in love wants to be the best he can be for the woman he is in love with. Part of falling in love is wanting to be your best self for the other person. In the beginning it might manifest itself as the instinct to want to impress the other person, later you might want to make them happy, and down the line you may find yourself inspired to do and be more because the person you love supports you and builds you up.
Men are more impulsive in love. When a man is in love, he won’t want to lose it, so he’ll do whatever he needs to do to get and maintain that love. While some men may string a woman they’re dating along, when the majority of men feel the ‘light comes on’, they’ll really pounce on it.
Men want a total package. Like anyone, for a guy to be in love, he needs his total package. This usually includes physical attraction, knowing they can make the other person happy, and other emotions like kindness, loyalty, humor, and that unexplainable connection.
It may be a cliché, but love really does work in mysterious ways. Men and women are very different in their approaches to life, relationships, and love. But every person is different too. If you find yourself falling for a man and wondering how and when (and if) he’ll fall for you, keep these insights in mind but also keep enjoying your time together and focusing on the moment you’re in. Things like trust, friendship, and love can’t be forced or rushed. But if you take your time, they can be a lot of fun.
The better I started looking growing up the less women seemed as such a wow thing to me, I see a hard link between how rare it is for you to get women and how hard u get attached("loving") them.
Also I still fall in love really fast I think, often faster than the woman im with.
I only discovered what love really was after having close friends. Love is selfless, it's a desire to see other people happy and satisfied with their lives and a willingness on your part to do whatever it takes to make that happen.
I love my friends. I love my family. I want them to be the best that they can be. If any of them ever came seeking help or someone to talk to, I will drop what I am doing for them. That is love. Love is a selfless obligation and it takes years of mutual trust to build up. It does not come overnight.
Love is not the same as infatuation. You can love people without being completely irrational with regards to your relationship with them.
It takes a second to fall in love for the first time. But after a heartbreak it could take an eternity to feel that again until you meet the right person, who may not exist. A lot of the 'asshole' men that women come across were just dudes that got their heartbroken and decided not to risk their hearts anymore. That's my theory at least.
I truly do. But I have learned to contain that love deep within myself and only show fragments of it at a time and over a long period of time. And I also make a conscious effort to change how I feel, to slow down, to think things through.
Basically; I don't want to get caught up on a girl that I'm "just another guy" to. So what I do is only give back whatever I'm given and play the game at their level. If I like her, and she's about us, I'll be about us. If she goes days without speaking to me. I'll go days without speaking to her. And I try to control my feelings to match only the level of where we're at.
So to answer your question. Yes, we fall in love easily, but if we get heart broken it'll take a lot to trust again. I think the same applies to women?
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