#only when night said that day could go to songkhla on the condition that night went with him day shut off completely again
stormyoceans · 9 months
Hiiiiii! I just want you to know that as a fellow day defender, I totally agree with you about your opinion of night and day’s situation. People keep saying that day is a bad guy since he treated night like that without knowing the reason behind it. I read the novel btw and thought that if I’m in day’s shoes, I’d probably be acting the same way as day. He just needs time to heal and I totally understand that. I hope people can consider day’s feelings too, not just night’s.
first of all, i wanted to thank you for not giving away any spoilers even if you've already read the novel!!!!! i don't take that for granted because not everyone is so considerate, so i really appreciate it!!!!!
about night and day's situation, im so incredibly glad that you agree with my thoughts on it!!!!! maybe it's because i feel very protective of day as a character, but it's been pretty hard to see him bear the brunt of people's criticism, first with the whole mork vs august affair and now with night. i know it's natural to sympathize with night because we don't have an explanation for day's behavior yet, and regardless of what happened it will never be an excuse for lashing out like that, but at the same time it's kinda upsetting to have day's feelings being constantly dismissed. like being in night's presence makes day feel SO BAD that one time he was literally willing to step in the middle of the street without being able to see rather than staying in the same space as night, and another time he was ready to give up attending aon's wedding (which he really cares about) and would have gone back to isolate himself from the world if it wasn't for mork, and i just think this should be taken into account a little bit more
i also think it's not a matter of who's right or who's wrong, because unlike what night said there are actually no villains and no heroes here. the narrative isn't pushing the audience to side with a character or another, on the contrary it's trying to make the viewers understand both points of view: night's attempts to be a good brother and reconnect with day are commendable and it's indeed both very sad and very frustrating to see day constantly reject them so cruelly, but day has only now started to accept his disability after an entire year of isolation where he was made feel like he could no longer take care of himself and live a fulfilling life, and like you said i think he should be allowed the time to heal (and eventually to forgive night, if he is actually involved in the accident that made day lose his sight)
in the end they're both just two boys with a lot of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings between them who are trying to do their best and i think it's unfair to pit them against each other
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