revoltions · 4 years
       ❝ look, i’m not mad. ❞ he says it softly and calmly as he kneels down before her, the gentleness to his voice seemingly out of place. he’d very much so like to mind his own business while in terra ( especially with this damn eternal night they’ve got going on ), but that big brother in him can’t just abandon a kid. besides, leslie seemed a little lost anyway. he’s a bastard, sure, but not a heartless one. 
    he doesn’t try to soothe her with a pat, his arms remaining atop his knees as he peers up at her. a small smile forms, shoulders shrugging as he glances around. ❝ lots of scary stuff out here, you know ? you should be staying inside. kids like you’ll be curious, but leave figuring things out to the adults. ❞ // @onlyindarkness
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compxsed · 4 years
Weaponless and (mostly) powerless, Kyoya wasn’t too willing to battle the beast that had been lurking about. He wasn’t going to risk it, not now at least.
A quick glance at his phone, he instead began to search for the other items the princess had requested. Yet his search would promptly come to an end, upon hearing a low growl nearby.
Frowning, he looks around the area, squinting in an attempt to see through the darkness. Hearing a growl once more, he starts slowly walking towards the sound, eventually finding the beast preparing to attack someone. Wonderful.
Without much, or really any, thought, he starts looking around for something to throw at the beast. Finding a couple of sticks close to his feet, he quickly grabs both of them before hurling one at the beast, hitting its back.
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“Go! Run for it!” He shouts. Thankfully, the beast had begun to turn around to face him, yet now that he thought about it... How exactly was he going to defend himself with a stick?
Nice job, hero.
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ai-of-wadjet · 4 years
Starter for @onlyindarkness​ !!
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“Wait, don’t touch tha--! Oof!” She falls face first into the forest floor, courtesy of a zealous tree root. Right... three dimensional collision... she was going to have to get used to that... “T-That plant is called bruiseweed!” Aiba continues, dirt still attached to her face as she lifts it and slowly raises to her feet. “If it makes contact with skin, it leaves a nasty rash. It’ll sting every time it makes contact with water throughout its active period. ew...”
She wipes the dirt off her face and looks to the girl she’d spotted while looking for feathers in the woods. She was so young... and cute...  “Sorry if I startled you... I saw you about to touch it and before I knew it... Uh, my name is Aiba! Are you looking for feathers too? ...You’re not lost, are you?”
Meeting princess-like girls in the woods seemed a common beginning of fairy tales ending in misfortune, but alas, ones who seek knowledge will always be beholden to their curiosity... 
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vraelgard · 4 years
an app for Leslie, from The monster duchess and the contract princess!
the city is open to you, leslie sperado. welcome to terra.
you will be housed in twin apartments M14, where you will find a cute little SNUTTIG to keep you company.
you will retain your ability to use shadows to shield yourself to use at your discretion. perhaps it will come in handy.
♠ rook
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