“so many ways to be going but only one way to be here”
said my friend Jake in a song he wrote called “Noise” where he poured his heart out, not having any idea of the potential effect of the song’s lyrical content and emotional output on everyone that listens. He is right. What does this mean to me? This means being exactly where you are, physically oriented within your current reality and the space it contains, amidst the millions of rapid-fire connections your brain is begging you to indulge in about your past and future. There are many ways in which the past could have occurred or where the unknown unfolds beautifully or terrible for us. In the end, it is not the fate that matters but the faith that brings you there. At least, that’s what I believe. And I’d like to think that Jake believed that too when he wrote this, noting that you will only get to that moment you are headed toward if you can know exactly where you came from, or else you will be lost when you arrive. The challenge of impermanence and struggle with how to embrace it and find a safe space to express freely and feel happiness is becoming evermore present as time reveals the predicament that Earth and humanity are placed in. Will we start using our words more kindly and start acting with love from our hearts, not judgement from our fears of the unknown? Humanity cannot be self-sacrificed to it’s own blindness and innocence. This is not a way for the gorgeous human creature to become extinct amongst a frozen and fiery Earth. Balance lies deepest within our physical bodies, right there underneath your chest and above your belly button. All of the resources to heal the Earth and humankind from separation of race, culture, religion, society, class and beyond to eradicate greed, illness, ignorance, miscommunication and fear. It is time to responsibly claim Earth as our home and embrace the challenge naturally laid upon us by Earth, itself. Will we rise to the occasion? Only by opening your eyes and deciding to do something different today that helps the world in any way at all. Becoming less selfish, more loving and learning the safety in being a kind person. The easiest way to be a more thoughtful friend and creator is to be in the moment. You won’t miss a thing if you are aware of every. little. detail. 
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