#ooc translation: works been kicking my ass but i miss writing
Church bulletin, May 12.
Hello! Just a note to say sorry I haven't been very outgoing outside of Mass lately. I was afraid I was getting sick, but it seems to be clearing up! I'm still going to be taking it easy while this mild illness works its way out of my system, but things should return to normal soon.
-Father Lupine
Adrian's journal, May 12
God forgive me for lying, but I don't think my congregation needs to know why I've actually been so distant. "Mild illness", more like I've worked myself into such a state from panicking over the bishop's visit I ended up in another depressive episode too exhausted to do anything other than Mass for three weeks. And he stayed for what? A day?
Whatever, it seems to be improving. I miss everyone I've met, I miss having the energy to paint, I miss the sex to be honest
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