#ooc: dont worry about it! (boing!)
ask-louis-bonnet · 6 months
The Art Show
This is gonna be a multi-post story because of how insane the end was.
Because at the beginning it was all going really well. It was around the third and final day of the art show that things started to go off the rails.
It was the most crowded day as word kinda spread around town that the art show possibly maybe had rumors of pirates, but no one confirmed that!
but it drew in a crowd, and everyone was admiring the work and it was great
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thats when i had a horrible feeling in my bones. It was the only time i hated being right.
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because of course i turn and see none other than the worst slack-jawed worm-ridden plague rats to curse the grounds of the earth
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The Badminton Siblings; Luke, Claud, and Paulette.
I knew why they were here, they and their parents hate pirates! and also they were probably here to get revenge on me for freaking them out at school.
They were gonna ruin the paintings with tomatoes ): everyone knows tomato stains dont come off easily, so i had to be fast.
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i couldn’t get to any of my parents in time before they ruined one of the art pieces, so i began to panic.
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i started looking around for anyone i knew nearby me…
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Baizhu, Zhongli, Xiao, Dainsleif, and kaeya (separately) x reader who has the same element or powers as them? Like for xiao another adeptus and for zhongli another immortal geo user , Dainsleif could have a reader who is also immortal and used similar powers to his? Fluff plz
Also how are you ?
a/n - I'm doing alright!! I started a job so that does monopolise my free time now since it takes up the slots I'm not using for classes but it's going well! I hope you enjoy the read - im still learning how i wanna write these charas so its probably gonna be ooc :D - also, i totally made a reference to my "series" Eternity is a Little Warmer With You bc i just had to aejiofwajw also crying shitting screaming this has been living in here for FAR too long i dont even know when it will be posted im SOBBING the same way i was when my coworker tried to put [REDACTED] in my face to fuck w me (i think shes great no worries shes so funny oawejfwaiod)
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I don't think he expected to see another Dendro user in the area, much less one with an unfamiliar face. He makes it his business to know everybody in the harbour in case they require his services.
But, when you show up one day with a minor illness and the Dendro vision hanging from your clothes it piques his interest, which led to his continued visits to you under the pretense of taking care of you.
When things begin to develop further between the two of you I think he'd love to experiment more with your visions!
I see him using his vision in conjunction with his research and when he sees how different the way you use your powers he decides to experiment a little himself and see how effectively he can mimic it.
Overall, he would be fascinated with your abilities and would love to mess around with it a little! Even more so since you're doing it with him.
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He had a lot of reservations when he first met you.
You were a terrifying anomaly to him, stirring emotions deep in his chest that he could never understand. However, with time you taught him he was allowed to embrace such thoughts and feelings,
It was terrifying to imagine a single day without your smile, but he knew that he would never wish this curse of immortality on you. He could never hurt you like that, force you to bear a burden that he was cracking under.
But when he told you about his curse the tears that slipped from your eyes matched with a happy smile made him take pause. He had no idea why you were reacting that way and only held your hand silently, brushing away tears with his other hand.
His hand stopped as you told him you were the same, your grasp tightening around his fingers as the realisation sunk in.
He was so afraid to hope for some sort of dimly lit future that could have you in it, intimately aware of the trials and tribulations you had to go through.
Now, with your hands joined together he can only think that eternity will be a little warmer at your side.
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Xiao was aware that not all of the Adeptus perished in the war. He's only heard of a few of the others, less famous than him but still just as deserving of the title in his opinion. After all, you both worked hard to serve your Archon and were continuing to do your best.
When the two of you first met it was simple. A nod of your heads and you were both on your ways.
Once your patrol routes began to intersect it only took time and a few conversations under the light of the moon for him to find himself endeared to you.
It was easy with your smile and lack of pretense around him, and fortunately it seemed that the humans really were capable of protecting themselves.
Both being Adepti made it easier for him to understand why you said or did certain things what with your shared background. If anything, it helped make your bond stronger because the moments of silence were filled with an innate understanding he didn't feel like he had to explain.
At its core, your relationship is full of trust and unexplained pauses that fit comfortably between the space of your bodies. He feels fully at peace with you and knows that he can trust you with his heart and life.
He's still worried his karmic debt may stain you but the soft words of reassurance you whisper into his ear calm the thundering rush of his heart.
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When Morax decided to live as Zhongli he knew that there would be things he would have to grow accustomed to as a human but also lots of things to learn.
When he first met you he didn't think he'd learn about love.
But it came so naturally to you, what with your natural curiosity and penchant for charming in the most innocuous of manners. To him, it seems human to explore the feelings you give him and so he does.
It won't stop the nagging voice in his head reminding him not to get too attached lest you slip from his fingertips far earlier than you should.
When you confess to him that you're immortal as well he does a bit of a double-take. Sure, he doesn't personally hand out visions but he thought he would have at least been familiar with a fellow immortal Geo user.
Regardless, he discloses to you a bit of his own truth with a kind smile, hugging you tightly to his body when he sees your body slump forward with relief.
Maybe one day he'll be able to disclose the other half of his secret but for now he was more than content to know that you two were going to be spending a lot more time than initially thought.
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Cryo users aren't exactly rare so that wasn't what caught Kaeya's eye.
Instead, it was the fact that you pushed him out of the way when a hillichurl came barrelling towards him so fast he barely registered it.
The cold blast of ice against his skin made him think somehow he triggered his own powers without thinking until he heard the clinking of your vision against your clothes.
From there on he decided that he'd have to return the favour, deciding the best way to do that would be training with your visions.
Paradoxically, the chill of both your cryo visions does nothing to abate the warming of your bodies as you find some sort of rhythm while sparring together.
In fact, it only serves to make you both warmer when he pins you down underneath him. His cold hands hold your wrists in place over your head with a cocky, albeit out-of-breath smirk as he tries to think up what he wants to ask of you for his prize.
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miyanom · 4 years
I saw you have Jean Requests open lol, dont worry I'm obsessed with him to. How about something with reuniting with Jean after Trost. Him trying to find you and worried that something may have happened to you. Just fluff though...I'm not sure how much more angst I can handle in this show! 😭💗
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notes: I know you said just fluff, but the start is kinda angsty, sorry!! This does have a happy ending though. Anyways, I’m glad I’m not the only one obsessed with him haha, he really is best boy huh
warnings: some angst, mentions of death, slight description of corpses, jean might be ooc
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The battle of Trost had been a costly one.
That much was obvious as Jean trekked through his hometown’s streets, passing more bodies than he could count.
It was sickening really, knowing that he could’ve been one of these corpses had the others not come to buy him time to replace his gear… it was sickening knowing that Y/N could be one of these corpses waiting to be discovered in a dark corner of Trost somewhere.
He hadn’t seen Y/N since they were split on to different teams at the beginning, and though he knew he should be worrying about other things, he couldn’t help but be scared that the next corpse he found would be hers.
She had a whole life ahead of her, a family waiting for her to return, dreams she deserved to see come true.
He could still remember the day Y/N came to him during dinner to relay a story Armin had told her...
“It’s called an ocean!” Y/N explained, her bright smile almost contagious. Jean sat across from her at the table, his chin rested in the palm of his hand as he stared at her. “So much water that it stretches beyond the eye can see. Can you imagine that, Jean?”
Jean let out a simple hum, too busy admiring the light in her eyes. The same light she had whenever she spoke about things that she liked — the same look she had when she spoke about him, though he had yet to notice that.
“I think Jean-bo’s imagining something else!” Connie teased with a laugh, as he threw his arm around the boy’s shoulder, successfully pulling Jean out of his daydream.
“I told you not to call me that!” Jean told him, trying to push Connie away. Until Y/N’s voice filled his ears once more, and he found himself looking back in her direction.
“I can’t wait to see the ocean,” Y/N spoke dreamily. “It’s beautiful… I can picture it already.”
Oh, what Jean would do to hear her laughter right now. To see her smile… to just see her, standing in front of him alive and in one piece.
“I want to join the Survey Corps.” Y/N had stated one night, her eyes filled with determination as she stared up at the night sky. They had ended up training later than usual thanks to Eren messing up, and then the two of them had decided to stay back just a little longer, settling down beneath a tree to get a moment of rest.
“What?!” Jean’s eyes widened.
“Don’t you want to see the outside world, Jean?” She suddenly turned him. “The-”
“Is this about the ocean again?” Jean averted his gaze, ignoring the blush creeping onto his cheeks after he had realised their close proximity. “You don’t even know if what Armin said was true. Having a safe, comfortable life in the walls is-”
“It is real, Jean. I just… I can feel it,” she whispered. “Maybe- maybe one day we’ll see it together.”
In the moment, Jean couldn't have cared less about seeing the ocean. He just wanted to retreat further into the walls, he wanted to be safe. But now? Now he wished he was right by Y/N’s side, staring out at the water.
Anywhere was better than here.
Jean slowly came to a stop, his eyes falling onto a body crushed beneath rubble. He stayed there, frozen in his spot, wondering if Y/N was somewhere crushed like that. Wondering if they’d even be able to identify her.
As Jean finally lifted his head once more, his eyes fell onto a girl up ahead. Though as she removed her mask, he found himself running toward her.
“Y/N!” He shouted.
The girl turned in his direction, her eyes widening in shock. “Jean!” She yelled, dropping the clipboard she had been holding as she was pulled into his arms.
“You’re… you’re alive!” He whispered, holding her tightly as if he still couldn’t believe it.
“I am. I’m here, okay?” Y/N placed her forehead against his shoulder as Jean’s hands gripped onto the back of her jacket.
Not a single word was uttered for a moment, as they both just took it all in. “I’m here. I’m alive,” she finally spoke again. “You’re alive. I thought-”
She cut herself off as Jean suddenly pulled away from her. “Jean?” She stared at him, noticing the tears that had begun forming in the corner of his eyes as he stared back at her.
“Y/N, don’t… don’t do that again. Don’t disappear like that again…”
Y/N’s expression softened as she began nodding her head. “I won’t, I promise!”
Jean let out a noise of surprise as Y/N threw her arms back around him, holding him tightly even though they should be returning to moving the bodies.
As Jean carefully wrapped his arms around the girl, he made a silent promise to himself… he was going to take Y/N to see the ocean, even if it was the last thing he did.
No… they’d see it together. Hand in hand.
In a world like this, they deserved that much, didn’t they?
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