#ooc: i'm terrified to give this a go but we're taking the plunge
socialitesleuth · 6 months
Welcome to the Creighton-Ward Manor!
Please, do take a seat and make yourself at home. I'm sure Parker will be here with the tea soon (and by that I do mean actual tea, and not the T.E.A. We don't want to be having to sort out any situations just yet, do we?)
Right then, shall we get down to business?
*clears her throat and lifts up her agenda*
Firstly, this is a roleplay blog run by @hebuiltfive. All posts, unless otherwise stated, will be purely in character. It has also been a while since the mun has roleplayed on this site, so patience is much appreciate.
Secondly, no hate of any kind will be tolerated on this account. Parker will be doing security checks routinely and any hate will be deleted and the account promptly blocked. This is a safe space for everyone and I would rather much like to keep it that way, thank you.
Third on the agenda is activity. I'm often called away for lectures, parties and, more often than not, important missions (meaning this is the mun's secondary account, meaning activity levels might droop on this one.) All that we ask of you here at the Manor is patience when waiting for any replies and that you do not badger us for them. Again, it would be most appreciated.
Now, onto the less serious points.
This version is set primarily in the TAG universe, however there may be references to both the TOS universe, extended media and the 2004 movie universe occasionally.
Tags will be used for navigation purposes. This post may be edited to detail this more once a sufficient amount have been used.
Lastly, please do not be afraid to interact with any posts. There may, on occasion, be a few solo pieces, but they will be tagged as such. Sherbet is the only biter in the Creighton-Ward Manor but, so long as you're a friendly face, he will be as welcoming as I.
Speaking of Sherbet, it's time for me to take him to the doggy salon. So, for now at least, I think that is all. Any edits to this post will be made as and when if necessary.
Enjoy your stay and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you find yourself in an emergency. You'll find that Parker and I are well-equipped to handle most situations.
Penny x
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