#ooc: hi hello hi everyone
socialitesleuth · 6 months
Welcome to the Creighton-Ward Manor!
Please, do take a seat and make yourself at home. I'm sure Parker will be here with the tea soon (and by that I do mean actual tea, and not the T.E.A. We don't want to be having to sort out any situations just yet, do we?)
Right then, shall we get down to business?
*clears her throat and lifts up her agenda*
Firstly, this is a roleplay blog run by @hebuiltfive. All posts, unless otherwise stated, will be purely in character. It has also been a while since the mun has roleplayed on this site, so patience is much appreciate.
Secondly, no hate of any kind will be tolerated on this account. Parker will be doing security checks routinely and any hate will be deleted and the account promptly blocked. This is a safe space for everyone and I would rather much like to keep it that way, thank you.
Third on the agenda is activity. I'm often called away for lectures, parties and, more often than not, important missions (meaning this is the mun's secondary account, meaning activity levels might droop on this one.) All that we ask of you here at the Manor is patience when waiting for any replies and that you do not badger us for them. Again, it would be most appreciated.
Now, onto the less serious points.
This version is set primarily in the TAG universe, however there may be references to both the TOS universe, extended media and the 2004 movie universe occasionally.
Tags will be used for navigation purposes. This post may be edited to detail this more once a sufficient amount have been used.
Lastly, please do not be afraid to interact with any posts. There may, on occasion, be a few solo pieces, but they will be tagged as such. Sherbet is the only biter in the Creighton-Ward Manor but, so long as you're a friendly face, he will be as welcoming as I.
Speaking of Sherbet, it's time for me to take him to the doggy salon. So, for now at least, I think that is all. Any edits to this post will be made as and when if necessary.
Enjoy your stay and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you find yourself in an emergency. You'll find that Parker and I are well-equipped to handle most situations.
Penny x
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grimowled · 18 days
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*peeks in*
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chirpycloudyrobin · 1 month
oh beefleaf my beefleaf 🥺 i have AU thoughts for my beloveds
specifically, (assumed) unrequited beefleaf where shi qingxuan wrangles the cosmos (dont ask how) into letting him find he xuan's reincarnated family so he could reunite them as a way of apologising
but wait !! theyre in trouble ?? of course shi qingxuan is going to help them ! he owes them that much
and he knows he has absolutely zero rights still harbouring feelings for he xuan but he can't help it ! hes been pining for centuries and one does not simply let go of a century of feelings
but- but- wouldn't it be easier if he lets go ? again, what right does he have feeling this way for he xuan ? and besides, he and miao-jiejie are so different from face to mannerisms to ambitions.. everything ! and miao-jiejie will be back in he xuan's life soon too. what chances did shi qingxuan even have ? did he even have one, when he xuan had secretly hated- LOATHED his entire being the whole time ?
feelings hurt hmm... anyways...
maneuvering events while in the throes of a great heartbreak is no easy feat ! oh no, is he getting attached to them ? are they getting attached to him too ? does this count as stealing from he xuan again ?
shi qingxuan should speed up his mission. and he does. and his mission ends happily of course ! one happy little He family reunited at long last
well, he's got no place there. byebye now !
except. hmm.
did everyone (read: shi qingxuan) conveniently forget that he xuan's family now lead their own lives ? that they may have the memories from before but theyre now virtually new people ?
the reunion didnt end with "and they all lived happily under one roof ever after". the reunion, instead, ended w promises to visit. promises to make up for lost time. promises to introduce their new families to he xuan.
he xuan and miao-jiejie loved each other once. they love each other still, but it's nostalgia-flavoured now. and they get their closure, ofc they did. did you know miao-jiejie got asked out a while ago ? funny how the universe worked like that
so he xuan got the closure he deserved after so long. his family are living happier lives and he gets to see it and be part of it. he has mourned them and he has avenged them and their future remains bright. he should be able to move on to the reincarnation cycle now, right ?
right ... ?
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sage-nebula · 1 month
Look, if you want to write out-of-character AUs where Ford still has any positive feelings for Bill at all by the time present day Gravity Falls takes place, by all means, indulge in that. You do you, etc. But when you start writing meta claiming that Ford's grief over losing his brother via the memory gun was also grief over having lost Bill (whom Ford canonically wanted deader than dead, he literally tried to atomize him two episodes prior), you have lost the plot.
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laughingtale · 2 months
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LEXI !!!
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jackdup · 1 month
anyway i feel like in the ripe year of 2024, i shouldn't have to say this, but it's tumblr, so . . . yeah, i have to say it:
if my muse catches the FeelingsTM for your muse, that does not equal force-shipping
i just want my character to feel his feelings authentically (and vice versa regarding yours). it goes both ways, my dudes (◕⍸ ◕✿) relationships are complicated like that; our muses don't need to feel the same way about each other and honestly ??? love to see dynamics like that
nothing spurred this btw – just the endless struggles of writing on a public platform instead of privately with my friends where we let our characters just go off without any worries or restrictions, really (respecting each other, ofc)
. . . other than the fact that writing timmy has alerted me to his knack for having two (2) reactions to people being nice to him: suspicion or heart-eyes. sometimes at the same time. but please omg please i promise you i am never trying to shove a ship down your throat. it's literally just me letting my muse feel what he's feeling. yeah? yeh. happy friday ~♡
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real-team-luster · 2 months
// spit-take all over keyboard
man 23 notifications huh...
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ To the new people following me, I warmly welcome you to my half-naked blog that has its ASS out-- I suddenly find myself FREE, so I will be putting some pants on it- (read: I will finish up her dossier page and get to RP thingies in a bit, because I AM FREE AND HAVE FREE TIME).
In any other case, hi everyone, I am close to figuring out a schedule for writing RP things! I'm very excited!! I miss my problematic ass alien lady and I know y'all miss her too-
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lucidrims · 4 months
i've recently gotten back the free time i've been wanting to get for MONTHS and kind of wanted to resurrect this particular blog c: i'll be adding and taking out some muses here so stay tuned 🫶
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bcdluckstumblcd · 1 year
<3 hi :)
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royalreef · 8 months
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bemysclf · 2 years
-nervous wave- Hi. Hello!
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davepetea · 9 months
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aufhebcn · 10 months
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gonna do a little starter  /  plotting call. still have to set up verses but they will be wrapped up soon. i've got the main canon verse and a cyberpunk 2077 verse to setup. other than that hello all :]
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talentforlying · 1 year
watched 7 hours of rizzolli & isles last night and then slept for 12 more. i am living my best life.
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mukagen · 1 year
i want @kudakenai arrested
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