#ooc; i hope this starter is okay with you x3
haebxtna · 7 years
PSA: Status + Tracker  + Plot Call + Communications
all in one post because I can : )
There are things that should be put into moderation, and that is what I forget sometimes. Haebitna and  my other muses have been taking up most of my time lately that I am getting lax on the things I need in life (aka career + adulting + social life + future) so I decided to place this account on SEMI-HIATUS (until maybe I finish my proficiency exam and overseas applications). ALL PENDING REPLIES are under drafts and will be posted as soon as I got time. I will not be dropping threads for now (unless you want to drop ours, it’s okay, honestly. Just give me a heads up. <: ) however, I must say that I will prioritize threads that have been plotted beforehand.  
Also, I might do an unfollow spree anytime soon. I just need to clean my dash because it has been overwhelming lately and I tend to miss out things that I wanted/am interested to read. Mostly the people I haven’t been interacting with. You may feel free to unfollow too. I would just want to keep my circle small and focus on Haebitna, her plot development and the people around her. : ))
Here is a list of people whom I have ongoing threads with. Please tell me if you want to drop the thread (it’s okay, I swear!) so that I could remove it from the list. And if ever I forgot you or something, please do say so. (because sometimes even with a tracker I still keep missing things.) There are threads that haven’t been moving for a long time, but yeah, still keeping it here just in case. NO PRESSURE my friends. Take your time. :)
Owe replies/starters to:
@jakobtv​ x2
@pullstrings​ (sms thread)
Awaiting replies from: (no need to rush, dearies!)
@orphicsm​ x3 {{ on talks with regards to the change in their dynamics }}
@aprt7012​ (Lee Kwangsoo)
@kyura92​ x2
@somecrazylads​ (Jiwoo)
@mcrtelle​ (Yang Rei)
@intotheblve​ (Lee Hyeri)
@idemalium​ (Park Daehun)
@trouvxilles​ x2
Inbox (starters,memes, misc):
@spellbks​ (symbol meme)
when did this become so many omg omg omg
Even with the semi-hiatus, I am always still open for plotting. Again I will tell you that I am a sucker for angst and I cannot really wait to give it to her.  I know people find Haebitna adorable, and lovely, and a ball of sunshine. But my friends, it’s too good to be true. She is, like any other characters out there, like any human being, a lady of conflicts. She has her own ‘complexities’ ( I am not sure if people were able to catch onto this side of her but I hope. u.u) plus the things that are about to happen to her will ultimately bring a change in her. I appreciate people who loves her, really! (I swear you all make me go ‘awwww~’) But I think it’s due time people confront her so that I could show more of her (aka bad behaviors, mistakes, wrong attitude in life etc). You are open to hurt her, bully her, reprimand her, break her heart, knock some sense into her, anything (as long as you keep her alive u.u). We could always work on those kinds of plots. The only thing I ask for if you want to plot angst with Haebitna is that you’ll be committed to it. Because certainly it will be a huge part of her development. I already have few ideas in my to be honest, I just don’t know how to find the right persons to play those (plus I am super shy. Like 90% of the time ;w;). So if ever you want to plot with these angst (okay, and maybe non-angst plots too) just like this post and I will come into your Tumblr IMs. :) PS. I am an awkward potato and sometimes most of the time confused but I am nice u.u
I’ve always used TUMBLR IMs for plotting and ooc talks. I don’t have AIM (not yet but contemplating on making one soon ??), or Peaches, etc but aside from Tumblr IMs, you can reach me through DISCORD ( secondhandrose #0197 ; rarely used though) and SKYPE ( please IM for username. Hehe ) Only for plotting, ooc talks, ramblings and all shiz. Roleplaying exclusively on Tumblr. :) PS. Please tell me your tumblr urls when you add me. ^^
That’s it for now. Now I’m off to do something productive u.u
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zone-cop · 9 years
         Back in the No Zone; probably the laziest Monday morning yet.  
                                Rise and shine; it’s time for work!
The air was thick, hot and humid. It was enough to make anyone who was forced to get up at these hours tired and oh so lazy. But coffee is always there to for the needy spirits. But enough talk about this depressing dawn. Truth to be told, Zonic didn’t get his proper shut eye. He barely got his seven hours of sleep prior to working long ago on this early morning. 
But the copper here was in for a special case. Upon having his emerald eyes deeply concentrated on the subject’s data, he kept his dear cup of coffee high and his chest puffed up behind the armor. Analyzing and judging. 
“Nazo... Relation with.. Black Arms?...”   Mumble, mumble. 
Tumblr media
His records are more than clear in the database. And of course little did each reader’s muse knew that the zone cops are stepping on their tail as well. Now having a timeline of constantly teleporting to many different zones, it was about time Nazo became this cop’s target for today. It has been a while since the authorities layed on eye on him, to be honest. But no matter in what dimension you’re in, that’s the pace law usually takes. 
                                  Now then, shall we get going?
Onto suffocating the thickness of his quills with the tiny helmet before opening up a portal with the help of his trusty gear. Stepping out of his zone in a brief second; the area around his new destination dazzled as ‘Zips & zaps’ filled nearby ears. The Zone Cop stepped out oriented sideways, as usual. And eventually, he found his target.
Upon facing him; a muffled sight escaped his throat. Though he looks more like a monster than a hedgehog, it would certainly take more than that to intimidate Zonic. Before addressing himself towards the other; cool and collected is how he portrayed himself. A finger pointed out; his voice filled with determination. 
“You there. HALT.” 
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