#oof sorry for going Off but hopefully at least some of that is helpful <33
parkitaco · 5 months
Hiiiii, question, how do you convince yourself your writing doesn't suck and to just finish what you wrote so you can upload it (your stories are amazing they don't suck this is a self-help ask not a roast) when you don't have friends to send to to get hype messages to keep you motivated? I am. Struggling to complete anything because I have anxiety, low self esteem and no friends l o l uuughfh I just want to share what I write but I can't get to the "complete stage" because to my eyeballs everything I write just looks like trash :( and like if I write and immediately submit before I can ruminate on it that'd be great but I can't write that fast so when I have to sit for a few days I realize everything I wrote was awful and I can't get back to finishing it ummm I am in a spiral plz send help Idk sorry maybe you don't have this issueee aaahhhh sorry
hi anon!! sorry for being the Worst and not answering this for many days whoops <33 i don't have a lot of Specific or Helpful advice for this unfortunately although i totally get where you're coming from!!! it can be so so hard to get stuff done when you're just not liking the way it sounds or are feeling stuck in some way.
i thinkk the best advice i can really offer is that you have to try to be as objective as possible when looking over what you've written and kind of be like. ok what is the Reason why i don't like this. bc sometimes when i'm reading back stuff i've written i'm like ew i don't like this but that's just because i'm looking at it through the lens of Me being the one who wrote it if that makes sense!! while other times i'm reading it back and there's something that i don't like that actually is a valid concern and is fixable. so if you can kind of separate the two in your mind under categories of Insecurity versus Plot/Flow/Pacing Issues it can help!! if it's something to do with the actual overall content, go back to the last place where you feel like the writing is solid and read from there to try to figure out where the issue starts and what you could change about it. if it's something that you think is just caused by your own self-critical lens, try rereading again and pretending that you're not the one who wrote it and see if you feel differently <33
beyond that, it's important to remember that your writing never has to be perfect, especially if it's only a first draft!!! if there's something in the tone or dialogue or Whatever of the story that you don't like, sometimes it's better to power through and try to get all the major scenes at least half-written, so that you have a solid piece that you can then go back and tweak until you feel good about it!! if you're stuck on a particular part, you can make a note to yourself to return to it later, then hit enter a few times and start with the next scene/paragraph that you can clearly envision.
and ofc always remember that it's literally just fanfiction and it's supposed to be fun, so you don't need to stress yourself out too hard about delivering The Most Quality Content Possible (this is one i struggle with too so i feel u). if something isn't fun, there's nothing wrong with scrapping it and starting something new, or starting over, or simply taking a break and coming back to it when you feel ready!! and i promise promise promise that if you Can get yourself to work through the anxiety, your writing will improve with practice and time <33
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Part 33 of Jimercury Kid series
Jim couldn’t understand it. He was completely and utterly baffled.
He had spent the last few weeks watching what he ate, cutting back on higher calorie foods, restricting his sweets, sometimes skipping meals altogether and substituting them for tea or coffee. And yet, as he stood there in his bedroom in front of the mirror, hands struggling with the buttons of his trousers, it all seemed to be for naught.
He could barely fit into any of his clothes. His trousers wouldn’t button, his shirts strained against his chest and even his pyjamas seemed ready to tear at the seams the moment he put them on. He couldn’t understand it; he had tried, he really tried. Yet it seemed he had put on weight rather than lost it.
Freddie had got rid of the scales during his illness, as it depressed him too much to be reminded of how thin and frail he was becoming, so Jim was forced to rely on his own estimation. Given how nothing fit him anymore, it was clear that his current approach to losing weight wasn’t working.
He gave up fighting with the button and pulled the trousers off in frustration, tossing them across the room. He wrapped himself back up in his dressing gown, which seemed to be the only thing that he could breathe in and sat down on the bed in defeat. He couldn’t help but allow his mind to wander to darker thoughts; what if it kept getting worse? What if Freddie looked at him one day and was disgusted by what he saw? Someone as beautiful as Freddie deserved better. He would tell Jim to pack his bags and leave.
He knew he shouldn’t think of such things, but he couldn’t help himself. He had always been made to feel that he wasn’t good enough for Freddie and this only cemented the idea into his head.
And the worst part? His poor mood was making him crave a biscuit.
He groaned and flopped down onto the mattress.
‘I’m in big trouble.’
Phoebe couldn’t help but snigger with laughter as Freddie held up one of Jim’s shirts, which was now noticeably smaller than it had been before it went in the wash.
Recently, Freddie had become insistent on being more independent and enlisted Phoebe to show him how to use various items around the house, including the washing machine. In hindsight, Phoebe should have known that this impulsive venture was destined for disaster; of course, Freddie would insist on doing Jim’s washing to surprise him, and then whack the machine up to 60 degrees despite Phoebe’s warnings. And now Jim’s loosest T-shirt was more of a crop top if anything.
Freddie sighed and set the shirt down, folding it pointlessly. ‘On a scale on one to ten, how angry do you think Jim will be?’
‘For shrinking his entire wardrobe?’ Phoebe pretended to consider the question. ‘At least an eleven.’
This clearly wasn’t the right thing to say, as Freddie groaned and faceplanted onto the kitchen table.
‘Cheer up, you old tart.’ Phoebe grinned and gave the singer a nudge. ‘Jim can never stay cross with you for long. Just explain yourself and he’ll forgive you.’
‘I know he’ll forgive me – it’s the half an hour lecture I’m not looking forward to.’ The Persian grumbled and pushed his chair back. ‘Maybe I should take Khaleel up with me. He can’t shout at me if the baby is there.’
‘Using your child as a shield? That’s low even for you.’
‘Give over, Phoebe. You and Joe were happy enough to use Jim as a scapegoat when you were smuggling cats into the house, so don’t you lecture me about morals.’
Five minutes later, Freddie was warily ascending the staircase towards the master bedroom, a packet of custard creams in one hand and Khaleel scampering at his heels. He was mentally preparing himself for the severe scolding he would inevitably receive, but hopefully a few biscuits would sweeten Jim’s mood. Lord knows, the Irishman could use them; he had been eating so little recently, he was practically wasting away into nothing. (1/2)
‘Darling?’ Freddie called out softly as he pushed open the door, scanning the room until he located Jim lying flat out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. ‘Darling, we brought you something.’
‘Don’t come in.’ Jim replied groggily, not even looking up from where he was laying. ‘I’m hideous.’
Freddie chuckled, not picking up the sincerity in Jim’s tone as he stepped into the room, Khaleel immediately making a beeline for the bed. ‘Hey, that’s my line!’
‘We brought biscuits, Daddy.’ Khaleel said excitedly, bouncing onto the bed and sprawling on top of Jim, resting his chin on the man’s chest. ‘I’ve already had three, so Baba says the rest are for you.’
The mere mention of confectionary made Jim groan. ‘Please take them away. I’ll probably put on ten pounds just looking at them.’
‘What do you mean?’ Freddie asked, sitting himself down beside his husband and son. ‘I thought you liked custard creams.’
Jim gave a loud, heavy sigh, lifting a hand to gently pet Khaleel’s hair. ‘I’m fat.’
There was a brief pause as everyone took a moment to process those two words. Then Freddie chuckled loudly, only stopping when he realised Jim was serious.
‘You’re not fat, you silly fool!’ Freddie exclaimed, looking scandalised. ‘If anything, you could stand to eat more. There’s nothing of you these days!’
‘Oh, come on Freddie.’ Jim couldn’t help but snap, though he quickly lowered his voice when he realised that he had startled Khaleel. Their son hated it when they argued, and he quickly pressed a kiss against the little boy’s nose to reassure him. ‘I know for a fact that I’ve put on weight. I don’t fit into any of my clothes anymore. If that’s not proof, I don’t know what is.’
Freddie felt his cheeks begin to burn and he carefully placed the packet of custard creams out of Jim’s reach, in case the Irishman decided to use them as a weapon. ‘Ah…that might be my fault.’
Jim sat up, sitting Khaleel on his lap as he stared at Freddie in confusion. ‘How is it your fault?’
‘Well, I asked Phoebe to show me how to use some of the appliances around the house.’ Replied Freddie, playing with his fingers awkwardly. ‘And I wanted to surprise you by doing your laundry. But I might have turned the temperature up a little too high.’
Jim’s eyes went wide. ‘You shrunk my clothes?!’
‘In my defence, Phoebe is partially at fault for listening to me when I told him I knew what I was doing.’ Freddie dropped his gaze to his lap, peering up at Jim through his eyelashes. ‘I’m really sorry, darling.’
But Jim just started to laugh, though it sounded like he was on the verge of crying as well. ‘Jesus Christ, Freddie. You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. I thought I was going to end up needing a forklift to get downstairs.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous. There’s nothing wrong with your weight.’ Freddie said gently, leaning over and brushing a kiss against the man’s bearded cheek. ‘You’re perfect just the way you are, isn’t he, Kenny?’
‘I love Daddy’s tummy.’ Khaleel replied, giving Jim’s stomach a pat. ‘He’s like a big cuddly teddy bear!’
‘Exactly. He’s our teddy bear.’ Freddie kissed his husband again, rubbing his cheek against the man’s stubble. ‘So…are you cross with me?’
‘Of course I’m cross with you!’ Jim exclaimed, though he was cracking up as he spoke. ‘I have to invest in a whole new wardrobe now, thanks to your terrible laundry skills!’
‘I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, I promise.’ Freddie pouted and thrust the packet of biscuits under Jim’s nose. ‘Now, stop telling me off and eat my peace offering.’ (2/2)
Awwww haha I loved this!
Firstly, I love how you've explored any body image issues that Jim may have had, and how that tied to his insecurities of not being good enough for Freddie.
And oof, baby Jimbo was adorable.
And the worst part? His poor mood was making him crave a biscuit.
Awwww I love my Irish teddy bear so much😂💙
Also, lmao Freddie being absolute shit at using a washing machine, Phoebe's amusement at his friend's antics, and Freddie eventually blaming Phoebe for putting too much faith into him made me crack up😂😂😂 He's such a character, our Freddie.
(More drabbles by writer anon)
(All the parts of this series can also be found under the tag #freddie and jim and their baby on this blog)
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p.3)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
Chapter threeee. What do you think? Any predictions?
Sunday 10:28 AM
oh man
you’re pretty funny
Shhh you’re talking too loud. 
i’m texting you
Well stop it. You’re being too loud. 
okaaaaay i’ll leave you alone
Wait come back… I miss you. 
ahhh the truth comes out 
you do like me
Of course I do, I wouldn’t be texting you if I didn’t. 
well that’s good to know 
i’m assuming your head is pounding?
Very much so. I'm about to chug a gallon of orange juice and pray I don’t die. 
can you sing while you do it?
I don’t sing. 
but you serenaded me last night 
it was an amazing song called “bar princess” 
Oh shit. Really?
yes and then you told me that you couldn’t sing to me because jo would be mad
In my defense it was my buddies bachelor party. 
that excuse didn’t stop you from calling me bar princess
I think i’m gonna name you… doctor rockstar 
Somehow that’s actually worse than Doctor Evil Spawn
it'll grow on you 
hey go check your porch
You didn’t. 
oh but I did
Breakfast and coffee? You’re the best. Thank you. 
it’s my thank you for the donuts yesterday
and for keeping me sane almost everyday
It’s nothing, I enjoy our friendship just as much as you do. 
  Sunday 3:33 PM
What’s with all these sirens in the area? You think someone died?
oh…. that might’ve been me…
Are you okay?
  Sunday 3:45 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Hey it’s Jo! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave me a message and I’ll call ya back!”
  Sunday 3:47 PM
i’m fine gimme a second
You’re freaking me out. 
  Sunday 4:17 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“I’m fine, I‘m fine.”
“What the hell happened?”
“I tried to make lunch and I set something on fire. It’s fine, I just couldn’t contain it.”
“You want me to come help out? I can be there in five minutes.”
“Alex, I’m fine. And I told you, I don’t wanna see you until our date.”
“Oh screw all that. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes! Now stop worrying about me, I’m perfectly fine.”
“Okay I’ll take your word for it, Bar Princess.”
“Good. Now stop freaking out, I can hear you hyperventilating over there.”
“I told you, I don’t want our first meeting to be at your funeral. I’m protecting myself obviously.”
“Right okay. Well I have to go and talk Steph down from killing me. I’ll talk to you soon. And Alex?”
“Yes Jo?”
“Thanks… just for caring about me. I’ve never had anyone who would be that concerned about me setting the fire alarm off. It means a lot. More than you know.”
“Well I like you, a lot. And you mean a lot to me. More than you know. Hey, when are you free next week?”
“I get back on Sunday night so anytime after that.”
“I’m off Wednesday, does that work for you?”
“Absolutely. It’s a date?”
“It is definitely a date. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”
  Monday 9:36 AM
so steph killed me 
  Monday 10:06 AM
You’re texting me so I’m assuming that’s a good sign. 
yeah I started crying and she let me off the hook
You started crying??
well fake crying but yeah
it did the job
You’re full of surprises aren’t you?
only always
I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when we meet
I hope so. Gotta go yell at interns, catch ya on the flip side. 
the 90s called they want their catchphrase back
  Monday 4:21 PM
pretty sure our AC is broken
i’m sweating like a pig
Oof, not fun. Did you call it in?
yup but they can’t get out till next weekend
i’m in shorts and a tank top I don’t think I can strip more without izzie yelling at me
I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to come and strip for me. 
that was very forward doctor rockstar
at least take me out to dinner first
I’m trying to. Surgeons are busy people. 
it’s okay it’ll be well worth the wait 
and i’m holding you to what you said
I say a lot of things to you, you’ll have to be more specific. 
when you said you’d kiss me as soon as we met
i’ll be waiting for that
I’ll make sure to put chapstick on in the car then. 
you should do stand up comedy 
Once you get to know me you’ll understand how terrible of an idea that is. 
oh shoot
bridezilla just stormed in crying
have to run damage control we’ll talk later 
Lemon juice and a loofah. At least that’s what Meredith is telling me. Good luck. 
  Tuesday 10:28 AM
can you kiss meredith for me
she saved my ass yesterday 
That would be kind of awkward seeing as she’s married. But I’ll pass on your thanks. 
there were so many tears 
it was horrendous
izzie and I stayed up until 2 am washing that stuff off
Jesus Christ. I’m sure you’ll be relieved once this wedding is over and done with. 
four more days!!
i’m excited of course but like… I want this done with
I can’t take much more bridezilla madness
Neither can I. 
you’re not even dealing with it!!
Yeah but I have to hear you dealing with it and it just doesn’t sound fun. I pity you. 
you’re so sweet
Doctor Feel Good
That sounds borderline inappropriate. 
it was 100% inappropriate 
see i’ve flipped the tables 
now i’m trying to seduce you
I applaud your efforts. Giving me a sexy nickname definitely helped your chances.
You asked me to kiss you as soon as we met, I assumed that you would also be putting out on the first date.
you’re not wrong
Knew it. I’d love to continue talking about what you’re going to do to me after our first date, but I have a high volume trauma coming in. Probably won’t be around for a few hours.
good luck, keep your wits about you
don’t be a hero, we still have a standing date
Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
  Tuesday 11:38 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Hey. I hope I didn’t wake you up.” “No… No, I wasn’t sleeping, I was watching a movie. Are you okay?” “Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” “You don’t sound fine.” “It’s just been a long day… a lot happened.” “Do you wanna talk about it?” “No I… there was a pileup, on the freeway. It was really bad. And there… there was a van full of kids. It’s just been a long day.” “I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how hard it is going through that. What can I do to help?” “Can you… can you just talk to me?” “Of course I can. Oh! I’ll tell you Izzie’s muffin story! That’s a good one.”
“Okay yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.” “So Izzie and her boyfriend had gone through a BAD breakup, I mean monumental. She was so upset and she just started baking…”
  Wednesday 9:59 AM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jesus Christ what time is it?” “It’s 10 AM.” “Alex! I didn’t check the caller ID. Are you okay?” “I’m fine. I’m fine… I’m sorry I woke you up.” “No! It’s okay, you know I love to hear your voice.” “Well that’s a relief, I was worried you were gonna drop me because I keep waking you up.” “You only woke me up once!” “Listen Bar Princess, you may think you’re a good liar but you aren’t. I know I woke you up last night when I called.” “No I-”
“No buts. Thank you for that, I really appreciated it. It’s… it’s hard being in my line of work somedays.” “Well, you’ll always have me to lean on.” “I just need you to know…” “Know what? Oh my god you’re not married are you?” “What? No! Jo… just listen. Can you do that?” “Yes, I can.” “Somedays this job drags me down. It wears me down to my core and it doesn’t make it easier when I’ve got babies and kids on the table. It’s hard and I hate to admit it but I fall apart. I fall apart and I’m messy and I get all dark and twisty sometimes.” “Dark and twisty?” “Meredith says that. But it’s true. I get dark and twisty sometimes and you… last night you pulled me out of that dark and twisty place and I just…” “Just what? You can tell me, Alex.” “I don’t want to rely on you if pulling me out of the dark and twisty place is too much for you to handle. I want… I know I sound crazy and you’re probably freaking out-”
“I’m not freaking out.” “But I want this. You and me and I don’t want to get comfortable if you’re not in. Because I’m in, I’m in Jo. It’s ridiculous and I don’t even know what you look like but I’m in.”
“I’m in. I’m so in, I’m all in and if that makes us crazy then… Then I wanna be crazy with you.”
“Kissing you sounds really good right now.” “Listen, just because I said I’m in this for the long haul doesn’t mean you get to see me before our first date. If anything, this makes things more romantic.” “Okay okay, I’ll listen to you. You better be prepared because this first kiss, it’s gonna be the most epic kiss you’ll ever get.” “I’m waiting in eager anticipation, Doctor Feelgood.”
“It’s feels wrong to like it when you call me that.”
“You’re a real charmer. I would love to keep up the sexy talk, but Bridezilla is here and I’m pretty sure she’s going to rip my head off. Talk later?”
“Don’t we always. Thanks… for hearing me out. And being there. And being you. I can’t wait to kiss you.”
“I can’t wait to kiss you eit-“
“Have fun, call me if you need an alibi.”
  Wednesday 1:18 PM
had to hide in the bathroom 
the living room is covered in glitter 
Aren’t you used to that? Being a teacher and all?
ohhhhhh no 
i have banned the use of glitter in my house and classroom
i’m not a monster
Oh glad to know you have your wits about you. 
of course i do
my only slipup ever has been the time i drunk texted that phone number that was graffitied in a bar bathroom
oh wait
Hahaha very funny. By the way, I thanked Cristina profusely and even bought her a coffee.
what are we thanking cristina for? For putting my phone number up in the bathroom. I might need you to go and scratch it out though. I don’t need any other drunk teachers at bachelorette parties texting me, I’ve met my quota. 
well that was oddly touching
you’re a big softy aren’t you doctor evil spawn
I’m a pediatric surgeon, I think that tells you everything you need to know.
you’re making some very good points here
oh shit she found me
i’ll be back (hopefully)
I have a bone to pick with bridezilla. She keeps taking my texting buddy away.
  Wednesday 6:06 PM
good god i’m gonna die before we get to this wedding
i just had to pack chocolate almonds into tiny little bags and tie them with bows
You seem to have a lot of strong feelings about almonds.
i can't feel my fingers
If you can’t feel your fingers how are you texting me? i’m making siri do it for me while i lay on the floor drinking wine
I’m so proud of you. I’m on NICU overnight duty, so I have to stay awake and I’m bored. 
shouldn’t you be like… taking care of the babies? Oh these kids are fighters. I just gotta make sure they don’t rip off their tubes.
well it seems like you have an easy night
Until I die of boredom or hunger. Whichever one happens first.
i’m pretty sure you’re the doctor here so you know that won’t happen
Wow, you really pulled the doctor card on me huh? of course i did, it’s like you don’t even know me
You’re right I should’ve expected that. Gotta do rounds, I’ll text you in a bit.
  Wednesday 8:28 PM
I’m pretty sure it was my turn to bring you food, not the other way around.
i sent the egg rolls and chow mein! 
apparently you’re a regular because the guy at the restaurant suggested everything else and offered to deliver it to you
Thank you, you did kind of save my night. This chicken chow mein is amazing.
it’s my favorite
just like you :) Now who’s the softy? i’m a fourth grade teacher, i think that tells you everything you need to know
Touche. Okay now I really have to go be a doctor. Thank you again for dinner, one more week until we get to see each other.
the happy dance i just did was embarrassing, that’s how excited i am
  Thursday 10:28 AM
if I never have to participate in another wedding it’ll be too soon
i’m so exhausted I wish I was in a room filled with fourth graders instead of here
Don’t you wanna get married someday?
if I ever get married i’m going to the courthouse and getting pizza after
that’s my dream wedding
At least you don’t wanna spend 10k on a couple hours of celebrating. Pizza is as good a celebration as any in my book. 
exactly you get it 
pizza and beer trumps uncomfy dress and socializing with people any day
What’s bridezilla got you doing today?
making table numbers and centerpieces today
then we drive up tomorrow night
then I get shit faced at the open bar
At least you know what your agenda is. 
that’s always my wedding agenda 
hopefully I won’t puke on my shoes this time
That would be a funny wedding story though, good for small talk. 
you’re right maybe I should peueowownspdjd
Did you have a stroke? 
Jo’s phone has been confiscated so she can focus all of her attention on helping with wedding preparations. She’ll get it back later today. Sincerely, Bridezilla 
  Thursday 4:17 PM
Incoming Phone Call
“I have to call my mom, I’ll be right back!”
“Jo that excuse doesn’t work, we all know you don’t have a mom!”
“So now you’re lying to talk to me?”
“Hey you saw what Bridezilla did earlier! I had to run out the door while she went pee so she wouldn’t catch me.”
“You’re willing to risk death for me? You really do care.”
“I love her but she’s suffocating me and all I want is to get drunk and possibly make out with you.”
“Mmm should I come by and rescue you?”
“No! No, I really wanna make out with you but I wanna wait. Just six more days.”
“Six days. I promise there will be beer and pizza and lots of kissing.”
“Good. That’s the only thing getting me through this weekend. I gotta go back, but I’ll text you as soon as I can.”
“I’ll be relentlessly staring at my phone until my friends make fun of me or you text, whatever happens first. Bye Jo.”
“Bye Alex.”
  Thursday 8:33 PM
good god I finally got her to leave
only because I reminded her we have a bunch of shit to do tomorrow
I need a drink
Take a shot of Fireball for me. I’m on my final overnight shift before my weekend vacation. 
done, one for me and one for you
Jesus woman you’re unstoppable. 
well I do try to be a borderline alcoholic in my day to day life
(that was sarcasm)
You’re hilarious. And my favorite person to talk to. 
right back at ya doctor feel good
I gotta sleep, i’m tired as hell and were leaving early tomorrow 
Sleep well, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Bar Princess. 
  Friday 9:47 AM
Incoming Phone Call
“Mmm hello?”
“Hi it’s me, I’m sorry it’s so early, I know you probably haven’t slept much.”
“S’okay, you know I like hearing your voice.”
“I just wanted to say bye. I mean not forever, but the wedding is gonna keep me busy all weekend and I don’t even know if we’ll have service. So this’ll be the longest we’ve gone without talking.”
“You’re rambling, Jo.”
“I know, I know. I just… I’m gonna miss talking to you at all hours of the day. Especially when You Know Who gets all psycho.”
“Mmm well I’ll see you on Wednesday right? That’s…”
“Five days.”
“Exactly. Five days away. Not that long.”
“I know.”
“You already said that. Are you attached to my lingering presence?”
“Maybe, maybe not. I gotta go, Steph is about to leave without me. But you should check your doorstep.”
“Damn it Jo, it’s my turn not yours. Thank you anyways though, I always love that you think of me.”
“Only all the time. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye Alex.”
“Goodbye Jo.”
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