#ooh not me thinking about unholy things in a courtroom after hours
worksby-d · 7 months
Omg Dest u know that one scene in friends where rachel and Ross are about to go to some event thing and she tells him she’s going commando (the scene is just 🥵) but anyway, imagine agm reader and Andy getting ready for like a fancy dinner or something for his work, and she’s wearing this long beautiful dress with a slit and right before they both leave, she whispers in his ear that she’s commando, and for the rest of the evening he’s on edge about it, struggling to hold back since he knows there’s nothing under the dress and meanwhile she’s discreetly teasing him all through the night and then finally they get back home and he does what he’s been waiting to do all night, or maybe it starts in the Uber ride back to their house 😏😮‍💨
oh andy would lose his MINDDDDD
his stunned look when you finally emerge from getting ready cause he can tell the fabric is hugginggg you 🤭 pleading the fifth when he asks what you've got on underneath 🤭 objecting when he accuses you of teasing him 🤭 what happened to innocent until proven guilty ✊😞
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
DS9 season 1 liveblog
[Season index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PS]
Wait, "kidnapped for six days"? I thought the timeframe was much tighter...
I hope Kira won't always overact so much.
I like how quickly Sisko can go from barely contained cold hatred to cheerful manipulation.
Bashir's LITERALLY FIRST LINE is flirting! I'm honestly impressed :D
Bwahaha, tell him, Kira!
...Did O'Brien change back into his old uniform just to visit the Enterprise? 
O'Brien now talks to computers just like Geordi.
Is this show going to regularly use baseball as a metaphor, like TNG did with poker? :D
This episode is a much better take on explaining humanity to an alien than "Encounter at Farpoint".
Past Prologue
The entire opening scene is just delightful -- does that even need saying?
Why does O'Brien feel so strongly about not giving the guy to the Cardassians? Has Chain of Command happened already?
Ooh, is this the encounter with the Duras sisters that will be referenced in TNG season 7, or are they going to visit DS9 again?
"Klingons have an odd sense of style, don't you agree?" -- Nah, only those two.
Drinking game: a shot every time Garak says the word "simple".
I didn't expect the show's second story to be so good!
A Man Alone
...Is every episode going to open with a scene where an older person on whom Bashir crushed within five seconds of their screentime is standing behind him and touching his shoulders?
I'm confused again, isn't the O'Brien kid a bit too old?
"Killing your own clone is still murder" -- Was this episode deliberately written as a fuck-you to Up the Long Ladder, or is it just a lucky coincidence?
What a beautiful script lol
Why aren't they at least trying to build a linguistic database? That was my first idea...
Captive Pursuit
"I'm not a barkeep" Well now I want an AU with Quark as Mrs Hudson...
"They've reversed the polarity of our shields" Sorry I just cannot take this phrase seriously...
Oh ffs, not the Prime Directive again!
Wow, this show really likes O'Brien...
I love the guest appearances from TNG characters! It really helps to establish the show as part of the same continuity.
Q and Vash's Doctor-companion dynamic gives me life.
Oh no, the Ferengi handjobs are back, I was wondering when it would happen...
"I like your new tailor" I thought Q meant Garak, not the change in Starfleet uniforms...
"But it's not going to be the same without you. When I look at a gas nebula, all I see is a cloud of dust. Seeing the universe through your eyes, I was able to experience wonder." I'M DYING THIS IS LITERALLY THE DOCTOR'S LINE
I was looking forward to this one! But I didn't expect the "how Trills actually work, let's forget about The Host" story to be presented as a courtroom episode, that's pretty clever.
Ah, of course whenever they talk about Dax's past relationship with a woman, they switch to third person and male pronouns -_-
I thought the wife was the murderer.
The Passenger
God, don't they have filters or oxygen masks or anything like that? 
Yoo, a possession episode! This is endearing: TNG season one sometimes felt like revisiting TOS stories with a new cast, this season does the same to TNG.
Move Along Home
Does a fourteen year old really need a strict bedtime?
Kidnapping people is easy with transporter technology -- but how does one change their victims' clothes in the process?!
Quark's breakdown was unexpected; I suppose there'll be a follow-up on that?
The Nagus
Jake and Nog's friendship is very heartwarming.
I'm glad to learn more about Odo, but wasn't this episode kinda cheesy?
Battle Lines
Yess, more Kira drama
Let me make a guess: this will be important in the season finale?
The Storyteller
You know that post "Have you ever accidentally befriended someone who was extremely annoying"? It needs to be on a screenshot of O'Brien and Bashir from this episode.
Kira's subplot is like an unholy hybrid between The Survivors, Ensigns of Command/Journey's End, and Preemptive Strike. Plus, that guy looks like Hannibal Lector.
Jake and Nog's subplot is giving me a bit too much secondhand embarrassment.
"I'm going to tell Minister Toran that she's remained temporarily on Jeraddo at your request" "But sir, that isn't true" "Make it true, Doctor. Now, please" lmao Sisko's methods are... interesting.
He gave a good speech to Kira in the next scene, too.
I'm glad it worked out well for the kids :D I kind of expected the two plots to tie together at the end -- like the old man settling on the piece of land they bought.
If Wishes Were Horses
"Waste of time. Too many people dream of places they'll never go, wish for things they'll never have, instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives." Are you calling all of your viewers out, Odo?
A bit too much technobabble, but funny! I thought this would be not just about imagination, but about youth. The imaginary characters are conjured up by a three year old, a fourteen year old, and by Julian whose immaturity is even commented upon in the cold open.
The Forsaken
Oh... oh my god... it's her
Why is her hair pink, anyway
O'Brien's talking to the computer right after opening credits, just after Majel Barrett's name appeared on screen -- are they doing this on purpose?
this orange hair is even worse
"You are the thin beige line between order and chaos" I'm dying what kind of compliment is this
Odo's grumpiness re: humanoid mating rituals is beautiful
"Every 16 hours I turn into a liquid" "I can swim"
Hello fanfic trope :D
Yes, Odo, I was making the same faces during the episode she's recalling
"Do you hear it?" "Hear what?" The voice" ARE THEY REALLY DOING THIS
"Like a baby" I'd say, more like Lwaxana
"It came here when we downloaded the probe's files. If we upload those same files back to the probe, it might go with them" That's... not how it works...
Universal acceptance is a lovely and very plausible other side of the coin to Lwaxana's eccentricity and odd taste. I've grown to appreciate that. She's always so obnoxious at the beginning of the episode, I completely forget about her sensitive side and she manages to surprise me every time.
wait, so she's been canonically wearing wigs in all those TNG episodes?
Dramatis Personae
Wait, is the infirmary right across the corridor from Quark's bar?
Bashir is acting very strangely
Alright, the question is "who isn't acting strangely"
Is Kira trying to flirt with Dax?
Bashir really won the temporary personality lottery. Everyone else became unlikeable and he just Lives For The Drama. I mean, more than usual...
Will Odo often play this role of the only one unaffected by a disease, like Data did? But unlike Data, he can also manipulate people. I'm only now starting to appreciate that he actually is a "Constable". Very refreshing to see a security officer who's allowed to be smart.
Oooh, finally it's time for the Bajoran-Cardassian drama again!
The plot twist makes this episode remind me of The Defector even more... And I think it cheapens the conflict; what to do with a bureaucrat who hasn't personally committed atrocities is a difficult and morally grey area -- not so much if it's the Big Bad responsible for everything and proud of it
Alright, he's too hammy, is there another twist coming?
Nice, Dukat is getting nervous, that's a good sign. I love Odo the detective
Okay, but even under his real identity, wouldn't, like, a very public trial and broadcasting his story everywhere have some effect?
I... don't really like how this episode ends on a "Not all Cardassians / Some Bajorans are just prejudiced". Still, it's the strongest story in the season.
In the Hands of the Prophets
Ughhh religious fundamentalists...
Have I mentioned how uncomfortable it is that on this show people's ears are often grabbed with completely different connotations?
Oh god I'm just seething this is too real
The murder mystery is interesting!
I hate her so much
Call! Odo!! Or! Sisko!! Preferably both!!!
General impressions:
A surprisingly even season. There are no outright failures (unlike TNG's first and last seasons -- hell, probably unlike any TNG season) but it's rarely remarkable.
The interior and costume design is quite ugly, sorry to say.
It took me several episodes to adjust after the glorious remastered HD of TNG. Please remaster this show too!
Best character for dramatic scenes: Kira
Best character for lighthearted scenes: Bashir
Most underused character: Dax
Best duo: Odo and Quark (okay, there's not much competition so far, I just wanted them to have their own category)
If O'Brien is such a super engineering pro, why did he spend all these years on the Enterprise manning the transporter instead of being Geordi's right hand man or something?
I don't know what I think of Sisko yet. But I like him more than Picard in his first season.
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