#ooo i should make that their ship ot3 tag bc
cerealmonster15 · 6 years
whiskeytango aus/hcs
im looking thru aus and prompts posts that i have saved and translating them to whiskeytango/thinkin bout hcs in general,  because it’s what i was born to do:
whiskey and tango are always busmates on hockey trips. sometimes they talk together the whole ride there, other times they chill in silence, but it’s an unspoken rule that theyre always together. sometimes they fall asleep on the other’s shoulder
whiskey’s only able to fall asleep in places outside of bed if he’s with tango because that’s when he’s most relaxed. he’s awake and alert when at the haus or something with others, but tango has a calming effect on whiskey. if there’s a movie night at the haus, he only falls asleep if he’s next to tango and neither of them’s gotten up for a while
plz i want them to go to a hotel for an away game and have whiskey and tango be sharing a room and have that classic “whooops sorry boys you ended up with one bed” they gotta  S H A R E
tango has trouble sleeping and texts whiskey when he’s restless. whiskey’s likely got a strict sleeping schedule but will break it to help  tango
^in combo with this, if theyre sharing a bed, whiskey’s probably less uniform about getting up early and starting the day because tango’s so cute when he’s all sleepy and cuddly and so whiskey doesnt want to get up when tango doesnt want to get up and tango never wants to get up lol
high school au where whiskey and tango are assigned a fake baby to take care of together for a week
whiskey works the night shift at a fast food restaurant and tango comes in every week for chicken nuggets at like 1am
smh beach episode...... tango and whiskey hangin in the ocean with the frogs,,, tango and whiskey going on a walk to look for shark teeth together.... tango and whiskey sitting next to each other during a bonfire or something
tango has a crush on whiskey and asks bitty and dex to teach him to bake something to demonstrate his affection lol
pokemon au :^)
stardew valley/harvest moon au: tango’s the new farmer, whiskey works at the blacksmith’s or as a ranchhand or something idk.he’s suspicous of tango’s friendly motives at first but ultimately falls in loooove (bonus where it’s like magical melody and tango climbs a fucking mountain to get a blue feather so he can propose to whiskey LOL)
whiskey secretly loves zombie fiction and scifi and when he finds out tango does too he’s internally like “why even bother getting to know the others on the team when this one is already perfect”
arranged marriage au theyre princes of small countries and their families want to unite the kingdoms or something 
au where whiskey works at the school library and tango’s that guy that always forgets to return his books and has to pay big fines for it so whiskey starts approaching him outside of work like “......yknow that book you checked out last time is due by tonight” “book?? .....OH RIGHT that one wow thanks”
stagecraft au!!!!!!! whiskey and tango do tech theater for ford’s plays. tango likes being in the wings though and whiskey likes doing lighting/sound booth stuff, but over time they alternate which they do so they can work together because they work well along side each other and like having company
tango finds cool rocks and pebbles on the ground and just. gives them to whiskey. “look at this one it’s like, orange” “cool” “im putting it in your backpack” “okay tony”
whiskey probably takes a while to warm up to physical touch but once he overcomes some personal barriers and gets comfortable w/tango, he’d get real physically clingy in private. coming up behind tango and wrapping his arms around his waist, holding tango’s hand when they sit and watch tv, leaning his head on tango’s shoulder (or gently pulling tango onto him/laying an arm on tango’s shoulders) when theyre Just Chillin, cliiiinging to tango when theyre sleeping 
calling each other when they go home for the summer and falling asleep to the sound of the other’s voice
whiskey isnt the chatty type but talks more with tango, and will call tango just to hear tango talk about anything and everything. “hey conner!!! whats up???” “nothin much. what’re you doing.” “oh man you called at the right time lemme put you on facetime i found a two-headed snail outside!!” “okay”
people that dont know them well probably wonder wtf tango sees in such a quiet, “void-of-personality” guy like whiskey, but when they ask tango, tango launches in an essay response of everything he’s ever loved about whiskey
whiskey gets an iguana and tango gets a parrot. theyre friends.
whiskey and tango at a carnival/fair/amusement park  together!!! whiskey lets tango lead the way and decide what they do, but he does enjoy the rides and even if he doesnt care much of what theyre doing he love seeing how excited tango gets
tango and whiskey working in a garden together for a class project. whiskey internally wants to cry bc tango looks so beautiful among all the flowers. tango likes how soft and gentle whiskey is with the plants
ford getting chowder’s dibs, tango getting dex’s dibs, whiskey getting nursey’s. tango and whiskey share a room and they share the bathroom with ford. #taddysquad
whiskey getting to know the new waffles because he’s always attached to tango and/or ford, and tango/ford are very friendly and eager to get to know the waffles
whiskey tango and foxtrot sitting on the floor playing animal crossing together until 2am in the haus
oKAY im gonna stop here or else i’ll keep going for the rest of my life but hi please talk about the taddies with me
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