#ooo what about puppet commissions
djosephqueery · 1 year
I've linked my ko-fi in my profile, in case anyone is interested. It's not very exciting, and doesn't have a header image yet (working on it), but it's there!
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perfackles · 7 years
Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag 10 other people. 
Oooo I haven’t done an ask game in ages so cheers @braezenkitty for this  
1. If you could visit any fictional world, where would you go? The Shire! I went to the real-world filming location last year and it was probably the most magical day of my life. I think in my heart I’m meant to be a Hobbit. Second breakfast is a real and important thing guys. 
2. What’s your favorite (or a few favorite) book(s)? Harry Potter (and if I had to pick probably Goblet of Fire but they’re all my precious babies) and The Secret Garden, which meant so much to me when I was very young and felt very much like Mary in her cranky phase. 
3. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? Easily New Zealand. It was a phenomenal trip. Climbed a volcano, watched penguins come in at sunset (and listened to them screwing, very, very loudly for such lil’ beings), saw the Milky Way in a field in Hobbiton. 
4. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week? I commission books for a publishing house for a living. Recently hit a bad streak and the external editorial board kept turning down my books, but last week they approved some so WOO! It was a big relief. I feel like I’m a fraudulent adult, crap at everything, so much of the time that a long running streak of stuff getting turned down was getting to me, so this finally reversing was awesome (and I got another approved today, yay!) 
5. What would you do if you were the last person on earth? Immediately make my dog prime minister. She’s better suited to leading than me.  
6. What do you spend the most time thinking about? Fictional worlds, where I’m meant to be next, if my trains are running on time! 
7. What is one of your favorite smells? Vanilla, hands down. 
8. If your life was a video game, what would your boss fight be? Ooo this is a hard one. I actually have a fear of puppets, especially ventriloquist dolls, so probably one of those. I’d just run and hide. 
9. Would you fuck your clone? No, and I bet we’d hate each other too. 
10. Which of your scars has the best story behind it? Err... none of them I have literally no interesting scar stories, sorry! I’ve fallen over a fuck load of times because my right knee is dodgy as fuck, that’s gotta few scars, but nothing truly interesting. 
Okay my questions: 
1) Which film do you think you’ve probably seen the most number of times in your life? 
2) What’s your favourite genre of TV shows? 
3) You’re given a magic crown and can use it to make one law the whole world must follow: what metal is your crown made of? what law will you set forth? 
4) What’s the location for your dream holiday?
5) I’m blaming @braezenkitty for this question: What’s the worst lube you can think of for fictional characters to use? 
6) Which is your favourite season? (We’re talking weather, but interpret as you like) 
7) What was the first album you ever bought?
8) Who was your first celebrity crush?
9) If you were an angel, which bird would you want your wings to take after?
10) You’re given funding to spend on creating the world’s largest version of a food item to enter the record books, what’s that food item going to be? 
Tagging (and as ever ignore if it ain’t your kind of thing please ignore and sorry):   @shixpe @mayalaen @annacaffeina @marykrisab @myfanta-c @jensen-danneel-please @abbys-jam-juggler @theydraggedmein @coffeekisses62 annndd back at you @braezenkitty 
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