#oooahhh late night hours thinking abt thr pretty champion boy sorrsoryrsorrysorryrtbbf
jils-things · 10 months
umm rhys pkmn team ideas 🩶
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i had this all sorted out AWHILE back with my friends but figured hey why not archive this thought here ehehehe also im really enjoying my new "style" in infodumping so i like to see more of it
this team doesn't have to be THE canon if it conflicts with the story that the devs plan, but if i had to expand his character a lil bit, this is how it goes!
so rhys is not exactly the kind of champion to focus on one type (i.e: wallace and water types/steven with steel types) but he would be like blue and red who has a variety! except that rhys focuses on two types - ice and steel type.
why ice and steel - well, for one i think those types are super underrated (and i would be lying if i said its not boring to reuse the fire water grass cycle lol) and i kinda the design philosophy in gym leaders how their types reflect their personality in a way. ice types are cool, calm and collected. "chill" if you will. steel types are determined, bold and dare i say potentially misleading (jasmine)
i see rhys as a man who is very calm, humble and sweet (ice) but when time strikes where he must act serious (and its not just battling, say - whatever happened to carmine), he's a stern, almost emotionless man who will do whatever he can do get what's needed.
so these two types bounce off him really well! also, its fun to break the stereotypical "if x is a fighting type then it means they gotta be a martial artist" - no rhys is not a fuckin KNIGHT as a steel type user nor is he wearing A SCARF OR SKI MASK as an ice type user lmao
ok heres the actual team tho
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his ace is steelix (courtesy of nero suggesting that and sandslash) i wouldve added lucario but nah that guy is so overrated (and he would absolutely lean on the "he's riley's son" narrative AHDHSDJSJ) so i went with bisharp instead. i also did not want to pick metagross (even if its such a good pick) because..... f/o association AJSHDHSJA
funnily enough some of the 'mons pokedexes had a lot to do with leading a team or showing superiority which is like... haaa... champ privilege SHDGDVSJSHHA
froslass is there because her pokedex says this:
"It freezes hikers who have come to climb snowy mountains and carries them back to its home. It only goes after men it thinks are handsome."
anyways our running gag is that rhys is a handsome motherfucker and everyone is literally a fan of him and this froslass said 👍 /lh
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